src: Updating code style to conform (more or less) to ndn-cxx style

Also, adding .clang-format that describes the applied style. Note that
this style requires a slightly customized version of clang-format.
diff --git a/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp b/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp
index ac462c0..0528be3 100644
--- a/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp
+++ b/helper/ndn-global-routing-helper.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 #include <math.h>
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ndn.GlobalRoutingHelper");
 using namespace std;
 using namespace boost;
@@ -63,398 +63,352 @@
 namespace ndn {
-GlobalRoutingHelper::Install (Ptr<Node> node)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::Install(Ptr<Node> node)
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Node: " << node->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Node: " << node->GetId());
-  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (ndn != 0, "Cannot install GlobalRoutingHelper before Ndn is installed on a node");
+  Ptr<L3Protocol> ndn = node->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(ndn != 0, "Cannot install GlobalRoutingHelper before Ndn is installed on a node");
-  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  if (gr != 0)
-    {
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("GlobalRouter is already installed: " << gr);
-      return; // already installed
+  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  if (gr != 0) {
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("GlobalRouter is already installed: " << gr);
+    return; // already installed
+  }
+  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  node->AggregateObject(gr);
+  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+    Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = DynamicCast<NetDeviceFace>(ndn->GetFace(faceId));
+    if (face == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Skipping non-netdevice face");
+      continue;
-  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  node->AggregateObject (gr);
-  for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < ndn->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-    {
-      Ptr<NetDeviceFace> face = DynamicCast<NetDeviceFace> (ndn->GetFace (faceId));
-      if (face == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Skipping non-netdevice face");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      Ptr<NetDevice> nd = face->GetNetDevice ();
-      if (nd == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Not a NetDevice associated with NetDeviceFace");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      Ptr<Channel> ch = nd->GetChannel ();
-      if (ch == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Channel is not associated with NetDevice");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (ch->GetNDevices () == 2) // e.g., point-to-point channel
-	{
-	  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < ch->GetNDevices (); deviceId ++)
-	    {
-	      Ptr<NetDevice> otherSide = ch->GetDevice (deviceId);
-	      if (nd == otherSide) continue;
-	      Ptr<Node> otherNode = otherSide->GetNode ();
-	      NS_ASSERT (otherNode != 0);
-	      Ptr<GlobalRouter> otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	      if (otherGr == 0)
-		{
-		  Install (otherNode);
-		}
-	      otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	      NS_ASSERT (otherGr != 0);
-	      gr->AddIncidency (face, otherGr);
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  Ptr<GlobalRouter> grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	  if (grChannel == 0)
-	    {
-	      Install (ch);
-	    }
-	  grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-	  gr->AddIncidency (face, grChannel);
-	}
+    Ptr<NetDevice> nd = face->GetNetDevice();
+    if (nd == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Not a NetDevice associated with NetDeviceFace");
+      continue;
+    Ptr<Channel> ch = nd->GetChannel();
+    if (ch == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Channel is not associated with NetDevice");
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (ch->GetNDevices() == 2) // e.g., point-to-point channel
+    {
+      for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < ch->GetNDevices(); deviceId++) {
+        Ptr<NetDevice> otherSide = ch->GetDevice(deviceId);
+        if (nd == otherSide)
+          continue;
+        Ptr<Node> otherNode = otherSide->GetNode();
+        NS_ASSERT(otherNode != 0);
+        Ptr<GlobalRouter> otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+        if (otherGr == 0) {
+          Install(otherNode);
+        }
+        otherGr = otherNode->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+        NS_ASSERT(otherGr != 0);
+        gr->AddIncidency(face, otherGr);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      Ptr<GlobalRouter> grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+      if (grChannel == 0) {
+        Install(ch);
+      }
+      grChannel = ch->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+      gr->AddIncidency(face, grChannel);
+    }
+  }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::Install (Ptr<Channel> channel)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::Install(Ptr<Channel> channel)
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Channel: " << channel->GetId ());
+  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Channel: " << channel->GetId());
-  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = channel->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
+  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = channel->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
