all: Replacing deprecated NameComponents class with Name

NameComponents is kept for backwards compatibility as typedef to Name

refs #29
diff --git a/examples/custom-apps/ b/examples/custom-apps/
index 1d068c4..3dbcadf 100644
--- a/examples/custom-apps/
+++ b/examples/custom-apps/
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
     .AddAttribute ("Prefix", "Requested name",
                    StringValue ("/dumb-interest"),
-                   ndn::MakeNameComponentsAccessor (&DumbRequester::m_name),
-                   ndn::MakeNameComponentsChecker ())
+                   ndn::MakeNameAccessor (&DumbRequester::m_name),
+                   ndn::MakeNameChecker ())
   return tid;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
   // Sending one Interest packet out //
-  Ptr<ndn::NameComponents> prefix = Create<ndn::NameComponents> (m_name); // another way to create name
+  Ptr<ndn::Name> prefix = Create<ndn::Name> (m_name); // another way to create name
   // Create and configure ndn::InterestHeader
   ndn::InterestHeader interestHeader;