all: Refactoring work with time using boost::chrono
Now the library has two clocks: time::steady_clock and
time::system_clock, following (boost|std)::chrono. In addition to
standard now() method, the library contains several helpers to convert
to/from UnixTimestamp (microsecond resolution) and IsoString (optional
microsecond resolution). The IsoString conversions use
boost::posix_time routines, since boost::chrono supports extended IO
support only starting boost version 1.52 (Boost Chrono V2).
This commit breaks compatibility with previous API. All time-related
Data/Interest calls must explicitly use time units to specify
Brief usage/conversion guide:
- creation of time units does not support double/float types. If
necessary to create time unit from double, ``ndn::duration<double>`` (for
seconds) needs to be used instead. In some cases, this would also
require ``ndn::duration_cast``, if the target is not ``ndn::nanoseconds``.
- ndn::getNow, ndn::ndn_getNowMilliseconds, ndn::time::now are all
removed in favor of the now() method in a specific clock:
* time::system_clock::now();
* time::steady_clock::now();
- When necessary to convert system_clock::TimePoint to unix timestamp,
``time::toUnixTimestamp`` can be used. This method return number of
milliseconds since UNIX epoch as ``ndn::time::milliseconds`` type.
Use count() method to obtain number as an integral value.
Change-Id: Icd688bc6766e008d60c3d2888173627874526e47
Refs: #1152
diff --git a/examples/producer.cpp b/examples/producer.cpp
index c098739..b34bae1 100644
--- a/examples/producer.cpp
+++ b/examples/producer.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
std::cout << "<< I: " << interest << std::endl;
ndn::Data data(ndn::Name(interest.getName()).append("testApp").appendVersion());
- data.setFreshnessPeriod(1000); // 10 sec
+ data.setFreshnessPeriod(time::seconds(10));
data.setContent((const uint8_t*)"HELLO KITTY", sizeof("HELLO KITTY"));