docs+build: Prepare release of version 0.4.0

Change-Id: Ie5dfb3a1c7674cd426b89721c91ad59327517764
Refs: #3178
diff --git a/docs/RELEASE_NOTES.rst b/docs/RELEASE_NOTES.rst
index aa45854..3103820 100644
--- a/docs/RELEASE_NOTES.rst
+++ b/docs/RELEASE_NOTES.rst
@@ -1,832 +1,4 @@
-.. _Release Notes:
+Release Notes
-ndn-cxx Release Notes
-ndn-cxx version 0.3.4 (changes since version 0.3.3)
-Release date: August 31, 2015
-New features:
-- By default, library is now compiled as a shared library (:issue:`2867`)
-- Specification for the new NDN certificate format. The reference implementation is being
-  developed and will be merged in a future release. (:issue:`2861`)
-- Add new ValidityPeriod abstraction into SignatureInfo (:issue:`2868`)
-- Add new optional AdditionalInfo abstraction for SignatureInfo (:issue:`3058`)
-- Implementation of basic NDNLP2 abstractions (:issue:`2875`, :issue:`2878`,
-  :issue:`2963`, :issue:`2879`)
-- ``Face::registerPrefix`` and ``Face::setInterestFilter`` are now unified with the use
-  of SigningInfo abstraction (:issue:`2932`)
-- New Dispatcher class to simplify server-side implementation of NFD management protocol
-  (:issue:`2107`)
-Improvements and bug fixes:
-- Fix compilation error with Boost 1.59 (:issue:`3128`)
-- Enhance exception throwing with Boost Exception library (:issue:`2997`)
-- Improvements of string helpers (:issue:`3006`)
-- Add API in ``Block`` class to add sub-elements (:issue:`2998`)
-- Add constructor to create sub-elements using the underlying buffer (:issue:`3100`)
-- Fix bug in ``Block::remove``, so it removes all sub-elements of the specified type
-  (:issue:`2998`)
-- Add ability to create ``util::Digest`` object from ``std::istream&`` (:issue:`3022`)
-- The following methods of ``CommandOptions`` class in favor of ``getSigningInfo`` and
-  ``setSigningInfo`` methods (:issue:`2893`):
-  * ``getSigningParamsKind``
-  * ``getSigningIdentity``
-  * ``getSigningCertificate``
-  * ``setSigningDefault``
-  * ``setSigningIdentity``
-  * ``setSigningCertificate``
-  * ``setSigningCertificate``
-- Overloads of ``Face::registerPrefix`` and ``Face::setInterestFilter`` that do not accept
-  SigningInfo parameter (:issue:`2932`)
-Upcoming features (partially implemented in development branches):
-- Introduce new API to simplify security transformations (:issue:`3009`)
-- NDN trust schema as a description of application trust model, which can help automate data
-  and interest packet signing and authentication (:issue:`2829`)
-- Refactored KeyChain abstraction (:issue:`2926`)
-ndn-cxx version 0.3.3 (changes since version 0.3.2)
-Release date: July 1, 2015
-New features:
-- Allow compilation of ndn-cxx as a shared library (:issue:`2243`)
-  In this release, by default, only a static library is compiled.  The next release will change
-  the default behavior to compile only a shared library.
-- Introduce concept of PartialName (:issue:`1962`)
-  Semantically, PartialName abstraction represents an arbitrary sequence of name components,
-  while Name represents an absolute name.  Currently, PartialName is typedef alias to Name, but
-  it can be changed in the future releases.
-- Introduce generalized signing API in KeyChain (:issue:`2871`, :issue:`1705`)
-  A new API in KeyChain introduces a general interface to sign interest and data packets and
-  supply necessary signing information, such as signing identity name, signing key name, or
-  signing certificate name.  In addition, the supplied signing information can include additional
-  information that signer wants to include in the SignatureInfo of the signed packet.
