Removing irrelevant examples
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7f52d..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/animation-interface.h"
-#include "../helper/ccnx-trace-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/annotated-topology-reader.h"
-#include "../utils/spring-mobility-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/config-store.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("CcnxAbileneTopology");
-void PrintTime ()
-  NS_LOG_INFO (Simulator::Now ());
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), PrintTime);
-// void PrintFIBs ()
-// {
-//   NS_LOG_INFO ("Outputing FIBs into [fibs.log]");
-//   Ptr<OutputStreamWrapper> routingStream = Create<OutputStreamWrapper> ("fibs.log", std::ios::out);
-//   for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin ();
-//        node != NodeList::End ();
-//        node++)
-//     {
-//       // *routingStream->GetStream () << "Node " << (*node)->GetId () << "\n";
-//       Ptr<CcnxFib> fib = (*node)->GetObject<CcnxFib> ();
-//       NS_ASSERT_MSG (fib != 0, "Fire alarm");
-//       *routingStream->GetStream () << *fib << "\n\n";
-//     }
-// }
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  string input ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/abilene-topology.txt");
-  Time finishTime = Seconds (20.0);
-  string animationFile;
-  string strategy = "ns3::CcnxFloodingStrategy";
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("finish", "Finish time", finishTime);
-  cmd.AddValue ("netanim", "NetAnim filename", animationFile);
-  cmd.AddValue ("strategy", "CCNx forwarding strategy", strategy);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  ConfigStore config;
-  config.ConfigureDefaults ();
-  // ------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -- Read topology data.
-  // --------------------------------------------
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader reader ("/abilene", 2.0);
-  // reader.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::SpringMobilityModel");
-  reader.SetFileName (input);
-  NodeContainer nodes = reader.Read ();
-  if (reader.LinksSize () == 0)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Problems reading the topology file. Failing.");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  // SpringMobilityHelper::InstallSprings (reader.LinksBegin (), reader.LinksEnd ());
-  // InternetStackHelper stack;
-  // Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper ("ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingOrderedNexthops");
-  // stack.SetRoutingHelper (ipv4RoutingHelper);
-  // stack.Install (nodes);
-  // reader.AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address (""));
-  NS_LOG_INFO("Nodes = " << nodes.GetN());
-  NS_LOG_INFO("Links = " << reader.LinksSize ());
-  // Install CCNx stack
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing CCNx stack");
-  CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy (strategy);
-  ccnxHelper.EnableLimits (false, Seconds(0.1));
-  ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing Applications");
-  CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/Data");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("MeanRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  ApplicationContainer consumers = consumerHelper.Install (Names::Find<Node> ("/abilene", "SNVAng"));
-  CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/Data");
-  ApplicationContainer producers = producerHelper.Install (Names::Find<Node> ("/abilene", "NYCMng"));
-  // // Populate FIB based on IPv4 global routing controller
-  // ccnxHelper.InstallFakeGlobalRoutes ();
-  // ccnxHelper.InstallRouteTo (Names::Find<Node> ("/abilene", "IPLSng"));
-  // Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), PrintFIBs);
-  // PrintFIBs ();
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), PrintTime);
-  Simulator::Stop (finishTime);
-  AnimationInterface *anim = 0;
-  if (animationFile != "")
-    {
-      anim = new AnimationInterface (animationFile);
-      anim->SetMobilityPollInterval (Seconds (1));
-    }
-  CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-  traceHelper.EnableAggregateAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr");
-  traceHelper.EnableAggregateAppAll ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-  traceHelper.EnableAggregateL3All ();
-  traceHelper.SetL3TraceFile ("trace-l3.log");
-  traceHelper.SetAppTraceFile ("trace-app.log");
-  config.ConfigureAttributes ();  
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Run Simulation.");
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Done.");
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/abilene-topology.txt b/examples/abilene-topology.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4672859..0000000
--- a/examples/abilene-topology.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#name	city	latitude	longitude
-ATLA-M5	Atlanta_GA	33.750000	-84.383300
-ATLAng	Atlanta_GA	33.850000	-84.483300
-CHINng	Chicago_IL	41.833300	-87.616700
-DNVRng	Denver_CO	40.750000	-105.000000
-HSTNng	Houston_TX	29.770031	-95.517364
-IPLSng	Indianapolis_IN	39.780622	-86.159535
-KSCYng	Kansas_City_MO	38.961694	-96.596704
-LOSAng	Los_Angeles_CA	34.050000	-118.250000
-NYCMng	New_York_NY	40.783300	-73.966700
-SNVAng	Sunnyvale_CA	37.38575	-122.02553
-STTLng	Seattle_WA	47.600000	-122.300000
-WASHng	Washington_DC	38.897303	-77.026842
-#capacity on 4/10/2003 (see page 20 of
-#OSPF weight on 04/10/2003 (see
-#x	y	capacity(kbps)	OSPF
-ATLA-M5	ATLAng	9920000 1
-ATLAng	ATLA-M5	9920000 1
-ATLAng	HSTNng	9920000 1176
-ATLAng	IPLSng	2480000 587
-ATLAng	WASHng	9920000 846
-CHINng	IPLSng	9920000 260
-CHINng	NYCMng	9920000 700
-DNVRng	KSCYng	9920000 639
-DNVRng	SNVAng	9920000 1295
-DNVRng	STTLng	9920000 2095
-HSTNng	ATLAng	9920000 1176
-HSTNng	KSCYng	9920000 902
-HSTNng	LOSAng	9920000 1893
-IPLSng	ATLAng	2480000 587
-IPLSng	CHINng	9920000 260
-IPLSng	KSCYng	9920000 548
-KSCYng	DNVRng	9920000 639
-KSCYng	HSTNng	9920000 902
-KSCYng	IPLSng	9920000 548
-LOSAng	HSTNng	9920000 1893
-LOSAng	SNVAng	9920000 366
-NYCMng	CHINng	9920000 700
-NYCMng	WASHng	9920000 233
-SNVAng	DNVRng	9920000 1295
-SNVAng	LOSAng	9920000 366
-SNVAng	STTLng	9920000 861
-STTLng	DNVRng	9920000 2095
-STTLng	SNVAng	9920000 861
-WASHng	ATLAng	9920000 846
-WASHng	NYCMng	9920000 233
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index d000d57..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include <ctime>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-static-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-list-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/annotated-topology-reader.h"
-#include <list>
-#include "ns3/ccnx.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("AnnotatedTopologyExample");
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // Packet::EnableChecking();
-  // Packet::EnablePrinting();
-  string input ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/simpletopology.txt");
-  // Time finishTime;
-  // string animationFile;
-  string strategy = "ns3::CcnxFloodingStrategy";
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  // cmd.AddValue ("finish", "Finish time", finishTime);
-  // cmd.AddValue ("netanim", "NetAnim filename", animationFile);
-  cmd.AddValue ("strategy", "CCNx forwarding strategy", strategy);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // ------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -- Read topology data.
-  // --------------------------------------------
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader reader;
-  reader.SetFileName (input);
-  NodeContainer nodes = reader.Read ();
-  if (reader.LinksSize () == 0)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Problems reading the topology file. Failing.");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  // ------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -- Create nodes and network stacks
-  // --------------------------------------------
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("creating internet stack");
-  InternetStackHelper stack;
-  Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper ("ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingOrderedNexthops");
-  stack.SetRoutingHelper (ipv4RoutingHelper);
-  stack.Install(nodes);
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Assigning IPv4 addresses");
-  reader.AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address ("")); // will assign metrics
-  Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO("installing ccnx stack");
-  CcnxStackHelper ccnx;
-  ccnx.SetForwardingStrategy (strategy);
-  ccnx.EnableLimits (false);
-  Ptr<CcnxFaceContainer> cf = ccnx.Install (nodes);
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing Applications");
-  CcnxAppHelper helper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr");
-  helper.SetPrefix ("/3");
-  ApplicationContainer app = helper.Install ("1");
-  app.Start (Seconds (1.0));
-  app.Stop (Seconds (1000.05));
-  CcnxAppHelper helper2 ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-  helper2.SetPrefix ("/3");
-  helper2.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  ApplicationContainer app2 = helper2.Install("3");
-  app2.Start(Seconds(0.0));
-  app2.Stop(Seconds(1500.0));
-  // ------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -- Run the simulation
-  // --------------------------------------------
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Run Simulation.");
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (20));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Done.");
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/base-experiment.h b/examples/base-experiment.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b3c052..0000000
--- a/examples/base-experiment.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011,2012 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
- */
-#include "ns3/rocketfuel-topology-reader.h"
-void PrintTime ()
-  cout << "Progress: " << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s" << endl;
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0), PrintTime);
-class BaseExperiment
-  BaseExperiment ()
-    : m_rand (0,52)
-    , reader (0)
-    , m_numNodes (52)
-  { }
-  ~BaseExperiment ()
-  {
-    if (reader != 0) delete reader;
-  }
-  void
-  ConfigureTopology ()
-  {
-    Names::Clear ();
-    cout << "Configure Topology\n";
-    if (reader != 0) delete reader;
-    reader = new RocketfuelWeightsReader ("/sprint");
-    string weights   ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/sprint-pops.weights");
-    string latencies ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/sprint-pops.latencies");
-    string positions ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/sprint-pops.positions");
-    reader->SetFileName (positions);
-    reader->SetFileType (RocketfuelWeightsReader::POSITIONS);
-    reader->Read ();
-    reader->SetFileName (weights);
-    reader->SetFileType (RocketfuelWeightsReader::WEIGHTS);    
-    reader->Read ();
-    reader->SetFileName (latencies);
-    reader->SetFileType (RocketfuelWeightsReader::LATENCIES);    
-    reader->Read ();
-    reader->Commit ();
-  }
-  void InstallCcnxStackImpl ()
-  {
-    InternetStackHelper stack;
-    Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper ("ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingOrderedNexthops");
-    stack.SetRoutingHelper (ipv4RoutingHelper);
-    stack.Install (reader->GetNodes ());
-    reader->AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address (""));
-    // Install CCNx stack
-    cout << "Installing CCNx stack\n";
-    CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-    ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::CcnxBestRouteStrategy");
-    ccnxHelper.EnableLimits (true, Seconds(0.1));
-    ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (false);
-    ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
-    reader->ApplyOspfMetric ();
-  }
-  void InstallCcnxStack (bool installFIBs = true)
-  {
-    InstallCcnxStackImpl ();
-    CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-    ccnxHelper.InstallFakeGlobalRoutes ();
-    if (installFIBs)
-      {
-        // // Populate FIB based on IPv4 global routing controller
-        ccnxHelper.InstallRoutesToAll ();
-      }
-  }
-  void InstallIpStack ()
-  {
-    InternetStackHelper stack;
-    stack.Install (reader->GetNodes ());
-    reader->AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address (""));
-    reader->ApplyOspfMetric ();
-    Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();
-  }
-  void
-  GenerateRandomPairs (uint16_t numStreams)
-  {
-    m_pairs.clear ();
-    // map<uint32_t, set<uint32_t> > streams;
-    m_usedNodes.clear ();
-    uint16_t createdStreams = 0;
-    uint16_t guard = 0;
-    while (createdStreams < numStreams && guard < (numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ()-1))
-      {
-        guard ++;
-        uint32_t node1_num = m_rand.GetValue (); //43;//
-        uint32_t node2_num = m_rand.GetValue (); //38;//
-        if (node1_num == node2_num)
-          continue;
-        if (m_usedNodes.count (node1_num) > 0 ||
-            m_usedNodes.count (node2_num) > 0 )
-          {
-            continue; // don't reuse nodes
-          }
-        m_usedNodes.insert (node1_num);
-        m_usedNodes.insert (node2_num);
-        m_pairs.push_back (make_tuple (node1_num, node2_num));
-        createdStreams ++;
-      }
-  }
-  void
-  SetPair (uint32_t pairId)
-  {
-    m_pairs.clear ();
-    m_usedNodes.clear ();
-    uint32_t i = 0;
-    for (uint32_t node1_num = 0; node1_num < 52; node1_num++)
-      for (uint32_t node2_num = 0; node2_num < 52; node2_num++)
-        {
-          if (node1_num == node2_num) continue;
-          // std::cout << "i = " << i << ", pairId = " << pairId << "\n";
-          if (i++ != pairId) continue;
-          m_usedNodes.insert (node1_num);
-          m_usedNodes.insert (node2_num);
-          m_pairs.push_back (make_tuple (node1_num, node2_num));
-          return;
-        }
-  }
-  void
-  Run (const Time &finishTime)
-  {
-    cout << "Run Simulation.\n";
-    Simulator::Stop (finishTime);
-    Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0), PrintTime);
-    Simulator::Run ();
-    Simulator::Destroy ();
-    cout << "Done.\n";
-  }
-  UniformVariable m_rand;
-  RocketfuelWeightsReader *reader;
-  list<tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t> > m_pairs;
-  set<uint32_t> m_usedNodes;
-  const int m_numNodes;
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index c912ecb..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <list>
-#include <set>
-#include "ns3/rocketfuel-topology-reader.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/dijkstra_shortest_paths.hpp>
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("BlackholeSprint");
-#include "base-experiment.h"
-class Experiment : public BaseExperiment
-  // hijacker is more than an application. just disable all faces
-  static void
-  InstallHijacker (std::string prefix, Ptr<Node> node)
-  {
-    Ptr<Ccnx> ccnx = node->GetObject<Ccnx> ();
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ccnx->GetNFaces (); i++)
-      {
-        Ptr<CcnxFace> face = ccnx->GetFace (i);
-        face->SetUp (false);
-      }
-    CcnxStackHelper::InstallRouteTo (prefix, node);
-  }
-  //We are creating 10 pairs of producer-hijacker and everybody else is a consumer
-  ApplicationContainer
-  AddApplications ()
-  {
-    ApplicationContainer apps;
-    list<string> prefixes;
-    // Create Producers/Hijackers
-    uint32_t pair = 0;
-    for (list<tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t> >::iterator i = m_pairs.begin (); i != m_pairs.end (); i++)
-      {
-        uint32_t node1_num = i->get<0> ();
-        uint32_t node2_num = i->get<1> ();
-        cout << "Good: " << node1_num << ", bad: " << node2_num << "\n";
-        Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node1_num));
-        Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node2_num));
-        // node1 legitimate producer
-        // node2 "fake" producer
-        string prefix = "/bh/" + lexical_cast<string> (pair);
-        pair ++;
-        CcnxAppHelper legitimateProducerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-        legitimateProducerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix);
-        apps.Add
-          (legitimateProducerHelper.Install (node1));
-        // one more trick. Need to install route to hijacker (aka "hijacker announces itself as a legitimate producer")
-        CcnxStackHelper::InstallRouteTo (prefix, node1);
-        Simulator::Schedule (Seconds(10.0), Experiment::InstallHijacker, prefix, node2);
-        prefixes.push_back (prefix); // remember prefixes that consumers will be requesting
-      }
-    // Create Consumers
-    NodeContainer nodes = reader->GetNodes ();
-    for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin (); node != nodes.End (); node++)
-      {
-        uint32_t namedId = lexical_cast<uint32_t> (Names::FindName (*node));
-        if (m_usedNodes.count (namedId) > 0)
-          continue;
-        CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerBatches");
-        consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("LifeTime", StringValue("100s"));
-        consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Batches", StringValue("0s 10 6s 1 20s 1"));
-        BOOST_FOREACH (const string &prefix, prefixes)
-          {
-            consumerHelper.SetPrefix (prefix + "/" + lexical_cast<string> (namedId)); // make sure we're requesting unique prefixes... this was a huge bug before                 
-            ApplicationContainer consumer = consumerHelper.Install (*node);
-            apps.Add (consumer);
-          }
-        // break;
-      }
-    return apps;
-  }
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  cout << "Begin blackhole scenario\n";
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("2000"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RttEstimator::InitialEstimation", StringValue ("0.5s"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Filename", StringValue ("attributes.xml"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Mode", StringValue ("Save"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat", StringValue ("Xml"));
-  uint32_t maxRuns = 1;
-  uint32_t startRun = 0;
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("start", "Initial run number", startRun);
-  cmd.AddValue ("runs", "Number of runs", maxRuns);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // ConfigStore config;
-  // config.ConfigureDefaults ();
-  Experiment experiment;
-  for (uint32_t run = startRun; run < startRun + maxRuns; run++)
-    {
-      Config::SetGlobal ("RngRun", IntegerValue (run));
-      cout << "seed = " << SeedManager::GetSeed () << ", run = " << SeedManager::GetRun () << endl;
-      Experiment experiment;
-      // experiment.GenerateRandomPairs (1);
-      experiment.SetPair (run);
-      cout << "Run " << run << endl;
-      string prefix = "blackhole-" + lexical_cast<string> (run) + "-";
-      experiment.ConfigureTopology ();
-      experiment.InstallCcnxStack (false);
-      ApplicationContainer apps = experiment.AddApplications ();
-      //tracing
-      CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-      // traceHelper.EnableRateL3All (prefix + "rate-trace.log");
-      traceHelper.EnableSeqsAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerBatches", prefix + "consumers-seqs.log");
-      // enable path weights some time from now (ensure that all faces are created)
-      Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.5), &CcnxTraceHelper::EnablePathWeights, &traceHelper, prefix + "weights.log");
-      std::cout << "Total " << apps.GetN () << " applications\n";
-      experiment.Run (Seconds(40.0));
-    }
-  cout << "Finish blackhole scenario\n";
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index cc9be09..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
-#include "ns3/wifi-module.h"
-#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ThirdScriptExample");
-static void
-ExactTimePrinter (std::ostream &os)
-  os << Simulator::Now ();
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // disable fragmentation
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::FragmentationThreshold", StringValue ("2200"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RtsCtsThreshold", StringValue ("2200"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NonUnicastMode", StringValue ("OfdmRate24Mbps"));
-  // vanet hacks to CcnxL3Protocol
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CcnxL3Protocol::EnableNACKs", StringValue ("false"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CcnxL3Protocol::CacheUnsolicitedData", StringValue ("true"));
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc,argv);
-  //////////////////////
-  //////////////////////
-  //////////////////////
-  WifiHelper wifi = WifiHelper::Default ();
-  // wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::AarfWifiManager");
-  wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a);
-  wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager",
-                                "DataMode", StringValue ("OfdmRate24Mbps"));
-  YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default ();
-  YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
-  wifiPhy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
-  NqosWifiMacHelper wifiMac = NqosWifiMacHelper::Default ();
-  wifiMac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac");
-  //////////////////////
-  //////////////////////
-  //////////////////////
-  NodeContainer producerNode;
-  producerNode.Create (1);
-  NodeContainer consumerNodes;
-  consumerNodes.Create(2);
-  wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, producerNode);
-  wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, consumerNodes);
-  MobilityHelper mobility;
-  mobility.SetPositionAllocator ("ns3::HighwayPositionAllocator",
-				 "Start", VectorValue(Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
-				 "Direction", DoubleValue(0.0),
-				 "Length", DoubleValue(1000.0));
-  mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantVelocityMobilityModel",
-			    "ConstantVelocity", VectorValue(Vector(0/*26.8224*/, 0, 0)));
-  mobility.Install (producerNode);
-  mobility.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantVelocityMobilityModel",
-			    "ConstantVelocity", VectorValue(Vector(0/*26.8224*/, 0, 0)));
-  mobility.Install (consumerNodes);
-  // 2. Install CCNx stack
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing CCNx stack");
-  CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes(true);
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
-  // 6. Set up applications
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing Applications");
-  CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/very-long-prefix-requested-by-client/this-interest-hundred-bytes-long-");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue ("1"));
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Randomize", StringValue ("exponential"));
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumerNodes.Get (0));
-  consumerHelper.Install (consumerNodes.Get (1));
-  // consumers.Start (Seconds (0.0));
-  // consumers.Stop (finishTime);
