tools: Fixing help message printing in nfd-status

Change-Id: I937e317b02989aa9f51168e101d203ecd9199de8
Refs: #1395
diff --git a/tools/nfd-autoreg.cpp b/tools/nfd-autoreg.cpp
index ec64a55..9ed5840 100644
--- a/tools/nfd-autoreg.cpp
+++ b/tools/nfd-autoreg.cpp
@@ -153,13 +153,14 @@
-  usage(const po::options_description& optionDesciption,
+  usage(std::ostream& os,
+        const po::options_description& optionDesciption,
         const char* programName)
-    std::cerr << "General Usage\n  "
-              << programName << " --prefix=</autoreg/prefix> [--prefix=/another/prefix] ..."
-              << std::endl << std::endl;
-    std::cerr << optionDesciption << std::endl;
+    os << "Usage:\n"
+       << "  " << programName << " --prefix=</autoreg/prefix> [--prefix=/another/prefix] ...\n"
+       << "\n";
+    os << optionDesciption;
@@ -234,20 +235,20 @@
     catch (std::exception& e)
         std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl << std::endl;
-        usage(optionDesciption, argv[0]);
+        usage(std::cerr, optionDesciption, argv[0]);
         return 1;
     if (options.count("help"))
-        usage(optionDesciption, argv[0]);
+        usage(std::cout, optionDesciption, argv[0]);
         return 0;
     if (m_autoregPrefixes.empty())
         std::cerr << "ERROR: at least one --prefix must be specified" << std::endl << std::endl;
-        usage(optionDesciption, argv[0]);
+        usage(std::cerr, optionDesciption, argv[0]);
         return 2;
diff --git a/tools/nfd-status.cpp b/tools/nfd-status.cpp
index ff6316f..b15df61 100644
--- a/tools/nfd-status.cpp
+++ b/tools/nfd-status.cpp
@@ -30,16 +30,15 @@
-    std::cout << "\nUsage: " << m_toolName << " [options]\n"
-      "Shows NFD Status Information\n"
-      "Displays Version Information (NFD Version, Start Timestamp, Current Timestamp).\n"
-      "Face Status Information via NFD Face Status Protocol (FaceID, URI, Counters).\n"
-      "FIB Information via NFD FIB Enumeration Protocol (Prefix, Nexthop).\n"
-      "If no options are provided, all information is retrieved.\n"
+    std::cout << "Usage: \n  " << m_toolName << " [options]\n\n"
+      "Show NFD version and status information\n\n"
+      "Options:\n"
+      "  [-h] - print this help message\n"
       "  [-v] - retrieve version information\n"
       "  [-f] - retrieve face status information\n"
-      "  [-b] - retrieve FIB information\n"
-      "  [-h] - print help and exit\n\n";
+      "  [-b] - retrieve FIB information\n\n"
+      "If no options are provided, all information is retrieved.\n"
+      ;
@@ -288,7 +287,7 @@
     switch (option) {
     case 'h':
-      break;
+      return 0;
     case 'v':