rib: Fixing incorrect usage of RibRegisterCommand in RibManager::unregisterEntry

Change-Id: I3ef4a46ae6a012a4424e088369563bb590f330b1
Fixes: #1548
1 file changed
tree: c0db838134314d317d0ebc9b116a2ae74ff5c7c6
  1. .waf-tools/
  2. core/
  3. daemon/
  4. docs/
  5. rib/
  6. tests/
  7. tools/
  8. .gitignore
  9. .travis.yml
  10. AUTHORS.md
  11. common.hpp
  12. COPYING.md
  13. INSTALL.md
  14. nfd.conf.sample.in
  15. README-dev.md
  16. README.md
  17. unit-tests.conf.sample
  18. version.hpp
  19. waf
  20. wscript

NFD - Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon

NFD is the network forwarder that implements the Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol and evolves together with the NDN protocol.

The main design goal of NFD development is to support diverse experimention of NDN research. The design emphasizes on modularity and extensibility to allow easy experiments with new protocol features, new algorithms, and new applications. We have not optimized the code for performance, but it can be achieved within the same framework by trying out different data structures and algorithms.

NFD is open, free, and developed by a community effort. Although most code of this first release was done by the NSF-sponsored NDN project team, it also contains significant contributions by people outside the project team. We strongly encourage contributions from all interested parties, since broader community support is key to NDN’s success as a new Internet architecture. Bug reports and feedbacks can be made through Redmine site and the ndn-interest mailing list.

The design and development of NFD benefited from our experiences with CCNx. However NFD does not maintain compatibility with CCNx.


For more information refer to