   if (gr != 0)
-  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  channel->AggregateObject (gr);
+  gr = CreateObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  channel->AggregateObject(gr);
-  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < channel->GetNDevices (); deviceId ++)
-    {
-      Ptr<NetDevice> dev = channel->GetDevice (deviceId);
+  for (uint32_t deviceId = 0; deviceId < channel->GetNDevices(); deviceId++) {
+    Ptr<NetDevice> dev = channel->GetDevice(deviceId);
-      Ptr<Node> node = dev->GetNode ();
-      NS_ASSERT (node != 0);
+    Ptr<Node> node = dev->GetNode();
+    NS_ASSERT(node != 0);
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      if (grOther == 0)
-	{
-	  Install (node);
-	}
-      grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      NS_ASSERT (grOther != 0);
-      gr->AddIncidency (0, grOther);
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    if (grOther == 0) {
+      Install(node);
+    grOther = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    NS_ASSERT(grOther != 0);
+    gr->AddIncidency(0, grOther);
+  }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::Install (const NodeContainer &nodes)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::Install(const NodeContainer& nodes)
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node ++)
-    {
-      Install (*node);
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    Install(*node);
+  }
+  Install(NodeContainer::GetGlobal());
+GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin(const std::string& prefix, Ptr<Node> node)
+  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(gr != 0, "GlobalRouter is not installed on the node");
+  Ptr<Name> name = Create<Name>(boost::lexical_cast<Name>(prefix));
+  gr->AddLocalPrefix(name);
+GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigins(const std::string& prefix, const NodeContainer& nodes)
+  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin(); node != nodes.End(); node++) {
+    AddOrigin(prefix, *node);
+  }
+GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& nodeName)
+  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node>(nodeName);
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG(node != 0, nodeName << "is not a Node");
+  AddOrigin(prefix, node);
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    string name = Names::FindName(*node);
+    if (gr != 0 && !name.empty()) {
+      AddOrigin("/" + name, *node);
+  }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::InstallAll ()
-  Install (NodeContainer::GetGlobal ());
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin (const std::string &prefix, Ptr<Node> node)
-  Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = node->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (gr != 0,
-		 "GlobalRouter is not installed on the node");
-  Ptr<Name> name = Create<Name> (boost::lexical_cast<Name> (prefix));
-  gr->AddLocalPrefix (name);
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigins (const std::string &prefix, const NodeContainer &nodes)
-  for (NodeContainer::Iterator node = nodes.Begin ();
-       node != nodes.End ();
-       node++)
-    {
-      AddOrigin (prefix, *node);
-    }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOrigin (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &nodeName)
-  Ptr<Node> node = Names::Find<Node> (nodeName);
-  NS_ASSERT_MSG (node != 0, nodeName << "is not a Node");
-  AddOrigin (prefix, node);
-GlobalRoutingHelper::AddOriginsForAll ()
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin (); node != NodeList::End (); node ++)
-    {
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> gr = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      string name = Names::FindName (*node);
-      if (gr != 0 && !name.empty ())
-        {
-          AddOrigin ("/"+name, *node);
-        }
-    }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes (bool invalidatedRoutes/* = true*/)
+GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateRoutes(bool invalidatedRoutes /* = true*/)
    * Implementation of route calculation is heavily based on Boost Graph Library
    * See for more details
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( VertexListGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( IncidenceGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IncidenceGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
   NdnGlobalRouterGraph graph;
   // typedef graph_traits < NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
   // For now we doing Dijkstra for every node.  Can be replaced with Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall.
-  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by the graph, which
+  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by
+  // the graph, which
   // is not obviously how implement in an efficient manner
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin (); node != NodeList::End (); node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      if (source == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node " << (*node)->GetId () << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
-	  continue;
-	}
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    if (source == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node " << (*node)->GetId() << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
+      continue;
+    }
-      DistancesMap    distances;
+    DistancesMap distances;
-      dijkstra_shortest_paths (graph, source,
-			       // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
-			       // .
-			       distance_map (boost::ref(distances))
-			       .
