rib: Separate trust models for `/localhost` and `/localhop` RIB management commands
Change-Id: I10fd9a1c8a2e0e572ea28f6e97d57b0b5b9750c8
Refs: #1557
Refs: #1558
diff --git a/nfd.conf.sample.in b/nfd.conf.sample.in
index 8c48743..74d4333 100644
--- a/nfd.conf.sample.in
+++ b/nfd.conf.sample.in
@@ -162,76 +162,90 @@
; }
- ; This section defines the trust model for NFD RIB Management. It consists of rules and
- ; trust-anchors, which are briefly defined in this file. For more information refer to
- ; manpage of ndn-validator.conf:
- ;
- ; man ndn-validator.conf
- ;
- ; A trust-anchor is a pre-trusted certificate. This can be any certificate that is the
- ; root of certification chain (e.g., NDN testbed root certificate) or an existing
- ; default system certificate `default.ndncert`.
- ;
- ; A rule defines conditions a valid packet MUST have. A packet must satisfy one of the
- ; rules defined here. A rule can be broken into two parts: matching & checking. A packet
- ; will be matched against rules from the first to the last until a matched rule is
- ; encountered. The matched rule will be used to check the packet. If a packet does not
- ; match any rule, it will be treated as invalid. The matching part of a rule consists
- ; of `for` and `filter` sections. They collectively define which packets can be checked
- ; with this rule. `for` defines packet type (data or interest) and `filter` defines
- ; conditions on other properties of a packet. Right now, you can only define conditions
- ; on packet name, and you can only specify ONLY ONE filter for packet name. The
- ; checking part of a rule consists of `checker`, which defines the conditions that a
- ; VALID packet MUST have. See comments in checker section for more details.
+ ; The following localhost_security allows anyone to register routing entries in local RIB
+ localhost_security
+ {
+ trust-anchor
+ {
+ type any
+ }
+ }
- rule
- {
- id "NRD Prefix Registration Command Rule"
- for interest ; rule for Interests (to validate CommandInterests)
- filter
- {
- type name ; condition on interest name (w/o signature)
- regex ^[<localhop><localhost>]<nfd><rib>[<register><unregister>]<>{3}$
- }
- checker
- {
- type customized
- sig-type rsa-sha256 ; interest must have a rsa-sha256 signature
- key-locator
- {
- type name ; key locator must be the certificate name of
- ; the signing key
- regex ^[^<KEY>]*<KEY><>*<ksk-.*><ID-CERT>$
- }
- }
- }
- rule
- {
- id "NDN Testbed Hierarchy Rule"
- for data ; rule for Data (to validate NDN certificates)
- filter
- {
- type name ; condition on data name
- regex ^[^<KEY>]*<KEY><>*<ksk-.*><ID-CERT><>$
- }
- checker
- {
- type hierarchical ; the certificate name of the signing key and
- ; the data name must follow the hierarchical model
- sig-type rsa-sha256 ; data must have a rsa-sha256 signature
- }
- }
- trust-anchor
- {
- type file
- file-name keys/default.ndncert ; the file name, by default this file should be placed in the
- ; same folder as this config file.
- }
- ; trust-anchor ; Can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple trust anchors
+ ; localhop_security should be enabled when NFD runs on a hub.
+ ; "/localhop/nfd/fib" command prefix will be disabled when localhop_security section is missing.
+ ; localhop_security
; {
- ; type file
- ; file-name keys/ndn-testbed.ndncert
+ ; ; This section defines the trust model for NFD RIB Management. It consists of rules and
+ ; ; trust-anchors, which are briefly defined in this file. For more information refer to
+ ; ; manpage of ndn-validator.conf:
+ ; ;
+ ; ; man ndn-validator.conf
+ ; ;
+ ; ; A trust-anchor is a pre-trusted certificate. This can be any certificate that is the
+ ; ; root of certification chain (e.g., NDN testbed root certificate) or an existing
+ ; ; default system certificate `default.ndncert`.
+ ; ;
+ ; ; A rule defines conditions a valid packet MUST have. A packet must satisfy one of the
+ ; ; rules defined here. A rule can be broken into two parts: matching & checking. A packet
+ ; ; will be matched against rules from the first to the last until a matched rule is
+ ; ; encountered. The matched rule will be used to check the packet. If a packet does not
+ ; ; match any rule, it will be treated as invalid. The matching part of a rule consists
+ ; ; of `for` and `filter` sections. They collectively define which packets can be checked
+ ; ; with this rule. `for` defines packet type (data or interest) and `filter` defines
+ ; ; conditions on other properties of a packet. Right now, you can only define conditions
+ ; ; on packet name, and you can only specify ONLY ONE filter for packet name. The
+ ; ; checking part of a rule consists of `checker`, which defines the conditions that a
+ ; ; VALID packet MUST have. See comments in checker section for more details.
+ ;
+ ; rule
+ ; {
+ ; id "NRD Prefix Registration Command Rule"
+ ; for interest ; rule for Interests (to validate CommandInterests)
+ ; filter
+ ; {
+ ; type name ; condition on interest name (w/o signature)
+ ; regex ^[<localhop><localhost>]<nfd><rib>[<register><unregister>]<>{3}$
+ ; }
+ ; checker
+ ; {
+ ; type customized
+ ; sig-type rsa-sha256 ; interest must have a rsa-sha256 signature
+ ; key-locator
+ ; {
+ ; type name ; key locator must be the certificate name of the
+ ; ; signing key
+ ; regex ^[^<KEY>]*<KEY><>*<ksk-.*><ID-CERT>$
+ ; }
+ ; }
+ ; }
+ ; rule
+ ; {
+ ; id "NDN Testbed Hierarchy Rule"
+ ; for data ; rule for Data (to validate NDN certificates)
+ ; filter
+ ; {
+ ; type name ; condition on data name
+ ; regex ^[^<KEY>]*<KEY><>*<ksk-.*><ID-CERT><>$
+ ; }
+ ; checker
+ ; {
+ ; type hierarchical ; the certificate name of the signing key and
+ ; ; the data name must follow the hierarchical model
+ ; sig-type rsa-sha256 ; data must have a rsa-sha256 signature
+ ; }
+ ; }
+ ; trust-anchor
+ ; {
+ ; type file
+ ; file-name keys/default.ndncert ; the file name, by default this file should be placed in the
+ ; ; same folder as this config file.
+ ; }
+ ; ; trust-anchor ; Can be repeated multiple times to specify multiple trust anchors
+ ; ; {
+ ; ; type file
+ ; ; file-name keys/ndn-testbed.ndncert
+ ; ; }
; }