security: Reorganizing source code to prepare for support of two version of NDN certificates
This commit also removes unused ndn_digestSha256 function and deprecates
crypto::sha256 in favor of crypto::computeSha256Digest in util/crypto.hpp.
Change-Id: I24ee50ff073a96b868633bdf2cfade412d3605f3
Refs: #3098
diff --git a/tools/ndnsec/export.hpp b/tools/ndnsec/export.hpp
index 62933b8..cd0c786 100644
--- a/tools/ndnsec/export.hpp
+++ b/tools/ndnsec/export.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Regents of the University of California.
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
@@ -49,31 +49,27 @@
p.add("identity", 1);
po::variables_map vm;
- try
- {
- po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(description).positional(p).run(),
- vm);
- po::notify(vm);
- }
- catch (const std::exception& e)
- {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
- std::cerr << description << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
+ try {
+ po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(description).positional(p).run(),
+ vm);
+ po::notify(vm);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << description << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
- if (vm.count("help") != 0)
- {
- std::cerr << description << std::endl;
- return 0;
- }
+ if (vm.count("help") != 0) {
+ std::cerr << description << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
- if (vm.count("identity") == 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: identity must be specified" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << description << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
+ if (vm.count("identity") == 0) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: identity must be specified" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << description << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
if (vm.count("private") != 0)
isPrivateExport = true;
@@ -82,54 +78,48 @@
output = "-";
Name identity(identityStr);
- if (!isPrivateExport)
- {
+ if (!isPrivateExport) {
+ KeyChain keyChain;
+ shared_ptr<security::v1::IdentityCertificate> cert
+ = keyChain.getCertificate(keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(identity));
+ if (output == "-")
+ io::save(*cert, std::cout);
+ else
+ io::save(*cert, output);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ Block wire;
+ try {
KeyChain keyChain;
- shared_ptr<IdentityCertificate> cert
- = keyChain.getCertificate(keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(identity));
- if (output == "-")
- io::save(*cert, std::cout);
- else
- io::save(*cert, output);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- Block wire;
- try
- {
- KeyChain keyChain;
- int count = 3;
- while (!getPassword(exportPassword, "Passphrase for the private key: "))
- {
- count--;
- if (count <= 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid password" << std::endl;
- memset(const_cast<char*>(exportPassword.c_str()), 0, exportPassword.size());
- return 1;
- }
- }
- shared_ptr<SecuredBag> securedBag = keyChain.exportIdentity(identity, exportPassword);
- memset(const_cast<char*>(exportPassword.c_str()), 0, exportPassword.size());
- if (output == "-")
- io::save(*securedBag, std::cout);
- else
- io::save(*securedBag, output);
- return 0;
- }
- catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
- {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ int count = 3;
+ while (!getPassword(exportPassword, "Passphrase for the private key: ")) {
+ count--;
+ if (count <= 0) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: invalid password" << std::endl;
memset(const_cast<char*>(exportPassword.c_str()), 0, exportPassword.size());
return 1;
+ }
+ shared_ptr<SecuredBag> securedBag = keyChain.exportIdentity(identity, exportPassword);
+ memset(const_cast<char*>(exportPassword.c_str()), 0, exportPassword.size());
+ if (output == "-")
+ io::save(*securedBag, std::cout);
+ else
+ io::save(*securedBag, output);
+ return 0;
+ catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
+ memset(const_cast<char*>(exportPassword.c_str()), 0, exportPassword.size());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }