blob: 9a1c3d658524c0af6510fd5a2d151d58b0a45f46 [file] [log] [blame]
* File: ndn_fib.h
* Author: cawka
* Created on December 15, 2010, 1:54 PM
#ifndef NDN_FIB_H
#define NDN_FIB_H
#include "hash_helper.h"
#include <clock.h>
#include <main.h>
class Ndn;
const int NDN_FIB_GREEN = 1;
const int NDN_FIB_YELLOW = 2;
const int NDN_FIB_RED = 3;
//structure for Fib outgoing interface
struct FibNexthop
int interfaceIndex; //interface index of the node
NodeAddress nextHop; //next-hop
int cost; //routing protocol cost to route an interest via this interface
int packetCount; //record the number of packets forwarded using this interface
clocktype srtt; //smoothed round-trip time
clocktype rttvar; //round-trip time variation
int status; // Status of the next hop:
bool operator==( int interface ) const { return interfaceIndex==interface; }
FibNexthop( ) {}
FibNexthop( int _interface, int _nextHop, int _cost )
: interfaceIndex(_interface), nextHop(_nextHop), cost(_cost)
, packetCount(1), srtt(0), rttvar(0), status(NDN_FIB_YELLOW) { }
typedef list<FibNexthop>::iterator FibNexthopIterator;
typedef list<FibNexthop>::const_iterator FibNexthopConstIterator;
//structure for FIB table entry
struct FibEntry
list<FibNexthop> forwardingList;
clocktype sto; //retransmission time out
bool needsProbing; //set to true when probing timer goes out
FibEntry( ) : sto(0), needsProbing(false) { }
// Find nexthop record
inline FibNexthopIterator findNexthop( int interfaceIndex );
bool isValid( const FibNexthopIterator &nh )
{ return nh!=forwardingList.end(); }
// Compute and update RTO value for Fib Entry (RFC 2988)
// (for now we pick the maximum RTO of all forwardings)
void updateSto( );
// Update status of FIB next hop
inline void updateStatus( int interface, int status );
typedef string_key_hash_t<FibEntry>::point_iterator FibIterator;
typedef string_key_hash_t<FibEntry>::iterator FibRangeIterator;
// Class implementing FIB functionality
class NdnFib
NdnFib( Ndn &node );
virtual ~NdnFib( );
// Invalidate entries in FIB
// Will leave FIB records in hash, but assign metric=NETWORK_UNREACHABLE
void invalidate( );
//Find corresponding FIB entry for the given content name
//Longest match is performed
FibIterator lookup( const string &name );
bool isValid( const FibIterator &it ) { return it!=_fib.end(); }
* Update FIB entry
* If the entry exists, metric will be updated. Otherwise, new entry will be created
* Entries in FIB never deleted. They can be invalidated with metric==NETWORK_UNREACHABLE
* @param name Prefix
* @param interfaceIndex Forwarding interface
* @param metric Routing metric
* @param nextHop Nexthop node address (IPv4)
* @return true if a new entry created, false otherwise
bool update( const string &name, int interfaceIndex, int metric, NodeAddress nextHop );
bool update( NodeAddress nodeId, int interfaceIndex, int metric, NodeAddress nextHop );
bool update( NodeAddress nodeId, int metric, NodeAddress nextHop );
// Update Fib from OSPF routing table (through a hack in OSPF algorithm)
void updateFibFromOSPFv2( int interface );
// Update Fib from BGP routing table (using info from RibIn)
void updateFibFromBGP( );
// Update Fib from IP routing table
void updateFibFromIpRouting( );
// Update the status for all FIB records for the specified interface
void updateInterfaceStatus( int interface, int status );
void dump( );
void dump( const FibIterator &fib );
void resetProbing(); //reset needsProbing field for every FibEntry
Ndn &_node;
string_key_hash_t<FibEntry> _fib;
class NdnFibNexthopSorter
bool operator()( const FibNexthop &first, const FibNexthop &second );
FibNexthopIterator FibEntry::findNexthop( int interfaceIndex )
return find( forwardingList.begin( ),
forwardingList.end( ),
interfaceIndex );
//inline FibNexthopIterator FibEntry::findBestNexthop( int bestNum, int excludeInterface )
// // First adjust number of available interfaces (to make sure we have correct ranking function)
// int num_valid_interfaces = forwardingList.size();
// FibNexthopIterator nh;
// for( nh=forwardingList.begin(); nh!=forwardingList.end(); nh++ )
// {
// if( nh->interfaceIndex==excludeInterface ) num_valid_interfaces--;
// }
// if( num_valid_interfaces==0 ) return forwardingList.end();
// bestNum = bestNum % num_valid_interfaces;
// int i=0;
// for( nh=forwardingList.begin(); nh!=forwardingList.end(); nh++ ) // skip bestNum % size() FIB records
// {
// if( nh->interfaceIndex==excludeInterface ) continue;
// if( i==bestNum ) break;
// i++;
// }
// if( nh!=forwardingList.end() )
// {
// assert( nh->interfaceIndex!=excludeInterface );
//// printf( "%d best => i%d\n", bestNum, nh->interfaceIndex );
// }
//// else
//// {
//// printf( "No other hops available\n" );
//// }
// return nh;
void FibEntry::updateStatus( int interface, int status )
FibNexthopIterator nh = findNexthop( interface );
if( isValid(nh) )
nh->status = status;
#endif /* NDN_FIB_H */