-- Introduce helpers to create SigningInfo for the generalized signing API (:issue:`2922`)
-- Sqlite3Statement utility helper that wraps an SQLite3 statements and provide automatic memory
-  cleanup
-- Introduce PibSqlite3 based on PibImpl (:issue:`2807`)
-- Make public interface of Pib, Identity, and Key as read-only (:issue:`2928`)
-- New encoding block helpers to simplify operations with ``std::string`` (:issue:`2951`):
-  * ``prependStringBlock``
-  * ``makeStringBlock``
-  * ``readString``
-Improvements and bug fixes:
-- Use C++11 lambda expression and smart pointers in Face implementation (:issue:`2112`)
-- Fix compilation failure on OS X 10.10 with cryptopp from MacPorts
-- Update client.conf manpage
-- Change Name::compare to return negative, zero, or positive integer (instead of strictly -1,
-  0, 1) when the first name comes before the other in canonical ordering, is equal, or comes
-  after (:issue:`2445`)
-- IdentityCertificate sets default FreshnessPeriod to 1 hour (:issue:`2872`)
-- Unify TPM creation (:issue:`2722`)
-- Allow negative start index in Name::getSubName method (:issue:`1962`)
-- Improved documentation of PibImpl interfaces (:issue:`2896`, :issue:`2898`)
-- Simplify CommandOptions with SigningInfo (:issue:`2893`)
-- Refactor internal PIT to use scheduled events (:issue:`1372`, :issue:`2518`)
-- Improve structure and documentation of block helpers (:issue:`2951`)
-- Declare all move constructors as ``noexcept`` to ensure move operations are used even when a
-  restrictive move operation (`move_if_noexcept`) is used (e.g., in STL library's containers)
-  (:issue:`2966`)
-- The following ``KeyChain::sign*`` methods, in favor of generalized ``KeyChain::sign(..., SigningInfo)``
-  * ``KeyChain::sign(Packet, Name)``
-  * ``KeyChain::sign(uint8_t*, size_t, Name)``
-  * ``KeyChain::signByIdentity(Packet, Name)``
-  * ``KeyChain::signByIdentity(uint8_t*, size_t, Name)``
-  * ``KeyChain::signWithSha256(Data)``
-  * ``KeyChain::signWithSha256(Interest)``
-- The following encoding block helper functions:
-  * ``nonNegativeIntegerBlock`` (use ``makeNonNegativeIntegerBlock``)
-  * ``prependBooleanBlock`` (use ``prependEmptyBlock``)
-  * ``booleanBlock`` (use ``makeEmptyBlock``)
-  * ``dataBlock`` (use ``makeBinaryBlock``)
-  * ``nestedBlock`` (use ``makeNestedBlock``)
-- The following methods of ``CommandOptions`` class, use ``setSigningInfo()`` instead (:issue:`2893`):
-  * ``CommandOptions::getSigningParamsKind``
-  * ``CommandOptions::getSigningIdentity``
-  * ``CommandOptions::getSigningCertificate``
-  * ``CommandOptions::setSigningDefault``
-  * ``CommandOptions::setSigningIdentity``
-  * ``CommandOptions::setSigningCertificate``
-- Remove SCOPE from Interests and all references to it in the related code (:issue:`2345`)
-- Direct FIB management in Face class (:issue:`2533`)
-  ``Face::register`` and ``Face::setInterestFilter`` methods now only support NFD RIB management
-  protocol.
