ci: Add missing installation of openssl dependency

Change-Id: I8c515a87a2c70236214bc88e019b7f3a7bea7ebd
Refs: #3643
diff --git a/docs/INSTALL.rst b/docs/INSTALL.rst
index aa4a068..2faba07 100644
--- a/docs/INSTALL.rst
+++ b/docs/INSTALL.rst
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 -  ``python`` >= 2.6
 -  ``libsqlite3``
 -  ``libcrypto++``
+-  OpenSSL version >= 1.0
 -  ``pkg-config``
 -  Boost libraries >= 1.54
 -  OSX Security framework (on OSX platform only)
@@ -43,31 +44,38 @@
 -  OS X
-   Install Xcode. In Xcode Preferences > Downloads, install "Command
-   Line Tools".
+   Install Xcode from AppStore or at least Command Line Tools (``xcode-select --install``)
-   If using MacPorts, dependencies can be installed using the following
-   commands::
+   * When using MacPorts
-       sudo port install pkgconfig boost sqlite3 libcryptopp
+       In a terminal, enter::
+           sudo port install pkgconfig boost sqlite3 libcryptopp openssl
+   * When using Homebrew
+       In a terminal, enter::
+           brew install boost pkg-config cryptopp openssl
+           brew link --force openssl
    .. note::
-      If a major OS X system upgrade is performed after installing dependencies with MacPorts,
-      remember to `reinstall all ports <>`__.
+      If a major OS X system upgrade is performed after installing dependencies with
+      MacPorts or Homebrew, remember to reinstall all packages.
 -  Ubuntu
-   In a terminal, enter::
+    In a terminal, enter::
-       sudo apt-get install build-essential libcrypto++-dev libsqlite3-dev libboost-all-dev
+        sudo apt-get install build-essential libcrypto++-dev libsqlite3-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev
 - Fedora
-   In a terminal, enter::
+    In a terminal, enter::
-       sudo yum install gcc-g++ git
-       sudo yum install sqlite-devel cryptopp-devel boost-devel
+        sudo yum install gcc-g++ git
+        sudo yum install sqlite-devel cryptopp-devel boost-devel openssl-devel