blob: b95b3fa97b5b80a790dcdc3ea8ce676f79b0341f [file] [log] [blame]
## -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Regents of the University of California
# Alexander Afanasyev
# GNU 3.0 license, See the LICENSE file for more information
# Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
# Based on PyCCN code, copyrighted and licensed as follows
# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Regents of the University of California
# BSD license, See the COPYING file for more information
# Written by: Derek Kulinski <>
# Jeff Burke <>
__TT_BITS__ = 3
__TT_MASK__ = (1 << __TT_BITS__) - 1
__TT_HBIT__ = (1 << 7)
__TT_LBIT__ = __TT_HBIT__ - 1
def blob(value):
return _encode(len(value), 5) + value
def dtag(tag, value):
return _encode(tag, 2) + value + '\x00'
def _encode(value, tt):
global __TT_BITS__, __TT_HBIT__, __TT_LBIT__
header = (value << __TT_BITS__) | tt
blocks = []
blocks.append((header & __TT_LBIT__) | __TT_HBIT__)
header >>= 7
while header != 0:
blocks.append(header & __TT_LBIT__)
header >>= 7
return bytearray(blocks)
class CCNBDecoder(object):
def __init__(self, ccnb_data):
self.ccnb_data = ccnb_data
def reset(self):
self.position = 0
self.decoded = 0
self.stack = []
def _process_next_byte(self):
global __TT_HBIT__, __TT_LBIT__
assert self.position < len(self.ccnb_data)
char = ord(self.ccnb_data[self.position])
self.position += 1
if self.decoded == 0 and char == 0:
return None, True
decoded = (self.decoded << 7) | (char & __TT_LBIT__)
complete = (char & __TT_HBIT__) == __TT_HBIT__
self.decoded = decoded if not complete else 0
return decoded, complete
def print_element(self, tt, value, data = None):
if tt == 2:
print "DTAG",
if value == 14:
print "Name"
elif value == 15:
print "Component"
elif value == 17:
print "Collection"
elif value == 31:
print "Link"
print value
elif tt == 5:
print "BLOB",
print value,
print repr(data)
print tt,
print value,
print repr(data)
def get_tags(self):
global __TT_MASK__, __TT_BITS__
while self.position < len(self.ccnb_data):
while True:
decoded, complete = self._process_next_byte()
if complete:
if decoded is None:
tt, value = self.stack.pop()
print "Close",
tt = decoded & __TT_MASK__
value = decoded >> __TT_BITS__
data = None
if decoded is not None:
if tt == 2:
self.stack.append((tt, value))
elif tt == 5:
data = self.ccnb_data[self.position:self.position + value]
self.position += value
self.print_element(tt, value, data)