-  CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  ApplicationContainer producers = producerHelper.Install (producerNode);
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds(0.0), LogSetTimePrinter, ExactTimePrinter);
-  Simulator::Stop (Seconds (10));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae28ad8..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
-#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
-#include "ns3/config-store.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-// void PrintTime ()
-// {
-//   cout << "Progress: " << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s" << endl;
-//   Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), PrintTime);
-// }
-#include "base-experiment.h"
-class Experiment : public BaseExperiment
-  ApplicationContainer
-  AddCcnxApplications ()
-  {
-    ApplicationContainer apps;
-    for (list<tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t> >::iterator i = m_pairs.begin (); i != m_pairs.end (); i++)
-      {
-        uint32_t node1_num = i->get<0> ();
-        uint32_t node2_num = i->get<1> ();
-        Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node1_num));
-        Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node2_num));
-        CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerWindow");
-        consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (node2->GetId ()));
-        // consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("MeanRate", StringValue ("2Mbps"));
-        consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Size", StringValue ("1.983642578125")); //to make sure max seq # is 2000
-        CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-        producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (node2->GetId ()));
-        apps.Add
-          (consumerHelper.Install (node1));
-        apps.Add
-          (producerHelper.Install (node2));
-      }
-    return apps;
-  }
-  ApplicationContainer
-  AddTcpApplications ()
-  {
-    ApplicationContainer apps;
-    uint32_t streamId = 0;
-    const static uint32_t base_port = 10;
-    for (list<tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t> >::iterator i = m_pairs.begin (); i != m_pairs.end (); i++)
-      {
-        uint32_t node1_num = i->get<0> ();
-        uint32_t node2_num = i->get<1> ();
-        Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node2_num));
-        Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node1_num));
-        Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = node1->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-        // ipv4->GetAddress (0, 0);
-        // to make sure we don't reuse the same port numbers for different flows, just make all port numbers unique
-        PacketSinkHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory",
-                                         InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), base_port + streamId));
-        BulkSendHelper producerHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory",
-                                       InetSocketAddress (ipv4->GetAddress (1, 0).GetLocal (), base_port + streamId));
-        // cout << "SendTo: " <<  ipv4->GetAddress (1, 0).GetLocal () << endl;
-        producerHelper.SetAttribute ("MaxBytes", UintegerValue (2081040)); // equal to 2001 ccnx packets
-        apps.Add
-          (consumerHelper.Install (node1));
-        apps.Add
-          (producerHelper.Install (node2));
-        streamId++;
-      }
-    return apps;
-  }
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  cout << "Begin congestion-pop scenario\n";
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("60"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpSocket::SegmentSize", StringValue ("1040"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::BulkSendApplication::SendSize", StringValue ("1040"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Filename", StringValue ("attributes.xml"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Mode", StringValue ("Save"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat", StringValue ("Xml"));
-  uint32_t maxRuns = 1;
-  uint32_t startRun = 0;
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("start", "Initial run number", startRun);
-  cmd.AddValue ("runs", "Number of runs", maxRuns);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // ConfigStore config;
-  // config.ConfigureDefaults ();
-  for (uint32_t run = startRun; run < startRun + maxRuns; run++)
-    {
-      Config::SetGlobal ("RngRun", IntegerValue (run));
-      cout << "seed = " << SeedManager::GetSeed () << ", run = " << SeedManager::GetRun () << endl;
-      Experiment experiment;
-      cout << "Run " << run << endl;
-      string prefix = "run-" + lexical_cast<string> (run) + "-";
-      experiment.GenerateRandomPairs (20);
-      ofstream of_nodes ((prefix + "apps.log").c_str ());
-      for (list<tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t> >::iterator i = experiment.m_pairs.begin (); i != experiment.m_pairs.end (); i++)
-        {
-          of_nodes << "From " << i->get<0> ()
-                   << " to "  << i->get<1> ();
-          of_nodes << "\n";
-        }
-      of_nodes.close ();
-      cout << "NDN experiment\n";
-      // NDN
-      {
-        experiment.ConfigureTopology ();
-        experiment.InstallCcnxStack ();
-        ApplicationContainer apps = experiment.AddCcnxApplications ();
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < apps.GetN () / 2; i++) 
-          {
-            apps.Get (i*2)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-            apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-          }
-        CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-        // traceHelper.EnableRateL3All (prefix + "rate-trace.log");
-        // traceHelper.EnableSeqsAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr", prefix + "consumers-seqs.log");
-        traceHelper.EnableSeqsAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerWindow", prefix + "consumers-seqs.log");
-        traceHelper.EnableWindowsAll (prefix + "windows.log");
-        // config.ConfigureAttributes ();
-        experiment.Run (Seconds (200.0));
-      }
-      cout << "TCP experiment\n";
-      // TCP
-      {
-        experiment.ConfigureTopology ();
-        experiment.InstallIpStack ();
-        ApplicationContainer apps = experiment.AddTcpApplications ();
-        CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-        traceHelper.EnableIpv4SeqsAppAll (prefix + "tcp-consumers-seqs.log");
-        traceHelper.EnableWindowsTcpAll (prefix + "tcp-windows.log");
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < apps.GetN () / 2; i++) 
-          {
-            apps.Get (i*2)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-            apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-            // cout << "Node: " << apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->GetNode ()->GetId () << "\n";
-            // care only about BulkSender
-            Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1+i+0.01),
-                                 &CcnxTraceHelper::TcpConnect, &traceHelper, apps.Get (i*2)->GetNode ());
-            Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1+i+0.01),
-                                 &CcnxTraceHelper::TcpConnect, &traceHelper, apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->GetNode ());
-          }
-        experiment.Run (Seconds (200.0));
-      }
-    }
-  // cout << "Finish congestion-pop scenario\n";
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b3c0c..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
-#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
-#include "ns3/config-store.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-// void PrintTime ()
-// {
-//   cout << "Progress: " << Simulator::Now ().ToDouble (Time::S) << "s" << endl;
-//   Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), PrintTime);
-// }
-#include "base-experiment.h"
-class Experiment
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader *reader;
-  string prefix;
-  Experiment ()
-    : reader (0)
-    , prefix ("simple/")
-  { }
-  void
-  ConfigureTopology ()
-  {
-    Names::Clear ();
-    cout << "Configure Topology\n";
-    if (reader != 0) delete reader;
-    reader = new AnnotatedTopologyReader (prefix);
-    string input ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/congestion-zoom.txt");
-    reader->SetFileName (input);
-    reader->Read ();
-  }
-  void InstallCcnxStackImpl ()
-  {
-    InternetStackHelper stack;
-    Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper ("ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingOrderedNexthops");
-    stack.SetRoutingHelper (ipv4RoutingHelper);
-    stack.Install (reader->GetNodes ());
-    reader->AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address (""));
-    // Install CCNx stack
-    cout << "Installing CCNx stack\n";
-    CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-    ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy ("ns3::CcnxBestRouteStrategy");
-    ccnxHelper.EnableLimits (true, Seconds(0.1));
-    ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (false);
-    ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
-    reader->ApplyOspfMetric ();
-  }
-  void InstallCcnxStack (bool installFIBs = true)
-  {
-    InstallCcnxStackImpl ();
-    CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-    ccnxHelper.InstallFakeGlobalRoutes ();
-    if (installFIBs)
-      {
-        // // Populate FIB based on IPv4 global routing controller
-        ccnxHelper.InstallRoutesToAll ();
-      }
-  }
-  void InstallIpStack ()
-  {
-    InternetStackHelper stack;
-    stack.Install (reader->GetNodes ());
-    reader->AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address (""));
-    reader->ApplyOspfMetric ();
-    Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();
-  }
-  ApplicationContainer
-  AddCcnxApplications ()
-  {
-    ApplicationContainer apps;
-    Ptr<Node> client = Names::Find<Node> (prefix, lexical_cast<string> ("client"));
-    Ptr<Node> server = Names::Find<Node> (prefix, lexical_cast<string> ("server"));
-    CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerWindow");
-    consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (server->GetId ()));
-    consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Size", StringValue ("2.0"));
-    CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-    producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (server->GetId ()));
-    apps.Add
-      (consumerHelper.Install (client));
-    apps.Add
-      (producerHelper.Install (server));
-    return apps;
-  }
-  ApplicationContainer
-  AddTcpApplications ()
-  {
-    ApplicationContainer apps;
-    Ptr<Node> client = Names::Find<Node> (prefix, lexical_cast<string> ("client"));
-    Ptr<Node> server = Names::Find<Node> (prefix, lexical_cast<string> ("server"));
-    Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = client->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-    // to make sure we don't reuse the same port numbers for different flows, just make all port numbers unique
-    PacketSinkHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory",
-                                     InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), 1024));
-    BulkSendHelper producerHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory",
-                                   InetSocketAddress (ipv4->GetAddress (1, 0).GetLocal (), 1024));
-    // cout << "SendTo: " <<  ipv4->GetAddress (1, 0).GetLocal () << endl;
-    producerHelper.SetAttribute ("MaxBytes", UintegerValue (2081040)); // equal to 2001 ccnx packets
-    apps.Add
-      (consumerHelper.Install (client));
-    apps.Add
-      (producerHelper.Install (server));
-    // uint32_t streamId = 0;
-    // const static uint32_t base_port = 10;
-    // for (list<tuple<uint32_t,uint32_t> >::iterator i = m_pairs.begin (); i != m_pairs.end (); i++)
-    //   {
-    //     uint32_t node1_num = i->get<0> ();
-    //     uint32_t node2_num = i->get<1> ();
-    //     Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node2_num));
-    //     Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (node1_num));
-    //     Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = node1->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-    //     // ipv4->GetAddress (0, 0);
-    //     // to make sure we don't reuse the same port numbers for different flows, just make all port numbers unique
-    //     PacketSinkHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory",
-    //                                      InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), base_port + streamId));
-    //     BulkSendHelper producerHelper ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory",
-    //                                    InetSocketAddress (ipv4->GetAddress (1, 0).GetLocal (), base_port + streamId));
-    //     // cout << "SendTo: " <<  ipv4->GetAddress (1, 0).GetLocal () << endl;
-    //     producerHelper.SetAttribute ("MaxBytes", UintegerValue (2081040)); // equal to 2001 ccnx packets
-    //     apps.Add
-    //       (consumerHelper.Install (node1));
-    //     apps.Add
-    //       (producerHelper.Install (node2));
-    //     streamId++;
-    //   }
-    return apps;
-  }
-  void
-  Run (const Time &finishTime)
-  {
-    cout << "Run Simulation.\n";
-    Simulator::Stop (finishTime);
-    Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (5.0), PrintTime);
-    Simulator::Run ();
-    Simulator::Destroy ();
-    cout << "Done.\n";
-  }
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  cout << "Begin congestion-pop scenario\n";
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("1Mbps"));
-  // Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("60"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::TcpSocket::SegmentSize", StringValue ("1040"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::BulkSendApplication::SendSize", StringValue ("1040"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Filename", StringValue ("attributes.xml"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Mode", StringValue ("Save"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat", StringValue ("Xml"));
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // ConfigStore config;
-  // config.ConfigureDefaults ();
-  Experiment experiment;
-  string prefix = "congestion-zoom-";
-  cout << "NDN experiment\n";
-  // NDN
-  {
-    experiment.ConfigureTopology ();
-    experiment.InstallCcnxStack ();
-    experiment.AddCcnxApplications ();
-    // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < apps.GetN () / 2; i++) 
-    //   {
-    //     apps.Get (i*2)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-    //     apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-    //   }
-    CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-    traceHelper.EnableRateL3All (prefix + "rate-trace.log");
-    // traceHelper.EnableSeqsAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr", prefix + "consumers-seqs.log");
-    // traceHelper.EnableSeqsAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerWindow", prefix + "consumers-seqs.log");
-    // traceHelper.EnableWindowsAll (prefix + "windows.log");
-    // config.ConfigureAttributes ();
-    experiment.Run (Seconds (50.0));
-    // experiment.reader->SavePositions ("pos.log");
-  }
-  cout << "TCP experiment\n";
-  // TCP
-  {
-    experiment.ConfigureTopology ();
-    experiment.InstallIpStack ();
-    experiment.AddTcpApplications ();
-    CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-    traceHelper.EnableIpv4RateL3All (prefix + "ipv4-rate-trace.log");
-    // traceHelper.EnableIpv4SeqsAppAll (prefix + "tcp-consumers-seqs.log");
-    // traceHelper.EnableWindowsTcpAll (prefix + "tcp-windows.log");
-    // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < apps.GetN () / 2; i++) 
-    //   {
-    //     apps.Get (i*2)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-    //     apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->SetStartTime (Seconds (1+i));
-    //     // cout << "Node: " << apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->GetNode ()->GetId () << "\n";
-    //     // care only about BulkSender
-    //     Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1+i+0.01),
-    //                          &CcnxTraceHelper::TcpConnect, &traceHelper, apps.Get (i*2)->GetNode ());
-    //     Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1+i+0.01),
-    //                          &CcnxTraceHelper::TcpConnect, &traceHelper, apps.Get (i*2 + 1)->GetNode ());
-    //   }
-    experiment.Run (Seconds (50.0));
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/congestion-zoom.txt b/examples/congestion-zoom.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1747062..0000000
--- a/examples/congestion-zoom.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#name			city	latitude	longitude
-client  		unknown 28.8967		-12.8654
-server  		unknown 28.8967  	51.3505
-clientProvider  	unknown 28.8967   	8.97413
-serverProvider  	unknown 28.8967 	37.5575
-provider1   		unknown 23.5641		32.6924
-provider2  		unknown 36.0641 	32.6924
-#x	y	capacity(kbps)	OSPF    Delay		MaxPackets
-client	clientProvider	10Mbps	1	5ms		200
-server  serverProvider 10Mbps	2	6ms		200
-clientProvider provider1 1Mbps 	1  	50ms		20
-clientProvider provider2 1Mbps 	1  	50ms		20
-serverProvider provider1 1Mbps	1	5ms		20	
-serverProvider provider2 1Mbps	2	6ms		20
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.01 b/examples/failures/failures-0.01
deleted file mode 100644
index 3207d84..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.01
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.02 b/examples/failures/failures-0.02
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf7591..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.02
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.03 b/examples/failures/failures-0.03
deleted file mode 100644
index ee6bd4c..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.03
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.04 b/examples/failures/failures-0.04
deleted file mode 100644
index b8539fb..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.04
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.05 b/examples/failures/failures-0.05
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cabb18..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.05
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.06 b/examples/failures/failures-0.06
deleted file mode 100644
index 88798cc..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.06
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.07 b/examples/failures/failures-0.07
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1d247..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.07
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.08 b/examples/failures/failures-0.08
deleted file mode 100644
index 8465ab0..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.08
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.09 b/examples/failures/failures-0.09
deleted file mode 100644
index e1a7d7e..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.09
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/failures-0.1 b/examples/failures/failures-0.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 08cb6a4..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/failures-0.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/examples/failures/latency.orig b/examples/failures/latency.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c3fd07..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/latency.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-0 1 0.312
-2 3 10.786
-1 4 0.222
-1 5 1.035
-1 6 1.414
-1 7 1.24
-1 8 0.814
-1 9 19.532
-1 10 0.352
-1 11 4.593
-12 13 2.622
-14 15 0.207
-14 16 12.098
-14 17 13.941
-15 18 7.791
-15 19 38.946
-20 21 19.775
-20 22 0.345
-23 24 5.337
-25 26 0.276
-27 28 0.645
-8 20 19.787
-8 16 8.352
-8 28 1.578
-8 24 10.459
-8 26 5.005
-21 31 20.741
-13 32 4.737
-13 33 1.424
-17 35 2.091
-17 20 14.409
-17 18 7.13
-17 28 6.214
-17 24 6.437
-17 25 1.315
-17 26 1.176
-17 29 3.282
-17 36 2.478
-11 24 5.751
-11 38 3.235
-11 17 4.718
-33 39 1.817
-33 40 2.035
-6 7 0.327
-6 28 0.97
-6 25 5.176
-6 8 0.612
-6 17 5.725
-6 34 0.802
-6 11 6.007
-39 42 0.699
-16 24 3.655
-16 29 0.135
-16 17 3.286
-31 45 0.268
-31 46 0.268
-31 37 3.375
-31 47 2.708
-32 48 1.712
-32 44 2.329
-32 42 1.595
-48 49 3.201
-7 13 31.13
-38 43 1.643
-9 15 5.513
-9 20 0.437
-9 31 2.648
-9 30 0.124
-9 17 14.774
-9 19 42.03
-5 32 28.338
-5 8 0.359
-5 7 0.316
-18 23 0.779
-40 48 2.34
-40 49 2.529
-24 38 7.706
-24 31 9.827
-24 45 10.045
-24 50 0.092
-3 9 59.812
-19 41 26.19
-19 20 42.057
-19 51 14.125
diff --git a/examples/failures/weight.orig b/examples/failures/weight.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 387a37f..0000000
--- a/examples/failures/weight.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-0 1 312
-2 3 10786
-1 4 222
-1 5 2500
-1 6 4000
-1 7 2500
-1 8 3860
-1 9 11769
-1 10 352
-1 11 3500
-12 13 2622
-14 15 500
-14 16 14192
-14 17 8909
-15 18 11747
-15 19 44530
-20 21 19775
-20 22 345
-23 24 5337
-25 26 2184
-27 28 645
-8 20 11409
-8 16 8282
-8 28 3000
-8 24 7735
-8 26 5500
-21 31 20741
-13 32 7552
-13 33 1500
-17 35 2091
-17 20 14409
-17 18 4337
-17 28 4000
-17 24 5735
-17 25 1315
-17 26 2500
-17 29 3282
-17 36 2478
-11 24 5096
-11 38 3235
-11 17 4360
-33 39 2000
-33 40 3000
-6 7 2500
-6 28 6860
-6 25 5176
-6 8 5860
-6 17 3860
-6 34 802
-6 11 5500
-39 42 699
-16 24 1547
-16 29 3000
-16 17 5282
-31 45 500
-31 46 268
-31 37 3375
-31 47 2708
-32 48 1712
-32 44 2329
-32 42 3352
-48 49 3201
-7 13 30890
-38 43 1643
-9 15 5500
-9 20 2500
-9 31 4735
-9 30 124
-9 17 13909
-9 19 42030
-5 32 28338
-5 8 2360
-5 7 2000
-18 23 5735
-40 48 2340
-40 49 2529
-24 38 2860
-24 31 9909
-24 45 10409
-24 50 92
-3 9 59812
-19 41 26190
-19 20 39530
-19 51 14125
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index a499f8d..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/ccnx.h"
-#include "ns3/topology-reader.h"
-#include "../model/ccnx-net-device-face.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <list>
-#include <set>
-#include "ns3/rocketfuel-topology-reader.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("LinkFailureSprint");
-#include "base-experiment.h"
-class Experiment : public BaseExperiment
-  typedef tuple<string, string> failure_t;
-  typedef list<failure_t> failures_t;
-  Experiment (const string &file)
-  {
-    ifstream failures (("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/failures/failures-"+file).c_str ());
-    for(std::string line; std::getline(failures, line); )
-      {
-        if (line == "")
-          {
-            m_failures.push_back (failures_t ());
-            continue;
-          }
-        failures_t failures;
-        istringstream run (line);
-        while (!run.eof () && !run.bad ())
-          {
-            int32_t link1 = -1;
-            int32_t link2 = -1;
-            run >> link1;
-            run.get ();
-            run >> link2;
-            run.get ();
-            if (link1 < 0 || link2 < 0) continue;
-            // cout << link1 << " <-> " << link2 << "   ";
-            failures.push_back (failure_t (lexical_cast<string> (link1), lexical_cast<string> (link2)));
-          }
-        m_failures.push_back (failures);
-      }
