ndnboost: Include boost::iostreams for internal use.
diff --git a/include/ndnboost/iostreams/compose.hpp b/include/ndnboost/iostreams/compose.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d55ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ndnboost/iostreams/compose.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+// (C) Copyright 2008 CodeRage, LLC (turkanis at coderage dot com)
+// (C) Copyright 2005-2007 Jonathan Turkanis
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.)
+// See http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams for documentation.
+// Note: bidirectional streams are not supported.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+# pragma once
+#include <algorithm> // min.
+#include <utility> // pair.
+#include <ndnboost/config.hpp> // DEDUCED_TYPENAME.
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/categories.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/adapter/direct_adapter.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/call_traits.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/enable_if_stream.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/execute.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/functional.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/operations.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/traits.hpp> // mode_of, is_direct.
+#include <ndnboost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/ref.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
+// Must come last.
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/config/disable_warnings.hpp> // MSVC.
+namespace ndnboost { namespace iostreams {
+namespace detail {
+template< typename First,
+ typename Second,
+ typename FirstMode =
+ NDNBOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mode_of<First>::type,
+ typename SecondMode =
+ NDNBOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mode_of<Second>::type >
+struct composite_mode
+ : select<
+ is_convertible<SecondMode, FirstMode>, FirstMode,
+ is_convertible<FirstMode, SecondMode>, SecondMode,
+ is_convertible<SecondMode, input>, input,
+ else_, output
+ >
+ { };
+// Template name: composite_device.
+// Description: Provides a Device view of a Filter, Device pair.
+// Template parameters:
+// Filter - A model of Filter.
+// Device - An indirect model of Device.
+template< typename Filter,
+ typename Device,
+ typename Mode =
+ NDNBOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME composite_mode<Filter, Device>::type >
+class composite_device {
+ typedef typename detail::param_type<Device>::type param_type;
+ typedef typename mode_of<Filter>::type filter_mode;
+ typedef typename mode_of<Device>::type device_mode;
+ typedef typename
+ iostreams::select< // Disambiguation for Tru64.
+ is_direct<Device>, direct_adapter<Device>,
+ is_std_io<Device>, Device&,
+ else_, Device
+ >::type value_type;
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(is_filter<Filter>::value);
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(is_device<Device>::value);
+ typedef typename char_type_of<Filter>::type char_type;
+ struct category
+ : Mode,
+ device_tag,
+ closable_tag,
+ flushable_tag,
+ localizable_tag,
+ optimally_buffered_tag
+ { };
+ composite_device(const Filter& flt, param_type dev);
+ std::streamsize read(char_type* s, std::streamsize n);
+ std::streamsize write(const char_type* s, std::streamsize n);
+ std::streampos seek( stream_offset off, NDNBOOST_IOS::seekdir way,
+ NDNBOOST_IOS::openmode which =
+ void close();
+ void close(NDNBOOST_IOS::openmode which);
+ bool flush();
+ std::streamsize optimal_buffer_size() const;
+ template<typename Locale> // Avoid dependency on <locale>
+ void imbue(const Locale& loc)
+ {
+ iostreams::imbue(filter_, loc);
+ iostreams::imbue(device_, loc);
+ }
+ Filter& first() { return filter_; }
+ Device& second() { return device_; }
+ Filter filter_;
+ value_type device_;
+// Template name: composite_device.
+// Description: Provides a Device view of a Filter, Device pair.
+// Template parameters:
+// Filter - A model of Filter.
+// Device - An indirect model of Device.
