Added support for ContentObject
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/ContentObject.cpp b/ndn-cpp/ContentObject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e675e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/ContentObject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include "ContentObject.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+namespace ndn {
+void Signature::get(struct ndn_Signature &signatureStruct) const
+ signatureStruct.digestAlgorithmLength = digestAlgorithm_.size();
+ if (digestAlgorithm_.size() > 0)
+ signatureStruct.digestAlgorithm = (unsigned char *)&digestAlgorithm_[0];
+ else
+ signatureStruct.digestAlgorithm = 0;
+ signatureStruct.witnessLength = witness_.size();
+ if (witness_.size() > 0)
+ signatureStruct.witness = (unsigned char *)&witness_[0];
+ else
+ signatureStruct.witness = 0;
+ signatureStruct.signatureLength = signature_.size();
+ if (signature_.size() > 0)
+ signatureStruct.signature = (unsigned char *)&signature_[0];
+ else
+ signatureStruct.signature = 0;
+void Signature::set(const struct ndn_Signature &signatureStruct)
+ setVector(digestAlgorithm_, signatureStruct.digestAlgorithm, signatureStruct.digestAlgorithmLength);
+ setVector(witness_, signatureStruct.witness, signatureStruct.witnessLength);
+ setVector(signature_, signatureStruct.signature, signatureStruct.signatureLength);
+void SignedInfo::get(struct ndn_SignedInfo &signedInfoStruct) const
+ publisherPublicKeyDigest_.get(signedInfoStruct.publisherPublicKeyDigest);
+ // TODO: Implement timestamp
+ signedInfoStruct.type = type_;
+ signedInfoStruct.freshnessSeconds = freshnessSeconds_;
+ signedInfoStruct.finalBlockIDLength = finalBlockID_.size();
+ if (finalBlockID_.size() > 0)
+ signedInfoStruct.finalBlockID = (unsigned char *)&finalBlockID_[0];
+ else
+ signedInfoStruct.finalBlockID = 0;
+ keyLocator_.get(signedInfoStruct.keyLocator);
+void SignedInfo::set(const struct ndn_SignedInfo &signedInfoStruct)
+ publisherPublicKeyDigest_.set(signedInfoStruct.publisherPublicKeyDigest);
+ // TODO: Implement timestamp
+ type_ = signedInfoStruct.type;
+ freshnessSeconds_ = signedInfoStruct.freshnessSeconds;
+ setVector(finalBlockID_, signedInfoStruct.finalBlockID, signedInfoStruct.finalBlockIDLength);
+ keyLocator_.set(signedInfoStruct.keyLocator);
+void ContentObject::get(struct ndn_ContentObject &contentObjectStruct) const
+ signature_.get(contentObjectStruct.signature);
+ name_.get(;
+ signedInfo_.get(contentObjectStruct.signedInfo);
+ contentObjectStruct.contentLength = content_.size();
+ if (content_.size() > 0)
+ contentObjectStruct.content = (unsigned char *)&content_[0];
+ else
+ contentObjectStruct.content = 0;
+void ContentObject::set(const struct ndn_ContentObject &contentObjectStruct)
+ signature_.set(contentObjectStruct.signature);
+ name_.set(;
+ signedInfo_.set(contentObjectStruct.signedInfo);
+ setVector(content_, contentObjectStruct.content, contentObjectStruct.contentLength);
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/ContentObject.hpp b/ndn-cpp/ContentObject.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cf1c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/ContentObject.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "Name.hpp"
+#include "PublisherPublicKeyDigest.hpp"
+#include "Key.hpp"
+#include "c/ContentObject.h"
+namespace ndn {
+class Signature {
+ /**
+ * Set the signatureStruct to point to the values in this signature object, without copying any memory.
+ * WARNING: The resulting pointers in signatureStruct are invalid after a further use of this object which could reallocate memory.
+ * @param signatureStruct a C ndn_Signature struct where the name components array is already allocated.
+ */
+ void get(struct ndn_Signature &signatureStruct) const;
+ /**
+ * Clear this signature, and set the values by copying from the ndn_Signature struct.
+ * @param signatureStruct a C ndn_Signature struct
+ */
+ void set(const struct ndn_Signature &signatureStruct);
+ const std::vector<unsigned char> getDigestAlgorithm() const { return digestAlgorithm_; }
+ const std::vector<unsigned char> getWitness() const { return witness_; }
+ const std::vector<unsigned char> getSignature() const { return signature_; }
+ std::vector<unsigned char> digestAlgorithm_; /**< if empty, the default is 2.16.840. (sha-256) */
+ std::vector<unsigned char> witness_;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> signature_;
+class SignedInfo {
+ SignedInfo()
+ {
+ type_ = ndn_ContentType_DATA;
+ freshnessSeconds_ = -1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the signedInfoStruct to point to the values in this signed info object, without copying any memory.