-  }
-  // hijacker is more than an application. just disable all faces
-  void
-  FailLinks (uint32_t failId)
-  {
-    failures_t failures = m_failures [failId];
-    BOOST_FOREACH (failure_t failure, failures)
-      {
-        Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", failure.get<0> ());
-        Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", failure.get<1> ());
-        // cout << failure.get<0> () << " <-> " << failure.get<1> () << "   ";
-        // cout << node1 << ", " << node2 << "\n";
-        Ptr<Ccnx> ccnx1 = node1->GetObject<Ccnx> ();
-        Ptr<Ccnx> ccnx2 = node2->GetObject<Ccnx> ();
-        for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ccnx1->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-          {
-            Ptr<CcnxFace> face = ccnx1->GetFace (faceId);
-            Ptr<CcnxNetDeviceFace> ndFace = face->GetObject<CcnxNetDeviceFace> ();
-            if (ndFace == 0) continue;
-            Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd1 = ndFace->GetNetDevice ()->GetObject<PointToPointNetDevice> ();
-            if (nd1 == 0) continue;
-            Ptr<Channel> channel = nd1->GetChannel ();
-            if (channel == 0) continue;
-            Ptr<PointToPointChannel> ppChannel = DynamicCast<PointToPointChannel> (channel);
-            Ptr<NetDevice> nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (0);
-            if (nd2->GetNode () == node1)
-              nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (1);
-            if (Names::FindName (nd2->GetNode ()) == failure.get<1> ())
-              {
-                cout << "Failing " << failure.get<0> () << " <-> " << failure.get<1> () << " link\n";
-                Ptr<CcnxFace> face1 = ccnx1->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd1);
-                Ptr<CcnxFace> face2 = ccnx2->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd2);
-                face1->SetUp (false);
-                face2->SetUp (false);
-                // set metric to max (for GlobalRouter to know what we want)
-                Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4_1 = ccnx1->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-                Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4_2 = ccnx2->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-                uint32_t if1 = ipv4_1->GetInterfaceForDevice (nd1);
-                uint32_t if2 = ipv4_2->GetInterfaceForDevice (nd2);
-                ipv4_1->SetMetric (if1, std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ());
-                ipv4_2->SetMetric (if2, std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ());
-                break;
-              }
-          }
-      }
-  }
-  //We are creating "everybody-to-everybody" usage pattern
-  ApplicationContainer
-  AddApplications()
-  {
-    NS_LOG_INFO ("Adding applications");
-    NS_LOG_INFO ("GetN = " << reader->GetNodes().GetN());
-    double delay = 0;
-    ApplicationContainer apps;
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i<reader->GetNodes().GetN(); i++)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_INFO("i="<<i);
-      Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (i));
-      CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-      producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (node1->GetId ()));
-      apps.Add (producerHelper.Install (node1));
-      CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerBatches");
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("LifeTime", StringValue("100s"));
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Batches", StringValue("2s 1"));
-      for(uint32_t j = 0; j<reader->GetNodes().GetN();j++)
-      {
-        NS_LOG_INFO("j="<<j);
-        if(i==j)
-          continue;
-        Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (j));
-        consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (node1->GetId ()) + "/" + lexical_cast<string> (node2->GetId ()));
-        ApplicationContainer consumer = consumerHelper.Install (node2);
-        consumer.Start (Seconds (delay));
-        apps.Add (consumer);
-        delay += 0.0001;
-      }
-    }
-    return apps;
-  }
-  vector<failures_t> m_failures;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  cout << "Begin link failure scenario\n";
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("2000"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RttEstimator::InitialEstimation", StringValue ("0.5s"));
-  // Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RttEstimator::MaxMultiplier", StringValue ("16.0")); // original default is 64.0
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Filename", StringValue ("attributes.xml"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Mode", StringValue ("Save"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat", StringValue ("Xml"));
-  // Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CcnxConsumer::LifeTime", StringValue ("100s"));
-  uint32_t maxRuns = 1;
-  uint32_t startRun = 0;
-  std::string failures = "";
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("start", "Initial run number", startRun);
-  cmd.AddValue ("runs", "Number of runs", maxRuns);
-  cmd.AddValue ("failures", "File with failures", failures);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  if (failures == "")
-    {
-      std::cerr << "--failures=<file> parameter has to be specified" << std::endl;
-      return 1;
-    }
-  // ConfigStore config;
-  // config.ConfigureDefaults ();
-  Experiment experiment (failures);
-  for (uint32_t run = startRun; run < startRun + maxRuns; run++)
-    {
-      Config::SetGlobal ("RngRun", IntegerValue (run));
-      cout << "seed = " << SeedManager::GetSeed () << ", run = " << SeedManager::GetRun () << endl;
-      cout << "Run " << run << endl;
-      string prefix = "link-failure-"+ failures +"-base-" + lexical_cast<string> (run) + "-";
-      experiment.ConfigureTopology ();
-      experiment.InstallCcnxStackImpl ();
-      CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-      ccnxHelper.InstallFakeGlobalRoutesImpl ();
-      experiment.FailLinks (run);
-      Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();
-      ccnxHelper.InstallRoutesToAll ();
-      ApplicationContainer apps = experiment.AddApplications ();
-      cout << "Total number of applications: " << apps.GetN () << "\n";
-      //tracing
-      CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-      // Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.5), &CcnxTraceHelper::EnableSeqsAppAll, &traceHelper,
-      //                      "ns3::CcnxConsumerBatches", prefix + "consumers-seqs.log");
-      Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (0.1), &CcnxTraceHelper::EnablePathWeights, &traceHelper,
-                           prefix + "weights.log");
-      experiment.Run (Seconds(10.0));
-    }
-  cout << "Finish link failure scenario\n";
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88f2344..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/ccnx.h"
-#include "ns3/topology-reader.h"
-#include "../model/ccnx-net-device-face.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <map>
-#include <list>
-#include <set>
-#include "ns3/rocketfuel-topology-reader.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace boost;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("LinkFailureSprint");
-#include "base-experiment.h"
-class Experiment : public BaseExperiment
-  typedef tuple<string, string> failure_t;
-  typedef list<failure_t> failures_t;
-  Experiment (const string &file)
-  {
-    ifstream failures (("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/failures/failures-"+file).c_str ());
-    for(std::string line; std::getline(failures, line); )
-      {
-        if (line == "")
-          {
-            m_failures.push_back (failures_t ());
-            continue;
-          }
-        failures_t failures;
-        istringstream run (line);
-        while (!run.eof () && !run.bad ())
-          {
-            int32_t link1 = -1;
-            int32_t link2 = -1;
-            run >> link1;
-            run.get ();
-            run >> link2;
-            run.get ();
-            if (link1 < 0 || link2 < 0) continue;
-            // cout << link1 << " <-> " << link2 << "   ";
-            failures.push_back (failure_t (lexical_cast<string> (link1), lexical_cast<string> (link2)));
-          }
-        m_failures.push_back (failures);
-      }
-  }
-  // hijacker is more than an application. just disable all faces
-  void
-  FailLinks (uint32_t failId)
-  {
-    failures_t failures = m_failures [failId];
-    BOOST_FOREACH (failure_t failure, failures)
-      {
-        Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", failure.get<0> ());
-        Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", failure.get<1> ());
-        // cout << failure.get<0> () << " <-> " << failure.get<1> () << "   ";
-        // cout << node1 << ", " << node2 << "\n";
-        Ptr<Ccnx> ccnx1 = node1->GetObject<Ccnx> ();
-        Ptr<Ccnx> ccnx2 = node2->GetObject<Ccnx> ();
-        for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ccnx1->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-          {
-            Ptr<CcnxFace> face = ccnx1->GetFace (faceId);
-            Ptr<CcnxNetDeviceFace> ndFace = face->GetObject<CcnxNetDeviceFace> ();
-            if (ndFace == 0) continue;
-            Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd1 = ndFace->GetNetDevice ()->GetObject<PointToPointNetDevice> ();
-            if (nd1 == 0) continue;
-            Ptr<Channel> channel = nd1->GetChannel ();
-            if (channel == 0) continue;
-            Ptr<PointToPointChannel> ppChannel = DynamicCast<PointToPointChannel> (channel);
-            Ptr<NetDevice> nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (0);
-            if (nd2->GetNode () == node1)
-              nd2 = ppChannel->GetDevice (1);
-            if (Names::FindName (nd2->GetNode ()) == failure.get<1> ())
-              {
-                cout << "Failing " << failure.get<0> () << " <-> " << failure.get<1> () << " link\n";
-                Ptr<CcnxFace> face1 = ccnx1->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd1);
-                Ptr<CcnxFace> face2 = ccnx2->GetFaceByNetDevice (nd2);
-                face1->SetUp (false);
-                face2->SetUp (false);
-                // set metric to max (for GlobalRouter to know what we want)
-                Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4_1 = ccnx1->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-                Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4_2 = ccnx2->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-                uint32_t if1 = ipv4_1->GetInterfaceForDevice (nd1);
-                uint32_t if2 = ipv4_2->GetInterfaceForDevice (nd2);
-                ipv4_1->SetMetric (if1, std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ());
-                ipv4_2->SetMetric (if2, std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ());
-                break;
-              }
-          }
-      }
-  }
-  // void
-  // FailLinks(double threshold)
-  // {
-  //   NS_LOG_INFO("Failing links");
-  //   m_linkRand = UniformVariable(0, 1.0);
-  //   double probability = 0.0;
-  //   BOOST_FOREACH (const TopologyReader::Link &link, m_reader.GetLinks())
-  //     {
-  //       probability = m_linkRand.GetValue();
-  //       NS_LOG_INFO ("Probability = " << probability);
-  //       if(probability <= threshold)
-  //         {
-  //           Ptr<Node> fromNode = link.GetFromNode ();
-  //           Ptr<Node> toNode = link.GetToNode ();
-  //           NS_LOG_INFO("From node id = " << fromNode->GetId());
-  //           NS_LOG_INFO("To node id = " << toNode->GetId());
-  //           Ptr<CcnxL3Protocol> fromCcnx = fromNode->GetObject<CcnxL3Protocol> ();
-  //           Ptr<CcnxL3Protocol> toCcnx = toNode->GetObject<CcnxL3Protocol> (); 
-  //           Ptr<NetDevice> fromDevice = link.GetFromNetDevice ();
-  //           Ptr<NetDevice> toDevice = link.GetToNetDevice ();
-  //           Ptr<CcnxFace> fromFace = fromCcnx->GetFaceByNetDevice (fromDevice);
-  //           Ptr<CcnxFace> toFace = toCcnx->GetFaceByNetDevice (toDevice);
-  //           NS_LOG_INFO("From face id = " << fromFace->GetId());
-  //           NS_LOG_INFO("To face id = " << toFace->GetId());
-  //           fromFace->SetUp (false);
-  //           toFace->SetUp (false);
-  //           NS_LOG_INFO(fromFace->IsUp());
-  //           NS_LOG_INFO(toFace->IsUp());
-  //         }
-  //     }
-  //   /*
-  //   uint32_t nodeId = m_rand.GetValue ();
-  //   Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (nodeId));
-  //   Ptr<CcnxL3Protocol> ccnx = node->GetObject<CcnxL3Protocol> ();
-  //   UniformVariable faceRandom = UniformVariable (0, ccnx->GetNFaces ());
-  //   uint32_t faceId = faceRandom.GetValue();
-  //   Ptr<CcnxFace> face = ccnx->GetFace (faceId);
-  //   face->SetUp(false);
-  //   */
-  // }
-  //We are creating "everybody-to-everybody" usage pattern
-  ApplicationContainer
-  AddApplications()
-  {
-    NS_LOG_INFO ("Adding applications");
-    NS_LOG_INFO ("GetN = " << reader->GetNodes().GetN());
-    double delay = 0;
-    ApplicationContainer apps;
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i<reader->GetNodes().GetN(); i++)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_INFO("i="<<i);
-      Ptr<Node> node1 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (i));
-      CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-      producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (node1->GetId ()));
-      apps.Add (producerHelper.Install (node1));
-      CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerBatches");
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("LifeTime", StringValue("100s"));
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Batches", StringValue("0s 1 1s 1 2s 1 3s 1 6s 1 20s 1"));
-      for(uint32_t j = 0; j<reader->GetNodes().GetN();j++)
-      {
-        NS_LOG_INFO("j="<<j);
-        if(i==j)
-          continue;
-        Ptr<Node> node2 = Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", lexical_cast<string> (j));
-        consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/" + lexical_cast<string> (node1->GetId ()) + "/" + lexical_cast<string> (node2->GetId ()));
-        ApplicationContainer consumer = consumerHelper.Install (node2);
-        consumer.Start (Seconds (delay));
-        apps.Add (consumer);
-        delay += 0.0001;
-      }
-    }
-    return apps;
-  }
-  void
-  RecalculateRouting ()
-  {
-    Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper::PopulateRoutingTables ();
-  }
-  vector<failures_t> m_failures;
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  cout << "Begin link failure scenario\n";
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::PointToPointNetDevice::DataRate", StringValue ("100Mbps"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::DropTailQueue::MaxPackets", StringValue ("2000"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RttEstimator::InitialEstimation", StringValue ("0.5s"));
-  // Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RttEstimator::MaxMultiplier", StringValue ("16.0")); // original default is 64.0
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Filename", StringValue ("attributes.xml"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::Mode", StringValue ("Save"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::ConfigStore::FileFormat", StringValue ("Xml"));
-  // Config::SetDefault ("ns3::CcnxConsumer::LifeTime", StringValue ("100s"));
-  uint32_t maxRuns = 1;
-  uint32_t startRun = 0;
-  std::string failures = "";
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("start", "Initial run number", startRun);
-  cmd.AddValue ("runs", "Number of runs", maxRuns);
-  cmd.AddValue ("failures", "File with failures", failures);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  if (failures == "")
-    {
-      std::cerr << "--failures=<file> parameter has to be specified" << std::endl;
-      return 1;
-    }
-  // ConfigStore config;
-  // config.ConfigureDefaults ();
-  Experiment experiment (failures);
-  for (uint32_t run = startRun; run < startRun + maxRuns; run++)
-    {
-      Config::SetGlobal ("RngRun", IntegerValue (run));
-      cout << "seed = " << SeedManager::GetSeed () << ", run = " << SeedManager::GetRun () << endl;
-      cout << "Run " << run << endl;
-      string prefix = "link-failure-" + lexical_cast<string> (run) + "-";
-      experiment.ConfigureTopology ();
-      experiment.InstallCcnxStack (true);
-      ApplicationContainer apps = experiment.AddApplications ();
-      cout << "Total number of applications: " << apps.GetN () << "\n";
-      Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), &Experiment::FailLinks, &experiment, run);
-      Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (39.0), &Experiment::RecalculateRouting, &experiment);
-      //tracing
-      CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-      Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.5), &CcnxTraceHelper::EnableSeqsAppAll, &traceHelper,
-                           "ns3::CcnxConsumerBatches", prefix + "consumers-seqs.log");
-      Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (4.5), &CcnxTraceHelper::EnablePathWeights, &traceHelper,
-                           prefix + "weights.log");
-      experiment.Run (Seconds(60.0));
-    }
-  cout << "Finish link failure scenario\n";
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/simpletopology.txt b/examples/simpletopology.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e39d06..0000000
--- a/examples/simpletopology.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-7   7
-1   3   10000   1   80  120
-2   3   10000   1   110 150
-3   4   1000    1   40  30
-3   5   1000    50  55  50
-4   5   1000    1   10  20
-5   6   10000   1   15  35
-5   7   10000   50  25  45
diff --git a/examples/sprint-pops.latencies b/examples/sprint-pops.latencies
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c3fd07..0000000
--- a/examples/sprint-pops.latencies
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-0 1 0.312
-2 3 10.786
-1 4 0.222
-1 5 1.035
-1 6 1.414
-1 7 1.24
-1 8 0.814
-1 9 19.532
-1 10 0.352
-1 11 4.593
-12 13 2.622
-14 15 0.207
-14 16 12.098
-14 17 13.941
-15 18 7.791
-15 19 38.946
-20 21 19.775
-20 22 0.345
-23 24 5.337
-25 26 0.276
-27 28 0.645
-8 20 19.787
-8 16 8.352
-8 28 1.578
-8 24 10.459
-8 26 5.005
-21 31 20.741
-13 32 4.737
-13 33 1.424
-17 35 2.091
-17 20 14.409
-17 18 7.13
-17 28 6.214
-17 24 6.437
-17 25 1.315
-17 26 1.176
-17 29 3.282
-17 36 2.478
-11 24 5.751
-11 38 3.235
-11 17 4.718
-33 39 1.817
-33 40 2.035
-6 7 0.327
-6 28 0.97
-6 25 5.176
-6 8 0.612
-6 17 5.725
-6 34 0.802
-6 11 6.007
-39 42 0.699
-16 24 3.655
-16 29 0.135
-16 17 3.286
-31 45 0.268
-31 46 0.268
-31 37 3.375
-31 47 2.708
-32 48 1.712
-32 44 2.329
-32 42 1.595
-48 49 3.201
-7 13 31.13
-38 43 1.643
-9 15 5.513
-9 20 0.437
-9 31 2.648
-9 30 0.124
-9 17 14.774
-9 19 42.03
-5 32 28.338
-5 8 0.359
-5 7 0.316
-18 23 0.779
-40 48 2.34
-40 49 2.529
-24 38 7.706
-24 31 9.827
-24 45 10.045
-24 50 0.092
-3 9 59.812
-19 41 26.19
-19 20 42.057
-19 51 14.125
diff --git a/examples/sprint-pops.positions b/examples/sprint-pops.positions
deleted file mode 100644
index 928e443..0000000
--- a/examples/sprint-pops.positions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-0	unknown	-135.764	253.112
-1	unknown	-124.26	242.106
-2	unknown	-133.746	192.374
-3	unknown	-125.181	203.615
-4	unknown	-139.012	235.48
-5	unknown	-114.553	255.538
-6	unknown	-117.383	242.123
-7	unknown	-124.098	258.288
-8	unknown	-109.597	235.032
-9	unknown	-114.699	219.473
-10	unknown	-141.269	245.046
-11	unknown	-104.331	242.371
-12	unknown	-133.569	286.269
-13	unknown	-123.315	277.497
-14	unknown	-98.0591	218.885
-15	unknown	-103.065	209.249
-16	unknown	-97.6019	232.002
-17	unknown	-104.764	227.93
-18	unknown	-89.9659	217.538
-19	unknown	-111.243	201.883
-20	unknown	-105.782	215.929
-21	unknown	-96.3977	226.003
-22	unknown	-97.9862	200.901
-23	unknown	-78.8835	225.308
-24	unknown	-90.3514	236.091
-25	unknown	-117.767	232.718
-26	unknown	-114.42	224.798
-27	unknown	-136.333	222.043
-28	unknown	-122.444	228.514
-31	unknown	-97.4791	241.611
-32	unknown	-110.351	277.334
-33	unknown	-117.777	292.69
-35	unknown	-94.4122	211.85
-29	unknown	-88.3097	226.526
-36	unknown	-110.615	242.037
-38	unknown	-88.4545	248.603
-39	unknown	-103.356	298.492
-40	unknown	-116.839	305.342
-34	unknown	-131.979	243.096
-42	unknown	-100.976	287.547
-45	unknown	-82.2028	243.344
-46	unknown	-96.0201	256.972
-37	unknown	-103.425	254.683
-47	unknown	-88.0706	256.064
-48	unknown	-110.226	295.199
-44	unknown	-97.4778	278.521
-49	unknown	-106.546	309.269
-43	unknown	-76.3178	258.2
-30	unknown	-127.539	212.622
-50	unknown	-74.0048	237.243
-41	unknown	-105.291	188.236
-51	unknown	-115.94	188.128
diff --git a/examples/sprint-pops.weights b/examples/sprint-pops.weights
deleted file mode 100644
index 387a37f..0000000
--- a/examples/sprint-pops.weights
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-0 1 312
-2 3 10786
-1 4 222
-1 5 2500
-1 6 4000
-1 7 2500
-1 8 3860
-1 9 11769
-1 10 352
-1 11 3500
-12 13 2622
-14 15 500
-14 16 14192
-14 17 8909
-15 18 11747
-15 19 44530
-20 21 19775
-20 22 345
-23 24 5337
-25 26 2184
-27 28 645
-8 20 11409
-8 16 8282
-8 28 3000
-8 24 7735
-8 26 5500
-21 31 20741
-13 32 7552
-13 33 1500
-17 35 2091
-17 20 14409
-17 18 4337
-17 28 4000
-17 24 5735
-17 25 1315
-17 26 2500
-17 29 3282
-17 36 2478
-11 24 5096
-11 38 3235
-11 17 4360
-33 39 2000
-33 40 3000
-6 7 2500
-6 28 6860
-6 25 5176
-6 8 5860
-6 17 3860
-6 34 802
-6 11 5500
-39 42 699
-16 24 1547
-16 29 3000
-16 17 5282
-31 45 500
-31 46 268
-31 37 3375
-31 47 2708
-32 48 1712
-32 44 2329
-32 42 3352
-48 49 3201
-7 13 30890
-38 43 1643
-9 15 5500
-9 20 2500
-9 31 4735
-9 30 124
-9 17 13909
-9 19 42030
-5 32 28338
-5 8 2360
-5 7 2000
-18 23 5735
-40 48 2340
-40 49 2529
-24 38 2860
-24 31 9909
-24 45 10409
-24 50 92
-3 9 59812
-19 41 26190
-19 20 39530
-19 51 14125
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index b3baa7c..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "ns3/rocketfuel-topology-reader.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("CcnxSprintTopology");
-void PrintTime ()
-  NS_LOG_INFO (Simulator::Now ());
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), PrintTime);
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // Packet::EnableChecking();
-  // Packet::EnablePrinting();
-  string weights ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/sprint.weights");
-  string latencies ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/sprint.latencies");
-  string positions;
-  Time finishTime = Seconds (2.0);
-  string animationFile;
-  string strategy = "ns3::CcnxFloodingStrategy";
-  string save;
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("finish", "Finish time", finishTime);
-  cmd.AddValue ("netanim", "NetAnim filename", animationFile);
-  cmd.AddValue ("strategy", "CCNx forwarding strategy", strategy);
-  cmd.AddValue ("weights", "Weights file", weights);
-  cmd.AddValue ("latencies", "Latencies file", latencies);
-  cmd.AddValue ("positions", "Positions files", positions);
-  cmd.AddValue ("save", "Save positions to a file", save);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // ------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -- Read topology data.
