rib: change FIB mocking mechanism

Previously, RIB test suites mock FIB updates by invoking RibManager
or Rib's private methods from a callback. In this commit, Rib class
exposes a `mockFibResponse` function variable, so that test cases
can directly specify FibUpdater's response without needing to invoke
private methods. This further allows replacing these private methods
with lambdas.

Also, logic for beginning RibUpdateBatch is abstracted out of control
command handlers, in preparation for PrefixAnnouncement-based RIB
update functions.

refs #4683

Change-Id: I0c95d8daa1458c704c7352a7809e6bed69134642
diff --git a/rib/rib-manager.cpp b/rib/rib-manager.cpp
index 1d9873b..a1707ef 100644
--- a/rib/rib-manager.cpp
+++ b/rib/rib-manager.cpp
@@ -103,40 +103,112 @@
-    ControlParameters()
-      .setFlagBit(ndn::nfd::BIT_LOCAL_FIELDS_ENABLED, true),
-    bind(&RibManager::onEnableLocalFieldsSuccess, this),
-    bind(&RibManager::onEnableLocalFieldsError, this, _1));
+    ControlParameters().setFlagBit(ndn::nfd::BIT_LOCAL_FIELDS_ENABLED, true),
+    [] (const ControlParameters& res) {
+      NFD_LOG_DEBUG("Local fields enabled");
+    },
+    [] (const ControlResponse& res) {
+      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Couldn't enable local fields (" + to_string(res.getCode()) +
+                                  " " + res.getText() + ")"));
+    });
-RibManager::onRibUpdateSuccess(const RibUpdate& update)
+RibManager::beginAddRoute(const Name& name, Route route, optional<time::nanoseconds> expires,
+                          const std::function<void(RibUpdateResult)>& done)
-  NFD_LOG_DEBUG("RIB update succeeded for " << update);
+  if (expires) {
+    if (*expires <= 0_ns) {
+      done(RibUpdateResult::EXPIRED);
+      return;
+    }
+    route.expires = time::steady_clock::now() + *expires;
+  }
+  else if (route.expires) {
+    expires = *route.expires - time::steady_clock::now();
+    if (*expires <= 0_ns) {
+      done(RibUpdateResult::EXPIRED);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  NFD_LOG_INFO("Adding route " << name << " nexthop=" << route.faceId <<
+               " origin=" << route.origin << " cost=" << route.cost);
+  if (expires) {
+    route.setExpirationEvent(scheduler::schedule(
+      *expires, [=] { m_rib.onRouteExpiration(name, route); }));
+    NFD_LOG_TRACE("Scheduled unregistration at: " << *route.expires);
+  }
+  m_registeredFaces.insert(route.faceId);
+  RibUpdate update;
+  update.setAction(RibUpdate::REGISTER)
+        .setName(name)
+        .setRoute(route);
+  beginRibUpdate(update, done);
-RibManager::onRibUpdateFailure(const RibUpdate& update, uint32_t code, const std::string& error)
+RibManager::beginRemoveRoute(const Name& name, const Route& route,
+                             const std::function<void(RibUpdateResult)>& done)
-  NFD_LOG_DEBUG("RIB update failed for " << update << " (code: " << code
-                                                   << ", error: " << error << ")");
+  NFD_LOG_INFO("Removing route " << name << " nexthop=" << route.faceId <<
+               " origin=" << route.origin);
-  // Since the FIB rejected the update, clean up invalid routes
-  scheduleActiveFaceFetch(time::seconds(1));
+  RibUpdate update;
+  update.setAction(RibUpdate::UNREGISTER)
+        .setName(name)
+        .setRoute(route);
+  beginRibUpdate(update, done);
+RibManager::beginRibUpdate(const RibUpdate& update,
+                           const std::function<void(RibUpdateResult)>& done)
+  m_rib.beginApplyUpdate(update,
+    [=] {
+      NFD_LOG_DEBUG("RIB update succeeded for " << update);
+      done(RibUpdateResult::OK);
+    },
+    [=] (uint32_t code, const std::string& error) {
+      NFD_LOG_DEBUG("RIB update failed for " << update << " (" << code << " " << error << ")");
+      // Since the FIB rejected the update, clean up invalid routes
+      scheduleActiveFaceFetch(1_s);
+      done(RibUpdateResult::ERROR);
+    });
 RibManager::registerTopPrefix(const Name& topPrefix)
-  // register entry to the FIB
+  // add FIB nexthop
-    ControlParameters()
-        .setName(Name(topPrefix).append(MGMT_MODULE_NAME))
-        .setFaceId(0),
-    [=] (const auto& res) { this->onCommandPrefixAddNextHopSuccess(topPrefix, res); },
-    [=] (const auto& res) { this->onCommandPrefixAddNextHopError(topPrefix, res); });
+    ControlParameters().setName(Name(topPrefix).append(MGMT_MODULE_NAME))
+                       .setFaceId(0),