-			       distance_inf (WeightInf)
-			       .
-			       distance_zero (WeightZero)
-			       .
-			       distance_compare (boost::WeightCompare ())
-			       .
-			       distance_combine (boost::WeightCombine ())
-			       );
+    dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, source,
+                            // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
+                            // .
+                            distance_map(boost::ref(distances))
+                              .distance_inf(WeightInf)
+                              .distance_zero(WeightZero)
+                              .distance_compare(boost::WeightCompare())
+                              .distance_combine(boost::WeightCombine()));
+    // NS_LOG_DEBUG (predecessors.size () << ", " << distances.size ());
+    Ptr<Fib> fib = source->GetObject<Fib>();
+    if (invalidatedRoutes) {
+      fib->InvalidateAll();
+    }
+    NS_ASSERT(fib != 0);
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node>()->GetId());
+    for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin(); i != distances.end(); i++) {
+      if (i->first == source)
+        continue;
+      else {
+        // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
+        if (i->second.get<0>() == 0) {
+          // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
+        }
+        else {
+          BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name>& prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes()) {
+            NS_LOG_DEBUG(" prefix " << prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0>()
+                                    << " with distance " << i->second.get<1>() << " with delay "
+                                    << i->second.get<2>());
+            Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add(prefix, i->second.get<0>(), i->second.get<1>());
+            entry->SetRealDelayToProducer(i->second.get<0>(), Seconds(i->second.get<2>()));
+            Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0>()->GetObject<Limits>();
+            Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits>();
+            if (fibLimits != 0) {
+              // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
+              fibLimits->SetLimits(faceLimits->GetMaxRate(), 2 * i->second.get<2>() /*exact RTT*/);
+              NS_LOG_DEBUG("Set limit for prefix "
+                           << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() << " / "
+                           << 2 * i->second.get<2>() << "s ("
+                           << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() * 2 * i->second.get<2>() << ")");
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateAllPossibleRoutes(bool invalidatedRoutes /* = true*/)
+  /**
+   * Implementation of route calculation is heavily based on Boost Graph Library
+   * See for more details
+   */
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((VertexListGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
+  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IncidenceGraphConcept<NdnGlobalRouterGraph>));
+  NdnGlobalRouterGraph graph;
+  // typedef graph_traits < NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
+  // For now we doing Dijkstra for every node.  Can be replaced with Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall.
+  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by
+  // the graph, which
+  // is not obviously how implement in an efficient manner
+  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin(); node != NodeList::End(); node++) {
+    Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter>();
+    if (source == 0) {
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("Node " << (*node)->GetId() << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
+      continue;
+    }
+    Ptr<Fib> fib = source->GetObject<Fib>();
+    if (invalidatedRoutes) {
+      fib->InvalidateAll();
+    }
+    NS_ASSERT(fib != 0);
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("===========");
+    NS_LOG_DEBUG("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node>()->GetId() << " ("
+                                            << Names::FindName(source->GetObject<Node>()) << ")");
+    Ptr<L3Protocol> l3 = source->GetObject<L3Protocol>();
+    NS_ASSERT(l3 != 0);
+    // remember interface statuses
+    std::vector<uint16_t> originalMetric(l3->GetNFaces());
+    for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+      originalMetric[faceId] = l3->GetFace(faceId)->GetMetric();
+      l3->GetFace(faceId)
+        ->SetMetric(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()
+                    - 1); // value std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max () MUST NOT be used (reserved)
+    }
+    for (uint32_t enabledFaceId = 0; enabledFaceId < l3->GetNFaces(); enabledFaceId++) {
+      if (DynamicCast<ndn::NetDeviceFace>(l3->GetFace(enabledFaceId)) == 0)
+        continue;
+      // enabling only faceId
+      l3->GetFace(enabledFaceId)->SetMetric(originalMetric[enabledFaceId]);
+      DistancesMap distances;
+      NS_LOG_DEBUG("-----------");
+      dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, source,
+                              // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
+                              // .
