table: pit::FaceRecord stores Face& instead of shared_ptr

refs #3164

Change-Id: Ib23ab2341a37213fee791f2070f13b76da851d53
diff --git a/daemon/fw/strategy.cpp b/daemon/fw/strategy.cpp
index 2a40517..f645369 100644
--- a/daemon/fw/strategy.cpp
+++ b/daemon/fw/strategy.cpp
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@
   // populate downstreams with all downstreams faces
   std::unordered_set<const Face*> downstreams;
   std::transform(pitEntry->in_begin(), pitEntry->in_end(), std::inserter(downstreams, downstreams.end()),
-                 [] (const pit::InRecord& inR) { return inR.getFace().get(); });
+                 [] (const pit::InRecord& inR) { return &inR.getFace(); });
   // delete excluded faces
-  // .erase in a loop is more efficient than std::set_difference between that requires sorted range
+  // .erase in a loop is more efficient than std::set_difference because that requires sorted range
   for (const Face* exceptFace : exceptFaces) {