PyNDN: Initial import of PyNDN code

Refs #1010 (
diff --git a/PyNDN/ b/PyNDN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54803db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PyNDN/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+## -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Regents of the University of California
+#                          Alexander Afanasyev
+# GNU 3.0 license, See the LICENSE file for more information
+# Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
+# Based on PyCCN code, copyrighted and licensed as follows
+# Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Regents of the University of California
+# BSD license, See the COPYING file for more information
+# Written by: Derek Kulinski <>
+#             Jeff Burke <>
+import ns.core
+import ns.ndnSIM
+# from ns3.ndnSIM import ApiFace, Interest, Name
+class Face (object):
+    def __init__(self, node):
+        self._face = ns.ndnSIM.ndn.ApiFace (node)
+    def connect (self):
+        pass
+    def disconnect (self):
+        pass
+    def defer_verification (self, deferVerification = True):
+        pass
+    def expressInterestSimple (self, name, onData, onTimeout, template = None):
+        pass
+        # class TrivialExpressClosure (Closure.Closure):
+        #     __slots__ = ["_baseName", "_onData", "_onTimeout"];
+        #     def __init__ (self, baseName, onData, onTimeout):
+        #         self._baseName = baseName
+        #         self._onData = onData
+        #         self._onTimeout = onTimeout
+        #     def upcall(self, kind, upcallInfo):
+        #         if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT or
+        #             kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED or
+        #             kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_UNVERIFIED or
+        #             kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_KEYMISSING or
+        #             kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT_RAW):
+        #             return self._onData (self._baseName, upcallInfo.Interest, upcallInfo.ContentObject, kind)
+        #         elif (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT):
+        #             return self._onTimeout (self._baseName, upcallInfo.Interest)
+        #         return Closure.RESULT_OK
+        # trivial_closure = TrivialExpressClosure (name, onData, onTimeout)
+        # self.expressInterest (name, trivial_closure, template)
+    def setInterestFilterSimple (self, name, onInterest, flags = None):
+        pass
+        # class TrivialFilterClosure (Closure.Closure):
+        #     # __slots__ = ["_baseName", "_onInterest"];
+        #     def __init__ (self, baseName, onInterest):
+        #         self._baseName = baseName
+        #         self._onInterest = onInterest
+        #     def upcall(self, kind, upcallInfo):
+        #         if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST):
+        #             return self._onInterest (self._baseName, upcallInfo.Interest)
+        #         return Closure.RESULT_OK
+        # trivial_closure = TrivialFilterClosure (name, onInterest)
+        # self.setInterestFilter (name, trivial_closure, flags)
+    def clearInterestFilter(self, name):
+        pass
+    # Blocking!
+    def get(self, name, template = None, timeoutms = 3000):
+    # self._acquire_lock("get")
+    # try:
+    #     return _ndn.get(self, name, template, timeoutms)
+    # finally:
+    #     self._release_lock("get")
+    # def put(self, contentObject):
+    #     self._acquire_lock("put")
+    #     try:
+    #     return _ndn.put(self, contentObject)
+    #     finally:
+    #     self._release_lock("put")
+    @staticmethod
+    def getDefaultKey():
+        pass
+    # return _ndn.get_default_key()
+# class EventLoop(object):
+#     def __init__(self, *handles):
+#     self.running = False
+#     self.fds = {}
+#     for handle in handles:
+#         self.fds[handle.fileno()] = handle
+#         self.eventLock = threading.Lock ()
+# = []
+#     def execute (self, event):
+#         self.eventLock.acquire ()
+# (event)
+#         self.eventLock.release ()
+#     def run_scheduled(self):
+#     wait = {}
+#     for fd, handle in zip(self.fds.keys(), self.fds.values()):
+#         wait[fd] = handle.process_scheduled()
+#     return wait[sorted(wait, key=wait.get)[0]] / 1000.0
+#     def run_once(self):
+#     fd_read = self.fds.values()
+#     fd_write = []
+#     for handle in self.fds.values():
+#         if handle.output_is_pending():
+#         fd_write.append(handle)
+#     timeout = min(self.run_scheduled(), 1.000)
+#         res =, fd_write, [], timeout)
+#     handles = set(res[0]).union(res[1])
+#     for handle in handles:
+#     def run(self):
+#     self.running = True
+#         while self.running:
+#             try:
+#                 self.eventLock.acquire ()
+#                 for event in
+#                     event ()
+#        = []
+#                 self.eventLock.release ()
+#                 self.run_once()
+#             except select.error, e:
+#                 if e[0] == 4:
+#                     continue
+#                 else:
+#                     raise
+#         self.running = False
+#     def stop(self):
+#     self.running = False
+#         for fd, handle in zip(self.fds.keys(), self.fds.values()):
+#             handle.disconnect ()