+template< typename Filter1,
+ typename Filter2,
+ typename Mode =
+ NDNBOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME composite_mode<Filter1, Filter2>::type >
+class composite_filter {
+ typedef reference_wrapper<Filter2> filter_ref;
+ typedef typename mode_of<Filter1>::type first_mode;
+ typedef typename mode_of<Filter2>::type second_mode;
+ // A dual-use filter cannot be composed with a read-write filter
+ !(is_convertible<first_mode, dual_use>::value) ||
+ !(is_convertible<second_mode, input>::value) ||
+ !(is_convertible<second_mode, output>::value) ||
+ (is_convertible<second_mode, dual_use>::value)
+ );
+ !(is_convertible<second_mode, dual_use>::value) ||
+ !(is_convertible<first_mode, input>::value) ||
+ !(is_convertible<first_mode, output>::value) ||
+ (is_convertible<first_mode, dual_use>::value)
+ );
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(is_filter<Filter1>::value);
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(is_filter<Filter2>::value);
+ typedef typename char_type_of<Filter1>::type char_type;
+ struct category
+ : Mode,
+ filter_tag,
+ multichar_tag,
+ closable_tag,
+ flushable_tag,
+ localizable_tag,
+ optimally_buffered_tag
+ { };
+ composite_filter(const Filter1& filter1, const Filter2& filter2)
+ : filter1_(filter1), filter2_(filter2)
+ { }
+ template<typename Source>
+ std::streamsize read(Source& src, char_type* s, std::streamsize n)
+ {
+ composite_device<filter_ref, Source> cmp(ndnboost::ref(filter2_), src);
+ return iostreams::read(filter1_, cmp, s, n);
+ }
+ template<typename Sink>
+ std::streamsize write(Sink& snk, const char_type* s, std::streamsize n)
+ {
+ composite_device<filter_ref, Sink> cmp(ndnboost::ref(filter2_), snk);
+ return iostreams::write(filter1_, cmp, s, n);
+ }
+ template<typename Device>
+ std::streampos seek( Device& dev, stream_offset off, NDNBOOST_IOS::seekdir way,
+ NDNBOOST_IOS::openmode which =
+ {
+ composite_device<filter_ref, Device> cmp(ndnboost::ref(filter2_), dev);
+ return iostreams::seek(filter1_, cmp, off, way, which);
+ }
+ template<typename Device>
+ void close(Device& dev)
+ {
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((!is_convertible<category, two_sequence>::value));
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((!is_convertible<category, dual_use>::value));
+ // Create a new device by composing the second filter2_ with dev.
+ composite_device<filter_ref, Device> cmp(ndnboost::ref(filter2_), dev);
+ // Close input sequences in reverse order and output sequences in
+ // forward order
+ if (!is_convertible<first_mode, dual_use>::value) {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(filter2_, dev, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter1_, cmp, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter1_, cmp, NDNBOOST_IOS::out),
+ detail::call_close(filter2_, dev, NDNBOOST_IOS::out)
+ );
+ } else if (is_convertible<second_mode, input>::value) {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(filter2_, dev, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter1_, cmp, NDNBOOST_IOS::in)
+ );
+ } else {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(filter1_, cmp, NDNBOOST_IOS::out),
+ detail::call_close(filter2_, dev, NDNBOOST_IOS::out)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Device>
+ void close(Device& dev, NDNBOOST_IOS::openmode which)
+ {
+ (is_convertible<category, two_sequence>::value) ||
+ (is_convertible<category, dual_use>::value)
+ );
+ // Create a new device by composing the second filter2_ with dev.
+ composite_device<filter_ref, Device> cmp(ndnboost::ref(filter2_), dev);
+ // Close input sequences in reverse order
+ if ( which == NDNBOOST_IOS::in &&
+ ( !is_convertible<first_mode, dual_use>::value ||
+ is_convertible<second_mode, input>::value ) )
+ {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(filter2_, dev, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter1_, cmp, NDNBOOST_IOS::in)
+ );
+ }
+ // Close output sequences in forward order
+ if ( which == NDNBOOST_IOS::out &&
+ ( !is_convertible<first_mode, dual_use>::value ||
+ is_convertible<second_mode, output>::value ) )
+ {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(filter1_, cmp, NDNBOOST_IOS::out),
+ detail::call_close(filter2_, dev, NDNBOOST_IOS::out)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Device>
+ bool flush(Device& dev)
+ {
+ composite_device<Filter2, Device> cmp(filter2_, dev);
+ return iostreams::flush(filter1_, cmp);
+ }
+ std::streamsize optimal_buffer_size() const
+ {
+ std::streamsize first = iostreams::optimal_buffer_size(filter1_);
+ std::streamsize second = iostreams::optimal_buffer_size(filter2_);
+ return first < second ? second : first;
+ }
+ template<typename Locale> // Avoid dependency on <locale>
+ void imbue(const Locale& loc)
+ { // To do: consider using RAII.
