face: Refactored code to set interest filter

Change-Id: I1f9637a79c03a9e24608403d963bbfc4d9bcab1c
diff --git a/src/management/ndnd-forwarding-entry.hpp b/src/management/ndnd-forwarding-entry.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a02c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/management/ndnd-forwarding-entry.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Regents of the University of California.
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "../encoding/tlv-face-management.hpp"
+#include "../name.hpp"
+#include "../encoding/block.hpp"
+#include "ndnd-forwarding-flags.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndnd {
+ * An ForwardingEntry holds an action and  Name prefix and other fields for an forwarding entry.
+ */
+class ForwardingEntry {
+  ForwardingEntry(const std::string& action,
+                  const Name& prefix,
+                  int faceId = -1,
+                  const ForwardingFlags& forwardingFlags = ForwardingFlags(),
+                  int freshnessPeriod = -1) 
+    : action_(action)
+    , prefix_(prefix)
+    , faceId_(faceId)
+    , forwardingFlags_(forwardingFlags)
+    , freshnessPeriod_(freshnessPeriod)
+  {
+  }
+  ForwardingEntry()
+  : faceId_(-1)
+  , freshnessPeriod_(-1)
+  {
+  }
+  const std::string& 
+  getAction() const { return action_; }
+  void 
+  setAction(const std::string& action) { action_ = action; wire_.reset(); }
+  const Name& 
+  getPrefix() const { return prefix_; }
+  void
+  setPrefix(const Name &prefix) { prefix_ = prefix; wire_.reset(); }
+  int 
+  getFaceId() const { return faceId_; }
+  void 
+  setFaceId(int faceId) { faceId_ = faceId; wire_.reset(); }
+  const ForwardingFlags& 
+  getForwardingFlags() const { return forwardingFlags_; }
+  void 
+  setForwardingFlags(const ForwardingFlags& forwardingFlags) { forwardingFlags_ = forwardingFlags; wire_.reset(); }
+  int 
+  getFreshnessPeriod() const { return freshnessPeriod_; }
+  void 
+  setFreshnessPeriod(int freshnessPeriod) { freshnessPeriod_ = freshnessPeriod; wire_.reset(); }
+  inline const Block&
+  wireEncode() const;
+  inline void 
+  wireDecode(const Block &wire);
+  std::string action_;   /**< empty for none. */
+  Name prefix_;
+  int faceId_;           /**< -1 for none. */
+  ForwardingFlags forwardingFlags_;
+  int freshnessPeriod_; /**< -1 for none. */
+  mutable Block wire_;
+inline const Block&
+ForwardingEntry::wireEncode() const
+  if (wire_.hasWire())
+    return wire_;
+  // ForwardingEntry ::= FORWARDING-ENTRY TLV-LENGTH
+  //                       Action?
+  //                       Name?
+  //                       FaceID?
+  //                       ForwardingFlags?
+  //                       FreshnessPeriod?
+  wire_ = Block(Tlv::FaceManagement::ForwardingEntry);
+  // Action
+  if (!action_.empty())
+    {
+      wire_.push_back
+        (dataBlock(Tlv::FaceManagement::Action, action_.c_str(), action_.size()));
+    }
+  // Name
+  wire_.push_back
+    (prefix_.wireEncode());
+  // FaceID
+  if (faceId_ >= 0)
+    {
+      wire_.push_back
+        (nonNegativeIntegerBlock(Tlv::FaceManagement::FaceID, faceId_));
+    }
+  // ForwardingFlags
+  wire_.push_back
+    (forwardingFlags_.wireEncode());
+  // FreshnessPeriod
+  if (freshnessPeriod_ >= 0)
+    {
+      wire_.push_back
+        (nonNegativeIntegerBlock(Tlv::FreshnessPeriod, freshnessPeriod_));
+    }
+  wire_.encode();
+  return wire_;    
+inline void 
+ForwardingEntry::wireDecode(const Block &wire)
+  action_.clear();
+  prefix_.clear();
+  faceId_ = -1;
+  forwardingFlags_ = ForwardingFlags();
+  freshnessPeriod_ = -1;
+  wire_ = wire;
+  wire_.parse();
+  // ForwardingEntry ::= FORWARDING-ENTRY TLV-LENGTH
+  //                       Action?
+  //                       Name?
+  //                       FaceID?
+  //                       ForwardingFlags?
+  //                       FreshnessPeriod?
+  // Action
+  Block::element_iterator val = wire_.find(Tlv::FaceManagement::Action);
+  if (val != wire_.getAll().end())
+    {
+      action_ = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val->value()), val->value_size());
+    }
+  // Name
+  val = wire_.find(Tlv::Name);
+  if (val != wire_.getAll().end())
+    {
+      prefix_.wireDecode(*val);
+    }
+  // FaceID
+  val = wire_.find(Tlv::FaceManagement::FaceID);
+  if (val != wire_.getAll().end())
+    {
+      faceId_ = readNonNegativeInteger(*val);
+    }
+  // ForwardingFlags
+  val = wire_.find(Tlv::FaceManagement::ForwardingFlags);
+  if (val != wire_.getAll().end())
+    {
+      forwardingFlags_.wireDecode(*val);
+    }
+  // FreshnessPeriod
+  val = wire_.find(Tlv::FreshnessPeriod);
+  if (val != wire_.getAll().end())
+    {
+      freshnessPeriod_ = readNonNegativeInteger(*val);
+    }
+inline std::ostream&
+operator << (std::ostream &os, const ForwardingEntry &entry)
+  os << "ForwardingEntry(";
+  // Action
+  if (!entry.getAction().empty())
+    {
+      os << "Action:" << entry.getAction() << ", ";
+    }
+  // Name
+  os << "Prefix:" << entry.getPrefix() << ", ";
+  // FaceID
+  if (entry.getFaceId() >= 0)
+    {
+      os << "FaceID:" << entry.getFaceId() << ", ";
+    }
+  // ForwardingFlags
+  os << "ForwardingFlags:" << entry.getForwardingFlags() << ", ";
+  // FreshnessPeriod
+  if (entry.getFreshnessPeriod() >= 0)
+    {
+      os << "FreshnessPeriod:" << entry.getFreshnessPeriod() << ", ";
+    }
+  os << ")";
+  return os;
+} // namespace ndnd
+} // namespace ndn