-  // --------------------------------------------
-  RocketfuelWeightsReader reader ("/sprint");
-  reader.SetBoundingBox (0, 0, 400, 250);
-  if (!positions.empty())
-    {
-      reader.SetFileName (positions);
-      reader.SetFileType (RocketfuelWeightsReader::POSITIONS);
-      reader.Read ();
-    }
-  reader.SetFileName (weights);
-  reader.SetFileType (RocketfuelWeightsReader::WEIGHTS);    
-  reader.Read ();
-  reader.SetFileName (latencies);
-  reader.SetFileType (RocketfuelWeightsReader::LATENCIES);    
-  reader.Read ();
-  reader.Commit ();
-  if (reader.LinksSize () == 0)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Problems reading the topology file. Failing.");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  NS_LOG_INFO("Nodes = " << reader.GetNodes ().GetN());
-  NS_LOG_INFO("Links = " << reader.LinksSize ());
-  InternetStackHelper stack;
-  Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper ("ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingOrderedNexthops");
-  stack.SetRoutingHelper (ipv4RoutingHelper);
-  stack.Install (reader.GetNodes ());
-  reader.AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address (""));
-  // Install CCNx stack
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing CCNx stack");
-  CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy (strategy);
-  ccnxHelper.EnableLimits (false, Seconds(0.1));
-  ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
-  // // Populate FIB based on IPv4 global routing controller
-  // ccnxHelper.InstallFakeGlobalRoutes ();
-  // ccnxHelper.InstallRouteTo (Names::Find<Node> ("/sprint", "San+Jose,+CA4062"));
-  Simulator::Stop (finishTime);
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), PrintTime);
-  // reader.SavePositions (save+".debug");
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Run Simulation.");
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Done.");
-  if (!save.empty ())
-    {
-      NS_LOG_INFO ("Saving positions.");
-      reader.SavePositions (save);
-    }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/sprint.latencies b/examples/sprint.latencies
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e5f2bc..0000000
--- a/examples/sprint.latencies
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1944 +0,0 @@
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Anaheim,+CA4101 4
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4119 1
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Tacoma,+WA3251 7
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Relay,+MD4110 21
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Anaheim,+CA4099 4
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4112 1
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA6742 1
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4095 1
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA6405 1
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4132 1
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Chicago,+IL4037 16
-Anaheim,+CA6490 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6490 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 New+York,+NY4088 2
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 Copenhagen4038 33
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 Manasquan,+NJ4047 1
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 Relay,+MD4110 3
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6566 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6736 1
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6543 1
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC6456 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Washington,+DC6456 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Washington,+DC6456 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Tacoma,+WA6720 Tacoma,+WA3251 1
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6494 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Roachdale,+IN6712 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6712 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-London4083 London4044 1
-London4083 Brussels,+Belgium4033 3
-London4083 Manasquan,+NJ4047 30
-London4083 Dublin,+Ireland4078 4
-London4083 New+York,+NY4022 29
-London4084 New+York,+NY4024 29
-London4084 Brussels,+Belgium4033 3
-London4084 Manasquan,+NJ4047 30
-London4084 New+York,+NY4022 29
-Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4057 Relay,+MD4054 4
-Milan,+Italy4046 Milan,+Italy4085 1
-Milan,+Italy4046 Paris4090 5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Anaheim,+CA4099 22
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Stockton,+CA4096 21
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Anaheim,+CA4100 22
-Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4058 Atlanta,+GA4074 4
-Tacoma,+WA4114 San+Jose,+CA4095 7
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tacoma,+WA6408 1
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tacoma,+WA3251 1
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Cheyenne,+WY4076 9
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tacoma,+WA6555 1
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tokyo4070 40
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Copenhagen4038 3
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Amsterdam4072 3
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Hamburg,+Germany4081 1
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Munich,+Germany4087 5
-Atlanta,+GA6565 Atlanta,+GA3957 1
-Atlanta,+GA6565 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Relay,+MD6551 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6551 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD6551 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Denver,+Colorado5511 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6624 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6624 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6624 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Lees+Summit,+MO5512 Kansas+City,+MO4105 2
-Lees+Summit,+MO5512 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6746 Kansas+City,+MO6544 6
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 1
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 Stockton,+CA4113 2
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 Stockton,+CA4065 2
-Relay,+MD6487 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6486 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6486 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6486 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Dallas,+TX6641 Atlanta,+GA3957 7
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6641 Chicago,+IL6593 8
-Dallas,+TX6641 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 San+Jose,+CA4119 4
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6464 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6570 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6627 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6539 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 22
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6556 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6564 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6744 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6591 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Dallas,+TX4133 11
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6584 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 22
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Dallas,+TX6587 11
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6684 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Dallas,+TX4080 11
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6502 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6520 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6512 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 San+Jose,+CA4112 4
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6702 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6453 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6438 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 San+Jose,+CA4062 4
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6464 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6627 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6490 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 22
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6539 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6564 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6556 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6744 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6591 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6584 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6684 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Dallas,+TX4080 11
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Dallas,+TX2635 11
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6502 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6520 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6512 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6702 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6453 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6438 1
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-Anaheim,+CA6570 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6570 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6645 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6464 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6570 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6627 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6539 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6556 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6564 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 New+York,+NY4028 21
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Dallas,+TX4115 11
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6744 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Los+Angeles,+CA5502 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6578 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6684 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6502 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6512 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6520 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 San+Jose,+CA4112 4
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6702 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6453 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6438 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6573 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX6558 1
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Dallas,+TX6573 Relay,+MD5801 11
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6443 1
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC9643 1
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6469 1
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC4139 1
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC4140 1
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6456 1
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6748 1
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC4142 1
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Anaheim,+CA6578 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Washington,+DC6469 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC6469 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Washington,+DC6469 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC6469 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Washington,+DC6469 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 7
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6729 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6676 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Chicago,+IL4104 3
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6712 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6552 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6697 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6402 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6636 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Chicago,+IL4036 3
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Orlando,+FL4049 5
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6735 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6745 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA2344 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6685 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA2338 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6540 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Orlando,+FL4050 5
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA2347 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Relay,+MD4131 6
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6439 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6465 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6481 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6628 1
-Roachdale,+IN6729 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6729 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Relay,+MD4093 6
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6540 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 New+York,+NY4048 8
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Chicago,+IL4037 6
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6481 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6465 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6628 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6565 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Dallas,+TX2635 7
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6735 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA3957 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6745 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA2344 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6685 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA2338 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA2347 1
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Orlando,+FL4108 5
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Tacoma,+WA3251 San+Jose,+CA4062 7
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6408 1
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Cheyenne,+WY4076 9
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6701 1
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Seattle,+WA4059 2
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6720 1
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Sydney,+Australia4067 64
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Cheyenne,+WY4034 9
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6555 1
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Seattle,+WA4060 2
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA4114 1
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tokyo4070 40
-Chicago,+IL1484 Cheyenne,+WY4076 9
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6724 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6643 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6572 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6492 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6654 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6468 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6639 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6648 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6747 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6593 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Dallas,+TX4080 8
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6586 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6595 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6669 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 New+York,+NY4088 7
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Springfield,+MA4023 8
-Chicago,+IL1484 Cheyenne,+WY4034 9
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6414 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Atlanta,+GA4074 6
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6441 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6603 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6611 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6531 1
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6621 1
-Orlando,+FL6459 Orlando,+FL4049 1
-Orlando,+FL6459 Orlando,+FL4050 1
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY6496 1
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 1
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-Seattle,+WA6476 Seattle,+WA4019 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6464 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6627 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6539 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6556 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6564 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6744 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6684 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6502 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6520 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6512 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6702 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6453 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6438 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Relay,+MD4029 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD4029 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6455 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Denver,+Colorado5501 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY2439 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6723 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Tacoma,+WA3251 9
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Chicago,+IL1484 9
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6629 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6388 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6413 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Dallas,+TX4080 7
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Tacoma,+WA4114 9
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6542 1
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6726 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6580 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC6443 1
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC4139 1
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC4140 1
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC6456 1
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC4142 1
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC6748 1
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 London4044 3
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 London4084 3
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 Brussels,+Belgium4075 1
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 London4083 3
-Chicago,+IL6643 Atlanta,+GA6735 6
-Chicago,+IL6643 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6643 Chicago,+IL6644 1
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 12
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6580 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6726 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6645 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6483 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Anaheim,+CA4031 11
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6573 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6566 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Kansas+City,+MO4105 5
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6494 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6737 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Orlando,+FL4089 9
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6587 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6749 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Chicago,+IL4123 8
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6598 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6689 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX1742 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Chicago,+IL1391 8
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6504 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX3549 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6604 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6612 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6419 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6622 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6444 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6641 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6706 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6471 1
-Chicago,+IL6644 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6644 Chicago,+IL6643 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 10
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Dallas,+TX2635 5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6544 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6472 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6707 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6458 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 New+York,+NY4028 10
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Dallas,+TX4115 5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6395 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6422 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Lees+Summit,+MO5512 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6690 1
-Chicago,+IL6572 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6572 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 10
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Dallas,+TX2635 5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6544 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6472 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6707 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6458 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6395 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Lees+Summit,+MO5512 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6422 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6690 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 New+York,+NY4116 7
-Chicago,+IL4104 Seattle,+WA4059 15
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6724 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6652 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 New+York,+NY4048 7
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6492 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6468 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Kansas+City,+MO4043 5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6639 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Roachdale,+IN4111 3
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6747 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6593 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Dallas,+TX4080 8
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6586 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6595 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6669 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Dallas,+TX2635 8
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Cheyenne,+WY4034 9
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6414 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6441 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6603 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6611 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6531 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6621 1
-Dallas,+TX6658 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6658 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Anaheim,+CA6584 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6584 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6584 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Chicago,+IL6648 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6648 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6587 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Dallas,+TX6587 Anaheim,+CA4100 11
-San+Jose,+CA6405 San+Jose,+CA4062 1
-San+Jose,+CA6405 San+Jose,+CA4095 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6724 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6492 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6468 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6639 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Roachdale,+IN4111 3
-Chicago,+IL4036 Stockton,+CA4113 16
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6593 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6747 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Dallas,+TX4080 8
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6586 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6595 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6669 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Springfield,+MA4020 8
-Chicago,+IL4036 Stockton,+CA4065 16
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6414 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6611 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6441 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6603 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6531 1
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6621 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 San+Jose,+CA4062 16
-Chicago,+IL4037 New+York,+NY4124 7
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6724 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6644 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6572 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6654 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6492 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6468 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Kansas+City,+MO4043 5
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6639 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6648 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6747 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6593 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Dallas,+TX4080 8
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6586 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6595 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6669 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Atlanta,+GA4032 6
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Roachdale,+IN4056 3
-Chicago,+IL4037 Cheyenne,+WY4034 9
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6414 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6603 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6441 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6611 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6531 1
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6621 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Pennsauken,+NJ4125 7
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6729 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 7
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6677 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6712 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6697 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6552 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6402 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6636 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Chicago,+IL4037 3
-Relay,+MD6576 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6576 Relay,+MD4127 1
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA6476 1
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA4059 1
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA4060 1
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA6450 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6647 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 1
-Stockton,+CA6602 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6602 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 New+York,+NY4107 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Dallas,+TX4015 12
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 New+York,+NY4116 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6516 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6614 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6525 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6517 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6624 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6448 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Stockton,+CA4096 21
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6728 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6486 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6754 1
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Dallas,+TX6663 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6663 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Chicago,+IL6651 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Amsterdam4072 Amsterdam4030 1
-Amsterdam4072 Hamburg,+Germany4041 3
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6737 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Chicago,+IL6652 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Anaheim,+CA6591 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6591 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6591 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Chicago,+IL6654 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6654 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Stockton,+CA6609 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6609 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6609 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA4062 1
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA4119 1
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Stockton,+CA4065 2
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA4112 1
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA6477 1
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA6405 1
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Stockton,+CA4113 2
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Anaheim,+CA4073 4
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Tacoma,+WA4114 7
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6544 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Dallas,+TX4015 5
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6472 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6707 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6458 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6750 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6395 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Chicago,+IL4104 5
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Lees+Summit,+MO5504 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6690 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Seattle,+WA4060 14
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Chicago,+IL4037 5
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6598 Atlanta,+GA6735 7
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6598 Chicago,+IL6593 8
-Dallas,+TX6598 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6598 Kansas+City,+MO6458 5
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Chicago,+IL6643 6
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Dallas,+TX6598 7
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Hong+Kong4042 Hong+Kong6421 1
-Hong+Kong4042 Tokyo4069 16
-Hong+Kong4042 Tokyo4070 16
-Roachdale,+IN6676 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6677 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Relay,+MD4110 New+York,+NY4048 3
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6443 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4136 1
-Relay,+MD4110 San+Jose,+CA4062 21
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC9643 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6469 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6461 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6518 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4138 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Atlanta,+GA4074 6
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4131 1
-Relay,+MD4110 New+York,+NY4116 3
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6551 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC4139 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Manasquan,+NJ4086 3
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6431 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC4140 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6487 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6696 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6456 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6675 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4118 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4029 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6449 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD5801 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6748 2
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY6496 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6728 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6728 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6728 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD4118 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 2
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4127 1
-Dublin,+Ireland4078 London4083 4
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Roachdale,+IN4111 7
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Kansas+City,+MO4105 10
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Kansas+City,+MO4106 10
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Sydney,+Australia6437 Sydney,+Australia4067 1
-Sydney,+Australia6437 Sydney,+Australia4068 1
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Los+Angeles,+CA5502 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6413 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6413 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6413 Atlanta,+GA6530 11
-Dallas,+TX4133 Anaheim,+CA4099 11
-Dallas,+TX4133 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX4133 Anaheim,+CA4100 11
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6651 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Springfield,+MA4025 8
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6492 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6639 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6414 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6611 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6621 1
-Dallas,+TX6749 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6749 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6749 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6749 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Stockton,+CA6619 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6619 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6619 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Chicago,+IL4123 Dallas,+TX4115 8
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6593 Dallas,+TX4080 8
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6593 Dallas,+TX6598 8
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL6593 Dallas,+TX6641 8
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Milan,+Italy4085 Milan,+Italy4046 1
-Milan,+Italy4085 Frankfurt4040 4
-Atlanta,+GA6745 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA6745 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA6745 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Hamburg,+Germany4081 Copenhagen4077 3
-Hamburg,+Germany4081 Hamburg,+Germany4041 1
-Hamburg,+Germany4081 Frankfurt4040 4
-New+York,+NY6524 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY6524 New+York,+NY4129 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6443 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4136 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Reston,+VA5496 2
-Relay,+MD4054 New+York,+NY4107 3
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4138 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6696 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6456 2
-Relay,+MD4054 New+York,+NY4129 3
-Relay,+MD4054 Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4057 4
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6469 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC4140 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6431 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6748 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6461 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6518 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC9643 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC4139 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6551 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6449 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4131 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Manasquan,+NJ4047 3
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4029 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4118 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6675 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4127 1
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4136 1
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4131 1
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD6576 1
-Relay,+MD4127 Ashburn,+VA10163 2
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4118 1
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6399 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 New+York,+NY4048 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Kansas+City,+MO4082 10
