docs: Documentation update

Change-Id: I6f916eb822a59e980e8fb1134886c3431755119c
diff --git a/docs/source/cs.rst b/docs/source/cs.rst
index 6098337..b118822 100644
--- a/docs/source/cs.rst
+++ b/docs/source/cs.rst
@@ -1,60 +1,187 @@
 .. _content store:
-Content Store
+NFD's Content Store
-ndnSIM comes with several different in-memory :ndnsim:`content store <ndn::ContentStore>` implementations, featuring different cache replacement policies.
+The current implementation of NFD's Content Store uses a `skip list
+<>`_ as its underlying data structure. Skip lists are a
+probabilistic alternative to balanced trees. Skip lists are balanced by virtue of a random
+number generator. Its average insertion and lookup complexity is O(log n). CS entries are
+placed in the Skip List in ascending order (by Name).
-.. note:
+The current implementation evicts CS entries based on prioritized FIFO (First In First Out)
+strategy.  The entries that get removed first are unsolicited Data packets, which are the Data
+packets that got cached opportunistically without preceding forwarding of the corresponding
+Interest packet. Next, the Data packets with expired freshness are removed. Lastly, the Data
+packets are removed from the Content Store on a pure FIFO basis. This cache replacement policy
+is currently hard-coded; it is intended to be replaceable in the future by the NFD developer
-    The default content store uses LRU replacement policity and constrained with 100 cached ContentObjects.
-To select a particular content store and configure its capacity, use :ndnsim:`SetContentStore <ndn::StackHelper::SetContentStore>` helper method
-Simple content stores
-Least Recently Used (LRU) (default)
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Lru`.
-Usage example:
+The only currently available option to control behavior of NFD's Content Store is to set its
+maximum size using :ndnsim:`StackHelper::setCsSize()`:
       .. code-block:: c++
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-	 ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
+         ndnHelper.setCsSize(<max-size-in-packets>);
+         ...
+         ndnHelper.Install(nodes);
-First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Fifo`
+- Effectively disable NFD content store an all nodes
-Usage example:
+  Minimum allowed value for NFD content store size is 1.  If 0 is specified, it will be assumed
+  that the old content store implementation should be used.
       .. code-block:: c++
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Fifo",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-	 ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
+         ndnHelper.setCsSize(1);
+         ...
+         ndnHelper.Install(nodes);
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Random`
-Usage example:
+- Set CS size 100 on node1, size 1000 on node1, and size 2000 on all other nodes:
       .. code-block:: c++
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Random",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-	 ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
+         ndnHelper.setCsSize(100);
+         ndnHelper.Install(node1);
+         ndnHelper.setCsSize(1000);
+         ndnHelper.Install(node2);
+         NodeContainer allOtherNodes;
+         for (NodeList::Iterator i = NodeList::Begin(); i != NodeList::End(); ++i) {
+           if (*i != node1 && *i != node2) {
+             allOtherNodes.Add(*i);
+           }
+         }
+         ndnHelper.Install(allOtherNodes);
+CS entry
+The Data packet, along with other necessary fields, are stored in a CS entry.  Each entry
+- the Data packet
+- flag indicating whether the Data packet is unsolicited
+- the timestamp at which the cached Data becomes stale
+A multi-index container is maintained in order to support the prioritized FIFO cache
+replacement policy.  In this way, pointers to the Data packets in a particular order are
+kept. Note that this multi-index container is completely separated from the skip list
+container, which indexes Content Store entries by name.
+The container (Cs::CleanupIndex) currently supports indexing of unsolicited Data packets,
+indexing by packet staleness and indexing by packet arrival time. Calculation of the indexes is
+performed in the container during the Data packet insertion (Cs::insert) in the Content Store.
+Eviction (Cs::evictItem) is performed during the insertion when the CS is full, and when the
+capacity is decreased by management. We decided not to perform periodical cleanups, because its
+CPU overhead causes jitter in packet forwarding.
