docs: Adding explanation of columns in trace files
diff --git a/docs/source/metric.rst b/docs/source/metric.rst
index c1a53de..a5b2667 100644
--- a/docs/source/metric.rst
+++ b/docs/source/metric.rst
@@ -28,6 +28,38 @@
+    Output file format is tab-separated values, with first row specifying names of the columns.  Refer to the following table for the description of the columns:
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Column           | Description                                                         |
+    +==================+=====================================================================+
+    | ``Time``         | simulation time                                                     |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Node``         | node id, globally unique                                            |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``FaceId``       | interface ID (-1 for combined metric)                               |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Type``         | Type of measurements:                                               |
+    |                  |                                                                     |
+    |                  | - ``InInterests``  measurements of incoming Interests               |
+    |                  | - ``OutInterests``  measurements of outgoing Interests              |
+    |                  | - ``DropInterests``  measurements of dropped Interests              |
+    |                  | - ``InData``  measurements of incoming Data                         |
+    |                  | - ``OutData``  measurements of outgoing Data                        |
+    |                  | - ``DropData``  measurements of dropped Data                        |
+    |                  | - ``InNacks``  measurements of incoming NACKs                       |
+    |                  | - ``OutNacks``  measurements of outgoing NACKs                      |
+    |                  | - ``DropNacks``  measurements of dropped NACKs                      |
+    |                  | - ``SatisfiedInterests`` measurements of satisfied Interests        |
+    |                  | - ``TimedOutInterests`` measurements of timed out Interests         |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Packets``      | absolute number of packets within last averaging period             |
+    |                  | (number of packets).                                                |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Kilobytes``    | absolute number of kilobytes transferred within the last averaging  |
+    |                  | period  (number of packets).                                        |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
 - :ndnsim:`ndn::L3RateTracer`
     Tracing the rate in bytes and in number of packets of Interest/Data packets forwarded by an NDN node
@@ -44,6 +76,50 @@
+    Output file format is tab-separated values, with first row specifying names of the columns.  Refer to the following table for the description of the columns:
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Column           | Description                                                         |
+    +==================+=====================================================================+
+    | ``Time``         | simulation time                                                     |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Node``         | node id, globally unique                                            |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``FaceId``       | interface ID (-1 for combined metric)                               |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Type``         | Type of measurements:                                               |
+    |                  |                                                                     |
+    |                  | - ``InInterests``  measurements of incoming Interests               |
+    |                  | - ``OutInterests``  measurements of outgoing Interests              |
+    |                  | - ``DropInterests``  measurements of dropped Interests              |
+    |                  | - ``InData``  measurements of incoming Data                         |
+    |                  | - ``OutData``  measurements of outgoing Data                        |
+    |                  | - ``DropData``  measurements of dropped Data                        |
+    |                  | - ``InNacks``  measurements of incoming NACKs                       |
+    |                  | - ``OutNacks``  measurements of outgoing NACKs                      |
+    |                  | - ``DropNacks``  measurements of dropped NACKs                      |
+    |                  | - ``InSatisfiedInterests`` measurements of incoming satisfied       |
+    |                  |   Interests                                                         |
+    |                  | - ``InTimedOutInterests`` measurements of incoming timed out        |
+    |                  |   Interests                                                         |
+    |                  | - ``OutSatisfiedInterests`` measurements of outgoing satisfied      |
+    |                  |   Interests                                                         |
+    |                  | - ``OutTimedOutInterests`` measurements of outgoing satisfied       |
+    |                  |   Interests                                                         |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Packets``      | estimated rate (EWMA average) of packets within the last averaging  |
+    |                  | period (number of packets/s).                                       |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Kilobytes``    | estimated rate (EWMA average) within last averaging                 |
+    |                  | period (kilobytes/s)                                                |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``PacketsRaw``   | absolute number of packets within last averaging period             |
+    |                  | (number of packets).                                                |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``KilobytesRaw`` | absolute number of kilobytes transferred within the last averaging  |
+    |                  | period  (number of packets).                                        |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
 - :ndnsim:`L2Tracer`
     This tracer is similar in spirit to :ndnsim:`ndn::L3RateTracer`, but it currently traces only packet drop on layer 2 (e.g.,
@@ -61,6 +137,34 @@
+    Output file format is tab-separated values, with first row specifying names of the columns.  Refer to the following table for the description of the columns:
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Column           | Description                                                         |
+    +==================+=====================================================================+
+    | ``Time``         | simulation time                                                     |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Node``         | node id, globally unique                                            |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Interface``    | interface name (currently only "combined")                          |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Type``         | Type of measurements:                                               |
+    |                  |                                                                     |
+    |                  | - ``Drop``  measurements of dropped packets                         |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Packets``      | estimated rate (EWMA average) of packets within the last averaging  |
+    |                  | period (number of packets/s).                                       |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``Kilobytes``    | estimated rate (EWMA average) within last averaging                 |
+    |                  | period (kilobytes/s)                                                |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``PacketsRaw``   | absolute number of packets within last averaging period             |
+    |                  | (number of packets).                                                |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | ``KilobytesRaw`` | absolute number of kilobytes transferred within the last averaging  |
+    |                  | period  (number of packets).                                        |
+    +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+
 .. note::
     A number of other tracers are available in ``plugins/tracers-broken`` folder, but they do not yet work with the current code.
@@ -334,4 +438,3 @@
 To run this scenario, use the following command::
         ./waf --run=ndn-simple-with-pit-count-stats