face: Refactored code to set interest filter

Change-Id: I1f9637a79c03a9e24608403d963bbfc4d9bcab1c
diff --git a/src/node.hpp b/src/node.hpp
index 6dc1954..726b4c1 100644
--- a/src/node.hpp
+++ b/src/node.hpp
@@ -11,9 +11,13 @@
 #include "common.hpp"
 #include "interest.hpp"
 #include "data.hpp"
-#include "forwarding-flags.hpp"
 #include "transport/transport.hpp"
+#include "management/ndnd-control.hpp"
+#include "detail/registered-prefix.hpp"
+#include "detail/pending-interest.hpp"
 namespace ndn {
 struct PendingInterestId;
@@ -22,26 +26,24 @@
  * An OnData function object is used to pass a callback to expressInterest.
-typedef func_lib::function<void(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest>&, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Data>&)> OnData;
+typedef function<void(const shared_ptr<const Interest>&, const shared_ptr<Data>&)> OnData;
  * An OnTimeout function object is used to pass a callback to expressInterest.
-typedef func_lib::function<void(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest>&)> OnTimeout;
+typedef function<void(const shared_ptr<const Interest>&)> OnTimeout;
  * An OnInterest function object is used to pass a callback to registerPrefix.
-typedef func_lib::function<void
-  (const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Name>&, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest>&)> OnInterest;
+typedef function<void
+  (const shared_ptr<const Name>&, const shared_ptr<const Interest>&)> OnInterest;
  * An OnRegisterFailed function object is used to report when registerPrefix fails.
-typedef func_lib::function<void(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Name>&)> OnRegisterFailed;
+typedef function<void(const shared_ptr<const Name>&)> OnSetInterestFilterFailed;
-class Face;
 class Node {
   struct Error : public std::runtime_error { Error(const std::string &what) : std::runtime_error(what) {} };
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@
    * @param transport A shared_ptr to a Transport object used for communication.
    * @param transport A shared_ptr to a Transport::ConnectionInfo to be used to connect to the transport.
-  Node(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Transport>& transport);
+  Node(const shared_ptr<Transport>& transport);
    * @brief Alternative (special use case) version of the constructor, can be used to aggregate
@@ -65,16 +67,16 @@
    *     face1.processEvents();
    * </code>
-  Node(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Transport>& transport, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> &ioService);
+  Node(const shared_ptr<Transport>& transport, const shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> &ioService);
-   * Send the Interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
-   * @param interest A reference to the Interest.  This copies the Interest.
-   * @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received.  This copies the function object, so you may need to
-   * use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
-   * @param onTimeout A function object to call if the interest times out.  If onTimeout is an empty OnTimeout(), this does not use it.
-   * This copies the function object, so you may need to use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
-   * @param wireFormat A WireFormat object used to encode the message.
+   * @brief Send the Interest through the transport, read the entire response and call onData(interest, data).
+   *
+   * @param interest  A reference to the Interest.  This copies the Interest.
+   * @param onData    A function object to call when a matching data packet is received.
+   * @param onTimeout A function object to call if the interest times out.
+   *                  If onTimeout is an empty OnTimeout(), this does not use it.
+   *
    * @return The pending interest ID which can be used with removePendingInterest.
   const PendingInterestId*
@@ -93,16 +95,16 @@
    * Register prefix with the connected NDN hub and call onInterest when a matching interest is received.
    * @param prefix A reference to a Name for the prefix to register.  This copies the Name.
    * @param onInterest A function object to call when a matching interest is received.  This copies the function object, so you may need to
-   * use func_lib::ref() as appropriate.
+   * use ref() as appropriate.
    * @param onRegisterFailed A function object to call if failed to retrieve the connected hub’s ID or failed to register the prefix.
    * This calls onRegisterFailed(prefix) where prefix is the prefix given to registerPrefix.
    * @param flags The flags for finer control of which interests are forward to the application.
-   * @param wireFormat A WireFormat object used to encode the message.
    * @return The registered prefix ID which can be used with removeRegisteredPrefix.
   const RegisteredPrefixId*
-  registerPrefix
-    (const Name& prefix, const OnInterest& onInterest, const OnRegisterFailed& onRegisterFailed, const ForwardingFlags& flags);
+  setInterestFilter(const Name& prefix,
+                    const OnInterest& onInterest,
+                    const OnSetInterestFilterFailed& onSetInterestFilterFailed);
    * Remove the registered prefix entry with the registeredPrefixId from the pending interest table.  
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@
    * @param registeredPrefixId The ID returned from registerPrefix.
-  removeRegisteredPrefix(const RegisteredPrefixId *registeredPrefixId);
+  unsetInterestFilter(const RegisteredPrefixId *registeredPrefixId);
    * @brief Publish data packet
@@ -140,10 +142,7 @@
   processEvents(Milliseconds timeout = 0, bool keepThread = false);
-  const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Transport>& 
-  getTransport() { return transport_; }
@@ -151,133 +150,27 @@
   ioService() { return ioService_; }
+  struct ProcessEventsTimeout {};
+  typedef std::list<shared_ptr<PendingInterest> > PendingInterestTable;
+  typedef std::list<shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> > RegisteredPrefixTable;
-  asyncExpressInterest(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> &interest,
+  asyncExpressInterest(const shared_ptr<const Interest> &interest,
                        const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout);
   asyncRemovePendingInterest(const PendingInterestId *pendingInterestId);
+  void
+  asyncUnsetInterestFilter(const RegisteredPrefixId *registeredPrefixId);
   onReceiveElement(const Block &wire);
-  struct ProcessEventsTimeout {};  
   static void
   fireProcessEventsTimeout(const boost::system::error_code& error);
-  class PendingInterest {
-  public:
-    /**
-     * Create a new PitEntry and set the timeoutTime_ based on the current time and the interest lifetime.