-  For special needs, FIB management can be implemented using ``nfd::Controller``
-  (``start<FibAddNextHopCommand>``, and ``start<FibRemoveNextHopCommand>``)
-Upcoming features (partially finished in development branches):
-- NDNLPv2 (, :issue:`2520`,
-  :issue:`2879`, :issue:`2763`, :issue:`2883`, :issue:`2841`, :issue:`2866`)
-- New NDN certificate format (:issue:`2861`, :issue:`2868`)
-- NDN trust schema as a description of application trust model, which can help automate data
-  and interest packet signing and authentication (:issue:`2829`)
-- Refactored KeyChain abstraction (:issue:`2926`)
-ndn-cxx version 0.3.2 (changes since version 0.3.1)
-Release date: May 12, 2015
-New features:
-- Add Link abstraction (:issue:`2587`)
-- Add Link and SelectedDelegation fields to the Interest abstraction (:issue:`2587`)
-- Initial implementation of several components for the upcoming PIB feature (:issue:`2451`):
-  * User-facing PIB implementation and implementation-specific PIB interface
-  * In-memory PIB implementation
-  * Define new abstraction for identity, key, and certificate
-Updates and bug fixes:
-- Enable decoding Exclude containing ImplicitSha256DigestComponent (:issue:`2629`)
-- Update waf build system to version 1.8.9 (:issue:`2209`, :issue:`2657`, :issue:`2792`)
-- Avoid duplicating output in IndentedStream (:issue:`2723`)
-- Fix skipping empty name component `(...)` during URI decoding (:issue:`2725`)
-- Enable ability to exclude empty name component (:issue:`2660`)
-- Fix bug with TLV-LENGTH processing in `Block::fromStream` (:issue:`2728`, :issue:`2729`)
-- Disable precompiled headers on OS X with clang < 6.1.0 (:issue:`2804`)
-- `Block::fromBuffer` overloads with output parameter (:issue:`2553`)
-- Delete deprecated Controller functions:
-  * `Controller::start` overloads, except the overload taking CommandOptions
-  * `Controller::Sign` typedef
-  * `Controller::getDefaultCommandTimeout`
-  * `ControlCommand::getPrefix`
-  * `ControlCommand::getRequestName(ControlParameters)`
-  * `Controller::Controller(Face&)`
-ndn-cxx version 0.3.1 (changes since version 0.3.0)
-Release date: March 3, 2015
-New features:
-- **Management**
-  - Add isConnected() in :ndn-cxx:`signal::Connection` and :ndn-cxx:`signal::ScopedConnection`
-    (:issue:`2308`)
-  - Extend :ndn-cxx:`DummyClientFace` to process :ndn-cxx:`LocalControlHeader` (:issue:`2510`)
-  - Add CachingPolicy to :ndn-cxx:`LocalControlHeader` (:issue:`2183`)
-Updates and bug fixes:
-- **Wire encoding**
-  - Refactoring of :ndn-cxx:`EncodingImpl` class template (``EncodingBuffer`` and
-    ``EncodingEstimator``) (:issue:`2494`, :issue:`2490`)
-  - Change :ndn-cxx:`Block::fromBuffer` return type (:issue:`2553`)
-- **Miscellaneous tools**
-  - Mark ``Digest<Hash>::operator==`` as unsuitable in a security sensitive context
-    (:issue:`2395`)
-  - Restrict destruction of Signal from handler (:issue:`2313`)
-- **Documentation**
-  - Correct function names in security library tutorial (:issue:`2474`)
-  - Remind users to reinstall ports after OSX upgrade (:issue:`2284`)
-- **Tests**
-  - Fix global buffer overflow in ``ImplicitSha256Digest`` test case (:issue:`2307`)
-  - Change naming conventions for unit test files and test suite names (:issue:`2497`)
-- **Build**
-  - Explicitly define ``_GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP``, necessary for gcc < 4.8 in some environments
-    (:issue:`2499`)
-- Delete deprecated ``Block(std::istream&)`` constructor (:issue:`2241`)
-- Delete deprecated ``ndn::ptr_lib``, ``ndn::func_lib`` (:issue:`2110`)
-- Delete deprecated ``MetaInfo::TYPE_*`` (:issue:`2170`)
-ndn-cxx version 0.3.0 (changes since version 0.2.0)
-Release date: February 2, 2015
-New features:
-- **Build**
-  + The code now requires C++11.  The minimum supported gcc version is 4.6, as earlier versions
-    do not have proper support for C++11 features.