+In the current version of NFD, cache replacement policy can be modified by adding different
+indexes in the Cs::CleanupIndex container (refer to Boost.multiIndex documentation) and
+implementing additional logic in Cs::evictItem function.
+For more detailed specification refer to the `NFD Developer's Guide
+<>`_, section 3.2.
+Old Content Store Implementations
+NFD's content store implementation takes full consideration of Interest selectors, however is
+not yet flexible when it comes to cache replacement policies.  Feature to extend CS flexibility
+is currently in active development (refer to `Issue #2219 on NFD Redmine
+<>`_) and for the time being, we have ported the old
+ndnSIM 1.0 content store implementations to the new code base.  These implementations feature
+different cache replacement policies, but have very limited support for Interest selectors.  If
+your scenario relies on proper selector processing, do not use these implementations as the
+simulation results most likely be incorrect.
+To select old content store implementations, use :ndnsim:`StackHelper::SetOldContentStore`:
+.. code-block:: c++
+    ndnHelper.SetOldContentStore("<content store implementation>",
+                                ["<optional parameter>", "<optional parameter's value>" [, ...]]);
+    ...
+    ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
+Available old content store implementations are listed in the following table:
+| **Simple content stores**                                                                               |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Lru``                      | **Least recently used (LRU) (default)**                  |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Fifo``                     | First-in-first-Out (FIFO)                                |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Lfu``                      | Least frequently used (LFU)                              |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Random``                   | Random                                                   |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Nocache``                  | Policy that completely disables caching                  |
+| **Content stores with entry lifetime tracking**                                                         |
+|                                                                                                         |
+| These policies allow evaluation of CS enties lifetime (i.e., how long entries stay in CS)               |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Lru``               | Least recently used (LRU)                                |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Fifo``              | Least frequently used (LFU)                              |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Lfu``               | Random                                                   |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Random``            | Policy that completely disables caching                  |
+| **Content stores respecting freshness field of Data packets**                                           |
+|                                                                                                         |
+| These policies cache Data packets only for the time indicated by FreshnessPeriod.                       |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Lru``           | Least recently used (LRU)                                |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Fifo``          | Least frequently used (LFU)                              |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Lfu``           | Random                                                   |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Random``        | Policy that completely disables caching                  |
+| **Content store realization that probabilistically accepts data packet into CS (placement policy)**     |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Probability::Lru``         | Least recently used (LRU)                                |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Probability::Fifo``        | Least frequently used (LFU)                              |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Probability::Lfu``         | Random                                                   |
+|   ``ns3::ndn::cs::Probability::Random``      | Policy that completely disables caching                  |
+- Select simple LRU policy on node1, simple FIFO policy on node2, and simple random policy on
+  other nodes with maximum CS sizes of 10000 packets:
+      .. code-block:: c++
+         ndnHelper.SetOldContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Lru", "MaxSize", "10000");
+         ndnHelper.Install(node1);
+         ndnHelper.SetOldContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Fifo", "MaxSize", "10000");
+         ndnHelper.Install(node2);
+         ndnHelper.SetOldContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Random", "MaxSize", "10000");
+         ...
+         ndnHelper.Install(otherNodes);
 .. note::
@@ -64,179 +191,37 @@
     If ``MaxSize`` is set to 0, then no limit on ContentStore will be enforced
-:ndnsim:`Trivial implementation <ndn::cs::Nocache>` of the ContentStore that does not really do any caching.
-Usage example:
+- Disable CS on node2
       .. code-block:: c++
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Nocache");
-	 ...
-	 ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
+         ndnHelper.SetOldContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Nocache");
+         ndnHelper.Install(node3);
-Content stores with entry lifetime tracking
-In order to evaluate lifetime of the content store entries, the special versions of the content store need to be used:
-Least Recently Used (LRU)
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Stats::Lru`.
