utils+apps: Fix a bug in ndn::RttEstimator

In the constructor of ndn::RttEstimator, the code tries to set
m_currentEstimatedRtt to m_initialEstimatedRtt using the ConstructSelf()
technique. However, it doesn't take effect at this point since
ndn::RttEstimator hasn't defined GetInstanceTypeId().

According to the manual
"the object and all its derived classes must also implement a virtual
TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const; method. Otherwise the
ObjectBase::ConstructSelf () will not be able to read the attributes".
GetInstanceTypeId() was defined in the original RttEstimator but was
somehow lost during the port to ndnSIM.

closes #40
4 files changed
tree: 775a93be9cd3921ba33a46559220411b306b4060
  1. apps/
  2. bindings/
  3. disabled/
  4. docs/
  5. examples/
  6. helper/
  7. model/
  8. plugins/
  9. test/
  10. tools/
  11. utils/
  12. .gitignore
  14. README.md
  16. wscript

To successfully compile ndnSIM, it is necessary to use a custom branch of NS-3.

This branch can be cloned from https://github.com/cawka/ns-3-dev-ndnSIM

    mkdir ndnSIM
    cd ndnSIM
    git clone git://github.com/cawka/ns-3-dev-ndnSIM.git ns-3
    git clone git://github.com/cawka/pybindgen.git pybindgen
    git clone git://github.com/NDN-Routing/ndnSIM.git ns-3/src/ndnSIM

For more information, including downloading and compilation instruction, please refer to documentation in doc/ or on http://ndnsim.net