-- **Base**
-  + Enable detailed version information when built from shallow clone or tarball
-    (:issue:`1915`)
-  + Make default transport configurable (:issue:`2189`)
-  + Add ability to do partial Name comparison (:issue:`2090`)
-- **Security**
-  + Add support for KeyDigest key locator (:issue:`1426`)
-  + Add a method to get KeyDigest from a PublicKey instance (:issue:`1964`)
-  + Add support for KeyChain to sign Interest using SHA256 digest (:issue:`2218`)
-  + Add ``ndnsec-dsk-gen`` tool to generate a pair of Data-Signing-Key (DSK) for the specified
-    identity  (:issue:`2246`)
-  + Pair-up PIB and TPM in KeyChain: PIB remembers the last used TPM type/location, which is
-    used during KeyChain construction (unless overriden) (:issue:`2242`)
-- **Wire encoding**
-  + Add support for application-defined meta information blocks (:issue:`2021`)
-  + Introduce new ``name::Component::is*`` methods to allow checking if the name component
-    follows the specific naming convention without relying on the exception handling
-    (:issue:`2088`)
-  + Add definition of producer-generated NACK (:issue:`2111`)
-  + Add ``std::hash<Name>`` specialization to support ``unordered_map`` container
-    (:issue:`2147`)
-  + Add support for ImplicitSha256DigestComponent (:issue:`1640`)
-  + Allow tagging Interest and Data packets with arbitrary information (:issue:`2336`)
-- **Management**
-  + Support NFD face query operation (:issue:`2085`)
-- **Miscellaneous tools**
-  + Add a new helper to calculate digests over dynamic inputs (:issue:`1934`)
-  + Add DNS resolver helper (:issue:`1918`)
-  + Import and re-license Ethernet and FaceUri classes from NFD codebase, add FaceUri
-    canonization support for ``udp``, ``tcp``, and ``ether`` schemas (:issue:`1994`)
-  + Add per-application in-memory storage with LRU, LFU, and FIFO replacement policies
-    (:issue:`1940`)
-  + Add ability to specialize system and steady clocks (e.g., for unit tests and simulation
-    purposes) (:issue:`2158`)
-  + Expose DummyClientFace as public API
-  + New IndentedStream helper class to simplify writing to streams with the specified indents
-    or prefixes (:issue:`2238`)
-  + New Signal class template as an enhanced version of the deprecated EventEmitter
-    (:issue:`2279`)
-  + New scheduler::ScopedEventId helper to automatically cancel scheduled events upon
-    destruction (:issue:`2442`)
-  + New NetworkMonitor helper to detect network state changes (:issue:`2443`)
-Updates and bug fixes:
-- **Base**
-  + Prevent flags being set for rib/unregister command (:issue:`1945`)
-  + Fix segfault caused by Face::unregisterPrefix when registeredPrefixId does not exist
-  + Add explicit internal KeyChain to Face class.  KeyChain previously existed in the Face as
-    part of NFD controller class.  (:issue:`2039`)
-  + Properly disable assertions in release builds (:issue:`2135`)
-  + Connect to Transport during construction of Face instance (:issue:`2318`)
-- **Wire encoding**
-  + Fix segfault when decoding empty Exclude element (:issue:`1970`)
-  + Provide EqualityComparable concept for Exclude element
-  + Correct Marker in Name::appendVersion() (:issue:`2086`)
-  + Ensure that wire-encoding errors are inherited from ``tlv::Error`` (:issue:`1983`)
-- **Management**
-  + Replace FaceFlags with individual fields in face management data structures (:issue:`1992`)
-  + ``ndn::nfd::Controller`` extended to allow generating ControlCommand for remote prefix
-    registration (:issue:`2039`)
-  + Change ``ForwarderStatus.NfdVersion`` to string (:issue:`2003`)
-- **Security**
-  + Fix ``ndnsec-cert-gen`` to correctly infer prefix before KEY component (:issue:`2052`)
-  + Help message corrections in ``ndnsec-cert-dump``, ``ndnsec-cert-gen``, and
-    ``ndnsec-key-gen`` (:issue:`2052`)
-  + Accept ``--sign-id`` and ``--cert-prefix`` in ``ndnsec-cert-revoke`` (:issue:`2058`)
-  + Changes output format of ``ndnsec-cert-revoke`` to base64 encoding (:issue:`2059`)
-  + Add a new (safer) option to ``ndnsec-cert-gen`` allowing inclusion of additional
-    information blocks into the certificate.  The new ``--signed-info`` parameter makes minimum
-    assumptions, treating text before first space as OID and the rest as the associated string
-    with this OID.
