security: Integrate fetching certificates using Certificate Bundle

Change-Id: Iebac12a5cb9d1f4aa12aad09e8ef27f5b90a5d90
Refs: #3891
diff --git a/src/security/v2/certificate-bundle-fetcher.hpp b/src/security/v2/certificate-bundle-fetcher.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcd2f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/security/v2/certificate-bundle-fetcher.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+ * General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "certificate-fetcher-from-network.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+namespace security {
+namespace v2 {
+ * @brief Fetch certificate bundle from the network
+ *
+ * Currently bundle fetching is attempted only for Data validation. This may change in the
+ * future. Bundle fetching always goes to the infrastructure regardless of the inner
+ * fetcher. Inner fetcher is used when the bundle interest times out or returns a Nack or when
+ * additional certificates are needed for validation.
+ *
+ * @sa
+ */
+class CertificateBundleFetcher : public CertificateFetcher
+  explicit
+  CertificateBundleFetcher(unique_ptr<CertificateFetcher> inner,
+                           Face& face);
+  /**
+   * @brief Set the lifetime of certificate bundle interest
+   */
+  void
+  setBundleInterestLifetime(time::milliseconds time);
+  /**
+   * @return The lifetime of certificate bundle interest
+   */
+  time::milliseconds
+  getBundleInterestLifetime() const;
+  /**
+   * Set the storage for this and inner certificate fetcher
+   */
+  void
+  setCertificateStorage(CertificateStorage& certStorage) override;
+  void
+  doFetch(const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest, const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state,
+          const ValidationContinuation& continueValidation) override;
+  /**
+   * @brief Fetch the first bundle segment.
+   *
+   * After deriving the bundle name prefix, the exact version of the bundle is not yet known.
+   * This method express Interest for the bundle prefix to (1) retrieve first segment of the bundle and
+   * (2) discover bundle version. The bundle version will be recorded in the validation state as BundleNameTag
+   * and will be used in subsequent @p fetchNextBundleSegment calls to fetch further bundle segments if needed.
+   */
+  void
+  fetchFirstBundleSegment(const Name& bundleNamePrefix,
+                          const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest,
+                          const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state,
+                          const ValidationContinuation& continueValidation);
+  /**
+   * @brief Fetch the specified bundle segment.
+   */
+  void
+  fetchNextBundleSegment(const Name& fullBundleName, const name::Component& segmentNo,
+                         const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest,
+                         const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state,
+                         const ValidationContinuation& continueValidation);
+  /**
+   * @brief Derive bundle name from data name.
+   *
+   * Current naming conventions are as follows:
+   * /<derived(data_name)>/BUNDLE/<trust-model>/<version>/<seg>
+   *
+   * Current rules for derived(data_name):
+   * (1) If the last component is Implicit Digest AND the second last component is Segment number
+   * then derived(data_name) = data_name.getPrefix(-2)
+   * (2) If the last component is Implicit Digest
+   * then derived(data_name) = data_name.getPrefix(-1)
+   * (3) If the last component is Segment number
+   * then derived(data_name) = data_name.getPrefix(-1)
+   *
+   * <trust-model> component is "00" for single hierarchy trust models.
+   */
+  static Name
+  deriveBundleName(const Name& name);
+  /**
+   * @brief Callback invoked when certificate bundle is retrieved.
+   */
+  void
+  dataCallback(const Data& data, bool isSegmentZeroExpected,
+               const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest, const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state,
+               const ValidationContinuation& continueValidation);
+  /**
+   * @brief Callback invoked when interest for fetching certificate bundle gets NACKed.
+   */
+  void
+  nackCallback(const lp::Nack& nack,
+               const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest, const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state,
+               const ValidationContinuation& continueValidation, const Name& bundleName);
+  /**
+   * @brief Callback invoked when interest for fetching certificate times out.
+   */
+  void
+  timeoutCallback(const shared_ptr<CertificateRequest>& certRequest, const shared_ptr<ValidationState>& state,
+                  const ValidationContinuation& continueValidation, const Name& bundleName);
+  unique_ptr<CertificateFetcher> m_inner;
+  Face& m_face;
+  using BundleNameTag = SimpleTag<Name, 1000>;
+  using FinalBlockIdTag = SimpleTag<name::Component, 1001>;
+  time::milliseconds m_bundleInterestLifetime;
+} // namespace v2
+} // namespace security
+} // namespace ndn