security: Include timestamp and nonce in signed interest and provide timestamp checking in ValidatorConf

Change-Id: I0adebd5c06b2d8d35ba13c5c03828b03334b7cec
Refs: #1642
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/util/test-command-interest.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/util/test-command-interest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7f3f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/util/test-command-interest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
+ * General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file.  If not, see
+ * <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "util/command-interest-generator.hpp"
+#include "util/command-interest-validator.hpp"
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+class CommandInterestFixture
+  CommandInterestFixture()
+    : m_validity(false)
+  {
+  }
+  void
+  validated(const shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest)
+  {
+    m_validity = true;
+  }
+  void
+  validationFailed(const shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest, const std::string& failureInfo)
+  {
+    m_validity = false;
+  }
+  void
+  reset()
+  {
+    m_validity = false;
+  }
+  bool m_validity;
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(CommandInterest, CommandInterestFixture)
+  KeyChain keyChain;
+  Name identity("/TestCommandInterest/Validation");
+  identity.appendVersion();
+  Name certName;
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(certName = keyChain.createIdentity(identity));
+  CommandInterestGenerator generator;
+  CommandInterestValidator validator;
+  validator.addInterestRule("^<TestCommandInterest><Validation>",
+                            *keyChain.getCertificate(certName));
+  //Test a legitimate command
+  shared_ptr<Interest> commandInterest1 =
+    make_shared<Interest>("/TestCommandInterest/Validation/Command1");
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*commandInterest1, identity);
+  validator.validate(*commandInterest1,
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validated, this, _1),
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validationFailed, this, _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_validity, true);
+  //Test an outdated command
+  reset();
+  shared_ptr<Interest> commandInterest2 =
+    make_shared<Interest>("/TestCommandInterest/Validation/Command2");
+  keyChain.signByIdentity(*commandInterest2, identity);
+  sleep(1);
+  shared_ptr<Interest> commandInterest21 =
+    make_shared<Interest>("/TestCommandInterest/Validation/Command3");
+  keyChain.signByIdentity(*commandInterest21, identity);
+  reset();
+  validator.validate(*commandInterest21,
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validated, this, _1),
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validationFailed, this, _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_validity, true);
+  reset();
+  validator.validate(*commandInterest2,
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validated, this, _1),
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validationFailed, this, _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_validity, false);
+  //Test an unauthorized command
+  Name identity2("/TestCommandInterest/Validation2");
+  Name certName2;
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(certName2 = keyChain.createIdentity(identity2));
+  shared_ptr<Interest> commandInterest3 =
+    make_shared<Interest>("/TestCommandInterest/Validation/Command3");
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*commandInterest3, identity2);
+  validator.validate(*commandInterest3,
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validated, this, _1),
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validationFailed, this, _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_validity, false);
+  //Test another unauthorized command
+  shared_ptr<Interest> commandInterest4 =
+    make_shared<Interest>("/TestCommandInterest/Validation2/Command");
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*commandInterest4, identity);
+  validator.validate(*commandInterest4,
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validated, this, _1),
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validationFailed, this, _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_validity, false);
+  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(keyChain.deleteIdentity(identity));
+  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(keyChain.deleteIdentity(identity2));
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(Exemption, CommandInterestFixture)
+  KeyChain keyChain;
+  Name identity("/TestCommandInterest/AnyKey");
+  Name certName;
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(certName = keyChain.createIdentity(identity));
+  CommandInterestGenerator generator;
+  CommandInterestValidator validator;
+  validator.addInterestBypassRule("^<TestCommandInterest><Exemption>");
+  //Test a legitimate command
+  shared_ptr<Interest> commandInterest1 =
+    make_shared<Interest>("/TestCommandInterest/Exemption/Command1");
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*commandInterest1, identity);
+  validator.validate(*commandInterest1,
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validated, this, _1),
+                     bind(&CommandInterestFixture::validationFailed, this, _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_validity, true);
+  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(keyChain.deleteIdentity(identity));