-     * @param interest A shared_ptr for the interest.
-     * @param onData A function object to call when a matching data packet is received.
-     * @param onTimeout A function object to call if the interest times out.  If onTimeout is an empty OnTimeout(), this does not use it.
-     */
-    PendingInterest
-      (const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest, const OnData& onData, 
-       const OnTimeout& onTimeout);
-    const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest>& 
-    getInterest() { return interest_; }
-    const OnData& 
-    getOnData() { return onData_; }
-    /**
-     * Check if this interest is timed out.
-     * @param nowMilliseconds The current time in milliseconds from ndn_getNowMilliseconds.
-     * @return true if this interest timed out, otherwise false.
-     */
-    bool 
-    isTimedOut(MillisecondsSince1970 nowMilliseconds)
-    {
-      return timeoutTimeMilliseconds_ >= 0.0 && nowMilliseconds >= timeoutTimeMilliseconds_;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Call onTimeout_ (if defined).  This ignores exceptions from the onTimeout_.
-     */
-    void 
-    callTimeout();
-  private:
-    ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest> interest_;
-    const OnData onData_;
-    const OnTimeout onTimeout_;
-    MillisecondsSince1970 timeoutTimeMilliseconds_; /**< The time when the interest times out in milliseconds according to ndn_getNowMilliseconds, or -1 for no timeout. */
-  };
-  // Functor to match pending interests against PendingInterestId
-  struct MatchPendingInterestId
-  {
-    MatchPendingInterestId(const PendingInterestId *pendingInterestId)
-      : id_(pendingInterestId)
-    {
-    }
-    bool
-    operator()(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const PendingInterest> &pendingInterest) const
-    {
-      return (reinterpret_cast<const PendingInterestId *>(pendingInterest.get()) == id_);
-    }
-  private:
-    const PendingInterestId *id_;
-  };
-  class RegisteredPrefix {
-  public:
-    /**
-     * Create a new PrefixEntry.
-     * @param prefix A shared_ptr for the prefix.
-     * @param onInterest A function object to call when a matching data packet is received.
-     */
-    RegisteredPrefix(const Name& prefix, const OnInterest& onInterest)
-      : prefix_(new Name(prefix))
-      , onInterest_(onInterest)
-    {
-    }
-    const Name& 
-    getPrefix() const
-    {
-      return *prefix_;
-    }
-    const OnInterest& 
-    getOnInterest() const
-    {
-      return onInterest_;
-    }
-  private:
-    ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Name> prefix_;
-    const OnInterest onInterest_;
-  };
-  // Functor to match pending interests against PendingInterestId
-  struct MatchRegisteredPrefixId
-  {
-    MatchRegisteredPrefixId(const RegisteredPrefixId *registeredPrefixId)
-      : id_(registeredPrefixId)
-    {
-    }
-    bool
-    operator()(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> &registeredPrefix) const
-    {
-      return (reinterpret_cast<const RegisteredPrefixId *>(registeredPrefix.get()) == id_);
-    }
-  private:
-    const RegisteredPrefixId *id_;
-  };
-  typedef std::vector<ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PendingInterest> > PendingInterestTable;
-  typedef std::vector<ptr_lib::shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> > RegisteredPrefixTable;
    * Find the entry from the pit_ where the name conforms to the entry's interest selectors, and
    * the entry interest name is the longest that matches name.
@@ -295,48 +188,23 @@
   getEntryForRegisteredPrefix(const Name& name);
-  /**
-   * Do the work of registerPrefix once we know we are connected with an ndndId_.
-   * @param registeredPrefixId The PrefixEntry::getNextRegisteredPrefixId() which registerPrefix got so it could return it to the caller.
-   * @param prefix
-   * @param onInterest
-   * @param onRegisterFailed
-   * @param flags
-   * @param wireFormat
-   */  
-  void 
-  registerPrefixHelper
-    (const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> &prefixToRegister, 
-     const OnRegisterFailed& onRegisterFailed, const ForwardingFlags& flags);
-  /**
-   * @brief Final stage of prefix registration, invoked when registration succeeded
-   *
-   * This method actually sets entry in a local interest filter table
-   */
-  void
-  registerPrefixFinal(const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> &prefixToRegister,
-                      const OnRegisterFailed& onRegisterFailed,
-                      const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<const Interest>&, const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Data>&);
-  ptr_lib::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> ioService_;
-  ptr_lib::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> ioServiceWork_; // needed if thread needs to be preserved
-  ptr_lib::shared_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> pitTimeoutCheckTimer_;
+  shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> ioService_;
+  shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> ioServiceWork_; // needed if thread needs to be preserved
+  shared_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> pitTimeoutCheckTimer_;
   bool pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive_;
-  ptr_lib::shared_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> processEventsTimeoutTimer_;
+  shared_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> processEventsTimeoutTimer_;
-  ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Transport> transport_;
+  shared_ptr<Transport> transport_;
   PendingInterestTable pendingInterestTable_;
   RegisteredPrefixTable registeredPrefixTable_;
-  Interest ndndIdFetcherInterest_;
-  int64_t faceId_; // internal face ID (needed for prefix de-registration)
-  Buffer ndndId_;
+  ndnd::Control m_fwController;
 } // namespace ndn