docs: Prepare release notes for version 0.3.0

Change-Id: If0ae14cbf97ee3d9b92a3467d0b6592c10e66698
Refs: #2462, #2352, #2209
diff --git a/docs/INSTALL.rst b/docs/INSTALL.rst
index e04ee48..3d94d74 100644
--- a/docs/INSTALL.rst
+++ b/docs/INSTALL.rst
@@ -243,6 +243,17 @@
     sudo ./waf install
+Customize Compiler
+To customize compiler, set ``CXX`` environment variable to point to compiler binary and, in
+some case, specify type of the compiler using ``--check-cxx-compiler``.  For example, when
+using clang compiler on Linux system, use the following:
+    CXX=clang++ ./waf configure --check-cxx-compiler=clang++
 Building documentation
@@ -358,10 +369,9 @@
 Sample applications:
--  `Simple examples in ndn-cxx
-   library <>`__.
-   If you have installed ndn-cxx from source, you already have compiled
-   these:
+- `Simple examples in ndn-cxx library <>`_
+   If you have installed ndn-cxx from source, you already have compiled these:
    +  examples/producer
    +  examples/consumer
@@ -370,18 +380,16 @@
    +  tools/ndncatchunks3
    +  tools/ndnputchunks3
--  `Introductory examples of
-   NDN-CCL <>`__
+- `Introductory examples of NDN-CCL
+  <>`_
 Real applications and libraries:
    + `ndn-tlv-ping - Reachability Testing Tool for NDN
-      <>`__
-   +  `ndn-traffic-generator - Traffic Generator For
-      NDN <>`__
-   +  `repo-ng - Next generation of NDN
-      repository <>`__
-   +  `ChronoChat - Multi-user NDN chat
-      application <>`__
-   +  `ChronoSync - Sync library for multiuser realtime applications for
-      NDN <>`__
+     <>`_
+   + `ndn-traffic-generator - Traffic Generator For NDN
+     <>`_
+   + `repo-ng - Next generation of NDN repository <>`_
+   + `ChronoChat - Multi-user NDN chat application <>`_
+   + `ChronoSync - Sync library for multiuser realtime applications for NDN
+     <>`_