Forgot to actually enforce limit on content store. Solved.
diff --git a/model/ b/model/
index 4633000..b526308 100644
--- a/model/
+++ b/model/
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@
   if (it == m_contentStore.end ())
     { // add entry to the top
       m_contentStore.get<mru> ().push_front (CcnxContentStoreEntry (header, packet));
+      if (m_contentStore.size () > m_maxSize)
+        m_contentStore.get<mru> ().pop_back ();
diff --git a/model/ccnx-content-store.h b/model/ccnx-content-store.h
index ee29f81..29b838a 100644
--- a/model/ccnx-content-store.h
+++ b/model/ccnx-content-store.h
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
   CcnxContentStore& operator= (const CcnxContentStore &o); ///< Disabled copy operator
-  int                         m_maxSize; ///< \brief maximum number of entries in cache \internal
+  size_t m_maxSize; ///< \brief maximum number of entries in cache \internal
   // string_key_hash_t<CsEntry>  m_contentStore;     ///< \brief actual content store \internal