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6516 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Stockton,+CA4064 21
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6517 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6525 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6614 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6624 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6448 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6728 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6486 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6754 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4125 Springfield,+MA4020 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4125 Roachdale,+IN4056 7
-Pennsauken,+NJ4125 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Tacoma,+WA6408 Tacoma,+WA3251 1
-Tacoma,+WA6408 Tacoma,+WA6555 1
-Tacoma,+WA6408 Tacoma,+WA4114 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Springfield,+MA4020 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Roachdale,+IN4056 7
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Dallas,+TX6683 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6683 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6464 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Dallas,+TX4015 11
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6627 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6539 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6556 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6564 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6744 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 San+Jose,+CA4095 4
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6684 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6502 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6512 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6520 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6610 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6702 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6453 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6438 1
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6689 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX1742 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-New+York,+NY6605 New+York,+NY6606 1
-New+York,+NY6605 New+York,+NY4124 1
-New+York,+NY6605 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4116 1
-Atlanta,+GA6685 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA6685 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA6685 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-New+York,+NY6606 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY6606 New+York,+NY4124 1
-New+York,+NY6606 New+York,+NY6605 1
-Roachdale,+IN6697 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6697 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Roachdale,+IN6402 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6402 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Orlando,+FL4049 5
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Dallas,+TX4015 7
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6540 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4058 4
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6465 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6481 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6628 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 New+York,+NY4088 8
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6735 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA3957 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6745 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Chicago,+IL1484 6
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA2344 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Relay,+MD4110 6
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6685 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA2338 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA2347 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Orlando,+FL4050 5
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4136 1
-Relay,+MD4131 New+York,+NY6397 3
-Relay,+MD4131 Ashburn,+VA10162 2
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD4131 Atlanta,+GA4102 6
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4127 1
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Paris4051 Paris4090 1
-Paris4051 Frankfurt4079 4
-Relay,+MD6675 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD6675 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6675 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4131 1
-Relay,+MD4136 Ashburn,+VA10163 2
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD5801 1
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4127 1
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY6397 Relay,+MD4131 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ6647 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Dallas,+TX4115 12
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Relay,+MD4138 Ashburn,+VA10161 2
-Relay,+MD4138 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD4138 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD4138 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6750 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6750 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Richardson,+TX5500 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 San+Jose,+CA4119 13
-Dallas,+TX4080 Cheyenne,+WY4076 7
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6580 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6726 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6566 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6494 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL4104 8
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6658 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6749 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6587 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL4036 8
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL6593 8
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL4037 8
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6604 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6622 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6444 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6641 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA4100 11
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA4101 11
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6645 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6483 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6573 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6663 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6558 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6737 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6683 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6598 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX1742 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6689 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Kansas+City,+MO4082 5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL1484 8
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA6502 11
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6504 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX3549 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA4099 11
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6612 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6419 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL6441 8
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6471 1
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6706 1
-Brussels,+Belgium4075 Amsterdam4030 2
-Brussels,+Belgium4075 Brussels,+Belgium4033 1
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL4089 1
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL4049 1
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL6429 1
-Orlando,+FL4108 Atlanta,+GA4032 5
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL4050 1
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL6693 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6754 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6754 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6754 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Seattle,+WA4059 Tacoma,+WA3251 2
-Seattle,+WA4059 Seattle,+WA4019 1
-Seattle,+WA4059 Seattle,+WA6432 1
-Seattle,+WA4059 Seattle,+WA4060 1
-Seattle,+WA4059 Chicago,+IL4104 15
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC6443 1
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC9643 1
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC4139 1
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC4140 1
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC6456 1
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC4142 1
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC6748 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO6472 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Dallas,+TX4015 5
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 10
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6544 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6472 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6707 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6458 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6750 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6395 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Lees+Summit,+MO5503 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6422 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Lees+Summit,+MO5505 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6690 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Dallas,+TX4080 5
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6580 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6726 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6566 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Kansas+City,+MO4105 5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6494 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Kansas+City,+MO4106 5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Chicago,+IL4104 8
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4133 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6587 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6604 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6444 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6622 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6641 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Anaheim,+CA4101 11
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6645 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6483 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6573 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6663 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6737 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6683 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6598 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX1742 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6689 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Atlanta,+GA4032 7
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6504 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Anaheim,+CA4099 11
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX3549 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6612 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6419 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6471 1
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6706 1
-Washington,+DC9643 Washington,+DC6736 1
-Washington,+DC9643 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC9643 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Washington,+DC9643 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC9643 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Washington,+DC9643 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 San+Jose,+CA4062 4
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6627 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6539 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6490 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6564 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6556 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6744 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Dallas,+TX4133 11
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6591 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6584 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 22
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Dallas,+TX4080 11
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Dallas,+TX2635 11
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6502 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6512 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6520 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6702 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6453 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6438 1
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Copenhagen4038 Copenhagen4077 1
-Copenhagen4038 Stockholm,+Sweden4066 4
-Copenhagen4038 Manasquan,+NJ4086 33
-Copenhagen4038 Hamburg,+Germany4041 3
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6419 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Seattle,+WA4060 Kansas+City,+MO4043 14
-Seattle,+WA4060 Tacoma,+WA3251 2
-Seattle,+WA4060 Seattle,+WA4059 1
-Seattle,+WA4060 Seattle,+WA4019 1
-Seattle,+WA4060 Seattle,+WA6432 1
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL6429 1
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL4089 1
-Orlando,+FL4049 Dallas,+TX4015 9
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL4108 1
-Orlando,+FL4049 Atlanta,+GA4074 5
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL6459 1
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL6693 1
-Orlando,+FL4049 Atlanta,+GA4102 5
-New+York,+NY4017 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY4017 London4045 29
-New+York,+NY4017 New+York,+NY4134 1
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4116 1
-Relay,+MD6696 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD6696 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6696 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6407 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6452 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 21
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6463 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6609 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 San+Jose,+CA4095 2
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6619 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6563 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Chicago,+IL4036 16
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6719 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6590 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA3402 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6583 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6479 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6577 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6569 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6758 1
-Stockton,+CA4113 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 2
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6736 1
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6543 1
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC6748 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Washington,+DC6748 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Washington,+DC6748 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Frankfurt4040 Milan,+Italy4085 4
-Frankfurt4040 Frankfurt4079 1
-Frankfurt4040 Hamburg,+Germany4081 4
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Springfield,+MA4020 Pennsauken,+NJ4125 3
-Springfield,+MA4020 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 3
-Springfield,+MA4020 Springfield,+MA4023 1
-Springfield,+MA4020 Boston5499 2
-Springfield,+MA4020 Springfield,+MA4025 1
-Springfield,+MA4020 Springfield,+MA6406 1
-Springfield,+MA4020 New+York,+NY4137 2
-Springfield,+MA4020 Chicago,+IL4036 8
-Cheyenne,+WY6455 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6455 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Ashburn,+VA10161 Relay,+MD4138 2
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6736 1
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6543 1
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC4139 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC4139 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Washington,+DC4139 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Ashburn,+VA10162 Relay,+MD4131 2
-Springfield,+MA4023 Springfield,+MA4020 1
-Springfield,+MA4023 Chicago,+IL1484 8
-Springfield,+MA4023 Boston5509 2
-Springfield,+MA4023 Springfield,+MA4025 1
-Springfield,+MA4023 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Springfield,+MA4023 Springfield,+MA6406 1
-Ashburn,+VA10163 Relay,+MD4136 2
-Ashburn,+VA10163 Relay,+MD4127 2
-Springfield,+MA4025 Chicago,+IL4122 8
-Springfield,+MA4025 Springfield,+MA4020 1
-Springfield,+MA4025 Springfield,+MA4023 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6388 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6388 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL6429 1
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL4089 1
-Orlando,+FL4050 Dallas,+TX4015 9
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL4108 1
-Orlando,+FL4050 Atlanta,+GA4074 5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL6459 1
-Orlando,+FL4050 Atlanta,+GA4102 5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL6693 1
-Stockholm,+Sweden4066 Stockholm,+Sweden4097 1
-Stockholm,+Sweden4066 Copenhagen4038 4
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-New+York,+NY4022 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY4022 London4084 29
-New+York,+NY4022 London4083 29
-New+York,+NY4024 London4084 29
-New+York,+NY4024 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY4024 New+York,+NY4134 1
-Reston,+VA5496 Reston,+VA5497 1
-Reston,+VA5496 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Reston,+VA5497 Reston,+VA5496 1
-Reston,+VA5497 Relay,+MD4093 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX4015 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6580 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6726 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6645 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Anaheim,+CA4031 21
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6483 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6573 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6566 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Kansas+City,+MO4105 10
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6494 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6737 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Orlando,+FL4089 9
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6587 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6749 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX4080 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6598 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6689 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX1742 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Chicago,+IL1391 7
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX2635 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6504 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX3549 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6604 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6612 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6419 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6622 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6444 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6641 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6706 13
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6471 13
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY6446 1
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY6427 1
-Boston5509 Springfield,+MA4023 2
-Boston5509 Boston5499 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6443 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Reston,+VA5497 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4138 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6696 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6456 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6469 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6431 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC4140 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC4142 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6748 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Atlanta,+GA4032 6
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC9643 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6518 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6461 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC4139 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6551 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6449 1
-Relay,+MD4093 San+Jose,+CA4112 21
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4131 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6576 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6675 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4118 1
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4127 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4125 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 New+York,+NY4124 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Stockton,+CA4113 21
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6516 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Springfield,+MA4023 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6614 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6525 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Stockton,+CA4065 21
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6624 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6448 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6728 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6486 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Relay,+MD4118 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6754 1
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6736 1
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6543 1
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC4140 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC4140 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Washington,+DC4140 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6736 1
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6543 1
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC4142 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Atlanta,+GA6565 1
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Dallas,+TX6641 7
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Dallas,+TX4080 11
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Tokyo4069 Hong+Kong4042 16
-Tokyo4069 Stockton,+CA4064 44
-Tokyo4069 Tokyo4070 1
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6504 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6422 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6422 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6422 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-San+Jose,+CA6477 San+Jose,+CA4095 1
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Hong+Kong6421 Hong+Kong4042 1
-Hong+Kong6421 Stockton,+CA4096 57
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY4107 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6397 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6559 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6496 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4134 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6427 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6532 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6446 1
-New+York,+NY4107 Relay,+MD4054 3
-Paris4090 London4044 3
-Paris4090 Milan,+Italy4046 5
-Paris4090 Paris4051 1
-Munich,+Germany4087 Hamburg,+Germany4041 5
-Atlanta,+GA6439 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA3402 Anaheim,+CA6512 4
-Tokyo4070 Tokyo4071 1
-Tokyo4070 Hong+Kong4042 16
-Tokyo4070 Tacoma,+WA3251 40
-Tokyo4070 Singapore4094 28
-Tokyo4070 Tacoma,+WA4114 40
-Tokyo4070 Tokyo4069 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6542 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6542 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Tokyo4071 Singapore4094 28
-Tokyo4071 Stockton,+CA4064 44
-Tokyo4071 Tokyo4070 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 21
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6602 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6407 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 San+Jose,+CA4119 2
-Stockton,+CA4064 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 21
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6452 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6463 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6563 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6719 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA3402 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6590 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6583 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Tokyo4071 44
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6479 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6577 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6569 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6758 1
-Stockton,+CA4064 Tokyo4069 44
-Stockton,+CA4064 Sydney,+Australia4068 62
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6407 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 21
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6452 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 21
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6463 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6609 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 San+Jose,+CA4095 2
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6619 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6563 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Chicago,+IL4036 16
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6719 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6590 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA3402 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6583 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6479 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6569 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6577 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6758 1
-Stockton,+CA4065 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 2
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Stockton,+CA3402 4
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6444 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY4116 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6397 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6559 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4124 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6496 1
-New+York,+NY4116 Relay,+MD4110 3
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6605 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6532 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6427 1
-New+York,+NY4116 Chicago,+IL4104 7
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6606 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4137 1
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6446 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4024 1
-New+York,+NY4048 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6751 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4017 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6752 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6559 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6397 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6496 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4134 1
-New+York,+NY4048 Chicago,+IL4104 7
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4137 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY4048 Atlanta,+GA4032 8
-New+York,+NY4048 Relay,+MD4110 3
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6532 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6427 1
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6446 1
-New+York,+NY4048 Manasquan,+NJ4047 2
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4022 1
-Relay,+MD6431 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD6431 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6431 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Santa+Clara,+CA5508 San+Jose,+CA4119 2
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6629 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6629 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX3549 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 New+York,+NY4048 2
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 London4084 30
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 Manasquan,+NJ4086 1
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 Relay,+MD4054 3
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 London4083 30
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6443 1
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC9643 1
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6469 1
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC4139 1
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC4140 1
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6456 1
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6748 1
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC4142 1
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6441 Dallas,+TX4080 8
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4089 1
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4049 1
-Orlando,+FL6693 Atlanta,+GA2347 5
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4050 1
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4108 1
-Frankfurt4079 Paris4051 4
-Frankfurt4079 Frankfurt4040 1
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Stockholm,+Sweden4097 Copenhagen4077 4
-Stockholm,+Sweden4097 Stockholm,+Sweden4066 1
-Copenhagen4077 Stockholm,+Sweden4097 4
-Copenhagen4077 London4044 6
-Copenhagen4077 Copenhagen4038 1
-Copenhagen4077 Hamburg,+Germany4081 3
-London4044 Copenhagen4077 6
-London4044 London4045 1
-London4044 Paris4090 3
-London4044 Brussels,+Belgium4033 3
-London4044 London4083 1
-London4044 Dublin,+Ireland4039 4
-Richardson,+TX5500 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Richardson,+TX5500 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-London4045 London4044 1
-London4045 New+York,+NY4017 29
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY6606 1
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4137 1
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4129 1
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4088 1
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY4124 Chicago,+IL4037 7
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4134 1
-New+York,+NY4124 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 2
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY6605 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Anaheim,+CA4101 22
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Stockton,+CA4064 21
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Stockton,+CA4096 21
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Stockton,+CA4065 21
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Anaheim,+CA4100 22
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 1
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY4137 1
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY4124 1
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY4134 1
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY6524 1
-New+York,+NY4129 Relay,+MD4054 3
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL4049 1
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL6429 1
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL4050 1
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL4108 1
-Orlando,+FL4089 New+York,+NY4028 9
-Orlando,+FL4089 Dallas,+TX4115 9
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL6693 1
-Relay,+MD6518 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD6518 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6518 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6516 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6516 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6516 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6517 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6517 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Relay,+MD6449 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD6449 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6449 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6448 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6448 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6448 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6604 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4096 1
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Dallas,+TX6598 5
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4129 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4137 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4024 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY6751 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4017 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY6752 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4124 1
-Atlanta,+GA6530 Cheyenne,+WY6413 11
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4129 1
-New+York,+NY4137 Springfield,+MA4020 2
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4124 1
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4134 1
-Tacoma,+WA6555 Tacoma,+WA6408 1
-Tacoma,+WA6555 Tacoma,+WA3251 1
-Tacoma,+WA6555 Tacoma,+WA4114 1
-Seattle,+WA6432 Seattle,+WA4059 1
-Seattle,+WA6432 Seattle,+WA4060 1
-Atlanta,+GA6465 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA6465 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA6465 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6525 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6525 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6525 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6455 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY2439 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6723 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Tacoma,+WA3251 9
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Denver,+Colorado5511 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Chicago,+IL1484 9
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6629 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6388 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Chicago,+IL4104 9
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6413 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Chicago,+IL4037 9
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6542 1
-Anaheim,+CA6610 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-San+Jose,+CA4112 San+Jose,+CA4062 1
-San+Jose,+CA4112 San+Jose,+CA4095 1
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Anaheim,+CA4031 4
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-San+Jose,+CA4112 San+Jose,+CA4132 1
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Relay,+MD4093 21
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Anaheim,+CA4100 4
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6612 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 21
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6602 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6407 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Hong+Kong6421 57
-Stockton,+CA4096 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 21
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6452 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6609 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6463 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6619 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 21
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6563 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA4113 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6719 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA3402 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6590 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6583 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6479 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6569 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6577 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA4064 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6758 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA4065 1
-Stockton,+CA4096 Sydney,+Australia4068 62
-Stockton,+CA4096 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 San+Jose,+CA4112 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 San+Jose,+CA4132 2
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6471 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-New+York,+NY6751 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6751 New+York,+NY4134 1
-San+Jose,+CA4119 San+Jose,+CA4062 1
-San+Jose,+CA4119 San+Jose,+CA4095 1
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Dallas,+TX4080 13
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Stockton,+CA4064 2
