Update WebSocket++ to 0.8.1

Change-Id: I185c26a78aaf8ba6edeec935b0b0e3aa6c6c5f4c
diff --git a/.waf-tools/websocket.py b/.waf-tools/websocket.py
index 6b481cf..33a1ff6 100644
--- a/.waf-tools/websocket.py
+++ b/.waf-tools/websocket.py
@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@
     except Errors.WafError as error:
         if isMandatory:
             self.end_msg(str(error), color='RED')
-            Logs.warn('If you are using git NFD repository, checkout websocketpp submodule: ')
+            Logs.warn('If you are using NFD from the git repository, checkout the websocketpp submodule: ')
             Logs.warn('    git submodule update --init')
-            Logs.warn('Otherwise, manually download and extract websocketpp library:')
-            Logs.warn('    mkdir websocketpp')
-            Logs.warn('    curl -L https://github.com/zaphoyd/websocketpp/archive/0.7.0.tar.gz > websocket.tar.gz')
-            Logs.warn('    tar xf websocket.tar.gz -C websocketpp/ --strip 1')
+            Logs.warn('Otherwise, manually download and extract the websocketpp library:')
+            Logs.warn('    mkdir -p websocketpp')
+            Logs.warn('    curl -L https://github.com/zaphoyd/websocketpp/archive/0.8.1.tar.gz > websocketpp.tar.gz')
+            Logs.warn('    tar xf websocketpp.tar.gz -C websocketpp/ --strip 1')
             Logs.warn('Alternatively, WebSocket support can be disabled with --without-websocket')
-            self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+            self.fatal('WebSocket++ not found')