forked from cawka/ndn.cxx
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/fields/name.h b/ndn-cpp/fields/name.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18e2412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/fields/name.h
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Regents of the University of California
+ * Alexander Afanasyev
+ * Zhenkai Zhu
+ *
+ * BSD license, See the LICENSE file for more information
+ *
+ * Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
+ * Zhenkai Zhu <>
+ */
+#ifndef NDN_NAME_H
+#define NDN_NAME_H
+#include "ndn-cpp/fields/name-component.h"
+#include "ndn-cpp/common.h"
+namespace ndn {
+ * @brief Class for NDN Name
+ */
+class Name
+ typedef std::vector<name::Component>::iterator iterator;
+ typedef std::vector<name::Component>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ typedef std::vector<name::Component>::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
+ typedef std::vector<name::Component>::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
+ typedef std::vector<name::Component>::reference reference;
+ typedef std::vector<name::Component>::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef name::Component partial_type;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * @brief Default constructor to create an empty name (zero components, or "/")
+ */
+ Name ();
+ /**
+ * @brief Copy constructor
+ *
+ * @param other reference to a NDN name object
+ */
+ Name (const Name &other);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create a name from URL string
+ *
+ * @param url URI-represented name
+ */
+ Name (const std::string &url);
+ /**
+ * @brief Create a name from a container of elements [begin, end)
+ *
+ * @param begin begin iterator of the container
+ * @param end end iterator of the container
+ */
+ template<class Iterator>
+ Name (Iterator begin, Iterator end);
+ /**
+ * @brief Assignment operator
+ */
+ Name &
+ operator= (const Name &other);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // SETTERS //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * @brief Append a binary blob as a name component
+ *
+ * @param comp a binary blob
+ * @returns reference to self (to allow chaining of append methods)
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ append (const name::Component &comp);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append a binary blob as a name component
+ * @param comp a binary blob
+ *
+ * This version is a little bit more efficient, since it swaps contents of comp and newly added component
+ *
+ * Attention!!! This method has an intended side effect: content of comp becomes empty
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ appendBySwap (name::Component &comp);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append components a container of elements [begin, end)
+ *
+ * @param begin begin iterator of the container
+ * @param end end iterator of the container
+ * @returns reference to self (to allow chaining of append methods)
+ */
+ template<class Iterator>
+ inline Name &
+ append (Iterator begin, Iterator end);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append components from another ndn::Name object
+ *
+ * @param comp reference to Name object
+ * @returns reference to self (to allow chaining of append methods)
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ append (const Name &comp);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append a string as a name component
+ *
+ * @param compStr a string
+ * @returns reference to self (to allow chaining of append methods)
+ *
+ * No conversions will be done to the string. The string is included in raw form,
+ * without any leading '\0' symbols.
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ append (const std::string &compStr);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append a binary blob as a name component
+ *
+ * @param buf pointer to the first byte of the binary blob
+ * @param size length of the binary blob
+ * @returns reference to self (to allow chaining of append methods)
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ append (const void *buf, size_t size);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append network-ordered numeric component to the name
+ *
+ * @param number number to be encoded and added as a component
+ *
+ * Number is encoded and added in network order. Tail zero-bytes are not included.
+ * For example, if the number is 1, then 1-byte binary blob will be added 0x01.
+ * If the number is 256, then 2 binary blob will be added: 0x01 0x01
+ *
+ * If the number is zero, an empty component will be added
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ appendNumber (uint64_t number);
+ /**
+ * @brief Append network-ordered numeric component to the name with marker
+ *
+ * @param number number to be encoded and added as a component
+ * @param marker byte marker, specified by the desired naming convention
+ *
+ * Currently defined naming conventions of the marker:
+ * - 0x00 sequence number
+ * - 0xC1 control number
+ * - 0xFB block id
+ * - 0xFD version number
+ *
+ * This version is almost exactly as appendNumber, with exception that it adds initial marker.
+ * The number is formatted in the exactly the same way.
