Major update of documentation (ns-3 color scheme, NDN and IRL logos)
diff --git a/docs/ns3_html_theme/static/sidebar.js b/docs/ns3_html_theme/static/sidebar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a45e192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ns3_html_theme/static/sidebar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * sidebar.js
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * This script makes the Sphinx sidebar collapsible.
+ *
+ * .sphinxsidebar contains .sphinxsidebarwrapper.  This script adds
+ * in .sphixsidebar, after .sphinxsidebarwrapper, the #sidebarbutton
+ * used to collapse and expand the sidebar.
+ *
+ * When the sidebar is collapsed the .sphinxsidebarwrapper is hidden
+ * and the width of the sidebar and the margin-left of the document
+ * are decreased. When the sidebar is expanded the opposite happens.
+ * This script saves a per-browser/per-session cookie used to
+ * remember the position of the sidebar among the pages.
+ * Once the browser is closed the cookie is deleted and the position
+ * reset to the default (expanded).
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+$(function() {
+  // global elements used by the functions.
+  // the 'sidebarbutton' element is defined as global after its
+  // creation, in the add_sidebar_button function
+  var bodywrapper = $('.bodywrapper');
+  var sidebar = $('.sphinxsidebar');
+  var sidebarwrapper = $('.sphinxsidebarwrapper');
+  // for some reason, the document has no sidebar; do not run into errors
+  if (!sidebar.length) return;
+  // original margin-left of the bodywrapper and width of the sidebar
+  // with the sidebar expanded
+  var bw_margin_expanded = bodywrapper.css('margin-left');
+  var ssb_width_expanded = sidebar.width();
+  // margin-left of the bodywrapper and width of the sidebar
+  // with the sidebar collapsed
+  var bw_margin_collapsed = '.8em';
+  var ssb_width_collapsed = '.8em';
+  // colors used by the current theme
+  var dark_color = $('.related').css('background-color');
+  var light_color = $('.document').css('background-color');
+  function sidebar_is_collapsed() {
+    return':not(:visible)');
+  }
+  function toggle_sidebar() {
+    if (sidebar_is_collapsed())
+      expand_sidebar();
+    else
+      collapse_sidebar();
+  }
+  function collapse_sidebar() {
+    sidebarwrapper.hide();
+    sidebar.css('width', ssb_width_collapsed);
+    bodywrapper.css('margin-left', bw_margin_collapsed);
+    sidebarbutton.css({
+        'margin-left': '0',
+        'height': bodywrapper.height()
+    });
+    sidebarbutton.find('span').text('»');
+    sidebarbutton.attr('title', _('Expand sidebar'));
+    document.cookie = 'sidebar=collapsed';
+  }
+  function expand_sidebar() {
+    bodywrapper.css('margin-left', bw_margin_expanded);
+    sidebar.css('width', ssb_width_expanded);
+    sidebarbutton.css({
+        'margin-left': ssb_width_expanded-12,
+        'height': bodywrapper.height()
+    });
+    sidebarbutton.find('span').text('«');
+    sidebarbutton.attr('title', _('Collapse sidebar'));
+    document.cookie = 'sidebar=expanded';
+  }
+  function add_sidebar_button() {
+    sidebarwrapper.css({
+        'float': 'left',
+        'margin-right': '0',
+        'width': ssb_width_expanded - 28
+    });
+    // create the button
+    sidebar.append(
+        '<div id="sidebarbutton"><span>&laquo;</span></div>'
+    );
+    var sidebarbutton = $('#sidebarbutton');
+    light_color = sidebarbutton.css('background-color');
+    // find the height of the viewport to center the '<<' in the page
+    var viewport_height;
+    if (window.innerHeight)
+ 	  viewport_height = window.innerHeight;
+    else
+	  viewport_height = $(window).height();
+    sidebarbutton.find('span').css({
+        'display': 'block',
+        'margin-top': (viewport_height - sidebar.position().top - 20) / 2
+    });
+    sidebarbutton.attr('title', _('Collapse sidebar'));
+    sidebarbutton.css({
+        'color': '#FFFFFF',
+        'border-left': '1px solid ' + dark_color,
+        'font-size': '1.2em',
+        'cursor': 'pointer',
+        'height': bodywrapper.height(),
+        'padding-top': '1px',
+        'margin-left': ssb_width_expanded - 12
+    });
+    sidebarbutton.hover(
+      function () {
+          $(this).css('background-color', dark_color);
+      },
+      function () {
+          $(this).css('background-color', light_color);
+      }
+    );
+  }
+  function set_position_from_cookie() {
+    if (!document.cookie)
+      return;
+    var items = document.cookie.split(';');
+    for(var k=0; k<items.length; k++) {
+      var key_val = items[k].split('=');
+      var key = key_val[0];
+      if (key == 'sidebar') {
+        var value = key_val[1];
+        if ((value == 'collapsed') && (!sidebar_is_collapsed()))
+          collapse_sidebar();
+        else if ((value == 'expanded') && (sidebar_is_collapsed()))
+          expand_sidebar();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  add_sidebar_button();
+  var sidebarbutton = $('#sidebarbutton');
+  set_position_from_cookie();