-  + Make Face optional in Validator class (:issue:`2124`)
-  + Display signature information when printing a certificate (:issue:`2196`)
-  + Handle certificate decoding error in validation process (:issue:`2212`)
-  + Fix segmentation fault in ``ndnsec-sign-req`` (:issue:`2211`)
-  + Allow verbose option in ``ndnsec-list`` (:issue:`2197`)
-  + Allow generation of DSK using ``ndnsec-key-gen`` (:issue:`2247`)
-  + Allow ``ndnsec-key-gen`` to generate ECDSA keys (:issue:`2248`)
-  + Fix memory leak in SecPublicInfoSqlite3 (:issue:`2253`)
-  + Properly report status of ``ndnsec-delete`` execution (:issue:`2275`)
-- **Miscellaneous tools**
-  + Fix incorrect tag map in ``tlvdump`` tool
-  + Change to default resolver behavior in util::dns::Resolver (:issue:`2415`)
-- **Documentation**
-  + Update of tutorials and installation instructions
-  + Rename manpage of ``client.conf`` to ``ndn-client.conf`` (:issue:`1967`)
-  + Updated and extended ndn-cxx code style:
-    - add rules for some C++11 constructs
-    - prefer ``BOOST_ASSERT`` and ``static_assert``
-  + Improve example applications (:issue:`1976`)
-- **Tests**
-  + Improve security unit test cases (:issue:`1683`)
-  + Embedding CI build and test running scripts into the repository
-  + Partial unit test coverage for Face class (previously covered only by integration tests)
-    (:issue:`1947`)
-  + Improve stability of unit tests by using UnitTestTime (wall clock independent time)
-    (:issue:`2152`)
-- **Build**
-  + Redesign the way default compiler flags are determined (:issue:`2209`)
-  + Support tools and examples with multiple translation units (:issue:`2344`)
-  + Disable installation of internal headers and headers of the disabled components
-    (:issue:`2266`, and :issue:`2269`)
-  + Enable conditional compilation based on presence of ``getpass()`` function
-- Other minor fixes and corrections
-- ``ndn::ptr_lib`` and ``ndn::func_lib`` namespace aliases
-- The following ``nfd::Controller`` methods:
-  + ``Controller::start`` overloads, except the overload taking ``CommandOptions``
-  + ``Controller::Sign`` typedef
-  + ``Controller::getDefaultCommandTimeout``
-  + ``ControlCommand::getPrefix``
-  + ``ControlCommand::getRequestName(ControlParameters)``
-  + ``Controller::Controller(Face&)``
-- ``MetaInfo::TYPE_*`` constants
-- ``EventEmitter`` is deprecated in favor of ``Signal``
-- FaceFlags APIs (:issue:`1992`)
-- ``ControlCommand::makeCommandInterest`` (:issue:`2008`)
-- namespace ``ndn::Tlv`` (:issue:`2079`)
-- ``shared_ptr<io_service>`` constructor and getter in Face class
-- ``tlv::ConentType`` (typo in the name)
-- ``Selectors::Selectors(int, int, Exclude, int, bool)`` constructor
-- ``Interest::Interest(Name, int, int, Exclude, int, bool, int, time::milliseconds, uint32_t)``
-  constructor
-- ``signature-sha256.hpp`` file
-- unused ``encryption-manager.hpp`` file
-- unused ``openssl`` dependency
-ndn-cxx version 0.2.0 (changes since version 0.1.0)
-Release date: August 25, 2014
-New features:
-- **Base**
-  + The license under which the library is released is changed to **Lesser GNU Public
-    License version 3.0**.
-  + New ways to use incoming Interest dispatching:
-    * New :ndn-cxx:`InterestFilter` abstraction that supports filtering based on name
-      prefixes and regular expressions.
-    * Separated :ndn-cxx:`Face::registerPrefix()` and :ndn-cxx:`Face::setInterestFilter()`
-      methods allow distinct operations of registering with the local NDN forwarder and setting
-      up application-specific ``OnInterest`` call dispatch using InterestFilters.
-  + Add support for new `NDN naming conventions
-    <>`_ (:issue:`1761`)
-- **Security**
-  + Add ``type dir`` :ref:`trust-anchor in ValidatorConfig <validator-conf-trust-anchors>`
-    to add all certificates under the specified directory as trust anchors.
-    The new option also allow periodic reloading trust anchors, allowing dynamic trust
-    models.