+                              distance_map(boost::ref(distances))
+                                .distance_inf(WeightInf)
+                                .distance_zero(WeightZero)
+                                .distance_compare(boost::WeightCompare())
+                                .distance_combine(boost::WeightCombine()));
       // NS_LOG_DEBUG (predecessors.size () << ", " << distances.size ());
-      Ptr<Fib>  fib  = source->GetObject<Fib> ();
-      if (invalidatedRoutes)
-        {
-          fib->InvalidateAll ();
-        }
-      NS_ASSERT (fib != 0);
+      for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin(); i != distances.end(); i++) {
+        if (i->first == source)
+          continue;
+        else {
+          // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
+          if (i->second.get<0>() == 0) {
+            // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
+          }
+          else {
+            BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name>& prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes()) {
+              NS_LOG_DEBUG(" prefix " << *prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0>()
+                                      << " with distance " << i->second.get<1>() << " with delay "
+                                      << i->second.get<2>());
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ());
-      for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin ();
-	   i != distances.end ();
-	   i++)
-	{
-	  if (i->first == source)
-	    continue;
-	  else
-	    {
-	      // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
-	      if (i->second.get<0> () == 0)
-		{
-		  // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
-		}
-	      else
-		{
-                  BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name> &prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes ())
-                    {
-                      NS_LOG_DEBUG (" prefix " << prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0> ()
-                                    << " with distance " << i->second.get<1> ()
-                                    << " with delay " << i->second.get<2> ());
-                      Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add (prefix, i->second.get<0> (), i->second.get<1> ());
-                      entry->SetRealDelayToProducer (i->second.get<0> (), Seconds (i->second.get<2> ()));
-                      Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0> ()->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                      Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                      if (fibLimits != 0)
-                        {
-                          // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
-                          fibLimits->SetLimits (faceLimits->GetMaxRate (), 2 * i->second.get<2> () /*exact RTT*/);
-                          NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Set limit for prefix " << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () << " / " <<
-                                        2*i->second.get<2> () << "s (" << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () * 2 * i->second.get<2> () << ")");
-                        }
-                    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-GlobalRoutingHelper::CalculateAllPossibleRoutes (bool invalidatedRoutes/* = true*/)
-  /**
-   * Implementation of route calculation is heavily based on Boost Graph Library
-   * See for more details
-   */
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( VertexListGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
-  BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(( IncidenceGraphConcept< NdnGlobalRouterGraph > ));
-  NdnGlobalRouterGraph graph;
-  // typedef graph_traits < NdnGlobalRouterGraph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
-  // For now we doing Dijkstra for every node.  Can be replaced with Bellman-Ford or Floyd-Warshall.
-  // Other algorithms should be faster, but they need additional EdgeListGraph concept provided by the graph, which
-  // is not obviously how implement in an efficient manner
-  for (NodeList::Iterator node = NodeList::Begin (); node != NodeList::End (); node++)
-    {
-      Ptr<GlobalRouter> source = (*node)->GetObject<GlobalRouter> ();
-      if (source == 0)
-	{
-	  NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Node " << (*node)->GetId () << " does not export GlobalRouter interface");
-	  continue;
-	}
-      Ptr<Fib>  fib  = source->GetObject<Fib> ();
-      if (invalidatedRoutes)
-        {
-          fib->InvalidateAll ();
-        }
-      NS_ASSERT (fib != 0);
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("===========");
-      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Reachability from Node: " << source->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId () << " (" << Names::FindName (source->GetObject<Node> ()) << ")");
-      Ptr<L3Protocol> l3 = source->GetObject<L3Protocol> ();
-      NS_ASSERT (l3 != 0);
-      // remember interface statuses
-      std::vector<uint16_t> originalMetric (l3->GetNFaces ());
-      for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-        {
-          originalMetric[faceId] = l3->GetFace (faceId)->GetMetric ();
-          l3->GetFace (faceId)->SetMetric (std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ()-1); // value std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max () MUST NOT be used (reserved)
-        }
-      for (uint32_t enabledFaceId = 0; enabledFaceId < l3->GetNFaces (); enabledFaceId++)
-        {
-          if (DynamicCast<ndn::NetDeviceFace> (l3->GetFace (enabledFaceId)) == 0)
-            continue;
-          // enabling only faceId
-          l3->GetFace (enabledFaceId)->SetMetric (originalMetric[enabledFaceId]);
-          DistancesMap    distances;
-          NS_LOG_DEBUG ("-----------");
-          dijkstra_shortest_paths (graph, source,
-                                   // predecessor_map (boost::ref(predecessors))
-                                   // .