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Santa+Clara,+CA5508 2
-San+Jose,+CA4119 San+Jose,+CA4132 1
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Anaheim,+CA4100 4
-New+York,+NY6752 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY6752 New+York,+NY4134 1
-Cheyenne,+WY2439 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY2439 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Tacoma,+WA6701 Roachdale,+IN6552 16
-Tacoma,+WA6701 Tacoma,+WA3251 1
-Singapore4094 Tokyo4071 28
-Singapore4094 Tokyo4070 28
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Atlanta,+GA6540 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA6540 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA6540 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Roachdale,+IN6552 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6552 Tacoma,+WA6701 16
-Roachdale,+IN6552 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Relay,+MD5801 Relay,+MD4136 1
-Relay,+MD5801 Dallas,+TX6573 11
-Relay,+MD5801 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4089 1
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4049 1
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4050 1
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4108 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6723 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6723 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Relay,+MD6461 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Relay,+MD6461 Relay,+MD4093 1
-Relay,+MD6461 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Sydney,+Australia4067 Tacoma,+WA3251 64
-Sydney,+Australia4067 Sydney,+Australia6437 1
-Sydney,+Australia4068 Sydney,+Australia6437 1
-Sydney,+Australia4068 Stockton,+CA4064 62
-Sydney,+Australia4068 Stockton,+CA4096 62
-Atlanta,+GA2338 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA2338 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA2338 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Amsterdam4030 Amsterdam4072 1
-Amsterdam4030 Brussels,+Belgium4075 2
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6622 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6736 1
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6543 1
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6415 1
-Washington,+DC6443 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Washington,+DC6443 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Washington,+DC6443 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6393 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6399 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Cheyenne,+WY6746 6
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Richardson,+TX5500 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Orlando,+FL4049 9
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6580 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6726 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6566 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6494 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6658 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6749 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6587 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Orlando,+FL4050 9
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6604 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6622 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6444 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6641 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 12
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6645 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6483 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6573 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6558 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6737 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Kansas+City,+MO4043 5
-Dallas,+TX4015 Kansas+City,+MO6690 5
-Dallas,+TX4015 Anaheim,+CA4073 11
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6598 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX1742 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6689 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6504 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX3549 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6612 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6419 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Atlanta,+GA4074 7
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6471 1
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6706 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO6690 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4105 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4106 1
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6483 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-Dallas,+TX6558 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6558 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6558 Dallas,+TX6573 1
-Springfield,+MA6406 Springfield,+MA4020 1
-Springfield,+MA6406 Springfield,+MA4023 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 1
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 1
-Roachdale,+IN6636 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6636 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Atlanta,+GA6481 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA6481 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA6481 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Atlanta,+GA6628 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA6628 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA6628 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Seattle,+WA6450 Seattle,+WA4019 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4107 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6397 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6559 1
-New+York,+NY4088 Manasquan,+NJ4086 2
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4116 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4124 1
-New+York,+NY4088 Chicago,+IL1484 7
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6496 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6532 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6524 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6427 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4048 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6446 1
-New+York,+NY4088 Atlanta,+GA4074 8
-Chicago,+IL1391 New+York,+NY4028 7
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6724 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Dallas,+TX4115 8
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6468 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6492 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6639 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6747 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6593 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6586 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6595 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6669 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6414 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6611 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6603 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6441 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6531 1
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6621 1
-Denver,+Colorado5501 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6614 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6614 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6614 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 1
-Boston5499 Springfield,+MA4020 2
-Boston5499 Boston5509 1
-Atlanta,+GA2344 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA2344 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA2344 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Dublin,+Ireland4039 London4044 4
-Lees+Summit,+MO5503 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Lees+Summit,+MO5504 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-San+Jose,+CA6742 San+Jose,+CA4062 1
-San+Jose,+CA6742 San+Jose,+CA4132 1
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Atlanta,+GA4032 1
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Orlando,+FL6693 5
-Lees+Summit,+MO5505 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4099 1
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4101 1
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA6721 1
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4100 1
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA4062 1
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA4119 1
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA4112 1
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA6742 1
-San+Jose,+CA4132 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX2635 1
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX4015 1
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX4080 1
-Dallas,+TX6706 New+York,+NY4028 13
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL1391 1
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4036 1
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL1484 1
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4037 1
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4104 1
diff --git a/examples/sprint.weights b/examples/sprint.weights
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e343a8..0000000
--- a/examples/sprint.weights
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1944 +0,0 @@
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Anaheim,+CA4101 2.5
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4119 2
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Tacoma,+WA3251 6.5
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Relay,+MD4110 8
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Anaheim,+CA4099 8.5
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4112 2
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA6742 4
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4095 2
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA6405 2
-San+Jose,+CA4062 San+Jose,+CA4132 4
-San+Jose,+CA4062 Chicago,+IL4037 9
-Anaheim,+CA6490 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6490 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 New+York,+NY4088 4.5
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 Copenhagen4038 3
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 Manasquan,+NJ4047 2
-Manasquan,+NJ4086 Relay,+MD4110 4
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6564 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6566 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6566 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6736 3
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6543 2
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6415 2
-Washington,+DC6456 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Washington,+DC6456 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Washington,+DC6456 Washington,+DC6393 3
-Washington,+DC6456 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Tacoma,+WA6720 Tacoma,+WA3251 1
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6494 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6494 Dallas,+TX4115 3
-Roachdale,+IN6712 Roachdale,+IN4111 2
-Roachdale,+IN6712 Roachdale,+IN4056 2
-London4083 London4044 2
-London4083 Brussels,+Belgium4033 2
-London4083 Manasquan,+NJ4047 2.5
-London4083 Dublin,+Ireland4078 1
-London4083 New+York,+NY4022 9.5
-London4084 New+York,+NY4024 9
-London4084 Brussels,+Belgium4033 8
-London4084 Manasquan,+NJ4047 4.5
-London4084 New+York,+NY4022 7.5
-Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4057 Relay,+MD4054 1
-Milan,+Italy4046 Milan,+Italy4085 5
-Milan,+Italy4046 Paris4090 2
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Anaheim,+CA4099 7
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 2.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 9.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Stockton,+CA4096 8.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 3
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 Anaheim,+CA4100 16
-Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4058 Atlanta,+GA4074 1
-Tacoma,+WA4114 San+Jose,+CA4095 6.5
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tacoma,+WA6408 3
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tacoma,+WA3251 2
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Cheyenne,+WY4076 5.5
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tacoma,+WA6555 2
-Tacoma,+WA4114 Tokyo4070 6
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Copenhagen4038 4.5
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Amsterdam4072 2
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Hamburg,+Germany4081 4
-Hamburg,+Germany4041 Munich,+Germany4087 1
-Atlanta,+GA6565 Atlanta,+GA3957 2
-Atlanta,+GA6565 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Relay,+MD6551 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Relay,+MD6551 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Relay,+MD6551 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Denver,+Colorado5511 Cheyenne,+WY4034 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6624 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6624 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6624 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Lees+Summit,+MO5512 Kansas+City,+MO4105 3.5
-Lees+Summit,+MO5512 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6746 Kansas+City,+MO6544 1
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 2.5
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 Stockton,+CA4113 2.5
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Relay,+MD6487 Relay,+MD4110 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6486 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6486 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6486 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Dallas,+TX6641 Atlanta,+GA3957 7.5
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6641 Chicago,+IL6593 6.5
-Dallas,+TX6641 New+York,+NY4028 4
-Dallas,+TX6641 Dallas,+TX4115 4
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 San+Jose,+CA4119 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6464 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6570 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6627 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6539 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6556 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6564 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6744 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6591 4.5
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Dallas,+TX4133 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6584 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 16
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Dallas,+TX6587 6
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6684 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Dallas,+TX4080 4
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4073 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6502 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6520 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6512 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA4099 9
-Anaheim,+CA4100 San+Jose,+CA4112 5.5
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6702 2
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6453 3
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6721 3
-Anaheim,+CA4100 Anaheim,+CA6438 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA4101 San+Jose,+CA4062 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6464 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6627 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6490 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6539 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6564 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6556 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6744 3
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6591 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6584 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6684 3
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Dallas,+TX4080 7
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4073 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Dallas,+TX2635 4
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6502 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6520 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6512 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4099 9
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6702 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6453 2
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA6438 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4101 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4105 3
-Kansas+City,+MO6707 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6570 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6570 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6645 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6645 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6464 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6570 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6627 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6539 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6556 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6564 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 New+York,+NY4028 6
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Dallas,+TX4115 4
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6744 3
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Los+Angeles,+CA5502 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6578 1
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6684 3
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6502 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6512 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6520 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Anaheim,+CA4031 San+Jose,+CA4112 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6702 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6453 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA6438 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4031 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6573 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX6558 5
-Dallas,+TX6573 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Dallas,+TX6573 Relay,+MD5801 15.5
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6443 3
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC9643 3
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6469 4
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC4139 3
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC4140 3
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6456 3
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC6748 3
-Washington,+DC6393 Washington,+DC4142 2
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6492 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4122 3
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6639 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Anaheim,+CA6578 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Washington,+DC6469 Washington,+DC6415 3
-Washington,+DC6469 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Washington,+DC6469 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Washington,+DC6469 Washington,+DC6393 4
-Washington,+DC6469 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 9
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6729 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6676 1
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN4056 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Chicago,+IL4104 6.5
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6712 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6552 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6697 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6402 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Roachdale,+IN6636 2
-Roachdale,+IN4111 Chicago,+IL4036 9.5
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Orlando,+FL4049 3
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6735 5
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6745 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA2344 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6685 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA2338 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6540 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Orlando,+FL4050 3.5
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA2347 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Relay,+MD4131 4
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6439 1
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6465 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6481 2
-Atlanta,+GA4102 Atlanta,+GA6628 2
-Roachdale,+IN6729 Roachdale,+IN4111 2
-Roachdale,+IN6729 Roachdale,+IN4056 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Relay,+MD4093 4
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6540 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 New+York,+NY4048 6.5
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Chicago,+IL4037 8
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6481 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6465 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6628 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6565 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Dallas,+TX2635 5.5
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6735 5
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA3957 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6745 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA2344 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA6685 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA2338 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA2347 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Orlando,+FL4108 2
-Atlanta,+GA4032 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Tacoma,+WA3251 San+Jose,+CA4062 6.5
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6408 3
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Cheyenne,+WY4076 5.5
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6701 2
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Seattle,+WA4059 2
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6720 1
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Sydney,+Australia4067 6.5
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Cheyenne,+WY4034 5.5
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA6555 2
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Seattle,+WA4060 3
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tacoma,+WA4114 2
-Tacoma,+WA3251 Tokyo4070 8
-Chicago,+IL1484 Cheyenne,+WY4076 5
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6724 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6643 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6572 3
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6492 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6654 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6468 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6639 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6648 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6747 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6593 3
-Chicago,+IL1484 Dallas,+TX4080 5.5
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6586 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6595 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6669 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 New+York,+NY4088 8.5
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Springfield,+MA4023 5.5
-Chicago,+IL1484 Cheyenne,+WY4034 8
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6414 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Atlanta,+GA4074 8
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6441 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6603 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6611 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6531 2
-Chicago,+IL1484 Chicago,+IL6621 2
-Orlando,+FL6459 Orlando,+FL4049 2
-Orlando,+FL6459 Orlando,+FL4050 4.5
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4088 3.5
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4048 2.5
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4107 2.5
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY4116 2.5
-New+York,+NY6427 New+York,+NY6496 2
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 2.5
-Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-Seattle,+WA6476 Seattle,+WA4019 1
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6464 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6627 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6539 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6556 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6564 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6744 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6684 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6502 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6520 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6512 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6702 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6453 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA6438 2
-Anaheim,+CA6721 Anaheim,+CA4100 3
-Relay,+MD4029 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Relay,+MD4029 Relay,+MD4054 3
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6455 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Denver,+Colorado5501 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY2439 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6723 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Tacoma,+WA3251 5.5
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Chicago,+IL1484 5
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6629 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6388 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6413 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY4034 3
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Dallas,+TX4080 13.5
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Tacoma,+WA4114 5.5
-Cheyenne,+WY4076 Cheyenne,+WY6542 2
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6726 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6726 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6580 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX6580 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC6443 2
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC4139 2
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC4140 2
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC6456 2
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC4142 2
-Washington,+DC6543 Washington,+DC6748 2
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 London4044 5
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 London4084 8
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 Brussels,+Belgium4075 2
-Brussels,+Belgium4033 London4083 2
-Chicago,+IL6643 Atlanta,+GA6735 13
-Chicago,+IL6643 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6643 Chicago,+IL6644 5
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4064 3
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4113 3
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4065 3
-Stockton,+CA6452 Stockton,+CA4096 3
-Dallas,+TX4115 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 9
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6580 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6726 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6645 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6483 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Anaheim,+CA4031 4
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6573 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6566 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Kansas+City,+MO4105 4.5
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6494 3
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6737 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Orlando,+FL4089 6.5
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6587 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6749 3
-Dallas,+TX4115 Chicago,+IL4123 1
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6598 4.5
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6689 3
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX1742 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Chicago,+IL1391 5.5
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6504 3
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX3549 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6604 3
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6612 3
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6419 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6622 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6444 2
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6641 4
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6706 3.5
-Dallas,+TX4115 Dallas,+TX6471 2
-Chicago,+IL6644 Chicago,+IL4037 4
-Chicago,+IL6644 Chicago,+IL6643 5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO4082 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 12.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Dallas,+TX2635 5.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6544 4
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6472 4
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6707 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6458 4
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 New+York,+NY4028 6.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Dallas,+TX4115 4.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6395 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6422 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Lees+Summit,+MO5512 3.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO4043 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4105 Kansas+City,+MO6690 4
-Chicago,+IL6572 Chicago,+IL1484 3
-Chicago,+IL6572 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 12
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Dallas,+TX2635 5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6544 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6472 3.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6707 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6458 3.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6395 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Lees+Summit,+MO5512 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6422 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4106 Kansas+City,+MO6690 2.5
-Chicago,+IL4104 New+York,+NY4116 11.5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Seattle,+WA4059 3.5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6724 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6652 1
-Chicago,+IL4104 New+York,+NY4048 8.5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6492 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6468 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Kansas+City,+MO4043 6
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6639 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Roachdale,+IN4111 6.5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6747 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6593 3
-Chicago,+IL4104 Dallas,+TX4080 7.5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6586 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6595 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6669 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Dallas,+TX2635 5.5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Cheyenne,+WY4034 5
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6414 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6441 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6603 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6611 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6531 2
-Chicago,+IL4104 Chicago,+IL6621 2
-Dallas,+TX6658 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6658 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Anaheim,+CA6584 Anaheim,+CA4099 10
-Anaheim,+CA6584 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6584 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Chicago,+IL6648 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6648 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6587 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6587 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Dallas,+TX6587 Anaheim,+CA4100 6
-San+Jose,+CA6405 San+Jose,+CA4062 2
-San+Jose,+CA6405 San+Jose,+CA4095 3
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6724 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6492 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6468 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6639 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Roachdale,+IN4111 9.5
-Chicago,+IL4036 Stockton,+CA4113 12
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6593 3
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6747 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Dallas,+TX4080 5.5
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6586 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6595 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6669 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Springfield,+MA4020 6
-Chicago,+IL4036 Stockton,+CA4065 11
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6414 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6611 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6441 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6603 3
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6531 2
-Chicago,+IL4036 Chicago,+IL6621 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 San+Jose,+CA4062 9
-Chicago,+IL4037 New+York,+NY4124 7.5
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6724 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6644 4
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6572 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6654 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6492 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6468 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Kansas+City,+MO4043 6
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6639 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6648 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6747 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6593 4
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Dallas,+TX4080 7.5
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6586 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6595 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6669 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Atlanta,+GA4032 8
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Roachdale,+IN4056 6.5
-Chicago,+IL4037 Cheyenne,+WY4034 5
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6414 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6603 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6441 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6611 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6531 2
-Chicago,+IL4037 Chicago,+IL6621 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Pennsauken,+NJ4125 8.5
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6729 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 7.5
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6677 1
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6712 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6697 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6552 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6402 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN4111 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Roachdale,+IN6636 2
-Roachdale,+IN4056 Chicago,+IL4037 6.5
-Relay,+MD6576 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Relay,+MD6576 Relay,+MD4127 2
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA6476 1
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA4059 3
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA4060 2
-Seattle,+WA4019 Seattle,+WA6450 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6647 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 1
-Stockton,+CA6602 Stockton,+CA4064 2
-Stockton,+CA6602 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 New+York,+NY4107 6
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Dallas,+TX4015 9
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 New+York,+NY4116 6
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6516 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6614 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6525 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6517 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6624 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6448 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Stockton,+CA4096 6.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6728 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6486 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4109 Pennsauken,+NJ6754 3
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6724 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Dallas,+TX6663 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX6663 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Chicago,+IL6651 Chicago,+IL4122 1
-Amsterdam4072 Amsterdam4030 6
-Amsterdam4072 Hamburg,+Germany4041 2
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6737 New+York,+NY4028 5