+ iostreams::imbue(filter1_, loc);
+ iostreams::imbue(filter2_, loc);
+ }
+ Filter1& first() { return filter1_; }
+ Filter2& second() { return filter2_; }
+ Filter1 filter1_;
+ Filter2 filter2_;
+template<typename Filter, typename FilterOrDevice>
+struct composite_traits
+ : mpl::if_<
+ is_device<FilterOrDevice>,
+ composite_device<Filter, FilterOrDevice>,
+ composite_filter<Filter, FilterOrDevice>
+ >
+ { };
+} // End namespace detail.
+template<typename Filter, typename FilterOrDevice>
+struct composite : detail::composite_traits<Filter, FilterOrDevice>::type {
+ typedef typename detail::param_type<FilterOrDevice>::type param_type;
+ typedef typename detail::composite_traits<Filter, FilterOrDevice>::type base;
+ composite(const Filter& flt, param_type dev)
+ : base(flt, dev)
+ { }
+//--------------Implementation of compose-------------------------------------//
+// Note: The following workarounds are patterned after resolve.hpp. It has not
+// yet been confirmed that they are necessary.
+#ifndef NDNBOOST_IOSTREAMS_BROKEN_OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION //-------------------------//
+# ifndef NDNBOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_STREAM_TEMPLATES //-------------------------------//
+template<typename Filter, typename FilterOrDevice>
+composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>
+compose( const Filter& filter, const FilterOrDevice& fod
+{ return composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>(filter, fod); }
+template<typename Filter, typename Ch, typename Tr>
+composite< Filter, std::basic_streambuf<Ch, Tr> >
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::basic_streambuf<Ch, Tr>& sb)
+{ return composite< Filter, std::basic_streambuf<Ch, Tr> >(filter, sb); }
+template<typename Filter, typename Ch, typename Tr>
+composite< Filter, std::basic_istream<Ch, Tr> >
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::basic_istream<Ch, Tr>& is)
+{ return composite< Filter, std::basic_istream<Ch, Tr> >(filter, is); }
+template<typename Filter, typename Ch, typename Tr>
+composite< Filter, std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> >
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr>& os)
+{ return composite< Filter, std::basic_ostream<Ch, Tr> >(filter, os); }
+template<typename Filter, typename Ch, typename Tr>
+composite< Filter, std::basic_iostream<Ch, Tr> >
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::basic_iostream<Ch, Tr>& io)
+{ return composite< Filter, std::basic_iostream<Ch, Tr> >(filter, io); }
+# else // # ifndef NDNBOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_STREAM_TEMPLATES //---------------------//
+template<typename Filter, typename FilterOrDevice>
+composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>
+compose( const Filter& filter, const FilterOrDevice& fod
+{ return composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>(filter, fod); }
+template<typename Filter>
+composite<Filter, std::streambuf>
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::streambuf& sb)
+{ return composite<Filter, std::streambuf>(filter, sb); }
+template<typename Filter>
+composite<Filter, std::istream>
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::istream& is)
+{ return composite<Filter, std::istream>(filter, is); }
+template<typename Filter>
+composite<Filter, std::ostream>
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::ostream& os)
+{ return composite<Filter, std::ostream>(filter, os); }
+template<typename Filter>
+composite<Filter, std::iostream>
+compose(const Filter& filter, std::iostream& io)
+{ return composite<Filter, std::iostream>(filter, io); }
+# endif // # ifndef NDNBOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_STREAM_TEMPLATES //--------------------//
+#else // #ifndef NDNBOOST_IOSTREAMS_BROKEN_OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION //----------------//
+template<typename Filter, typename Stream>
+composite<Filter, Stream>
+compose(const Filter& flt, const Stream& strm, mpl::true_)
+{ // Bad overload resolution.
