Include bind in ndnboost.
diff --git a/ndnboost/math/tools/promotion.hpp b/ndnboost/math/tools/promotion.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aab6d34
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+++ b/ndnboost/math/tools/promotion.hpp
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+// boost\math\tools\promotion.hpp
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006.
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2006.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at
+// Promote arguments functions to allow math functions to have arguments
+// provided as integer OR real (floating-point, built-in or UDT)
+// (called ArithmeticType in functions that use promotion)
+// that help to reduce the risk of creating multiple instantiations.
+// Allows creation of an inline wrapper that forwards to a foo(RT, RT) function,
+// so you never get to instantiate any mixed foo(RT, IT) functions.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma once
+// Boost type traits:
+#include <ndnboost/math/tools/config.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/type_traits/is_floating_point.hpp> // for ndnboost::is_floating_point;
+#include <ndnboost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp> // for ndnboost::is_integral
+#include <ndnboost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp> // for ndnboost::is_convertible
+#include <ndnboost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>// for ndnboost::is_same
+#include <ndnboost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp>// for ndnboost::remove_cv
+// Boost Template meta programming:
+#include <ndnboost/mpl/if.hpp> // for ndnboost::mpl::if_c.
+#include <ndnboost/mpl/and.hpp> // for ndnboost::mpl::if_c.
+#include <ndnboost/mpl/or.hpp> // for ndnboost::mpl::if_c.
+#include <ndnboost/mpl/not.hpp> // for ndnboost::mpl::if_c.
+#include <ndnboost/static_assert.hpp>
+namespace ndnboost
+ namespace math
+ {
+ namespace tools
+ {
+ // If either T1 or T2 is an integer type,
+ // pretend it was a double (for the purposes of further analysis).
+ // Then pick the wider of the two floating-point types
+ // as the actual signature to forward to.
+ // For example:
+ // foo(int, short) -> double foo(double, double);
+ // foo(int, float) -> double foo(double, double);
+ // Note: NOT float foo(float, float)
+ // foo(int, double) -> foo(double, double);
+ // foo(double, float) -> double foo(double, double);
+ // foo(double, float) -> double foo(double, double);
+ // foo(any-int-or-float-type, long double) -> foo(long double, long double);
+ // but ONLY float foo(float, float) is unchanged.
+ // So the only way to get an entirely float version is to call foo(1.F, 2.F),
+ // But since most (all?) the math functions convert to double internally,
+ // probably there would not be the hoped-for gain by using float here.
+ // This follows the C-compatible conversion rules of pow, etc
+ // where pow(int, float) is converted to pow(double, double).
+ template <class T>
+ struct promote_arg
+ { // If T is integral type, then promote to double.
+ typedef typename mpl::if_<is_integral<T>, double, T>::type type;
+ };
+ // These full specialisations reduce mpl::if_ usage and speed up
+ // compilation:
+ template <> struct promote_arg<float> { typedef float type; };
+ template <> struct promote_arg<double>{ typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_arg<long double> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_arg<int> { typedef double type; };
+ template <class T1, class T2>
+ struct promote_args_2
+ { // Promote, if necessary, & pick the wider of the two floating-point types.
+ // for both parameter types, if integral promote to double.
+ typedef typename promote_arg<T1>::type T1P; // T1 perhaps promoted.
+ typedef typename promote_arg<T2>::type T2P; // T2 perhaps promoted.
+ typedef typename mpl::if_<
+ typename mpl::and_<is_floating_point<T1P>, is_floating_point<T2P> >::type, // both T1P and T2P are floating-point?
+ typename mpl::if_< typename mpl::or_<is_same<long double, T1P>, is_same<long double, T2P> >::type, // either long double?
+ long double, // then result type is long double.
+ typename mpl::if_< typename mpl::or_<is_same<double, T1P>, is_same<double, T2P> >::type, // either double?
+ double, // result type is double.
+ float // else result type is float.
+ >::type
+ >::type,
+ // else one or the other is a user-defined type:
+ typename mpl::if_< typename mpl::and_<mpl::not_<is_floating_point<T2P> >, ::ndnboost::is_convertible<T1P, T2P> >, T2P, T1P>::type>::type type;
+ }; // promote_arg2
+ // These full specialisations reduce mpl::if_ usage and speed up
+ // compilation:
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<float, float> { typedef float type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<double, double>{ typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<long double, long double> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<int, int> { typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<int, float> { typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<float, int> { typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<int, double> { typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<double, int> { typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<int, long double> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<long double, int> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<float, double> { typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<double, float> { typedef double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<float, long double> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<long double, float> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<double, long double> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <> struct promote_args_2<long double, double> { typedef long double type; };
+ template <class T1, class T2=float, class T3=float, class T4=float, class T5=float, class T6=float>
+ struct promote_args
+ {
+ typedef typename promote_args_2<
+ typename remove_cv<T1>::type,
+ typename promote_args_2<
+ typename remove_cv<T2>::type,
+ typename promote_args_2<
+ typename remove_cv<T3>::type,
+ typename promote_args_2<
+ typename remove_cv<T4>::type,
+ typename promote_args_2<
+ typename remove_cv<T5>::type, typename remove_cv<T6>::type
+ >::type
+ >::type
+ >::type
+ >::type
+ >::type type;
+ //
+ // Guard against use of long double if it's not supported:
+ //
+ BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((0 == ::ndnboost::is_same<type, long double>::value));
+ };
+ } // namespace tools
+ } // namespace math
+} // namespace ndnboost