+ * WARNING: The resulting pointers in signedInfoStruct are invalid after a further use of this object which could reallocate memory.
+ * @param signedInfoStruct a C ndn_SignedInfo struct where the name components array is already allocated.
+ */
+ void get(struct ndn_SignedInfo &signedInfoStruct) const;
+ /**
+ * Clear this signed info, and set the values by copying from the ndn_SignedInfo struct.
+ * @param signedInfoStruct a C ndn_SignedInfo struct
+ */
+ void set(const struct ndn_SignedInfo &signedInfoStruct);
+ const PublisherPublicKeyDigest &getPublisherPublicKeyDigest() const { return publisherPublicKeyDigest_; }
+ // TODO: Implement timestamp
+ int getType() const { return type_; }
+ int getFreshnessSeconds() const { return freshnessSeconds_; }
+ const std::vector<unsigned char> getFinalBlockID() const { return finalBlockID_; }
+ const KeyLocator &getKeyLocator() const { return keyLocator_; }
+ PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisherPublicKeyDigest_;
+ // TODO: Implement timestamp
+ int type_;
+ int freshnessSeconds_;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> finalBlockID_;
+ KeyLocator keyLocator_;
+class ContentObject {
+ void encode(std::vector<unsigned char> &output, WireFormat &wireFormat) const
+ {
+ wireFormat.encodeContentObject(*this, output);
+ }
+ void encode(std::vector<unsigned char> &output) const
+ {
+ encode(output, BinaryXMLWireFormat::instance());
+ }
+ void decode(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength, WireFormat &wireFormat)
+ {
+ wireFormat.decodeContentObject(*this, input, inputLength);
+ }
+ void decode(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength)
+ {
+ decode(input, inputLength, BinaryXMLWireFormat::instance());
+ }
+ void decode(const std::vector<unsigned char> &input, WireFormat &wireFormat)
+ {
+ decode(&input[0], input.size(), wireFormat);
+ }
+ void decode(const std::vector<unsigned char> &input)
+ {
+ decode(&input[0], input.size());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the contentObjectStruct to point to the values in this interest, without copying any memory.
+ * WARNING: The resulting pointers in contentObjectStruct are invalid after a further use of this object which could reallocate memory.
+ * @param contentObjectStruct a C ndn_ContentObject struct where the name components array is already allocated.
+ */
+ void get(struct ndn_ContentObject &contentObjectStruct) const;
+ /**
+ * Clear this content object, and set the values by copying from the ndn_ContentObject struct.
+ * @param contentObjectStruct a C ndn_ContentObject struct
+ */
+ void set(const struct ndn_ContentObject &contentObjectStruct);
+ const Signature &getSignature() const { return signature_; }
+ const Name &getName() const { return name_; }
+ const SignedInfo &getSignedInfo() const { return signedInfo_; }
+ const std::vector<unsigned char> getContent() const { return content_; }
+ Signature signature_;
+ Name name_;
+ SignedInfo signedInfo_;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> content_;
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/Key.cpp b/ndn-cpp/Key.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45425f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/Key.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include "Key.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+namespace ndn {
+void KeyLocator::get(struct ndn_KeyLocator &keyLocatorStruct) const
+ keyLocatorStruct.type = type_;
+ keyLocatorStruct.keyOrCertificateLength = keyOrCertificate_.size();
+ if (keyOrCertificate_.size() > 0)
+ keyLocatorStruct.keyOrCertificate = (unsigned char *)&keyOrCertificate_[0];
+ else
+ keyLocatorStruct.keyOrCertificate = 0;
+ // TODO: Implement keyName.
+void KeyLocator::set(const struct ndn_KeyLocator &keyLocatorStruct)
+ type_ = keyLocatorStruct.type;
+ setVector(keyOrCertificate_, keyLocatorStruct.keyOrCertificate, keyLocatorStruct.keyOrCertificateLength);
+ // TODO: Implement keyName.
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/Key.hpp b/ndn-cpp/Key.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2f01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/Key.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#ifndef NDN_KEY_HPP
+#define NDN_KEY_HPP
+#include <vector>
+#include "c/Key.h"
+namespace ndn {
+class KeyLocator {
+ KeyLocator()
+ {
+ type_ = (ndn_KeyLocatorType)-1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the keyLocatorStruct to point to the values in this key locator, without copying any memory.
+ * WARNING: The resulting pointers in keyLocatorStruct are invalid after a further use of this object which could reallocate memory.
+ * @param keyLocatorStruct a C ndn_KeyLocator struct where the name components array is already allocated.
+ */
+ void get(struct ndn_KeyLocator &keyLocatorStruct) const;
+ /**
+ * Clear this key locator, and set the values by copying from the ndn_KeyLocator struct.
