face: enable congestion marking by default on supported faces

refs #4465

Change-Id: Id545f83763f1ba27ba0d770fd4398948d6f20acf
diff --git a/docs/manpages.rst b/docs/manpages.rst
index e2e0582..1e14cbf 100644
--- a/docs/manpages.rst
+++ b/docs/manpages.rst
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+   manpages/nfdc-cs
diff --git a/docs/manpages/nfdc-face.rst b/docs/manpages/nfdc-face.rst
index f31a24f..37c6c06 100644
--- a/docs/manpages/nfdc-face.rst
+++ b/docs/manpages/nfdc-face.rst
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
 Reliability is disabled by default.
 The send queue congestion detection and signaling feature may be explicitly enabled by specifying
 **congestion-marking on** or explicitly disabled by specifying **congestion-marking off**.
-Congestion marking is disabled by default.
+Congestion marking is enabled by default on TCP, UDP, and Unix stream faces and is disabled by
+default on all other face types.
 Parameters for this feature can set with the **congestion-marking-interval** option (specified in
 milliseconds) and the **default-congestion-threshold** option (specified in bytes).
@@ -117,9 +118,12 @@
 nfdc face create remote udp://router.example.net reliability on
     Create a face with the specified remote FaceUri and enable NDNLP reliability.
-nfdc face create remote udp://router.example.net congestion-marking on congestion-marking-interval 100 default-congestion-threshold 65536
-    Create a face with the specified remote FaceUri and enable congestion marking. Set the base
-    congestion marking interval to 100 ms and the default congestion threshold to 65536 bytes.
+nfdc face create remote udp://router.example.net congestion-marking-interval 100 default-congestion-threshold 65536
+    Create a face with the specified remote FaceUri. Set the base congestion marking interval to
+    100 ms and the default congestion threshold to 65536 bytes.
+nfdc face create remote udp://router.example.net congestion-marking off
+    Create a face with the specified remote FaceUri and explicitly disable congestion marking.
 nfdc face destroy 300
     Destroy the face whose FaceId is 300.