
Include the following header into all .hpp and .cpp files:

/* -- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -- / /*

  • Copyright (C) 2014 Named Data Networking Project
  • See COPYING for copyright and distribution information. */


NFD code is subject to the code style, defined here:

Running unit-tests

To run unit tests, NFD needs to be configured and build with unit test support:

./waf configure --with-tests

The simplest way to run tests, is just to run the compiled binary without any parameters:


However, Boost.Test framework is very flexible and allow a number of run-time customization of what tests should be run. For example, it is possible to choose to run only specific test suite or only a specific test case within a suite:

# Run only skeleton test suite (see tests/test-skeleton.cpp)
./build/unit-tests -t TestSkeleton

# Run only test cast Test1 from skeleton suite
./build/unit-tests -t TestSkeleton/Test1

By default, Boost.Test framework will produce verbose output only when test case fails. If it is desired to see verbose output (result of each test assertion), add -l all option to ./build/unit-tests command:

./build/unit-tests -l all

There are many more command line options available, information about which can be obtained either from the command line using --help switch, or online on Boost.Test library website (