First steps in CCNx packet coding. ccnx_encode* routines rewritten in NS3 style (using NS3::Buffer)

diff --git a/in-progress/ccnx-cs.cpp b/in-progress/ccnx-cs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c102cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/in-progress/ccnx-cs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * File:   ndn_cs.cpp
+ * Author: cawka
+ * 
+ * Created on December 15, 2010, 2:17 PM
+ */
+#include "ndn_cs.h"
+NdnCs::NdnCs( int maxSize )
+: _maxSize(maxSize) { }
+//NdnCs::NdnCs( constNdnCs& orig ) { }
+NdnCs::~NdnCs( ) { }
+//Find corresponding CS entry for the given content name
+CsIterator NdnCs::lookup( const string &prefix )
+	QNThreadLock lock( &_csMutex );
+	CsIterator entry=_cs.find( prefix );
+	if( entry!=_cs.end() ) promote( entry->second );
+	return entry;
+//Add entry to content store, if content store is full, use LRU replacement
+void NdnCs::add( const string &contentName, int contentSize )
+	QNThreadLock lock( &_csMutex );
+	_cs.erase( contentName ); // removing the old record
+	if( _cs.size()==_maxSize )
+	{
+		CsEntry *entry=_lru.back();
+		_cs.erase( entry->contentName );
+		_lru.pop_back( );
+	}
+	CsEntry ce;
+	ce.contentName = contentName;
+	ce.contentSize = contentSize;
+	_cs[ contentName ] = ce;
+	CsEntry *ce_in_hash = &(_cs[ contentName ]);
+	_lru.push_front( ce_in_hash );
+	ce_in_hash->lruPosition = _lru.begin( );
+//move the given CS entry to the head of the list
+void NdnCs::promote( CsEntry &ce )
+	// should not lock mutex. Otherwise deadlocks will be welcome
+	if( _lru.front() == &ce ) return;
+	assert( *(ce.lruPosition)==&ce ); // should point to the same object
+	// swaping positions in _lru
+	_lru.erase( ce.lruPosition );
+	_lru.push_front( &ce );
+	ce.lruPosition = _lru.begin( );
+	assert( *(ce.lruPosition)==&ce ); // should point to the same object
+void NdnCs::dump()
+	QNThreadLock lock( &_csMutex );
+	for( CsRangeIterator it=_cs.begin(); it!=_cs.end(); ++it )
+	{
+		printf("-%s-", it->second.contentName.c_str() );
+	}
+    printf("\n");
+//    list<CsEntry *>::reverse_iterator rit;
+//    for (rit = contentList->rbegin(); rit != contentList->rend(); rit ++)
+//    {
+//        temp = *rit;
+//        printf("=%s=", temp->contentName);
+//    }
+//    printf("\n");