startup: Adding example upstart scripts (e.g., for Ubuntu Linux)

Change-Id: Ia43e0e5e83d54d4f5bff2120ca3424b43849feb2
Refs: #1188
diff --git a/contrib/osx-launchd/ b/contrib/osx-launchd/
index df68032..68d3b9b 100644
--- a/contrib/osx-launchd/
+++ b/contrib/osx-launchd/
@@ -82,13 +82,12 @@
 ### Configuring NFD's security
-Default sample NFD's configuration allows anybody to create faces, add nexthops to FIB,
+NFD sample configuration allows anybody to create faces, add nexthops to FIB,
 and set strategy choice for namespaces.  While such settings could be a good start, it is
 generally not a good idea to run NFD in this mode.
-While thorough discussion about security configuration of NFD is outside the scope of the
-current document, at least the following change should be done to nfd.conf in authorize
+While thorough discussion about security configuration of NFD is outside the scope of this
+document, at least the following change should be done to nfd.conf in authorize section:
diff --git a/contrib/upstart/ b/contrib/upstart/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..760e8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/upstart/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Starting NFD on Linux with upstart
+Some Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, use [upstart]( as a
+standard mechanism to start system daemons, monitor their health, and restart
+when they die.
+Initial setup
+Edit `nfd.conf` and `nrd.conf` correcting paths for `nfd` and `nfd` binaries,
+configuration file, and log files.
+    # Copy upstart config file for nfd (forwarding daemon)
+    sudo cp nfd.conf /etc/init/
+    # Copy upstart config file for nrd (RIB management daemon)
+    sudo cp nrd.conf /etc/init/
+    # Copy upstart config file for nfd-watcher (will restart NFD when network change detected)
+    sudo cp nfd-watcher.conf /etc/init/
+### Assumptions in the default scripts
+* `nfd` and `nrd` are installed into `/usr/local/bin`
+* Configuration file is `/usr/local/etc/ndn/nfd.conf`
+* `nfd` will be run as root
+* `nrd` will be run as user `ndn` and group `ndn`
+* Log files will be written to `/usr/local/var/log/ndn` folder, which is owned by user `ndn`
+* Whenever network connectivity changes, both `nfd` and `nrd` are restarted
+### Creating users
+If `ndn` user and group does not exists, they need to be manually created.
+    # Create group `ndn`
+    addgroup --system ndn
+    # Create user `ndn`
+    sudo adduser --system \
+                 --disabled-login \
+                 --ingroup ndn \
+                 --home /nonexistent \
+                 --gecos "NDN User" \
+                 --shell /bin/false \
+                 ndn
+### Creating folders
+Folder `/usr/local/var/log/ndn` should be created and assigned proper user and group:
+    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/log/ndn
+    sudo chown -R ndn:ndn /usr/local/var/log/ndn
+`HOME` directories for `nfd` and `nrd` should be created prior to starting.  This is
+necessary to manage unique security credentials for the deamons.
+    # Create HOME and generate self-signed NDN certificate for nfd
+    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nfd/.ndn
+    sudo HOME=/usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nfd ndnsec-keygen /localhost/daemons/nfd | \
+      sudo HOME=/usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nfd ndnsec-install-cert -
+    # Create HOME and generate self-signed NDN certificate for nrd
+    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nrd/.ndn
+    sudo chown -R ndn:ndn /usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nrd
+    sudo -u ndn -g ndn HOME=/usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nrd ndnsec-keygen /localhost/daemons/nrd | \
+      sudo -u ndn -g ndn HOME=/usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nrd ndnsec-install-cert -
+### Configuring NFD's security
+NFD sample configuration allows anybody to create faces, add nexthops to FIB, and set
+strategy choice for namespaces.  While such settings could be a good start, it is
+generally not a good idea to run NFD in this mode.
+While thorough discussion about security configuration of NFD is outside the scope of this
+document, at least the following change should be done to ``nfd.conf`` in authorize
+    authorizations
+    {
+      authorize
+      {
+        certfile certs/localhost_daemons_nrd.ndncert
+        privileges
+        {
+            faces
+            fib
+            strategy-choice
+        }
+      }
+      authorize
+      {
+        certfile any
+        privileges
+        {
+            faces
+            strategy-choice
+        }
+      }
+    }
+While this configuration still allows management of faces and updating strategy choice by
+anybody, only NFD's RIB Manager Daemon (`nrd`) is allowed to manage FIB.
+As the final step to make this configuration work, nrd's self-signed certificate needs to
+be exported into `localhost_daemons_nrd.ndncert` file:
+    sudo mkdir /usr/local/etc/ndn/certs
+    sudo sh -c 'sudo -u ndn -g ndn HOME=/usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nrd \
+      ndnsec-dump-certificate -i /localhost/daemons/nrd \
+      > /usr/local/etc/ndn/certs/localhost_daemons_nrd.ndncert'
+Enable auto-start
+After copying the provided upstart scripts, `nfd` and `nrd` daemons will automatically run
+after the reboot.  To manually start them, use the following commands:
+    sudo start nfd
+    # nrd will be automatically started by upstart
+Note that an additional upstart job, ``nfd-watcher``, will automatically monitor for
+network connectivity changes, such as when network interface gets connected, disconnected,
+or IP addresses of the network interface get updated.  When ``nfd-watcher`` detects the
+event, it will restart `nfd` and `nrd`.
+Disable auto-start
+To stop `nrd` and `nfd` daemon, use the following commands:
+    sudo stop nfd
+    # nrd will be automatically stopped by upstart
+Note that as long as upstart files are present in `/etc/init/`, the daemons will
+automatically start after the reboot.  To permanently stop `nfd` and `nrd` daemons, delete
+the upstart files:
+    sudo rm /etc/init/nfd.conf
+    sudo rm /etc/init/nrd.conf
+    sudo rm /etc/init/nfd-watcher.conf
diff --git a/contrib/upstart/nfd-watcher.conf b/contrib/upstart/nfd-watcher.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..392af52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/upstart/nfd-watcher.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# nfd-watcher.conf
+# Restarting NDN Forwarding Daemon on network connectivity changes
+start on (net-device-up or
+          net-device-removed or
+          net-device-changed)
+  status nfd | grep -q start/ || stop
+  restart nfd
+end script
diff --git a/contrib/upstart/nfd.conf b/contrib/upstart/nfd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97179a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/upstart/nfd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# nfd.conf
+# NDN Forwarding Daemon
+description "NDN forwarding daemon"
+start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
+stop on runlevel [!2345]
+respawn limit unlimited
+env HOME=/usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nfd
+export HOME
+exec /usr/local/bin/nfd --config /usr/local/etc/ndn/nfd.conf 2>> /usr/local/var/log/ndn/nfd.log
+post-stop exec sleep 2
diff --git a/contrib/upstart/nrd.conf b/contrib/upstart/nrd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..574b81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/upstart/nrd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# nrd.conf
+# NDN RIB Manager Daemon
+description "NDN RIB Manager Daemon"
+start on started  nfd
+stop  on stopping nfd
+respawn limit unlimited
+setuid ndn
+setgid ndn
+pre-start exec sleep 2
+  export HOME=/usr/local/var/lib/ndn/nrd
+  /usr/local/bin/nrd --config /usr/local/etc/ndn/nfd.conf 2>> /usr/local/var/log/ndn/nrd.log
+end script
+post-stop exec sleep 2