mgmt: Add router name configuration options

refs: #3026

Change-Id: I44250476e7e7f25cbc2b40d6a59f64b55872b24a
diff --git a/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.cpp b/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.cpp
index 02f45e8..4064548 100644
--- a/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.cpp
+++ b/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,67 @@
+const ndn::Name
+RouterName::getName() const
+  ndn::Name routerName;
+  if (network.empty() || site.empty() || router.empty())
+    {
+      return routerName;
+    }
+  routerName = network;
+  routerName.append(site);
+  routerName.append(ROUTER_MARKER);
+  routerName.append(router);
+  return routerName;
+const ndn::PartialName RouterName::ROUTER_MARKER("%C1.Router");
+static RouterName&
+  static RouterName routerName;
+  return routerName;
+loadPartialNameFromSection(const ConfigSection& section, const std::string& key)
+  ndn::PartialName value;
+  try
+    {
+      value = section.get<ndn::PartialName>(key);
+      if (value.empty())
+        {
+          throw ConfigFile::Error("Invalid value for \"router_name." + key + "\""
+                                  " in \"general\" section");
+        }
+    }
+  catch (const boost::property_tree::ptree_error& error)
+    {
+      throw ConfigFile::Error("Invalid value for \"router_name." + key + "\""
+                              " in \"general\" section");
+    }
+  return value;
+processSectionRouterName(const ConfigSection& section, bool isDryRun)
+  RouterName& routerName = getRouterNameInstance();
+ = loadPartialNameFromSection(section, "network");
+ = loadPartialNameFromSection(section, "site");
+  routerName.router = loadPartialNameFromSection(section, "router");
 static void
 onConfig(const ConfigSection& configSection,
          bool isDryRun,
@@ -44,6 +105,13 @@
   // {
   //    ; user "ndn-user"
   //    ; group "ndn-user"
+  //
+  //    ; router_name
+  //    ; {
+  //    ;   network ndn
+  //    ;   site    edu/site
+  //    ;   router  router/name
+  //    ; }
   // }
   std::string user;
@@ -93,6 +161,14 @@
   NFD_LOG_TRACE("using user \"" << user << "\" group \"" << group << "\"");
   PrivilegeHelper::initialize(user, group);
+  boost::optional<const ConfigSection&> routerNameSection =
+    configSection.get_child_optional("router_name");
+  if (routerNameSection)
+    {
+      processSectionRouterName(*routerNameSection, isDryRun);
+    }
@@ -101,6 +177,12 @@
   configFile.addSectionHandler("general", &onConfig);
+const RouterName&
+  return getRouterNameInstance();
 } // namespace general
 } // namespace nfd
diff --git a/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.hpp b/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.hpp
index 6ce5473..e86abd2 100644
--- a/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.hpp
+++ b/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.hpp
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+#include <ndn-cxx/name.hpp>
 namespace nfd {
 class ConfigFile;
@@ -34,6 +36,33 @@
 setConfigFile(ConfigFile& configFile);
+class RouterName
+  /**
+   * \brief Return the router name constructed from the network, site, and
+   *        router variables.
+   *
+   *        The router name is constructed in the following manner:
+   *        /<network>/<site>/<ROUTER_MARKER>/<router>
+   *
+   * \return The constructed router name if the network, site, and router
+   *         configuration options are non-empty; otherwise, an empty ndn::Name.
+   */
+  const ndn::Name
+  getName() const;
+  ndn::PartialName network;
+  ndn::PartialName site;
+  ndn::PartialName router;
+  static const ndn::PartialName ROUTER_MARKER;
+const RouterName&
 } // namespace general
 } // namespace nfd
diff --git a/ b/
index fa229b4..bb4d839 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@
   ; user ndn-user
   ; group ndn-user
+  ; The router_name section specifies the name components used
+  ; to build this router's name. The router name is constructed
+  ; using the configuration options in the following manner:
+  ;   /<network>/<site>/<%C1.Router>/<router>
+  ; router_name
+  ; {
+  ;   network ndn ; the network to which this router belongs
+  ;   site    edu/site ; the site to which this router belongs
+  ;   router  router/name ; name used to uniquely identify this router under the site
+  ; }
diff --git a/tests/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.t.cpp b/tests/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.t.cpp
index 83063b9..ed52046 100644
--- a/tests/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.t.cpp
+++ b/tests/daemon/mgmt/general-config-section.t.cpp
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
   BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(getRouterName().getName().empty());
@@ -144,6 +146,159 @@
                           bind(&checkExceptionMessage, _1, expected));
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "general\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  router_name\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    network ndn\n"
+    "    site    edu/site\n"
+    "    router  router/name\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile configFile;
+  general::setConfigFile(configFile);
+  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRouterName().network, ndn::PartialName("ndn"));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRouterName().site, ndn::PartialName("edu/site"));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRouterName().router, ndn::PartialName("router/name"));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRouterName().getName(), ndn::Name("/ndn/edu/site/%C1.Router/router/name"));
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "general\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  router_name\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    site    edu/site\n"
+    "    router  router/name\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile configFile;
+  general::setConfigFile(configFile);
+  const std::string expected = "Invalid value for \"\" in \"general\" section";
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"),
+                          ConfigFile::Error,
+                          bind(&checkExceptionMessage, _1, expected));
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "general\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  router_name\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    network ndn\n"
+    "    router  router/name\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile configFile;
+  general::setConfigFile(configFile);
+  const std::string expected = "Invalid value for \"\" in \"general\" section";
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"),
+                          ConfigFile::Error,
+                          bind(&checkExceptionMessage, _1, expected));
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "general\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  router_name\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    network ndn\n"
+    "    site    edu/site\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile configFile;
+  general::setConfigFile(configFile);
+  const std::string expected = "Invalid value for \"router_name.router\" in \"general\" section";
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"),
+                          ConfigFile::Error,
+                          bind(&checkExceptionMessage, _1, expected));
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "general\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  router_name\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    network\n"
+    "    site    edu/site\n"
+    "    router  router/name\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile configFile;
+  general::setConfigFile(configFile);
+  const std::string expected = "Invalid value for \"\" in \"general\" section";
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"),
+                          ConfigFile::Error,
+                          bind(&checkExceptionMessage, _1, expected));
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "general\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  router_name\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    network ndn\n"
+    "    site\n"
+    "    router  router/name\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile configFile;
+  general::setConfigFile(configFile);
+  const std::string expected = "Invalid value for \"\" in \"general\" section";
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"),
+                          ConfigFile::Error,
+                          bind(&checkExceptionMessage, _1, expected));
+  const std::string CONFIG =
+    "general\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  router_name\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    network ndn\n"
+    "    site    edu/site\n"
+    "    router\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile configFile;
+  general::setConfigFile(configFile);
+  const std::string expected = "Invalid value for \"router_name.router\" in \"general\" section";
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(configFile.parse(CONFIG, true, "test-general-config-section"),
+                          ConfigFile::Error,
+                          bind(&checkExceptionMessage, _1, expected));
 } // namespace tests