+ * @param keyLocatorStruct a C ndn_KeyLocator struct
+ */
+ void set(const struct ndn_KeyLocator &keyLocatorStruct);
+ ndn_KeyLocatorType getType() const { return type_; }
+ const std::vector<unsigned char> getKeyOrCertificate() const { return keyOrCertificate_; }
+ // TODO: Implement keyName.
+ ndn_KeyLocatorType type_;
+ std::vector<unsigned char> keyOrCertificate_; /**< used if type_ is ndn_KeyLocatorType_KEY or ndn_KeyLocatorType_CERTIFICATE */
+ // TODO: Implement keyName.
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/c/ContentObject.h b/ndn-cpp/c/ContentObject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d46e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/c/ContentObject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "Name.h"
+#include "PublisherPublicKeyDigest.h"
+#include "Key.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+struct ndn_Signature {
+ unsigned char *digestAlgorithm; /**< pointer to pre-allocated buffer. 0 for none.
+ * If none, default is 2.16.840. (sha-256). */
+ unsigned int digestAlgorithmLength; /**< length of digestAlgorithm. 0 for none */
+ unsigned char *witness; /**< pointer to pre-allocated buffer. 0 for none. */
+ unsigned int witnessLength; /**< length of witness. 0 for none */
+ unsigned char *signature;
+ unsigned int signatureLength;
+static inline void ndn_Signature_init(struct ndn_Signature *self) {
+ self->digestAlgorithm = 0;
+ self->digestAlgorithmLength = 0;
+ self->witness = 0;
+ self->witnessLength = 0;
+ self->signature = 0;
+ self->signatureLength = 0;
+enum {
+ ndn_ContentType_DATA = 0,
+ ndn_ContentType_ENCR = 1,
+ ndn_ContentType_GONE = 2,
+ ndn_ContentType_KEY = 3,
+ ndn_ContentType_LINK = 4,
+ ndn_ContentType_NACK = 5
+struct ndn_SignedInfo {
+ struct ndn_PublisherPublicKeyDigest publisherPublicKeyDigest;
+ // TODO: Implement timestamp
+ int type; /**< default is ndn_ContentType_DATA. -1 for none */
+ int freshnessSeconds; /**< -1 for none */
+ unsigned char *finalBlockID; /**< pointer to pre-allocated buffer. 0 for none */
+ unsigned int finalBlockIDLength; /**< length of finalBlockID. 0 for none */
+ struct ndn_KeyLocator keyLocator;
+ * Initialize the ndn_SignedInfo struct with values for none and the type to the default ndn_ContentType_DATA.
+ * @param self pointer to the ndn_SignedInfo struct.
+ */
+static inline void ndn_SignedInfo_init(struct ndn_SignedInfo *self) {
+ ndn_PublisherPublicKeyDigest_init(&self->publisherPublicKeyDigest);
+ self->type = ndn_ContentType_DATA;
+ self->freshnessSeconds = -1;
+ self->finalBlockID = 0;
+ self->finalBlockIDLength = 0;
+ ndn_KeyLocator_init(&self->keyLocator);
+struct ndn_ContentObject {
+ struct ndn_Signature signature;
+ struct ndn_Name name;
+ struct ndn_SignedInfo signedInfo;
+ unsigned char *content; /**< pointer to the content */
+ unsigned int contentLength; /**< length of content */
+ * Initialize an ndn_ContentObject struct with the pre-allocated nameComponents,
+ * and defaults for all the values.
+ * @param self pointer to the ndn_ContentObject struct
+ * @param nameComponents the pre-allocated array of ndn_NameComponent
+ * @param maxNameComponents the number of elements in the allocated nameComponents array
+ */
+static inline void ndn_ContentObject_init(struct ndn_ContentObject *self, struct ndn_NameComponent *nameComponents, unsigned int maxNameComponents)
+ ndn_Signature_init(&self->signature);
+ ndn_Name_init(&self->name, nameComponents, maxNameComponents);
+ ndn_SignedInfo_init(&self->signedInfo);
+ self->content = 0;
+ self->contentLength = 0;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/c/Key.h b/ndn-cpp/c/Key.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1545a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/c/Key.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#ifndef NDN_KEY_H
+#define NDN_KEY_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum {
+ ndn_KeyLocatorType_KEY = 1,
+ ndn_KeyLocatorType_CERTIFICATE = 2,
+ ndn_KeyLocatorType_KEYNAME = 3
+} ndn_KeyLocatorType;
+struct ndn_KeyLocator {
+ ndn_KeyLocatorType type;
+ unsigned char *keyOrCertificate; /**< if type is ndn_KeyLocatorType_KEY, pointer to the pre-allocated buffer for the key value.