-Dallas,+TX6737 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Chicago,+IL6652 Chicago,+IL4104 1
-Anaheim,+CA6591 Anaheim,+CA4101 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6591 Anaheim,+CA4099 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA6591 Anaheim,+CA4100 4.5
-Chicago,+IL6654 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6654 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Stockton,+CA6609 Stockton,+CA4113 4.5
-Stockton,+CA6609 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6609 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4113 3.5
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6463 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA4062 2
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA4119 2
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Stockton,+CA4065 5
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA4112 2
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA6477 1
-San+Jose,+CA4095 San+Jose,+CA6405 3
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Stockton,+CA4113 6
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Anaheim,+CA4073 2.5
-San+Jose,+CA4095 Tacoma,+WA4114 6.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6544 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Dallas,+TX4015 5.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6472 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6707 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6458 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6750 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6395 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO4105 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Chicago,+IL4104 6
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Lees+Summit,+MO5504 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Kansas+City,+MO6690 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Seattle,+WA4060 6.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4043 Chicago,+IL4037 6
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX2635 3.5
-Dallas,+TX6598 Atlanta,+GA6735 7
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX4015 3.5
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX4080 3.5
-Dallas,+TX6598 Chicago,+IL6593 6
-Dallas,+TX6598 New+York,+NY4028 6.5
-Dallas,+TX6598 Kansas+City,+MO6458 7
-Dallas,+TX6598 Dallas,+TX4115 4.5
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL1391 3
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6586 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Atlanta,+GA4032 5
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Atlanta,+GA4074 5
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Chicago,+IL6643 13
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Dallas,+TX6598 7
-Atlanta,+GA6735 Atlanta,+GA4102 5
-Hong+Kong4042 Hong+Kong6421 12.5
-Hong+Kong4042 Tokyo4069 4.5
-Hong+Kong4042 Tokyo4070 2
-Roachdale,+IN6676 Roachdale,+IN4111 1
-Roachdale,+IN6677 Roachdale,+IN4056 1
-Relay,+MD4110 New+York,+NY4048 5.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6443 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4136 2
-Relay,+MD4110 San+Jose,+CA4062 8
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC9643 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6469 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6461 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6518 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4138 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Atlanta,+GA4074 4
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4131 2
-Relay,+MD4110 New+York,+NY4116 7.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6551 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC4139 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Manasquan,+NJ4086 4
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6431 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC4140 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6487 1
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6696 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6456 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6675 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4118 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4029 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD6449 2.5
-Relay,+MD4110 Relay,+MD5801 3
-Relay,+MD4110 Washington,+DC6748 2.5
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4088 3
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4107 3
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY4116 3
-New+York,+NY6446 New+York,+NY6496 2.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ6728 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6728 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6728 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Relay,+MD4118 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 4.5
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Relay,+MD4118 Relay,+MD4127 2
-Dublin,+Ireland4078 London4083 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 4.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Roachdale,+IN4111 9
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Kansas+City,+MO4105 12.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Kansas+City,+MO4106 12
-Pennsauken,+NJ4117 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 4
-Sydney,+Australia6437 Sydney,+Australia4067 4
-Sydney,+Australia6437 Sydney,+Australia4068 2
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4101 3
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4031 3
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6744 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Los+Angeles,+CA5502 Anaheim,+CA4031 1
-Cheyenne,+WY6413 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6413 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6413 Atlanta,+GA6530 1
-Dallas,+TX4133 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Dallas,+TX4133 Dallas,+TX2635 4
-Dallas,+TX4133 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6651 1
-Chicago,+IL4122 Springfield,+MA4025 5
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6492 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6639 3
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6414 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6611 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL4122 Chicago,+IL6621 2
-Dallas,+TX6749 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6749 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6749 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6749 Dallas,+TX4115 3
-Stockton,+CA6619 Stockton,+CA4113 4.5
-Stockton,+CA6619 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6619 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Chicago,+IL4123 Dallas,+TX4115 1
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL1484 3
-Chicago,+IL6593 Dallas,+TX4080 8.5
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL4036 3
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL4037 4
-Chicago,+IL6593 Dallas,+TX6598 6
-Chicago,+IL6593 Chicago,+IL4104 3
-Chicago,+IL6593 Dallas,+TX6641 6.5
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL1391 3
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6595 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6669 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4113 3.5
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6479 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Milan,+Italy4085 Milan,+Italy4046 5
-Milan,+Italy4085 Frankfurt4040 2
-Atlanta,+GA6745 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA6745 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA6745 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Hamburg,+Germany4081 Copenhagen4077 6.5
-Hamburg,+Germany4081 Hamburg,+Germany4041 4
-Hamburg,+Germany4081 Frankfurt4040 3
-New+York,+NY6524 New+York,+NY4088 2.5
-New+York,+NY6524 New+York,+NY4129 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6443 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4136 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Reston,+VA5496 2
-Relay,+MD4054 New+York,+NY4107 7.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4138 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6696 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6456 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 New+York,+NY4129 3.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4057 1
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6469 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC4140 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6431 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC6748 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6461 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6518 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC9643 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Washington,+DC4139 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6551 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6449 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4131 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Manasquan,+NJ4047 4
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4029 3
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4118 2
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD6675 2.5
-Relay,+MD4054 Relay,+MD4127 2
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4136 3
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4131 2
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD6576 2
-Relay,+MD4127 Ashburn,+VA10163 2
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4118 2
-Relay,+MD4127 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 3.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6399 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 New+York,+NY4048 6
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Kansas+City,+MO4082 12.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6516 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Stockton,+CA4064 7.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6517 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6525 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6614 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6624 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6448 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6728 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6486 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4052 Pennsauken,+NJ6754 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4125 Springfield,+MA4020 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4125 Roachdale,+IN4056 8.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4125 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 6.5
-Tacoma,+WA6408 Tacoma,+WA3251 3
-Tacoma,+WA6408 Tacoma,+WA6555 2
-Tacoma,+WA6408 Tacoma,+WA4114 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 3.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 4.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Springfield,+MA4020 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 3.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Roachdale,+IN4056 7.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4126 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 5.5
-Dallas,+TX6683 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX6683 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4101 3
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4031 3
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6684 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6747 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6464 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Dallas,+TX4015 4
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6627 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6539 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6556 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6564 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6744 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 San+Jose,+CA4095 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6684 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6502 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6512 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6520 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6610 1
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6702 2
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6453 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6721 3
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Anaheim,+CA4073 Anaheim,+CA6438 3.5
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6689 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX6689 Dallas,+TX4115 3
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX1742 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX1742 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-New+York,+NY6605 New+York,+NY6606 3
-New+York,+NY6605 New+York,+NY4124 2
-New+York,+NY6605 New+York,+NY4116 2
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4088 2.5
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4048 2.5
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4107 2.5
-New+York,+NY6532 New+York,+NY4116 2.5
-Atlanta,+GA6685 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA6685 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA6685 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-New+York,+NY6606 New+York,+NY4116 3
-New+York,+NY6606 New+York,+NY4124 3
-New+York,+NY6606 New+York,+NY6605 3
-Roachdale,+IN6697 Roachdale,+IN4111 2
-Roachdale,+IN6697 Roachdale,+IN4056 2
-Roachdale,+IN6402 Roachdale,+IN4111 2
-Roachdale,+IN6402 Roachdale,+IN4056 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Orlando,+FL4049 4
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Dallas,+TX4015 5.5
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6540 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Research+Triangle+Park,+NC4058 1
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6465 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6481 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6628 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 New+York,+NY4088 6.5
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6735 5
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA3957 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6745 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Chicago,+IL1484 8
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA2344 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Relay,+MD4110 4
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA6685 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA2338 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Atlanta,+GA2347 2
-Atlanta,+GA4074 Orlando,+FL4050 3.5
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4136 2
-Relay,+MD4131 New+York,+NY6397 9
-Relay,+MD4131 Ashburn,+VA10162 1
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Relay,+MD4131 Atlanta,+GA4102 4
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4127 2
-Relay,+MD4131 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Paris4051 Paris4090 2
-Paris4051 Frankfurt4079 2
-Relay,+MD6675 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Relay,+MD6675 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Relay,+MD6675 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4131 2
-Relay,+MD4136 Ashburn,+VA10163 2
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD5801 2
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Relay,+MD4136 Relay,+MD4127 3
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4088 2.5
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4048 2.5
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4107 2.5
-New+York,+NY6397 New+York,+NY4116 2.5
-New+York,+NY6397 Relay,+MD4131 9
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 3.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 New+York,+NY4028 11
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ6647 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Dallas,+TX4115 9
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Relay,+MD4093 8.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4135 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 2
-Relay,+MD4138 Ashburn,+VA10161 1
-Relay,+MD4138 Relay,+MD4093 2
-Relay,+MD4138 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Relay,+MD4138 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6750 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6750 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4113 4.5
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6563 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Richardson,+TX5500 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 San+Jose,+CA4119 7.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Cheyenne,+WY4076 13.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6580 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6726 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6566 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6494 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL4104 7.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6658 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6749 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6587 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL4036 5.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL6593 8.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL4037 7.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6604 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6622 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6444 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6641 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA4100 4
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA4101 7
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6645 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6483 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 New+York,+NY4028 4
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6573 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6663 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6558 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6737 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6683 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6598 3.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX1742 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6689 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Kansas+City,+MO4082 5.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL1484 5.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA6502 7.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6504 4
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX3549 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Anaheim,+CA4099 12
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6612 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6419 3
-Dallas,+TX4080 Chicago,+IL6441 7.5
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6471 2
-Dallas,+TX4080 Dallas,+TX6706 2.5
-Brussels,+Belgium4075 Amsterdam4030 2
-Brussels,+Belgium4075 Brussels,+Belgium4033 2
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4113 3.5
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6569 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL4089 2
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL4049 3
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL6429 4
-Orlando,+FL4108 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL4050 3.5
-Orlando,+FL4108 Orlando,+FL6693 4.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ6754 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6754 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6754 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Seattle,+WA4059 Tacoma,+WA3251 2
-Seattle,+WA4059 Seattle,+WA4019 3
-Seattle,+WA4059 Seattle,+WA6432 3
-Seattle,+WA4059 Seattle,+WA4060 2
-Seattle,+WA4059 Chicago,+IL4104 3.5
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC6443 3
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC9643 4
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC4139 3
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC4140 3
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC6456 3
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC4142 2
-Washington,+DC6736 Washington,+DC6748 3
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO6472 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Dallas,+TX4015 9.5
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4105 4
-Kansas+City,+MO6690 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4113 3.5
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6719 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 12.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6544 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6472 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6707 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6458 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6750 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6395 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO4105 3
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Lees+Summit,+MO5503 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6422 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Lees+Summit,+MO5505 1
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Kansas+City,+MO6690 2
-Kansas+City,+MO4082 Dallas,+TX4080 5.5
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4113 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4064 3.5
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6577 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6580 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6726 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6566 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Kansas+City,+MO4105 5.5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6494 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Kansas+City,+MO4106 5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Chicago,+IL4104 5.5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4133 4
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6587 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6604 4
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6444 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6622 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6641 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Anaheim,+CA4101 4
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6645 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6483 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 New+York,+NY4028 4
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6573 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6663 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6737 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6683 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6598 3.5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX1742 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6689 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Atlanta,+GA4032 5.5
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6504 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Anaheim,+CA4099 10
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX3549 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6612 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6419 3
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6471 2
-Dallas,+TX2635 Dallas,+TX6706 2.5
-Washington,+DC9643 Washington,+DC6736 4
-Washington,+DC9643 Washington,+DC6415 3
-Washington,+DC9643 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Washington,+DC9643 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Washington,+DC9643 Washington,+DC6393 3
-Washington,+DC9643 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 3
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4101 9
-Anaheim,+CA4099 San+Jose,+CA4062 8.5
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6627 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4031 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6539 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6490 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6564 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6556 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6744 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Dallas,+TX4133 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6591 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6584 10
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 7
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Dallas,+TX4080 12
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4073 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Dallas,+TX2635 10
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6502 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6512 9
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6520 9
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6702 8
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6453 9
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA6438 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA4099 Anaheim,+CA4100 9
-Copenhagen4038 Copenhagen4077 2
-Copenhagen4038 Stockholm,+Sweden4066 5
-Copenhagen4038 Manasquan,+NJ4086 3
-Copenhagen4038 Hamburg,+Germany4041 4.5
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6419 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6419 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Seattle,+WA4060 Kansas+City,+MO4043 6.5
-Seattle,+WA4060 Tacoma,+WA3251 3
-Seattle,+WA4060 Seattle,+WA4059 2
-Seattle,+WA4060 Seattle,+WA4019 2
-Seattle,+WA4060 Seattle,+WA6432 2
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL6429 2
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL4089 3
-Orlando,+FL4049 Dallas,+TX4015 7.5
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL4108 3
-Orlando,+FL4049 Atlanta,+GA4074 4
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL6459 2
-Orlando,+FL4049 Orlando,+FL6693 2.5
-Orlando,+FL4049 Atlanta,+GA4102 3
-New+York,+NY4017 New+York,+NY4048 2.5
-New+York,+NY4017 London4045 9
-New+York,+NY4017 New+York,+NY4134 2.5
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4088 3
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4107 3
-New+York,+NY6559 New+York,+NY4116 3
-Relay,+MD6696 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Relay,+MD6696 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Relay,+MD6696 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6407 3.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6452 3
-Stockton,+CA4113 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 8.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6463 3.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6609 4.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 San+Jose,+CA4095 6
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6619 4.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6563 4.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Chicago,+IL4036 12
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6719 3.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6590 3.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA3402 6
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6583 3
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6479 3.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6577 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6569 3.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA6758 4.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4113 Stockton,+CA4096 3
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6736 3
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6543 2
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6415 2
-Washington,+DC6748 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Washington,+DC6748 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Washington,+DC6748 Washington,+DC6393 3
-Washington,+DC6748 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Frankfurt4040 Milan,+Italy4085 2
-Frankfurt4040 Frankfurt4079 2
-Frankfurt4040 Hamburg,+Germany4081 3
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4113 3
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4064 3
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4096 3
-Stockton,+CA6583 Stockton,+CA4065 3
-Springfield,+MA4020 Pennsauken,+NJ4125 2
-Springfield,+MA4020 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 2
-Springfield,+MA4020 Springfield,+MA4023 2.5
-Springfield,+MA4020 Boston5499 2.5
-Springfield,+MA4020 Springfield,+MA4025 3
-Springfield,+MA4020 Springfield,+MA6406 2
-Springfield,+MA4020 New+York,+NY4137 7.5
-Springfield,+MA4020 Chicago,+IL4036 6
-Cheyenne,+WY6455 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6455 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Ashburn,+VA10161 Relay,+MD4138 1
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6736 3
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6543 2
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6415 2
-Washington,+DC4139 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Washington,+DC4139 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Washington,+DC4139 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Washington,+DC4139 Washington,+DC6393 3
-Ashburn,+VA10162 Relay,+MD4131 1
-Springfield,+MA4023 Springfield,+MA4020 2.5
-Springfield,+MA4023 Chicago,+IL1484 5.5
-Springfield,+MA4023 Boston5509 2
-Springfield,+MA4023 Springfield,+MA4025 2.5
-Springfield,+MA4023 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 4
-Springfield,+MA4023 Springfield,+MA6406 2.5
-Ashburn,+VA10163 Relay,+MD4136 2
-Ashburn,+VA10163 Relay,+MD4127 2
-Springfield,+MA4025 Chicago,+IL4122 5
-Springfield,+MA4025 Springfield,+MA4020 3
-Springfield,+MA4025 Springfield,+MA4023 2.5
-Cheyenne,+WY6388 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6388 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL6429 3.5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL4089 4.5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Dallas,+TX4015 9
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL4108 3.5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Atlanta,+GA4074 3.5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL6459 4.5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Atlanta,+GA4102 3.5
-Orlando,+FL4050 Orlando,+FL6693 7
-Stockholm,+Sweden4066 Stockholm,+Sweden4097 2
-Stockholm,+Sweden4066 Copenhagen4038 5
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL1391 3
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6414 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-New+York,+NY4022 New+York,+NY4048 3.5
-New+York,+NY4022 London4084 7.5
-New+York,+NY4022 London4083 9.5
-New+York,+NY4024 London4084 9
-New+York,+NY4024 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY4024 New+York,+NY4134 2
-Reston,+VA5496 Reston,+VA5497 3
-Reston,+VA5496 Relay,+MD4054 2
-Reston,+VA5497 Reston,+VA5496 3
-Reston,+VA5497 Relay,+MD4093 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 11
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX4015 4
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6580 3
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6726 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6645 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Anaheim,+CA4031 6
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6483 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6573 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6566 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Kansas+City,+MO4105 6.5
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6494 3
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6737 5
-New+York,+NY4028 Orlando,+FL4089 8.5
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6587 3
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6749 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX4080 4
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6598 6.5
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6689 3
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX1742 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Chicago,+IL1391 7.5
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX2635 4
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6504 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX3549 3
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6604 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6612 3
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6419 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6622 2
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6444 3
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6641 4
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6706 2.5
-New+York,+NY4028 Dallas,+TX6471 3
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4088 2.5
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4048 2.5
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY6446 2.5
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4107 2.5
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY4116 2.5
-New+York,+NY6496 New+York,+NY6427 2
-Boston5509 Springfield,+MA4023 2
-Boston5509 Boston5499 3
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6443 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Reston,+VA5497 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4138 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 8.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6696 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6456 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6469 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6431 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC4140 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC4142 3.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC6748 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Atlanta,+GA4032 4
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC9643 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6518 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6461 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Washington,+DC4139 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6551 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4110 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6449 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 San+Jose,+CA4112 6
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4131 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6576 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD6675 2.5
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4118 2
-Relay,+MD4093 Relay,+MD4127 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4125 6.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4117 4
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4126 5.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ4135 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 New+York,+NY4124 6
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Stockton,+CA4113 8.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6516 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Springfield,+MA4023 4
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6614 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6525 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Stockton,+CA4065 7.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6624 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6448 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6728 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6486 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Relay,+MD4118 4.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ4091 Pennsauken,+NJ6754 3
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6736 3
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6543 2
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6415 2
-Washington,+DC4140 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Washington,+DC4140 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Washington,+DC4140 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Washington,+DC4140 Washington,+DC6393 3
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6736 2
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6543 2
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6415 2
-Washington,+DC4142 Relay,+MD4093 3.5
-Washington,+DC4142 Washington,+DC6393 2
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4113 3.5
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6590 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Atlanta,+GA6565 2
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA3957 Dallas,+TX6641 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4099 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4101 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4031 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Dallas,+TX4080 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4073 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA6721 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA6502 Anaheim,+CA4100 2.5
-Tokyo4069 Hong+Kong4042 4.5
-Tokyo4069 Stockton,+CA4064 7
-Tokyo4069 Tokyo4070 2.5
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX4080 4
-Dallas,+TX6504 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6504 Dallas,+TX4115 3
-Kansas+City,+MO6422 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO6422 Kansas+City,+MO4105 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO6422 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2
-San+Jose,+CA6477 San+Jose,+CA4095 1
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4101 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4099 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4031 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4073 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6438 Anaheim,+CA4100 3.5