-Usage example:
+- Track lifetime of CS entries (must use ``ns3::ndn::cs::*::LifetimeStats`` policy):
       .. code-block:: c++
-         CacheEntryRemoved (std::string context, Ptr<const ndn::cs::Entry> entry, Time lifetime)
+         CacheEntryRemoved(std::string context, Ptr<const ndn::cs::Entry> entry, Time lifetime)
-             std::cout << entry->GetName () << " " << lifetime.ToDouble (Time::S) << "s" << std::endl;
+             std::cout << entry->GetName() << " " << lifetime.ToDouble(Time::S) << "s" << std::endl;
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Lru",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-	 ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
+         ndnHelper.SetOldContentStore("ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Lru", "MaxSize", "10000");
+         ...
+         ndnHelper.Install(nodes);
          // connect to lifetime trace
-         Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/$ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Lru/WillRemoveEntry", MakeCallback (CacheEntryRemoved));
+         Config::Connect("/NodeList/*/$ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Lru/WillRemoveEntry", MakeCallback(CacheEntryRemoved));
+- Get aggregate statistics of CS hit/miss ratio (works with any policy)
-First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Stats::Fifo`.
-Usage example:
+  The simplest way tro track CS hit/miss statistics is to use :ndnsim:`CsTracer`, in more
+  details described in :ref:`Metrics Section <cs trace helper>`.
       .. code-block:: c++
-         void
-         CacheEntryRemoved (std::string context, Ptr<const ndn::cs::Entry> entry, Time lifetime)
-         {
-             std::cout << entry->GetName () << " " << lifetime.ToDouble (Time::S) << "s" << std::endl;
-         }
-         ...
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Fifo",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-	 ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
-         // connect to lifetime trace
-         Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/$ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Fifo/WillRemoveEntry", MakeCallback (CacheEntryRemoved));
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Stats::Random`
-Usage example:
-      .. code-block:: c++
-         void
-         CacheEntryRemoved (std::string context, Ptr<const ndn::cs::Entry> entry, Time lifetime)
-         {
-             std::cout << entry->GetName () << " " << lifetime.ToDouble (Time::S) << "s" << std::endl;
-         }
-         ...
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Random",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-	 ndnHelper.Install (nodes);
-         // connect to lifetime trace
-         Config::Connect ("/NodeList/*/$ns3::ndn::cs::Stats::Random/WillRemoveEntry", MakeCallback (CacheEntryRemoved));
-.. _Content Store respecting freshness field of ContentObjects:
-Content stores respecting freshness field of ContentObjects
-If simulations need Content Store which respects freshness of ContentObjects, the following versions of content store should be used:
-.. note:
-    Please note that currently, Freshness granularity is 1 second and maximum value is 65535 second. Value means infinity.
-Least Recently Used (LRU)
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Freshness::Lru`.
-Usage example:
-      .. code-block:: c++
-         ...
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Lru",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Freshness::Fifo`
-Usage example:
-      .. code-block:: c++
-         ...
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Fifo",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-Implementation name: :ndnsim:`ndn::cs::Freshness::Random`
-Usage example:
-      .. code-block:: c++
-         ...
-         ndnHelper.SetContentStore ("ns3::ndn::cs::Freshness::Random",
-                                    "MaxSize", "10000");
-	 ...
-The following example demonstrates a basic usage of a customized content store (````).
-In this scenario two simple consumers (both installed on a consumer node) continually request the same data packet.
-When Data producer specify unlimited freshness, Content keeps getting satisfied from local caches, while if freshness is specified, Interests periodically are getting through to the Data producer.
-.. aafig::
-    :aspect: 60
-    :scale: 120
-      +----------+                +--------+                +----------+
-      |          |     1Mbps      |        |      1Mbps     |          |
-      | Consumer |<-------------->| Router |<-------------->| Producer |
-      |          |         10ms   |        |         10ms   |          |
-      +----------+                +--------+                +----------+
-.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
-    :language: c++
-    :linenos:
-    :lines: 20-27,43-
-To run this scenario, use the following command::
-        NS_LOG=DumbRequester:ndn.cs.Freshness.Lru ./waf --run=ndn-simple-with-content-freshness
+         CsTracer::InstallAll("cs-trace.txt", Seconds(1));