+ return composite<Filter, Stream>(flt, const_cast<Stream&>(strm));
+template<typename Filter, typename FilterOrDevice>
+composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>
+compose(const Filter& flt, const FilterOrDevice& fod, mpl::false_)
+{ return composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>(flt, fod); }
+template<typename Filter, typename FilterOrDevice>
+composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>
+compose( const Filter& flt, const FilterOrDevice& fod
+{ return compose(flt, fod, is_std_io<FilterOrDevice>()); }
+# if !NDNBOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, < 0x600) && \
+ !defined(__GNUC__) // ---------------------------------------------------//
+template<typename Filter, typename FilterOrDevice>
+composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>
+compose (const Filter& filter, FilterOrDevice& fod)
+{ return composite<Filter, FilterOrDevice>(filter, fod); }
+# endif // Borland 5.x, VC6-7.0 or GCC 2.9x //--------------------------------//
+#endif // #ifndef NDNBOOST_IOSTREAMS_BROKEN_OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION //---------------//
+namespace detail {
+//--------------Implementation of composite_device---------------------------//
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::composite_device
+ (const Filter& flt, param_type dev)
+ : filter_(flt), device_(dev)
+ { }
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+inline std::streamsize composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::read
+ (char_type* s, std::streamsize n)
+{ return iostreams::read(filter_, device_, s, n); }
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+inline std::streamsize composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::write
+ (const char_type* s, std::streamsize n)
+{ return iostreams::write(filter_, device_, s, n); }
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+std::streampos composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::seek
+ (stream_offset off, NDNBOOST_IOS::seekdir way, NDNBOOST_IOS::openmode which)
+{ return iostreams::seek(filter_, device_, off, way, which); }
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+void composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::close()
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((!is_convertible<Mode, two_sequence>::value));
+ !(is_convertible<filter_mode, dual_use>::value) ||
+ !(is_convertible<device_mode, input>::value) ||
+ !(is_convertible<device_mode, output>::value)
+ );
+ // Close input sequences in reverse order and output sequences
+ // in forward order
+ if (!is_convertible<filter_mode, dual_use>::value) {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter_, device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter_, device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::out),
+ detail::call_close(device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::out)
+ );
+ } else if (is_convertible<device_mode, input>::value) {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter_, device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::in)
+ );
+ } else {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(filter_, device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::out),
+ detail::call_close(device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::out)
+ );
+ }
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+void composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::close(NDNBOOST_IOS::openmode which)
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible<Mode, two_sequence>::value));
+ NDNBOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(!(is_convertible<filter_mode, dual_use>::value));
+ // Close input sequences in reverse order
+ if (which == NDNBOOST_IOS::in) {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::in),
+ detail::call_close(filter_, device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::in)
+ );
+ }
+ // Close output sequences in forward order
+ if (which == NDNBOOST_IOS::out) {
+ detail::execute_all(
+ detail::call_close(filter_, device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::out),
+ detail::call_close(device_, NDNBOOST_IOS::out)
+ );
+ }
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+bool composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::flush()
+ bool r1 = iostreams::flush(filter_, device_);
+ bool r2 = iostreams::flush(device_);
+ return r1 && r2;
+template<typename Filter, typename Device, typename Mode>
+composite_device<Filter, Device, Mode>::optimal_buffer_size() const
+{ return iostreams::optimal_buffer_size(device_); }
+} // End namespace detail.
+} } // End namespaces iostreams, boost.
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/config/enable_warnings.hpp>