face: use IncomingFaceId, NextHopFaceId, CachePolicy tags

This commit replaces all LocalControlHeader usages with these tags,
and deletes LocalFace.

This commit also does minor improvements in RIB test suites.

refs #3339

Change-Id: I14cbfc296a6723a5860bf8bd95d9804d3bac3da5
diff --git a/daemon/mgmt/face-manager.cpp b/daemon/mgmt/face-manager.cpp
index 1bc1701..d773206 100644
--- a/daemon/mgmt/face-manager.cpp
+++ b/daemon/mgmt/face-manager.cpp
@@ -178,11 +178,6 @@
-  if (result.face) {
-    result.face->setLocalControlHeaderFeature(result.feature, true);
-    return done(ControlResponse(200, "OK").setBody(parameters.wireEncode()));
-  }
   // TODO#3226 redesign enable-local-control
   // For now, enable-local-control will enable all local fields in GenericLinkService.
   BOOST_ASSERT(result.lpFace != nullptr);
@@ -209,11 +204,6 @@
-  if (result.face) {
-    result.face->setLocalControlHeaderFeature(result.feature, false);
-    return done(ControlResponse(200, "OK").setBody(parameters.wireEncode()));
-  }
   // TODO#3226 redesign disable-local-control
   // For now, disable-local-control will disable all local fields in GenericLinkService.
   BOOST_ASSERT(result.lpFace != nullptr);
@@ -239,9 +229,15 @@
   result.isValid = false;
   result.lpFace = nullptr;
-  auto face = m_faceTable.get(request.getIncomingFaceId());
+  shared_ptr<lp::IncomingFaceIdTag> incomingFaceIdTag = request.getTag<lp::IncomingFaceIdTag>();
+  // NDNLPv2 says "application MUST be prepared to receive a packet without IncomingFaceId field",
+  // but it's fine to assert IncomingFaceId is available, because InternalFace lives inside NFD
+  // and is initialized synchronously with IncomingFaceId field enabled.
+  BOOST_ASSERT(incomingFaceIdTag != nullptr);
+  auto face = m_faceTable.get(*incomingFaceIdTag);
   if (face == nullptr) {
-    NFD_LOG_DEBUG("FaceId " << request.getIncomingFaceId() << " not found");
+    NFD_LOG_DEBUG("FaceId " << *incomingFaceIdTag << " not found");
     done(ControlResponse(410, "Face not found"));
     return result;
@@ -253,13 +249,10 @@
   result.isValid = true;
-  result.face = dynamic_pointer_cast<LocalFace>(face);
-  if (result.face == nullptr) {
-    auto lpFaceW = dynamic_pointer_cast<face::LpFaceWrapper>(face);
-    BOOST_ASSERT(lpFaceW != nullptr);
-    result.lpFace = lpFaceW->getLpFace();
-  }
-  result.feature = parameters.getLocalControlFeature();
+  auto lpFaceW = dynamic_pointer_cast<face::LpFaceWrapper>(face);
+  // LocalFace is gone, so a face that is local must be an LpFace.
+  BOOST_ASSERT(lpFaceW != nullptr);
+  result.lpFace = lpFaceW->getLpFace();
   return result;