-Hong+Kong6421 Hong+Kong4042 12.5
-Hong+Kong6421 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4088 2
-New+York,+NY4107 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 6
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6397 2.5
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6559 3
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4116 2
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6496 2.5
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4134 2
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6427 2.5
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6532 2.5
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY4107 New+York,+NY6446 3
-New+York,+NY4107 Relay,+MD4054 7.5
-Paris4090 London4044 2
-Paris4090 Milan,+Italy4046 2
-Paris4090 Paris4051 2
-Munich,+Germany4087 Hamburg,+Germany4041 1
-Atlanta,+GA6439 Atlanta,+GA4102 1
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4064 5
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4113 6
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4065 5
-Stockton,+CA3402 Stockton,+CA4096 5
-Stockton,+CA3402 Anaheim,+CA6512 6.5
-Tokyo4070 Tokyo4071 2
-Tokyo4070 Hong+Kong4042 2
-Tokyo4070 Tacoma,+WA3251 8
-Tokyo4070 Singapore4094 2
-Tokyo4070 Tacoma,+WA4114 6
-Tokyo4070 Tokyo4069 2.5
-Cheyenne,+WY6542 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6542 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Tokyo4071 Singapore4094 5
-Tokyo4071 Stockton,+CA4064 7.5
-Tokyo4071 Tokyo4070 2
-Stockton,+CA4064 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 7.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6602 2
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6407 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 San+Jose,+CA4119 5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 3
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6452 3
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6463 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6563 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6719 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA3402 5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6590 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6583 3
-Stockton,+CA4064 Tokyo4071 7.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6479 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6577 3.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6569 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA6758 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4064 Tokyo4069 7
-Stockton,+CA4064 Sydney,+Australia4068 2
-Stockton,+CA4064 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6407 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6452 3
-Stockton,+CA4065 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 7.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6463 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6609 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 San+Jose,+CA4095 5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6619 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6563 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Chicago,+IL4036 11
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6719 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6590 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA3402 5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6583 3
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6479 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6569 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6577 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA6758 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5507 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4065 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4099 9
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Stockton,+CA3402 6.5
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6512 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6444 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX6444 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4088 2
-New+York,+NY4116 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 6
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4107 2
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6397 2.5
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6559 3
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4124 2
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6496 2.5
-New+York,+NY4116 Relay,+MD4110 7.5
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6605 2
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6532 2.5
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6427 2.5
-New+York,+NY4116 Chicago,+IL4104 11.5
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6606 3
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY4137 2
-New+York,+NY4116 New+York,+NY6446 3
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4024 2
-New+York,+NY4048 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 6
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6751 2
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4017 2.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6752 2
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6559 2
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6397 2.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4107 2
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6496 2.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4134 2
-New+York,+NY4048 Chicago,+IL4104 8.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4137 2
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4088 2
-New+York,+NY4048 Atlanta,+GA4032 6.5
-New+York,+NY4048 Relay,+MD4110 5.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6532 2.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6427 2.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY6446 2
-New+York,+NY4048 Manasquan,+NJ4047 4.5
-New+York,+NY4048 New+York,+NY4022 3.5
-Relay,+MD6431 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Relay,+MD6431 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Relay,+MD6431 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Santa+Clara,+CA5508 San+Jose,+CA4119 1
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4113 4.5
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6758 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Cheyenne,+WY6629 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6629 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4099 9
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6520 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX3549 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX3549 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 New+York,+NY4048 4.5
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 London4084 4.5
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 Manasquan,+NJ4086 2
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 Relay,+MD4054 4
-Manasquan,+NJ4047 London4083 2.5
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6443 2
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC9643 3
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6469 3
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC4139 2
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC4140 2
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6456 2
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC6748 2
-Washington,+DC6415 Washington,+DC4142 2
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL1391 3
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6441 Dallas,+TX4080 7.5
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6441 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4089 3.5
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4049 2.5
-Orlando,+FL6693 Atlanta,+GA2347 4.5
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4050 7
-Orlando,+FL6693 Orlando,+FL4108 4.5
-Frankfurt4079 Paris4051 2
-Frankfurt4079 Frankfurt4040 2
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4099 9
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6453 Anaheim,+CA4100 3
-Stockholm,+Sweden4097 Copenhagen4077 2
-Stockholm,+Sweden4097 Stockholm,+Sweden4066 2
-Copenhagen4077 Stockholm,+Sweden4097 2
-Copenhagen4077 London4044 2.5
-Copenhagen4077 Copenhagen4038 2
-Copenhagen4077 Hamburg,+Germany4081 6.5
-London4044 Copenhagen4077 2.5
-London4044 London4045 3.5
-London4044 Paris4090 2
-London4044 Brussels,+Belgium4033 5
-London4044 London4083 2
-London4044 Dublin,+Ireland4039 1
-Richardson,+TX5500 Dallas,+TX4015 4
-Richardson,+TX5500 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-London4045 London4044 3.5
-London4045 New+York,+NY4017 9
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY6606 3
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4137 2
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4129 2
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4088 2
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4116 2
-New+York,+NY4124 Chicago,+IL4037 7.5
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY4134 2
-New+York,+NY4124 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 6
-New+York,+NY4124 New+York,+NY6605 2
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Anaheim,+CA4101 7.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 8
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 9.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Stockton,+CA4064 3
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Stockton,+CA4096 3
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Stockton,+CA4065 5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Anaheim,+CA4100 7.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 Pearl+Harbor,+HI6550 7.5
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY4137 2
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY4124 2
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY4134 2
-New+York,+NY4129 New+York,+NY6524 2.5
-New+York,+NY4129 Relay,+MD4054 3.5
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL4049 3
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL6429 3
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL4050 4.5
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL4108 2
-Orlando,+FL4089 New+York,+NY4028 8.5
-Orlando,+FL4089 Dallas,+TX4115 6.5
-Orlando,+FL4089 Orlando,+FL6693 3.5
-Relay,+MD6518 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Relay,+MD6518 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Relay,+MD6518 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ6516 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6516 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6516 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6517 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6517 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 2
-Relay,+MD6449 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Relay,+MD6449 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Relay,+MD6449 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Pennsauken,+NJ6448 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6448 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6448 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX2635 4
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX4015 4
-Dallas,+TX6604 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6604 Dallas,+TX4115 3
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4113 3.5
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4064 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4096 2.5
-Stockton,+CA6407 Stockton,+CA4065 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6464 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6539 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4082 3
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4043 3
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Dallas,+TX6598 7
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4105 4
-Kansas+City,+MO6458 Kansas+City,+MO4106 3.5
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4129 2
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4137 2
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4024 2
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY6751 2
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4017 2.5
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY6752 2
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4107 2
-New+York,+NY4134 New+York,+NY4124 2
-Atlanta,+GA6530 Cheyenne,+WY6413 1
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4129 2
-New+York,+NY4137 Springfield,+MA4020 7.5
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4116 2
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4124 2
-New+York,+NY4137 New+York,+NY4134 2
-Tacoma,+WA6555 Tacoma,+WA6408 2
-Tacoma,+WA6555 Tacoma,+WA3251 2
-Tacoma,+WA6555 Tacoma,+WA4114 2
-Seattle,+WA6432 Seattle,+WA4059 3
-Seattle,+WA6432 Seattle,+WA4060 2
-Atlanta,+GA6465 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA6465 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA6465 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6525 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6525 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6525 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6455 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY2439 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6723 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY4076 3
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Tacoma,+WA3251 5.5
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Denver,+Colorado5511 1
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Chicago,+IL1484 8
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6629 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6388 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Chicago,+IL4104 5
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6413 2
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Chicago,+IL4037 5
-Cheyenne,+WY4034 Cheyenne,+WY6542 2
-Anaheim,+CA6610 Anaheim,+CA4073 1
-San+Jose,+CA4112 San+Jose,+CA4062 2
-San+Jose,+CA4112 San+Jose,+CA4095 2
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Anaheim,+CA4031 2.5
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Stockton,+CA4096 5
-San+Jose,+CA4112 San+Jose,+CA4132 4
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Relay,+MD4093 6
-San+Jose,+CA4112 Anaheim,+CA4100 5.5
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6612 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX6612 Dallas,+TX4115 3
-Stockton,+CA4096 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 6.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6602 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6407 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Hong+Kong6421 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 3
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6452 3
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6609 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6463 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6619 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 8.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6563 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA4113 3
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6719 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA3402 5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6590 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6583 3
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6479 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6569 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6577 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA4064 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA6758 2.5
-Stockton,+CA4096 Stockton,+CA4065 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 Sydney,+Australia4068 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 Rancho+Cordova,+CA5514 2
-Stockton,+CA4096 San+Jose,+CA4112 5
-Stockton,+CA4096 San+Jose,+CA4132 3
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL4036 3
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6603 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL1391 3
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6531 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6471 New+York,+NY4028 3
-Dallas,+TX6471 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-New+York,+NY6751 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY6751 New+York,+NY4134 2
-San+Jose,+CA4119 San+Jose,+CA4062 2
-San+Jose,+CA4119 San+Jose,+CA4095 2
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Dallas,+TX4080 7.5
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Stockton,+CA4064 5
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Santa+Clara,+CA5508 1
-San+Jose,+CA4119 San+Jose,+CA4132 4
-San+Jose,+CA4119 Anaheim,+CA4100 2.5
-New+York,+NY6752 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY6752 New+York,+NY4134 2
-Cheyenne,+WY2439 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Cheyenne,+WY2439 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Tacoma,+WA6701 Roachdale,+IN6552 13
-Tacoma,+WA6701 Tacoma,+WA3251 2
-Singapore4094 Tokyo4071 5
-Singapore4094 Tokyo4070 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4105 3
-Kansas+City,+MO6395 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2.5
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL1391 3
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6468 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Atlanta,+GA6540 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA6540 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA6540 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Roachdale,+IN6552 Roachdale,+IN4111 2
-Roachdale,+IN6552 Tacoma,+WA6701 13
-Roachdale,+IN6552 Roachdale,+IN4056 2
-Relay,+MD5801 Relay,+MD4136 2
-Relay,+MD5801 Dallas,+TX6573 15.5
-Relay,+MD5801 Relay,+MD4110 3
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4089 3
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4049 2
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4050 3.5
-Orlando,+FL6429 Orlando,+FL4108 4
-Cheyenne,+WY6723 Cheyenne,+WY4034 2
-Cheyenne,+WY6723 Cheyenne,+WY4076 2
-Relay,+MD6461 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Relay,+MD6461 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Relay,+MD6461 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Sydney,+Australia4067 Tacoma,+WA3251 6.5
-Sydney,+Australia4067 Sydney,+Australia6437 4
-Sydney,+Australia4068 Sydney,+Australia6437 2
-Sydney,+Australia4068 Stockton,+CA4064 2
-Sydney,+Australia4068 Stockton,+CA4096 2
-Atlanta,+GA2338 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA2338 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA2338 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Amsterdam4030 Amsterdam4072 6
-Amsterdam4030 Brussels,+Belgium4075 2
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6622 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6622 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6611 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6736 3
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6543 2
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6415 2
-Washington,+DC6443 Relay,+MD4093 2.5
-Washington,+DC6443 Relay,+MD4110 2.5
-Washington,+DC6443 Relay,+MD4054 2.5
-Washington,+DC6443 Washington,+DC6393 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6399 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Cheyenne,+WY6746 1
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4105 4
-Kansas+City,+MO6544 Kansas+City,+MO4106 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4073 3
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6627 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Richardson,+TX5500 4
-Dallas,+TX4015 Orlando,+FL4049 7.5
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6580 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6726 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6566 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6494 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6658 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6749 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6587 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Orlando,+FL4050 9
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6604 4
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6622 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6444 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6641 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 9
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6645 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6483 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 New+York,+NY4028 4
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6573 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6558 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6737 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Kansas+City,+MO4043 5.5
-Dallas,+TX4015 Kansas+City,+MO6690 9.5
-Dallas,+TX4015 Anaheim,+CA4073 4
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6598 3.5
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX1742 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6689 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX2635 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6504 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX3549 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6612 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6419 3
-Dallas,+TX4015 Atlanta,+GA4074 5.5
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6471 2
-Dallas,+TX4015 Dallas,+TX6706 2.5
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4082 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4043 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO6690 2
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4105 4
-Kansas+City,+MO6472 Kansas+City,+MO4106 3.5
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX2635 3
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX4015 3
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX4080 3
-Dallas,+TX6483 New+York,+NY4028 2
-Dallas,+TX6483 Dallas,+TX4115 2
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4101 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4099 7.5
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4031 2.5
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4073 3.5
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6556 Anaheim,+CA4100 3.5
-Dallas,+TX6558 Dallas,+TX4015 2
-Dallas,+TX6558 Dallas,+TX4080 2
-Dallas,+TX6558 Dallas,+TX6573 5
-Springfield,+MA6406 Springfield,+MA4020 2
-Springfield,+MA6406 Springfield,+MA4023 2.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4092 2.5
-Pearl+Harbor,+HI6400 Pearl+Harbor,+HI4053 8
-Roachdale,+IN6636 Roachdale,+IN4111 2
-Roachdale,+IN6636 Roachdale,+IN4056 2
-Atlanta,+GA6481 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA6481 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA6481 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Atlanta,+GA6628 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA6628 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA6628 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Seattle,+WA6450 Seattle,+WA4019 1
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4107 2
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6397 2.5
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6559 3
-New+York,+NY4088 Manasquan,+NJ4086 4.5
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4116 2
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4124 2
-New+York,+NY4088 Chicago,+IL1484 8.5
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6496 2.5
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6532 2.5
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6524 2.5
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6427 3.5
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY4048 2
-New+York,+NY4088 New+York,+NY6446 3
-New+York,+NY4088 Atlanta,+GA4074 6.5
-Chicago,+IL1391 New+York,+NY4028 7.5
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6724 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Dallas,+TX4115 5.5
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL4104 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6468 3
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6492 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6639 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6747 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6593 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6586 3
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6595 3
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6669 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6414 3
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6611 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6603 2
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6441 3
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6531 3
-Chicago,+IL1391 Chicago,+IL6621 2
-Denver,+Colorado5501 Cheyenne,+WY4076 1
-Pennsauken,+NJ6614 Pennsauken,+NJ4109 3
-Pennsauken,+NJ6614 Pennsauken,+NJ4052 2
-Pennsauken,+NJ6614 Pennsauken,+NJ4091 3
-Boston5499 Springfield,+MA4020 2.5
-Boston5499 Boston5509 3
-Atlanta,+GA2344 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA2344 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA2344 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Dublin,+Ireland4039 London4044 1
-Lees+Summit,+MO5503 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Lees+Summit,+MO5504 Kansas+City,+MO4043 1
-San+Jose,+CA6742 San+Jose,+CA4062 4
-San+Jose,+CA6742 San+Jose,+CA4132 2
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Atlanta,+GA4032 2
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Atlanta,+GA4074 2
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Atlanta,+GA4102 2
-Atlanta,+GA2347 Orlando,+FL6693 4.5
-Lees+Summit,+MO5505 Kansas+City,+MO4082 1
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4099 8
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4101 2
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4031 2
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4073 2
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA6721 2
-Anaheim,+CA6702 Anaheim,+CA4100 2
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA4062 4
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA4119 4
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA4112 4
-San+Jose,+CA4132 San+Jose,+CA6742 2
-San+Jose,+CA4132 Stockton,+CA4096 3
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX2635 2.5
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX4015 2.5
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX4080 2.5
-Dallas,+TX6706 New+York,+NY4028 2.5
-Dallas,+TX6706 Dallas,+TX4115 3.5
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL1391 2
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4122 2
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4036 2
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL1484 2
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4037 2
-Chicago,+IL6621 Chicago,+IL4104 2
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 250a936..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2011 University of California, Los Angeles
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Ilya Moiseenko <>
- */
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
-#include "ns3/NDNabstraction-module.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-grid.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-global-routing-helper.h"
-#include "../utils/spring-mobility-helper.h"
-#include "../helper/ccnx-trace-helper.h"
-#include <sstream>
-#include "ns3/annotated-topology-reader.h"
-#include "ns3/config-store.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("CcnxSyntheticTopology");
-void PrintTime ()
-  NS_LOG_INFO (Simulator::Now ());
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), PrintTime);
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  string input ("./src/NDNabstraction/examples/synthetic-topology.txt");
-  Time finishTime = Seconds (20.0);
-  string strategy = "ns3::CcnxFloodingStrategy";
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("finish", "Finish time", finishTime);
-  cmd.AddValue ("strategy", "CCNx forwarding strategy", strategy);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  ConfigStore config;
-  config.ConfigureDefaults ();
-  // ------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -- Read topology data.
-  // --------------------------------------------
-  AnnotatedTopologyReader reader ("/synthetic");
-  // reader.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::SpringMobilityModel");
-  reader.SetFileName (input);
-  NodeContainer nodes = reader.Read ();
-  // SpringMobilityHelper::InstallSprings (reader.LinksBegin (), reader.LinksEnd ());
-  InternetStackHelper stack;
-  Ipv4GlobalRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper ("ns3::Ipv4GlobalRoutingOrderedNexthops");
-  stack.SetRoutingHelper (ipv4RoutingHelper);
-  stack.Install (nodes);
-  reader.AssignIpv4Addresses (Ipv4Address (""));
-  NS_LOG_INFO("Nodes = " << nodes.GetN());
-  NS_LOG_INFO("Links = " << reader.LinksSize ());
-  // Install CCNx stack
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing CCNx stack");
-  CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetForwardingStrategy (strategy);
-  ccnxHelper.EnableLimits (true, Seconds(0.1));
-  ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (false);
-  ccnxHelper.InstallAll ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Installing Applications");
-  CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr");
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/6");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("MeanRate", StringValue ("2Mbps"));
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Size", StringValue ("1.0"));
-  ApplicationContainer consumers = consumerHelper.Install (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "c1"));
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/7");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("MeanRate", StringValue ("2Mbps"));
-  ApplicationContainer consumers2 = consumerHelper.Install(Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "c2"));
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/8");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("MeanRate", StringValue ("2Mbps"));
-  ApplicationContainer consumers3 = consumerHelper.Install(Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "c3"));
-  consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/10");
-  consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("MeanRate", StringValue ("2Mbps"));
-  ApplicationContainer consumers4 = consumerHelper.Install(Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "c4"));
-  consumers.Start (Seconds (0));
-  consumers2.Start (Seconds (2.5));
-  consumers3.Start (Seconds (5));
-  consumers4.Start (Seconds (7.5));
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-  producerHelper.SetAttribute ("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/6");  
-  producerHelper.Install (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p1"));
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/7");
-  producerHelper.Install (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p2"));
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/8");
-  producerHelper.Install (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p3"));
-  producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/10");
-  producerHelper.Install (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p4"));
-  // Populate FIB based on IPv4 global routing controller
-  ccnxHelper.InstallFakeGlobalRoutes ();
-  ccnxHelper.InstallRouteTo (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p1"));
-  ccnxHelper.InstallRouteTo (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p2"));
-  ccnxHelper.InstallRouteTo (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p3"));
-  ccnxHelper.InstallRouteTo (Names::Find<Node> ("/synthetic", "p4"));
-  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10.0), PrintTime);
-  Simulator::Stop (finishTime);
-  CcnxTraceHelper traceHelper;
-  // traceHelper.EnableAggregateAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr");
-  // traceHelper.EnableAggregateAppAll ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-  // traceHelper.EnableAggregateL3All ();
-  // traceHelper.SetL3TraceFile ("trace-l3.log");
-  // traceHelper.SetAppTraceFile ("trace-app.log");
-  // traceHelper.EnableRateL3All ("rate-trace.log");
-  traceHelper.EnableSeqsAppAll ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr", "consumers-seqs.log");
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Run Simulation.");
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
-  NS_LOG_INFO ("Done.");
-  return 0;
diff --git a/examples/synthetic-topology.txt b/examples/synthetic-topology.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 260f6ab..0000000
--- a/examples/synthetic-topology.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#name	city	latitude	longitude
-c1	NODE1	50		30
-c2	NODE2	30		30
-c3	x	10		30
-n1	NODE3	40		40
-n12	NODE4	30		60
-n2	NODE5	40		80
-p1	NODE6	50  		90
-p2	NODE7	30		90
-p3	x	10		90
-c4	x	10		40
-p4	x	10		80
-#capacity on 4/10/2003 (see page 20 of
-#OSPF weight on 04/10/2003 (see
-#x	y	capacity(kbps)	OSPF    Delay		MaxPackets
-c1	n1	10Mbps 		1 	50ms  		200
-c2	n1	10Mbps 		1 	10ms   		200
-c3	n1	10Mbps		1	100ms		200
-n1	n2	1Mbps 		1176   	20ms   		20 
-n1	n12	1Mbps 		587    	1ms   		20
-n12	n2	1Mbps 		846    	1ms   		20
-n2	p1	10Mbps 		260   	1ms   		200
-n2	p2	10Mbps 		700   	1ms  		200
-n2	p3	10Mbps		1	1ms		200
-c4	n1	10Mbps		1	1ms		200
-n2	p4	10Mbps		1	1ms		200
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f8fa8..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Old Dominion University [ARBABI]
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as 
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- * Author: Hadi Arbabi <>
- */
-  This the starting point of the simulation and experiments.
-  The main function will parse the input and parameter settings.
-  Creates a highway and set the highway parameters. then bind the events (callbacks)
-  to the created controller and designed handlers. Sets the highway start and end time,
-  and eventually runs the simulation which is basically running a highway with a controller.
-  You can add your functions to controller to create various scenarios.
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include "ns3/core-module.h"
-#include "ns3/network-module.h"
-#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
-#include "ns3/wifi-module.h"
-#include "math.h"
-#include "ns3/model.h"
-#include "ns3/highway.h"
-#include "ns3/vehicle-generator.h"
-#include "ns3/tinyxml.h"
-#include "ns3/highway-project-xml.h"
-#include "ns3/highway-xml.h"
-#include "ns3/wifi-configuration-xml.h"
-#include "ns3/highway-project.h"
-#include "ns3/ccnx-stack-helper.h"
-#include "ns3/ccnx-face-container.h"
-#include "ns3/ccnx-app-helper.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-using namespace std;
-EquipVehicle (Ptr<Vehicle> vehicle, Ptr<Highway> highway, double probability)
-  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (vehicle->GetNode ()->GetId () << highway << probability);
-  CcnxStackHelper ccnxHelper;
-  ccnxHelper.SetDefaultRoutes (true);
-  Ptr<CcnxFaceContainer> faces = ccnxHelper.Install (vehicle->GetNode ());
-  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Install CCNx stack. " << faces->GetN () << " faces available");
-  if (probability < 30)
-    {
-      CcnxAppHelper producerHelper ("ns3::CcnxProducer");
-      producerHelper.SetPrefix ("/");
-      producerHelper.Install (vehicle->GetNode ());
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      CcnxAppHelper consumerHelper ("ns3::CcnxConsumerCbr");
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("LifeTime", StringValue("100s"));
-      consumerHelper.SetAttribute ("Frequency", StringValue("10"));
-      consumerHelper.SetPrefix ("/");
-      consumerHelper.Install (vehicle->GetNode ());
-    }
-main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  string projectXmlFile = "";
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.AddValue ("project", "highway xml description", projectXmlFile);
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  if (projectXmlFile == "")
-    {
-      std::cerr << "ERROR: --project option MUST be specified\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-  std::ifstream testProjectFile (projectXmlFile.c_str ());
-  if (testProjectFile.bad ())
-    {
-      std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open project file\n";
-      return 2;
-    }
-  testProjectFile.close ();
-  TiXmlDocument doc (projectXmlFile.c_str ());
-  doc.LoadFile ();
-  TiXmlHandle hDoc (&doc);
-  TiXmlElement* root = hDoc.FirstChildElement ().Element ();
-  TiXmlHandle hroot = TiXmlHandle (root);
-  HighwayProjectXml xml;
-  xml.LoadFromXml (hroot);
-  ns3::PacketMetadata::Enable ();
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::FragmentationThreshold", StringValue ("2200"));
-  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RtsCtsThreshold", StringValue ("2200"));
-  HighwayProject project (xml);
-  // project.SetVehTraceFile (vehicleTraceFile);
-  // project.SetNetTraceFile (networkTraceFile);
-  for (std::list<ns3::Ptr<ns3::VehicleGenerator> >::iterator generator = project.GetVehicleGenerators ().begin ();
-       generator != project.GetVehicleGenerators ().end ();
-       generator++)
-    {
-      (*generator)->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("NewVehicle", MakeCallback (EquipVehicle));
-    }
-  project.Start ();
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
-  // Ptr<Highway> highway = project.getHighways ()[0];
-  // Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (10), &addCustomVehicle, highway);
-  // project.SetVehicleControlCallback (MakeCallback (&controlVehicle));
-  return 0;