src: Refactoring common.hpp and minimizing exposed includes
Face class has relatively large rewrite to hide internals using
Implementor pattern. As of this commit, <boost/asio.hpp> is not
automatically included whenever ndn-cxx/face.hpp is included. If it is
needed to directly work with io_service, asio.hpp should be specifically
Change-Id: Ie742b851025b4e3da634eb981319df0f42937855
diff --git a/src/detail/face-impl.hpp b/src/detail/face-impl.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f9dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/detail/face-impl.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Regents of the University of California.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
+ * See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
+ *
+ * This file licensed under New BSD License. See COPYING for detailed information about
+ * ndn-cxx library copyright, permissions, and redistribution restrictions.
+ */
+#include "../common.hpp"
+#include "../face.hpp"
+#include "registered-prefix.hpp"
+#include "pending-interest.hpp"
+#include "../util/scheduler.hpp"
+#include "../util/config-file.hpp"
+#include "transport/transport.hpp"
+#include "transport/unix-transport.hpp"
+#include "transport/tcp-transport.hpp"
+#include "management/nfd-controller.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+class Face::Impl : noncopyable
+ typedef std::list<shared_ptr<PendingInterest> > PendingInterestTable;
+ typedef std::list<shared_ptr<InterestFilterRecord> > InterestFilterTable;
+ typedef std::list<shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> > RegisteredPrefixTable;
+ explicit
+ Impl(Face& face)
+ : m_face(face)
+ {
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void
+ satisfyPendingInterests(Data& data)
+ {
+ for (PendingInterestTable::iterator i = m_pendingInterestTable.begin();
+ i != m_pendingInterestTable.end();
+ )
+ {
+ if ((*i)->getInterest()->matchesData(data))
+ {
+ // Copy pointers to the objects and remove the PIT entry before calling the callback.
+ OnData onData = (*i)->getOnData();
+ shared_ptr<const Interest> interest = (*i)->getInterest();
+ PendingInterestTable::iterator next = i;
+ ++next;
+ m_pendingInterestTable.erase(i);
+ i = next;
+ if (static_cast<bool>(onData)) {
+ onData(*interest, data);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ processInterestFilters(Interest& interest)
+ {
+ for (InterestFilterTable::iterator i = m_interestFilterTable.begin();
+ i != m_interestFilterTable.end();
+ ++i)
+ {
+ if ((*i)->doesMatch(interest.getName()))
+ {
+ (**i)(interest);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void
+ asyncExpressInterest(const shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest,
+ const OnData& onData, const OnTimeout& onTimeout)
+ {
+ if (!m_face.m_transport->isExpectingData())
+ m_face.m_transport->resume();
+ m_pendingInterestTable.push_back(make_shared<PendingInterest>(interest, onData, onTimeout));
+ if (!interest->getLocalControlHeader().empty(false, true))
+ {
+ // encode only NextHopFaceId towards the forwarder
+ m_face.m_transport->send(interest->getLocalControlHeader()
+ .wireEncode(*interest, false, true),
+ interest->wireEncode());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_face.m_transport->send(interest->wireEncode());
+ }
+ if (!m_pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive) {
+ m_pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive = true;
+ m_pitTimeoutCheckTimer->expires_from_now(time::milliseconds(100));
+ m_pitTimeoutCheckTimer->async_wait(bind(&Impl::checkPitExpire, this));
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ asyncRemovePendingInterest(const PendingInterestId* pendingInterestId)
+ {
+ m_pendingInterestTable.remove_if(MatchPendingInterestId(pendingInterestId));
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void
+ asyncSetInterestFilter(const shared_ptr<InterestFilterRecord>& interestFilterRecord)
+ {
+ m_interestFilterTable.push_back(interestFilterRecord);
+ }
+ void
+ asyncUnsetInterestFilter(const InterestFilterId* interestFilterId)
+ {
+ InterestFilterTable::iterator i = std::find_if(m_interestFilterTable.begin(),
+ m_interestFilterTable.end(),
+ MatchInterestFilterId(interestFilterId));
+ if (i != m_interestFilterTable.end())
+ {
+ m_interestFilterTable.erase(i);
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<class SignatureGenerator>
+ const RegisteredPrefixId*
+ registerPrefix(const Name& prefix,
+ const shared_ptr<InterestFilterRecord>& filter,
+ const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
+ const RegisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure,
+ const SignatureGenerator& signatureGenerator)
+ {
+ using namespace nfd;
+ typedef void (nfd::Controller::*Registrator)
