app+utils+doc: Adding application-level trace helper to record Interest-Data delays
diff --git a/docs/source/examples.rst b/docs/source/examples.rst
index d99c245..f0485c3 100644
--- a/docs/source/examples.rst
+++ b/docs/source/examples.rst
@@ -256,106 +256,17 @@
         ./waf --run=ndn-congestion-alt-topo-plugin --visualize
-.. _trace example:
 3-level binary tree with packet-level trace helpers
-This example (````) demonstrates basic usage of :ref:`trace classes`.   
+:ref:`packet trace helper example`
-In this scenario we will use a tree-like topology, where consumers are installed on leaf nodes and producer is in the root of the tree:
-.. aafig::
-    :aspect: 60
-    :scale: 120
-     /--------\    /--------\    /--------\    /--------\
-     |"leaf-1"|    |"leaf-2"|    |"leaf-3"|    |"leaf-4"|
-     \--------/    \--------/    \--------/    \--------/
-           ^          ^                ^           ^	
-           |          |                |           |
-      	    \        /                  \         / 
-             \      /  			 \  	 /    10Mbps / 1ms
-              \    /  			  \ 	/
-               |  |  			   |   | 
-      	       v  v                        v   v     
-	    /-------\                    /-------\
-	    |"rtr-1"|                    |"rtr-2"|
-            \-------/                    \-------/
-                  ^                        ^                      
-		  |	 		   |
-		   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms 
-		    +--------\  /--------+ 
-			     |  |      
-                             v  v
-			  /--------\
-			  | "root" |                                   
-                          \--------/
-The corresponding topology file (``topo-tree.txt``):
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt
-    :language: bash
-    :linenos:
-    :lines: 1-2,27-
-Example simulation (````) scenario that utilizes trace helpers:
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
-    :language: c++
-    :linenos:
-    :lines: 21-34,67-
-    :emphasize-lines: 7-11,63-67
-To run this scenario, use the following command::
-        ./waf --run=ndn-tree-tracers
-The successful run will create ``rate-trace.txt`` and ``aggregate-trace.txt`` files in the current directly, which can be analyzed manually or used as input to some graph/stats packages.
-For example, the following `R script <>`_ will build a number of nice graphs:
-.. image:: _static/root-rates.png
-   :alt: Interest/Data packet rates at the root node
-   :align: right
-.. image:: _static/root-5sec-counts.png
-   :alt: Interest/Data packet counts at the root node in 5-second intervals
-   :align: right
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/graphs/rate-graph.R
-    :language: r
-    :linenos:
-For more information about R and ggplot2, please refer to `R language manual <>`_, `ggplot2 module manual <>`_.
-.. _cs trace helper example:
 3-level binary tree with content store trace helper
-This example (````) demonstrates basic usage of :ref:`content store tracer helper class<cs trace helper>`.   
+:ref:`cs trace helper example`
-In this scenario we will use the same tree-like topology as in :ref:`previous example <trace example>`, where consumers are installed on leaf nodes and producer is in the root of the tree.
-The main difference is that each client request data from the same namespace: /root/1, /root/2, ...  Another small difference is that in this scenario we start our application not at the same time, but 10 ms apart.
-Example simulation (````) scenario that utilizes trace helpers:
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
-    :language: c++
-    :linenos:
-    :lines: 21-31,64-
-    :emphasize-lines: 7-11,25,46,48,65-66
-To run this scenario, use the following command::
-        ./waf --run=ndn-tree-cs-tracers
-The successful run will create ``cs-trace.txt``, which similarly to trace file from the :ref:`previous example <trace example>` can be analyzed manually or used as input to some graph/stats packages.
 3-node topology with Content Store respecting freshness field of ContentObjects