mgmt: move management/nfd-* to mgmt/nfd/

refs #3760

Change-Id: Ib4bde3412b5c39b9f4f46113199cebe78704505e
diff --git a/src/mgmt/nfd/forwarder-status.cpp b/src/mgmt/nfd/forwarder-status.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21fee56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mgmt/nfd/forwarder-status.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+ * General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "forwarder-status.hpp"
+#include "encoding/tlv-nfd.hpp"
+#include "encoding/block-helpers.hpp"
+#include "util/concepts.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+namespace nfd {
+static_assert(std::is_base_of<tlv::Error, ForwarderStatus::Error>::value,
+              "ForwarderStatus::Error must inherit from tlv::Error");
+  : m_startTimestamp(time::system_clock::TimePoint::min())
+  , m_currentTimestamp(time::system_clock::TimePoint::min())
+  , m_nNameTreeEntries(0)
+  , m_nFibEntries(0)
+  , m_nPitEntries(0)
+  , m_nMeasurementsEntries(0)
+  , m_nCsEntries(0)
+  , m_nInInterests(0)
+  , m_nInDatas(0)
+  , m_nInNacks(0)
+  , m_nOutInterests(0)
+  , m_nOutDatas(0)
+  , m_nOutNacks(0)
+ForwarderStatus::ForwarderStatus(const Block& payload)
+  this->wireDecode(payload);
+template<encoding::Tag TAG>
+ForwarderStatus::wireEncode(EncodingImpl<TAG>& encoder) const
+  size_t totalLength = 0;
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NOutNacks,
+                                                m_nOutNacks);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NOutDatas,
+                                                m_nOutDatas);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NOutInterests,
+                                                m_nOutInterests);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NInNacks,
+                                                m_nInNacks);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NInDatas,
+                                                m_nInDatas);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NInInterests,
+                                                m_nInInterests);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NCsEntries,
+                                                m_nCsEntries);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NMeasurementsEntries,
+                                                m_nMeasurementsEntries);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NPitEntries,
+                                                m_nPitEntries);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NFibEntries,
+                                                m_nFibEntries);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::NNameTreeEntries,
+                                                m_nNameTreeEntries);
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::CurrentTimestamp,
+                                                time::toUnixTimestamp(m_currentTimestamp).count());
+  totalLength += prependNonNegativeIntegerBlock(encoder, tlv::nfd::StartTimestamp,
+                                                time::toUnixTimestamp(m_startTimestamp).count());
+  totalLength += encoder.prependByteArrayBlock(tlv::nfd::NfdVersion,
+                                       reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(m_nfdVersion.c_str()),
+                                       m_nfdVersion.size());
+  totalLength += encoder.prependVarNumber(totalLength);
+  totalLength += encoder.prependVarNumber(tlv::Content);
+  return totalLength;
+template size_t
+ForwarderStatus::wireEncode<encoding::EncoderTag>(EncodingImpl<encoding::EncoderTag>&) const;
+template size_t
+ForwarderStatus::wireEncode<encoding::EstimatorTag>(EncodingImpl<encoding::EstimatorTag>&) const;
+const Block&
+ForwarderStatus::wireEncode() const
+  if (m_wire.hasWire())
+    return m_wire;
+  EncodingEstimator estimator;
+  size_t estimatedSize = wireEncode(estimator);
+  EncodingBuffer buffer(estimatedSize, 0);
+  wireEncode(buffer);
+  m_wire = buffer.block();
+  return m_wire;
+ForwarderStatus::wireDecode(const Block& block)
+  if (block.type() != tlv::Content) {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("expecting Content block for Status payload"));
+  }
+  m_wire = block;
+  m_wire.parse();
+  Block::element_const_iterator val = m_wire.elements_begin();
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NfdVersion) {
+    m_nfdVersion.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(val->value()), val->value_size());
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NfdVersion field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::StartTimestamp) {
+    m_startTimestamp = time::fromUnixTimestamp(time::milliseconds(readNonNegativeInteger(*val)));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required StartTimestamp field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::CurrentTimestamp) {
+    m_currentTimestamp = time::fromUnixTimestamp(time::milliseconds(readNonNegativeInteger(*val)));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required CurrentTimestamp field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NNameTreeEntries) {
+    m_nNameTreeEntries = static_cast<size_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NNameTreeEntries field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NFibEntries) {
+    m_nFibEntries = static_cast<size_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NFibEntries field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NPitEntries) {
+    m_nPitEntries = static_cast<size_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NPitEntries field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NMeasurementsEntries) {
+    m_nMeasurementsEntries = static_cast<size_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NMeasurementsEntries field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NCsEntries) {
+    m_nCsEntries = static_cast<size_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NCsEntries field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NInInterests) {
+    m_nInInterests = static_cast<uint64_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NInInterests field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NInDatas) {
+    m_nInDatas = static_cast<uint64_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NInDatas field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NInNacks) {
+    m_nInNacks = static_cast<uint64_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NInNacks field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NOutInterests) {
+    m_nOutInterests = static_cast<uint64_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NOutInterests field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NOutDatas) {
+    m_nOutDatas = static_cast<uint64_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NOutDatas field"));
+  }
+  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == tlv::nfd::NOutNacks) {
+    m_nOutNacks = static_cast<uint64_t>(readNonNegativeInteger(*val));
+    ++val;
+  }
+  else {
+    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("missing required NInNacks field"));
+  }
+ForwarderStatus::setNfdVersion(const std::string& nfdVersion)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nfdVersion = nfdVersion;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setStartTimestamp(const time::system_clock::TimePoint& startTimestamp)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_startTimestamp = startTimestamp;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setCurrentTimestamp(const time::system_clock::TimePoint& currentTimestamp)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_currentTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNNameTreeEntries(size_t nNameTreeEntries)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nNameTreeEntries = nNameTreeEntries;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNFibEntries(size_t nFibEntries)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nFibEntries = nFibEntries;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNPitEntries(size_t nPitEntries)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nPitEntries = nPitEntries;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNMeasurementsEntries(size_t nMeasurementsEntries)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nMeasurementsEntries = nMeasurementsEntries;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNCsEntries(size_t nCsEntries)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nCsEntries = nCsEntries;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNInInterests(uint64_t nInInterests)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nInInterests = nInInterests;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNInDatas(uint64_t nInDatas)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nInDatas = nInDatas;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNInNacks(uint64_t nInNacks)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nInNacks = nInNacks;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNOutInterests(uint64_t nOutInterests)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nOutInterests = nOutInterests;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNOutDatas(uint64_t nOutDatas)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nOutDatas = nOutDatas;
+  return *this;
+ForwarderStatus::setNOutNacks(uint64_t nOutNacks)
+  m_wire.reset();
+  m_nOutNacks = nOutNacks;
+  return *this;
+} // namespace nfd
+} // namespace ndn