-  + Added support for multiple signature types to :ndn-cxx:`PublicKey`,
-    :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfo` abstractions
-  + New :ndn-cxx:`SignatureSha256WithEcdsa` signature type
-  + Updates in :ndn-cxx:`Signature` data structure to reflect changes in `NDN-TLV spec
-    0.1.1 <>`_
-- **Wire encoding**
-  + :ndn-cxx:`Data::getFullName() <getFullName()>` method to get :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet
-    name with implicit digest
-  + New :ndn-cxx:`Name::getSuccessor()` method to get name successor (:issue:`1677`)
-  + New in-wire refreshing of Interest's nonce (:issue:`1758`)
-- **Management**
-  + Support for :ndn-cxx:`ChannelStatus`, :ndn-cxx:`StrategyChoice` datasets
-  + Defining new common Route Origins for NFD RIB management protocol (:issue:`1719`)
-  + New RibEntry and Route data structures for RIB management protocol (:issue:`1764`)
-  + Add support for RIB flags for setInterestFilter and registerPrefix (:issue:`1842`)
-- **Miscellaneous tools**
-  + Introduce :ndn-cxx:`Scheduler::cancelAllEvents` to cancel all previously scheduled events
-    (:issue:`1757`)
-  + Introduce :ndn-cxx:`util::EventEmitter`, :ndn-cxx:`util::NotificationSubscriber`,
-    :ndn-cxx:`util::NotificationStream`, and :ndn-cxx:`nfd::FaceMonitor` utility classes
-  + Introduce :ndn-cxx:`util::SegmentFetcher` helper class to fetch multi-segmented data
-    (:issue:`1879`)
-- **Build**
-  + enabled support of precompiled headers for clang and gcc compilers to speed up compilation
-Updates and bug fixes:
-- **Base**
-  + Serialization of socket write operations (:issue:`1707`)
-  + Enforcing limit on Interest and Data packet size in :ndn-cxx:`Face::expressInterest` and
-    :ndn-cxx:`Face::put` methods (:issue:`1774`)
-  + Cleaning up transport state on communication failure, so Face can try to reconnect
-    in the future.
-  + Fix bug with Face::removePendingInterest (:issue:`1917`)
-- **Wire encoding**
-  + Nonce field is now encoded as 4-byte uint8_t value, as defined by NDN-TLV spec.
-  + Optimized Data packet signing
-    :ndn-cxx:`KeyChain::sign` method now pre-allocates :ndn-cxx:`EncodingBuffer`, requests
-    unsigned portion of :ndn-cxx:`Data` using ``Data::wireEncode(EncodingBuffer, true)``,
-    and then appends the resulting signature and prepends :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet header.
-    This way there is no extra memory allocation after :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet is signed.
-  + Optimized implicit digest calculation in :ndn-cxx:`Interest::matchesData` method
-    (:issue:`1769`)
-- **Management**
-  + Add link-layer byte counts in FaceStatus data structure (:issue:`1765`)
-- **Security**
-  + Allow user to explicitly specify the cert name prefix before 'KEY' component in
-    ``ndnsec-certgen``
-  + ``SignatureSha256`` has been renamed to :ndn-cxx:`DigestSha256` to conform with
-    `NDN-TLV specification <>`_.
-  + Add checking of ``Timestamp`` and ``Nonce`` fields in signed Interest within
-    :ndn-cxx:`ValidatorConfig`
-  + Allow validator customization using hooks:
-    Sub-classes of :ndn-cxx:`Validator` class can use the following hooks to fine-tune the
-    validation process:
-      * :ndn-cxx:`Validator::preCertificateValidation <preCertificateValidation>` to
-        process received certificate before validation.
-      * :ndn-cxx:`Validator::onTimeout <onTimeout>` to process interest timeout
-      * :ndn-cxx:`Validator::afterCheckPolicy <afterCheckPolicy>` to process validation requests.
-  + Fix memory issues in :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfoSqlite3`
-- **Miscellaneous tools**
-  + Redefine method for random number generation: ``random::generateWord*`` and
-    ``random::generateSecureWord*`` to generate cryptographically non-secure (fast) and
-    secure (slow) random numbers.
-- Other minor fixes and corrections
-- ``SignatureSha256`` class, use :ndn-cxx:`DigestSha256` instead.
-- All :ndn-cxx:`Face` constructors that accept ``shared_ptr<io_service>``.
-  Use versions that accept reference to ``io_service`` object.
