face: implement IPv6 UDP multicast transport

Change-Id: Ib6ab956354dbbba00694c7949fa9ee4639579879
Refs: #4222
diff --git a/daemon/face/multicast-udp-transport.hpp b/daemon/face/multicast-udp-transport.hpp
index e655f4a..ba7bcbe 100644
--- a/daemon/face/multicast-udp-transport.hpp
+++ b/daemon/face/multicast-udp-transport.hpp
@@ -59,14 +59,12 @@
    * \brief Creates a UDP-based transport for multicast communication
-   * \param localEndpoint local endpoint
    * \param multicastGroup multicast group
-   * \param recvSocket socket used to receive packets
+   * \param recvSocket socket used to receive multicast packets
    * \param sendSocket socket used to send to the multicast group
-   * \param linkType either LINK_TYPE_MULTI_ACCESS or LINK_TYPE_AD_HOC
+   * \param linkType either `ndn::nfd::LINK_TYPE_MULTI_ACCESS` or `ndn::nfd::LINK_TYPE_AD_HOC`
-  MulticastUdpTransport(const protocol::endpoint& localEndpoint,
-                        const protocol::endpoint& multicastGroup,
+  MulticastUdpTransport(const protocol::endpoint& multicastGroup,
                         protocol::socket&& recvSocket,
                         protocol::socket&& sendSocket,
                         ndn::nfd::LinkType linkType);
@@ -83,6 +81,7 @@
   static void
   openTxSocket(protocol::socket& sock,
                const protocol::endpoint& localEndpoint,
+               const shared_ptr<const ndn::net::NetworkInterface>& netif = nullptr,
                bool enableLoopback = false);