-                                   distance_map (boost::ref(distances))
-                                   .
-                                   distance_inf (WeightInf)
-                                   .
-                                   distance_zero (WeightZero)
-                                   .
-                                   distance_compare (boost::WeightCompare ())
-                                   .
-                                   distance_combine (boost::WeightCombine ())
-                                   );
-          // NS_LOG_DEBUG (predecessors.size () << ", " << distances.size ());
-          for (DistancesMap::iterator i = distances.begin ();
-               i != distances.end ();
-               i++)
-            {
-              if (i->first == source)
+              if (i->second.get<0>()->GetMetric() == std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - 1)
-              else
-                {
-                  // cout << "  Node " << i->first->GetObject<Node> ()->GetId ();
-                  if (i->second.get<0> () == 0)
-                    {
-                      // cout << " is unreachable" << endl;
-                    }
-                  else
-                    {
-                      BOOST_FOREACH (const Ptr<const Name> &prefix, i->first->GetLocalPrefixes ())
-                        {
-                          NS_LOG_DEBUG (" prefix " << *prefix << " reachable via face " << *i->second.get<0> ()
-                                        << " with distance " << i->second.get<1> ()
-                                        << " with delay " << i->second.get<2> ());
-                          if (i->second.get<0> ()->GetMetric () == std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ()-1)
-                            continue;
+              Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add(prefix, i->second.get<0>(), i->second.get<1>());
+              entry->SetRealDelayToProducer(i->second.get<0>(), Seconds(i->second.get<2>()));
-                          Ptr<fib::Entry> entry = fib->Add (prefix, i->second.get<0> (), i->second.get<1> ());
-                          entry->SetRealDelayToProducer (i->second.get<0> (), Seconds (i->second.get<2> ()));
+              Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0>()->GetObject<Limits>();
-                          Ptr<Limits> faceLimits = i->second.get<0> ()->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                          Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits> ();
-                          if (fibLimits != 0)
-                            {
-                              // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
-                              fibLimits->SetLimits (faceLimits->GetMaxRate (), 2 * i->second.get<2> () /*exact RTT*/);
-                              NS_LOG_DEBUG ("Set limit for prefix " << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () << " / " <<
-                                            2*i->second.get<2> () << "s (" << faceLimits->GetMaxRate () * 2 * i->second.get<2> () << ")");
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+              Ptr<Limits> fibLimits = entry->GetObject<Limits>();
+              if (fibLimits != 0) {
+                // if it was created by the forwarding strategy via DidAddFibEntry event
+                fibLimits->SetLimits(faceLimits->GetMaxRate(),
+                                     2 * i->second.get<2>() /*exact RTT*/);
+                NS_LOG_DEBUG("Set limit for prefix "
+                             << *prefix << " " << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() << " / "
+                             << 2 * i->second.get<2>() << "s ("
+                             << faceLimits->GetMaxRate() * 2 * i->second.get<2>() << ")");
+              }
-          // disabling the face again
-          l3->GetFace (enabledFaceId)->SetMetric (std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max ()-1);
+          }
+      }
-      // recover original interface statuses
-      for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces (); faceId++)
-        {
-          l3->GetFace (faceId)->SetMetric (originalMetric[faceId]);
-        }
+      // disabling the face again
+      l3->GetFace(enabledFaceId)->SetMetric(std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() - 1);
+    // recover original interface statuses
+    for (uint32_t faceId = 0; faceId < l3->GetNFaces(); faceId++) {
+      l3->GetFace(faceId)->SetMetric(originalMetric[faceId]);
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace ndn
 } // namespace ns3