ndnboost: Include boost::iostreams for internal use.
diff --git a/include/ndnboost/regex/v4/fileiter.hpp b/include/ndnboost/regex/v4/fileiter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75b99f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ndnboost/regex/v4/fileiter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2002
+ * John Maddock
+ *
+ * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the 
+ * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file 
+ * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ *
+ */
+ /*
+  *   LOCATION:    see http://www.boost.org for most recent version.
+  *   FILE         fileiter.hpp
+  *   VERSION      see <ndnboost/version.hpp>
+  *   DESCRIPTION: Declares various platform independent file and
+  *                directory iterators, plus binary file input in
+  *                the form of class map_file.
+  */
+#include <ndnboost/regex/config.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/assert.hpp>
+#if (defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)) && !defined(NDNBOOST_REGEX_NO_W32)
+#error "Sorry, can't mix <windows.h> with STL code and gcc compiler: if you ran configure, try again with configure --disable-ms-windows"
+#elif (defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(NDNBOOST_REGEX_NO_W32)
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace ndnboost{
+   namespace re_detail{
+typedef WIN32_FIND_DATAA _fi_find_data;
+typedef WIN32_FIND_DATAW _fi_find_data;
+typedef HANDLE _fi_find_handle;
+   } // namespace re_detail
+} // namespace ndnboost
+#define _fi_invalid_handle INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <list>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
+using std::list;
+#ifndef MAX_PATH
+#define MAX_PATH 256
+namespace ndnboost{
+   namespace re_detail{
+struct _fi_find_data
+   unsigned dwFileAttributes;
+   char cFileName[MAX_PATH];
+struct _fi_priv_data;
+typedef _fi_priv_data* _fi_find_handle;
+#define _fi_invalid_handle 0
+#define _fi_dir 1
+_fi_find_handle _fi_FindFirstFile(const char* lpFileName, _fi_find_data* lpFindFileData);
+bool _fi_FindNextFile(_fi_find_handle hFindFile,   _fi_find_data* lpFindFileData);
+bool _fi_FindClose(_fi_find_handle hFindFile);
+   } // namespace re_detail
+} // namespace ndnboost
+#ifdef FindFirstFile
+ #undef FindFirstFile
+#ifdef FindNextFile
+ #undef FindNextFile
+#ifdef FindClose
+ #undef FindClose
+#define FindFirstFileA _fi_FindFirstFile
+#define FindNextFileA _fi_FindNextFile
+#define FindClose _fi_FindClose
+namespace ndnboost{
+   namespace re_detail{
+#ifdef NDNBOOST_REGEX_FI_WIN32_MAP // win32 mapfile
+class NDNBOOST_REGEX_DECL mapfile
+   HANDLE hfile;
+   HANDLE hmap;
+   const char* _first;
+   const char* _last;
+   typedef const char* iterator;
+   mapfile(){ hfile = hmap = 0; _first = _last = 0; }
+   mapfile(const char* file){ hfile = hmap = 0; _first = _last = 0; open(file); }
+   ~mapfile(){ close(); }
+   void open(const char* file);
+   void close();
+   const char* begin(){ return _first; }
+   const char* end(){ return _last; }
+   size_t size(){ return _last - _first; }
+   bool valid(){ return (hfile != 0) && (hfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
+class NDNBOOST_REGEX_DECL mapfile_iterator;
+class NDNBOOST_REGEX_DECL mapfile
+   typedef char* pointer;
+   std::FILE* hfile;
+   long int _size;
+   pointer* _first;
+   pointer* _last;
+   mutable std::list<pointer*> condemed;
+   enum sizes
+   {
+      buf_size = 4096
+   };
+   void lock(pointer* node)const;
+   void unlock(pointer* node)const;
+   typedef mapfile_iterator iterator;
+   mapfile(){ hfile = 0; _size = 0; _first = _last = 0; }
+   mapfile(const char* file){ hfile = 0; _size = 0; _first = _last = 0; open(file); }
+   ~mapfile(){ close(); }
+   void open(const char* file);
+   void close();
+   iterator begin()const;
+   iterator end()const;
+   unsigned long size()const{ return _size; }
+   bool valid()const{ return hfile != 0; }
+   friend class mapfile_iterator;
+class NDNBOOST_REGEX_DECL mapfile_iterator
+: public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, char>
+   typedef mapfile::pointer internal_pointer;
+   internal_pointer* node;
+   const mapfile* file;
+   unsigned long offset;
+   long position()const
+   {
+      return file ? ((node - file->_first) * mapfile::buf_size + offset) : 0;
+   }
+   void position(long pos)
+   {
+      if(file)
+      {
+         node = file->_first + (pos / mapfile::buf_size);
+         offset = pos % mapfile::buf_size;
+      }
+   }
+   typedef std::ptrdiff_t                  difference_type;
+   typedef char                            value_type;
+   typedef const char*                     pointer;
+   typedef const char&                     reference;
+   typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+   mapfile_iterator() { node = 0; file = 0; offset = 0; }
+   mapfile_iterator(const mapfile* f, long arg_position)
+   {
+      file = f;
+      node = f->_first + arg_position / mapfile::buf_size;
+      offset = arg_position % mapfile::buf_size;
+      if(file)
+         file->lock(node);
+   }
+   mapfile_iterator(const mapfile_iterator& i)
+   {
+      file = i.file;
+      node = i.node;
+      offset = i.offset;
+      if(file)
+         file->lock(node);
+   }
+   ~mapfile_iterator()
+   {
+      if(file && node)
+         file->unlock(node);
+   }