+    [=] (const ControlParameters& res) {
+      NFD_LOG_DEBUG("Successfully registered " << topPrefix << " with NFD");
-  // add top prefix to the dispatcher
+      // Routes must be inserted into the RIB so route flags can be applied
+      Route route;
+      route.faceId = res.getFaceId();
+      route.origin = ndn::nfd::ROUTE_ORIGIN_APP;
+      route.flags = ndn::nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT;
+      m_rib.insert(topPrefix, route);
+      m_registeredFaces.insert(route.faceId);
+    },
+    [=] (const ControlResponse& res) {
+      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Cannot add FIB entry " + topPrefix.toUri() + " (" +
+                                  to_string(res.getCode()) + " " + res.getText() + ")"));
+    });
+  // add top prefix to the dispatcher without prefix registration
   m_dispatcher.addTopPrefix(topPrefix, false);
@@ -162,38 +234,13 @@
   route.cost = parameters.getCost();
   route.flags = parameters.getFlags();
+  optional<time::nanoseconds> expires;
   if (parameters.hasExpirationPeriod() &&
       parameters.getExpirationPeriod() != time::milliseconds::max()) {
-    route.expires = time::steady_clock::now() + parameters.getExpirationPeriod();
-    // Schedule a new event, the old one will be cancelled during rib insertion.
-    scheduler::EventId eventId = scheduler::schedule(parameters.getExpirationPeriod(),
-      bind(&Rib::onRouteExpiration, &m_rib, parameters.getName(), route));
-    NFD_LOG_TRACE("Scheduled unregistration at: " << *route.expires <<
-                  " with EventId: " << eventId);
-    // Set the  NewEventId of this entry
-    route.setExpirationEvent(eventId);
-  }
-  else {
-    route.expires = nullopt;
+    expires = time::duration_cast<time::nanoseconds>(parameters.getExpirationPeriod());
-  NFD_LOG_INFO("Adding route " << parameters.getName() << " nexthop=" << route.faceId
-                                                       << " origin=" << route.origin
-                                                       << " cost=" << route.cost);
-  RibUpdate update;
-  update.setAction(RibUpdate::REGISTER)
-        .setName(parameters.getName())
-        .setRoute(route);
-  m_rib.beginApplyUpdate(update,
-                         bind(&RibManager::onRibUpdateSuccess, this, update),
-                         bind(&RibManager::onRibUpdateFailure, this, update, _1, _2));
-  m_registeredFaces.insert(route.faceId);
+  beginAddRoute(parameters.getName(), std::move(route), expires, [] (RibUpdateResult) {});
@@ -210,17 +257,7 @@
   route.faceId = parameters.getFaceId();
   route.origin = parameters.getOrigin();
-  NFD_LOG_INFO("Removing route " << parameters.getName() << " nexthop=" << route.faceId
-                                                         << " origin=" << route.origin);
-  RibUpdate update;
-  update.setAction(RibUpdate::UNREGISTER)
-        .setName(parameters.getName())
-        .setRoute(route);
-  m_rib.beginApplyUpdate(update,
-                         bind(&RibManager::onRibUpdateSuccess, this, update),
-                         bind(&RibManager::onRibUpdateFailure, this, update, _1, _2));
+  beginRemoveRoute(parameters.getName(), route, [] (RibUpdateResult) {});
@@ -348,44 +385,5 @@
-RibManager::onCommandPrefixAddNextHopSuccess(const Name& prefix,
-                                             const ndn::nfd::ControlParameters& result)
-  NFD_LOG_DEBUG("Successfully registered " + prefix.toUri() + " with NFD");
-  // Routes must be inserted into the RIB so route flags can be applied
-  Route route;
-  route.faceId = result.getFaceId();
-  route.origin = ndn::nfd::ROUTE_ORIGIN_APP;
-  route.expires = nullopt;
-  route.flags = ndn::nfd::ROUTE_FLAG_CHILD_INHERIT;
-  m_rib.insert(prefix, route);
-  m_registeredFaces.insert(route.faceId);
-RibManager::onCommandPrefixAddNextHopError(const Name& name,
-                                           const ndn::nfd::ControlResponse& response)
-  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Error in setting interest filter (" + name.toUri() +
-                              "): " + response.getText()));
-  NFD_LOG_DEBUG("Local fields enabled");
-RibManager::onEnableLocalFieldsError(const ndn::nfd::ControlResponse& response)
-  BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Couldn't enable local fields (code: " +
-                              to_string(response.getCode()) + ", info: " + response.getText() + ")"));
 } // namespace rib
 } // namespace nfd