-- ``Face::ioService`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`Face::getIoService` instead.
-- :ndn-cxx:`Interest` constructor that accepts name, individual selectors, and individual
-  guiders as constructor parameters.
-  Use ``Interest().setX(...).setY(...)`` or use the overload taking ``Selectors``
-- ``name::Component::toEscapedString`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`name::Component::toUri` instead.
-- ``SecPublicInfo::addPublicKey`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfo::addKey` instead.
-- ``Tlv::ConentType`` constant (typo), use ``Tlv::ContentType`` instead.
-- ``CommandInterestGenerator`` and ``CommandInterestValidator`` utility classes.
-  :ndn-cxx:`ValidatorConfig` should be used instead.
-- support of ndnd-tlv (only NFD management protocol is supported now)
-- ``SecPublicInfoMemory`` and ``SecTpmMemory`` classes that were no longer used
-- Removing concept of periodic event from :ndn-cxx:`Scheduler`.
-  In applications, periodic events should be just re-scheduled within the callback for
-  single-shot events.
-ndn-cxx version 0.1.0
-Release date: May 7, 2014
-Version 0.1.0 is the initial release of ndn-cxx, an NDN C++ library with eXperimental
-Originally based on `ndn-cpp library <>`_ the ndn-cxx
-library adopts a slightly different design philosophy (including an extensive use of Boost
-libraries to facilitate development, as well as the use of Crypto++ library to support
-cryptographic operations), and includes a number of extensions that aim to simplify NDN
-application development.
-The current features include:
-- **Base**
-  + Fully asynchronous, event-driven communication model, which is implemented using `Boost.Asio
-    <>`_
-  + Single-threaded, but thread-safe Face operations
-      A single Face object can be safely used in multiple threads to express Interests and
-      publish Data packets
-  + Explicit time management for NDN operations using `Boost.Chrono
-    <>`_
-  + Simplified and extended `NDN API <doxygen/annotated.html>`_
-  + Extensive set of unit-tests based on `Boost.Test framework
-    <>`_
-    - Continuous integration using an in-house installation of Jenkins build bots and the
-      hosted `Travis CI <>`_ continuous
-      integration service compile and verify correctness of the library for each commit
-- **Wire format**
-  + Full support of `NDN-TLV packet format v0.1 <>`_
-  + Pure C++ implementation of wire encoding/decoding with simple access to wire format
-    of all NDN packet abstractions via ``wireEncode`` and ``wireDecode`` methods
-      In many cases, NDN packet abstractions are just "indices" to the wire format
-- **Communication with the forwarder**
-  + Enable connecting to local forwarder via UNIX and TCP transports and to remote
-    forwarders using TCP transport
-  + Full support for communication with `Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon (NFD)
-    <>`_
-    - Full support for `NFD management protocols
-      <>`_ to NFD status
-      information, create and manage NFD Faces, receive NFD Face status change
-      notifications, update StrategyChoice for namespaces, and manage routes in RIB
-    - Support for `LocalControlHeader
-      <>`_ to implement
-      special NDN applications that need low-level control of NDN packet forwarding
-- **Security support**
-  + A set of security primitives to allowing implementation of secure NDN applications in
-    a simplified manner
-    - **KeyChain**: provides simple interfaces of packet signing, and key and certificate
-      management
-    - **ValidatorConfig**: validator that implements trust model defined in a configuration
-      file
-    - **CommandInterestGenerator** and **CommandInterestValidator**: convenient helpers to produce
-      and validate command interests, while preventing potential replay attacks
-  + Several implementations of trusted platform modules to securely manage private keys
-    - **SecTpmOsx**: TPM based on OSX KeyChain (OSX-specific)
-    - **SecTpmFile**: TPM that uses file-based access control to protect keys (cross-platform)
-  + Extensive set of security command-line tools to manage security identities and certificates
-    - Generating private/public keys
-    - Issuing certificates
-    - Exporting/importing identities
-    - Managing default security settings
-- **Miscellaneous tools**
-  + Scheduler to support delayed time operations
-  + NDN regular expressions
-  + Simple config file to alter various aspects of the library
-  + **tlvdump**: a simple tool to visualize TLV-encoded blocks
+.. include:: release-notes/release-notes-0.4.0.rst