+   mapfile_iterator& operator = (const mapfile_iterator& i);
+   char operator* ()const
+   {
+      NDNBOOST_ASSERT(node >= file->_first);
+      NDNBOOST_ASSERT(node < file->_last);
+      return file ? *(*node + sizeof(int) + offset) : char(0);
+   }
+   char operator[] (long off)const
+   {
+      mapfile_iterator tmp(*this);
+      tmp += off;
+      return *tmp;
+   }
+   mapfile_iterator& operator++ ();
+   mapfile_iterator operator++ (int);
+   mapfile_iterator& operator-- ();
+   mapfile_iterator operator-- (int);
+   mapfile_iterator& operator += (long off)
+   {
+      position(position() + off);
+      return *this;
+   }
+   mapfile_iterator& operator -= (long off)
+   {
+      position(position() - off);
+      return *this;
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator==(const mapfile_iterator& i, const mapfile_iterator& j)
+   {
+      return (i.file == j.file) && (i.node == j.node) && (i.offset == j.offset);
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator!=(const mapfile_iterator& i, const mapfile_iterator& j)
+   {
+      return !(i == j);
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator<(const mapfile_iterator& i, const mapfile_iterator& j)
+   {
+      return i.position() < j.position();
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator>(const mapfile_iterator& i, const mapfile_iterator& j)
+   {
+      return i.position() > j.position();
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator<=(const mapfile_iterator& i, const mapfile_iterator& j)
+   {
+      return i.position() <= j.position();
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator>=(const mapfile_iterator& i, const mapfile_iterator& j)
+   {
+      return i.position() >= j.position();
+   }
+   friend mapfile_iterator operator + (const mapfile_iterator& i, long off);
+   friend mapfile_iterator operator + (long off, const mapfile_iterator& i)
+   {
+      mapfile_iterator tmp(i);
+      return tmp += off;
+   }
+   friend mapfile_iterator operator - (const mapfile_iterator& i, long off);
+   friend inline long operator - (const mapfile_iterator& i, const mapfile_iterator& j)
+   {
+      return i.position() - j.position();
+   }
+// _fi_sep determines the directory separator, either '\\' or '/'
+NDNBOOST_REGEX_DECL extern const char* _fi_sep;
+struct file_iterator_ref
+   _fi_find_handle hf;
+   _fi_find_data _data;
+   long count;
+class NDNBOOST_REGEX_DECL file_iterator 
+   char* _root;
+   char* _path;
+   char* ptr;
+   file_iterator_ref* ref;
+   typedef std::ptrdiff_t            difference_type;
+   typedef const char*               value_type;
+   typedef const char**              pointer;
+   typedef const char*&              reference;
+   typedef std::input_iterator_tag   iterator_category;
+   file_iterator();
+   file_iterator(const char* wild);
+   ~file_iterator();
+   file_iterator(const file_iterator&);
+   file_iterator& operator=(const file_iterator&);
+   const char* root()const { return _root; }
+   const char* path()const { return _path; }
+   const char* name()const { return ptr; }
+   _fi_find_data* data() { return &(ref->_data); }
+   void next();
+   file_iterator& operator++() { next(); return *this; }
+   file_iterator operator++(int);
+   const char* operator*() { return path(); }
+   friend inline bool operator == (const file_iterator& f1, const file_iterator& f2)
+   {
+      return ((f1.ref->hf == _fi_invalid_handle) && (f2.ref->hf == _fi_invalid_handle));
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator != (const file_iterator& f1, const file_iterator& f2)
+   {
+      return !(f1 == f2);
+   }
+// dwa 9/13/00 - suppress unused parameter warning
+inline bool operator < (const file_iterator&, const file_iterator&)
+   return false;
+class NDNBOOST_REGEX_DECL directory_iterator
+   char* _root;
+   char* _path;
+   char* ptr;
+   file_iterator_ref* ref;
+   typedef std::ptrdiff_t            difference_type;
+   typedef const char*               value_type;
+   typedef const char**              pointer;
+   typedef const char*&              reference;
+   typedef std::input_iterator_tag   iterator_category;
+   directory_iterator();
+   directory_iterator(const char* wild);
+   ~directory_iterator();
+   directory_iterator(const directory_iterator& other);
+   directory_iterator& operator=(const directory_iterator& other);
+   const char* root()const { return _root; }
+   const char* path()const { return _path; }
+   const char* name()const { return ptr; }
+   _fi_find_data* data() { return &(ref->_data); }
+   void next();
+   directory_iterator& operator++() { next(); return *this; }
+   directory_iterator operator++(int);
+   const char* operator*() { return path(); }
+   static const char* separator() { return _fi_sep; }
+   friend inline bool operator == (const directory_iterator& f1, const directory_iterator& f2)
+   {
+      return ((f1.ref->hf == _fi_invalid_handle) && (f2.ref->hf == _fi_invalid_handle));
+   }
+   friend inline bool operator != (const directory_iterator& f1, const directory_iterator& f2)
+   {
+      return !(f1 == f2);
+   }
+   };
+inline bool operator < (const directory_iterator&, const directory_iterator&)
+   return false;
+} // namespace re_detail
+using ndnboost::re_detail::directory_iterator;
+using ndnboost::re_detail::file_iterator;
+using ndnboost::re_detail::mapfile;
+} // namespace ndnboost