+ (const nfd::ControlParameters&,
+ const nfd::Controller::CommandSucceedCallback&,
+ const nfd::Controller::CommandFailCallback&,
+ const SignatureGenerator&,
+ const time::milliseconds&);
+ Registrator registrator, unregistrator;
+ if (!m_face.m_isDirectNfdFibManagementRequested) {
+ registrator = static_cast<Registrator>(&Controller::start<RibRegisterCommand>);
+ unregistrator = static_cast<Registrator>(&Controller::start<RibUnregisterCommand>);
+ }
+ else {
+ registrator = static_cast<Registrator>(&Controller::start<FibAddNextHopCommand>);
+ unregistrator = static_cast<Registrator>(&Controller::start<FibRemoveNextHopCommand>);
+ }
+ ControlParameters parameters;
+ parameters.setName(prefix);
+ RegisteredPrefix::Unregistrator bindedUnregistrator =
+ bind(unregistrator, m_face.m_nfdController, parameters, _1, _2,
+ signatureGenerator,
+ m_face.m_nfdController->getDefaultCommandTimeout());
+ shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix> prefixToRegister =
+ ndn::make_shared<RegisteredPrefix>(prefix, filter, bindedUnregistrator);
+ ((*m_face.m_nfdController).*registrator)(parameters,
+ bind(&Impl::afterPrefixRegistered, this,
+ prefixToRegister, onSuccess),
+ bind(onFailure, prefixToRegister->getPrefix(), _2),
+ signatureGenerator,
+ m_face.m_nfdController->getDefaultCommandTimeout());
+ return reinterpret_cast<const RegisteredPrefixId*>(prefixToRegister.get());
+ }
+ void
+ afterPrefixRegistered(const shared_ptr<RegisteredPrefix>& registeredPrefix,
+ const RegisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess)
+ {
+ m_registeredPrefixTable.push_back(registeredPrefix);
+ if (static_cast<bool>(registeredPrefix->getFilter())) {
+ // it was a combined operation
+ m_interestFilterTable.push_back(registeredPrefix->getFilter());
+ }
+ if (static_cast<bool>(onSuccess)) {
+ onSuccess(registeredPrefix->getPrefix());
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ asyncUnregisterPrefix(const RegisteredPrefixId* registeredPrefixId,
+ const UnregisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
+ const UnregisterPrefixFailureCallback& onFailure)
+ {
+ RegisteredPrefixTable::iterator i = std::find_if(m_registeredPrefixTable.begin(),
+ m_registeredPrefixTable.end(),
+ MatchRegisteredPrefixId(registeredPrefixId));
+ if (i != m_registeredPrefixTable.end())
+ {
+ const shared_ptr<InterestFilterRecord>& filter = (*i)->getFilter();
+ if (static_cast<bool>(filter))
+ {
+ // it was a combined operation
+ m_interestFilterTable.remove(filter);
+ }
+ (*i)->unregister(bind(&Impl::finalizeUnregisterPrefix, this, i, onSuccess),
+ bind(onFailure, _2));
+ }
+ else
+ onFailure("Unrecognized PrefixId");
+ // there cannot be two registered prefixes with the same id
+ }
+ void
+ finalizeUnregisterPrefix(RegisteredPrefixTable::iterator item,
+ const UnregisterPrefixSuccessCallback& onSuccess)
+ {
+ m_registeredPrefixTable.erase(item);
+ if (!m_pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive && m_registeredPrefixTable.empty())
+ {
+ m_face.m_transport->pause();
+ if (!m_ioServiceWork) {
+ m_processEventsTimeoutTimer->cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ onSuccess();
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ void
+ checkPitExpire()
+ {
+ // Check for PIT entry timeouts.
+ time::steady_clock::TimePoint now = time::steady_clock::now();
+ PendingInterestTable::iterator i = m_pendingInterestTable.begin();
+ while (i != m_pendingInterestTable.end())
+ {
+ if ((*i)->isTimedOut(now))
+ {
+ // Save the PendingInterest and remove it from the PIT. Then call the callback.
+ shared_ptr<PendingInterest> pendingInterest = *i;
+ i = m_pendingInterestTable.erase(i);
+ pendingInterest->callTimeout();
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (!m_pendingInterestTable.empty()) {
+ m_pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive = true;
+ m_pitTimeoutCheckTimer->expires_from_now(time::milliseconds(100));
+ m_pitTimeoutCheckTimer->async_wait(bind(&Impl::checkPitExpire, this));
+ }
+ else {
+ m_pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive = false;
+ if (m_registeredPrefixTable.empty()) {
+ m_face.m_transport->pause();
+ if (!m_ioServiceWork) {
+ m_processEventsTimeoutTimer->cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Face& m_face;
+ PendingInterestTable m_pendingInterestTable;
+ InterestFilterTable m_interestFilterTable;
+ RegisteredPrefixTable m_registeredPrefixTable;
+ ConfigFile m_config;
+ shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> m_ioServiceWork; // if thread needs to be preserved
+ shared_ptr<monotonic_deadline_timer> m_pitTimeoutCheckTimer;
+ bool m_pitTimeoutCheckTimerActive;
+ shared_ptr<monotonic_deadline_timer> m_processEventsTimeoutTimer;
+ friend class Face;
+} // namespace ndn