+ *
+ * @see appendNumber
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ appendNumberWithMarker (uint64_t number, unsigned char marker);
+ /**
+ * @brief Helper method to add sequence number to the name (marker = 0x00)
+ * @param seqno sequence number
+ * @see appendNumberWithMarker
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ appendSeqNum (uint64_t seqno);
+ /**
+ * @brief Helper method to add control number to the name (marker = 0xC1)
+ * @param control control number
+ * @see appendNumberWithMarker
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ appendControlNum (uint64_t control);
+ /**
+ * @brief Helper method to add block ID to the name (marker = 0xFB)
+ * @param blkid block ID
+ * @see appendNumberWithMarker
+ */
+ inline Name &
+ appendBlkId (uint64_t blkid);
+ /**
+ * @brief Helper method to add version to the name (marker = 0xFD)
+ * @param version fully formatted version in a desired format (e.g., timestamp).
+ * If version is Name::nversion, then the version number is automatically
+ * assigned based on UTC timestamp
+ * @see appendNumberWithMarker
+ */
+ Name &
+ appendVersion (uint64_t version = Name::nversion);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // GETTERS //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * @brief Get number of the name components
+ * @return number of name components
+ */
+ inline size_t
+ size () const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Get binary blob of name component
+ * @param index index of the name component. If less than 0, then getting component from the back:
+ * get(-1) getting the last component, get(-2) is getting second component from back, etc.
+ * @returns const reference to binary blob of the requested name component
+ *
+ * If index is out of range, an exception will be thrown
+ */
+ const name::Component &
+ get (int index) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Get binary blob of name component
+ * @param index index of the name component. If less than 0, then getting component from the back
+ * @returns reference to binary blob of the requested name component
+ *
+ * If index is out of range, an exception will be thrown
+ */
+ name::Component &
+ get (int index);
+ /////
+ ///// Iterator interface to name components
+ /////
+ inline Name::const_iterator
+ begin () const; ///< @brief Begin iterator (const)
+ inline Name::iterator
+ begin (); ///< @brief Begin iterator
+ inline Name::const_iterator
+ end () const; ///< @brief End iterator (const)
+ inline Name::iterator
+ end (); ///< @brief End iterator
+ inline Name::const_reverse_iterator
+ rbegin () const; ///< @brief Reverse begin iterator (const)
+ inline Name::reverse_iterator
+ rbegin (); ///< @brief Reverse begin iterator
+ inline Name::const_reverse_iterator
+ rend () const; ///< @brief Reverse end iterator (const)
+ inline Name::reverse_iterator
+ rend (); ///< @brief Reverse end iterator
+ /////
+ ///// Static helpers to convert name component to appropriate value
+ /////
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a new name, constructed as a subset of components
+ * @param pos Position of the first component to be copied to the subname
+ * @param len Number of components to be copied. Value Name::npos indicates that all components till the end of the name.
+ */
+ Name
+ getSubName (size_t pos = 0, size_t len = npos) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Get prefix of the name
+ * @param len length of the prefix
+ * @param skip number of components to skip from beginning of the name
+ */
+ inline Name
+ getPrefix (size_t len, size_t skip = 0) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Get postfix of the name
+ * @param len length of the postfix
+ * @param skip number of components to skip from end of the name
+ */
+ inline Name
+ getPostfix (size_t len, size_t skip = 0) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Get text representation of the name (URI)
+ */
+ std::string
+ toUri () const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Write name as URI to the specified output stream
+ * @param os output stream
+ */
+ void
+ toUri (std::ostream &os) const;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Helpers and compatibility wrappers
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * @brief Compare two names, using canonical ordering for each component
+ * @return 0 They compare equal
+ * <0 If *this comes before other in the canonical ordering
+ * >0 If *this comes after in the canonical ordering
+ */
+ int
+ compare (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if to Name objects are equal (have the same number of components with the same binary data)
+ */
+ inline bool
+ operator == (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if two Name objects are not equal
+ */
+ inline bool
+ operator != (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Less or equal comparison of two name objects
+ */
+ inline bool
+ operator <= (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Less comparison of two name objects
+ */
+ inline bool
+ operator < (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Great or equal comparison of two name objects
+ */
+ inline bool
+ operator >= (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Great comparison of two name objects
+ */
+ inline bool
+ operator > (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Operator [] to simplify access to name components
+ * @see get
+ */
+ inline name::Component &
+ operator [] (int index);
+ /**
+ * @brief Operator [] to simplify access to name components
+ * @see get
+ */
+ inline const name::Component &
+ operator [] (int index) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Create a new Name object, by copying components from first and second name
+ */
+ Name
+ operator + (const Name &name) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief A wrapper for append method
+ */
+ template<class T>
+ inline void
+ push_back (const T &comp);
+ // Data Members (public):
+ /// Value returned by various member functions when they fail.
+ const static size_t npos = static_cast<size_t> (-1);
+ const static uint64_t nversion = static_cast<uint64_t> (-1);
+ std::vector<name::Component> m_comps;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<Name> NamePtr;
+inline std::ostream &
+operator << (std::ostream &os, const Name &name)
+ name.toUri (os);
+ return os;
+// Definition of inline methods
+template<class Iterator>
+Name::Name (Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+ append (begin, end);
+inline Name &
+Name::append (const name::Component &comp)
+ if (comp.size () != 0)
+ m_comps.push_back (comp);
+ return *this;
+inline Name &
+Name::appendBySwap (name::Component &comp)
+ if (comp.size () != 0)
+ {
+ Name::iterator newComp = m_comps.insert (end (), name::Component ());
+ newComp->swap (comp);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template<class Iterator>
+inline Name &
+Name::append (Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+ for (Iterator i = begin; i != end; i++)
+ {
+ append (*i);
+ }
+ return *this;
+Name &
+Name::append (const Name &comp)
+ if (this == &comp)
+ {
+ // have to double-copy if the object is self, otherwise results very frustrating (because we use vector...)
+ return append (Name (comp.begin (), comp.end ()));
+ }
+ return append (comp.begin (), comp.end ());
+Name &
+Name::append (const std::string &compStr)
+ name::Component comp (compStr);
+ return appendBySwap (comp);
+Name &
+Name::append (const void *buf, size_t size)
+ name::Component comp (buf, size);
+ return appendBySwap (comp);
+Name &
+Name::appendNumber (uint64_t number)
+ name::Component comp;
+ name::Component::fromNumber (number).swap (comp);
+ return appendBySwap (comp);
+Name &
+Name::appendNumberWithMarker (uint64_t number, unsigned char marker)
+ name::Component comp;
+ name::Component::fromNumberWithMarker (number, marker).swap (comp);
+ return appendBySwap (comp);
+inline Name &
+Name::appendSeqNum (uint64_t seqno)
+ return appendNumberWithMarker (seqno, 0x00);
+inline Name &
+Name::appendControlNum (uint64_t control)
+ return appendNumberWithMarker (control, 0xC1);
+inline Name &
+Name::appendBlkId (uint64_t blkid)
+ return appendNumberWithMarker (blkid, 0xFB);
+inline size_t
+Name::size () const
+ return m_comps.size ();
+///// Iterator interface to name components
+inline Name::const_iterator
+Name::begin () const
+ return m_comps.begin ();
+inline Name::iterator
+Name::begin ()
+ return m_comps.begin ();
+inline Name::const_iterator
+Name::end () const
+ return m_comps.end ();
+inline Name::iterator
+Name::end ()
+ return m_comps.end ();
+inline Name::const_reverse_iterator
+Name::rbegin () const
+ return m_comps.rbegin ();
+inline Name::reverse_iterator
+Name::rbegin ()
+ return m_comps.rbegin ();
+inline Name::const_reverse_iterator
+Name::rend () const
+ return m_comps.rend ();
+inline Name::reverse_iterator
+Name::rend ()
+ return m_comps.rend ();
+//// helpers
+inline Name
+Name::getPrefix (size_t len, size_t skip/* = 0*/) const
+ return getSubName (skip, len);
+inline Name
+Name::getPostfix (size_t len, size_t skip/* = 0*/) const
+ return getSubName (size () - len - skip, len);
+template<class T>
+inline void
+Name::push_back (const T &comp)
+ append (comp);
+inline bool
+Name::operator ==(const Name &name) const
+ return (compare (name) == 0);
+inline bool
+Name::operator !=(const Name &name) const
+ return (compare (name) != 0);
+inline bool
+Name::operator <= (const Name &name) const
+ return (compare (name) <= 0);
+inline bool
+Name::operator < (const Name &name) const
+ return (compare (name) < 0);
+inline bool
+Name::operator >= (const Name &name) const
+ return (compare (name) >= 0);
+inline bool
+Name::operator > (const Name &name) const
+ return (compare (name) > 0);
+inline name::Component &
+Name::operator [] (int index)
+ return get (index);
+inline const name::Component &
+Name::operator [] (int index) const
+ return get (index);
+} // ndn