+ if type is ndn_KeyLocatorType_CERTIFICATE, pointer to the pre-allocated buffer for the cetrificate value. */
+ unsigned int keyOrCertificateLength;
+ // TODO: Implement keyName.
+static inline void ndn_KeyLocator_init(struct ndn_KeyLocator *self) {
+ self->type = (ndn_KeyLocatorType)-1;
+ self->keyOrCertificate = 0;
+ self->keyOrCertificateLength = 0;
+ // TODO: Implement keyName.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/c/encoding/BinaryXMLContentObject.h b/ndn-cpp/c/encoding/BinaryXMLContentObject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6444bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn-cpp/c/encoding/BinaryXMLContentObject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * @author: Jeff Thompson
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "../errors.h"
+#include "../ContentObject.h"
+#include "BinaryXMLEncoder.h"
+#include "BinaryXMLDecoder.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ndn_Error ndn_encodeBinaryXMLContentObject(struct ndn_ContentObject *contentObject, struct ndn_BinaryXMLEncoder *encoder);
+ndn_Error ndn_decodeBinaryXMLContentObject(struct ndn_ContentObject *contentObject, struct ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder *decoder);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.cpp b/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.cpp
index f3af9c8..83261de 100644
--- a/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.cpp
+++ b/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
#include <stdexcept>
#include "../c/encoding/BinaryXMLName.h"
#include "../c/encoding/BinaryXMLInterest.h"
+#include "../c/encoding/BinaryXMLContentObject.h"
#include "../Interest.hpp"
+#include "../ContentObject.hpp"
#include "BinaryXMLEncoder.hpp"
#include "../c/encoding/BinaryXMLDecoder.h"
#include "BinaryXMLWireFormat.hpp"
@@ -81,4 +83,35 @@
+void BinaryXMLWireFormat::encodeContentObject(const ContentObject &contentObject, vector<unsigned char> &output)
+ struct ndn_NameComponent nameComponents[100];
+ struct ndn_ContentObject contentObjectStruct;
+ ndn_ContentObject_init
+ (&contentObjectStruct, nameComponents, sizeof(nameComponents) / sizeof(nameComponents[0]));
+ contentObject.get(contentObjectStruct);
+ BinaryXMLEncoder encoder;
+ ndn_encodeBinaryXMLContentObject(&contentObjectStruct, encoder.getEncoder());
+ encoder.appendTo(output);
+void BinaryXMLWireFormat::decodeContentObject(ContentObject &contentObject, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength)
+ struct ndn_NameComponent nameComponents[100];
+ struct ndn_ContentObject contentObjectStruct;
+ ndn_ContentObject_init
+ (&contentObjectStruct, nameComponents, sizeof(nameComponents) / sizeof(nameComponents[0]));
+ struct ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder decoder;
+ ndn_BinaryXMLDecoder_init(&decoder, (unsigned char *)input, inputLength);
+ ndn_Error error;
+ if (error = ndn_decodeBinaryXMLContentObject(&contentObjectStruct, &decoder))
+ throw std::runtime_error(ndn_getErrorString(error));
+ contentObject.set(contentObjectStruct);
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.hpp b/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.hpp
index ad3a88c..a1a5e6a 100644
--- a/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.hpp
+++ b/ndn-cpp/encoding/BinaryXMLWireFormat.hpp
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
virtual void encodeInterest(const Interest &interest, std::vector<unsigned char> &output);
virtual void decodeInterest(Interest &interest, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength);
+ virtual void encodeContentObject(const ContentObject &contentObject, std::vector<unsigned char> &output);
+ virtual void decodeContentObject(ContentObject &contentObject, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength);
static BinaryXMLWireFormat &instance() { return instance_; }
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.cpp b/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.cpp
index 3217fe1..7e784a3 100644
--- a/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.cpp
+++ b/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.cpp
@@ -28,4 +28,13 @@
throw logic_error("unimplemented");
+void WireFormat::encodeContentObject(const ContentObject &contentObject, vector<unsigned char> &output)
+ throw logic_error("unimplemented");
+void WireFormat::decodeContentObject(ContentObject &contentObject, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength)
+ throw logic_error("unimplemented");
diff --git a/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.hpp b/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.hpp
index f09ae22..8458f94 100644
--- a/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.hpp
+++ b/ndn-cpp/encoding/WireFormat.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
class Name;
class Interest;
+class ContentObject;
class WireFormat {
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@
virtual void encodeInterest(const Interest &interest, std::vector<unsigned char> &output);
virtual void decodeInterest(Interest &interest, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength);
- // etc. for each type of object.
+ virtual void encodeContentObject(const ContentObject &contentObject, std::vector<unsigned char> &output);
+ virtual void decodeContentObject(ContentObject &contentObject, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLength);