src bug: Adding missing topology files

Wrong wildcard in gitignore prevented them to be commited earlier
diff --git a/examples/topologies/topo-11-node-two-bottlenecks.txt b/examples/topologies/topo-11-node-two-bottlenecks.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..699a1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/topologies/topo-11-node-two-bottlenecks.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# topo-11-node-two-bottlenecks.txt
+#    /------\ 0                                                 0 /------\
+#    |  c1  |<-----+                                       +----->|  p1  |
+#    \------/       \                                     /       \------/
+#                    \              /-----\              /        
+#    /------\ 0       \         +==>| r12 |<==+         /       0 /------\
+#    |  c2  |<--+      \       /    \-----/    \       /      +-->|  p2  |
+#    \------/    \      \     |                 |     /      /    \------/
+#                 \      |    |   1Mbps links   |    |      /     
+#                  \  1  v0   v5               1v   2v  3  /      
+#                   +->/------\                 /------\<-+       
+#                     2|  r1  |<===============>|  r2  |4         
+#                   +->\------/4               0\------/<-+       
+#                  /    3^                           ^5    \      
+#                 /      |                           |      \     
+#    /------\ 0  /      /                             \      \  0 /------\
+#    |  c3  |<--+      /                               \      +-->|  p3  |
+#    \------/         /                                 \         \------/
+#                    /     "All consumer-router and"     \        
+#    /------\ 0     /      "router-producer links are"    \    0 /------\
+#    |  c4  |<-----+       "10Mbps"                        +---->|  p4  |
+#    \------/                                                    \------/
+#    "Numbers near nodes denote face IDs. Face ID is assigned based on the order of link"
+#    "definitions in the topology file"
+#name   city    latitude  longitude
+c1      NA      50        30
+c2      NA    	30        30
+c3      NA    	10        30
+c4      NA    	10        40
+n1      NA    	40        40
+n12     NA    	30        60
+n2      NA    	40        80
+p1      NA    	50        90
+p2      NA    	30        90
+p3      NA    	10        90
+p4      NA    	10        80
+#x      y       capacity(kbps)  OSPF    Delay   MaxPackets
+c1      n1      10Mbps          1       50ms    200
+c2      n1      10Mbps          1       10ms    200
+c3      n1      10Mbps          1       100ms   200
+c4      n1      10Mbps          1       1ms     200
+n1      n2      1Mbps           1176    20ms    20 
+n1      n12     1Mbps           587     1ms     20
+n12     n2      1Mbps           846     1ms     20
+n2      p1      10Mbps          260     1ms     200
+n2      p2      10Mbps          700     1ms     200
+n2      p3      10Mbps          1       1ms     200
+n2      p4      10Mbps          1       1ms     200
diff --git a/examples/topologies/topo-6-node.txt b/examples/topologies/topo-6-node.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d944fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/topologies/topo-6-node.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# topo-6-node.txt
+#   /------\	                                                /------\
+#   | Src1 |<--+                                            +-->| Dst1 |
+#   \------/    \                                          /    \------/
+#            	 \                                        /     
+#                 +-->/------\   "bottleneck"  /------\<-+      
+#                     | Rtr1 |<===============>| Rtr2 |         
+#                 +-->\------/                 \------/<-+      
+#                /                                        \
+#   /------\    /                                          \    /------\
+#   | Src2 |<--+                                            +-->| Dst2 |
+#   \------/                                                    \------/
+# node  comment     yPos    xPos
+Src1   NA        1       3
+Src2   NA        3       3
+Rtr1   NA        2       5
+Rtr2   NA        2       7
+Dst1   NA        1       9
+Dst2   NA        3       9
+# srcNode   dstNode     bandwidth   metric  delay   queue
+Src1        Rtr1        10Mbps      1        10ms    20
+Src2        Rtr1        10Mbps      1        10ms    20
+Rtr1        Rtr2        1Mbps       1        10ms    20
+Dst1        Rtr2        10Mbps      1        10ms    20
+Dst2        Rtr2        10Mbps      1        10ms    20
diff --git a/examples/topologies/topo-grid-3x3.txt b/examples/topologies/topo-grid-3x3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..749778d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/topologies/topo-grid-3x3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# topo-grid-3x3.txt
+#   /--------\	    /-\	        /-\
+#   |Consumer|<---->| |<------->| |
+#   \--------/	    \-/	        \-/
+#       ^   	     ^ 	         ^
+#       |            |           |   1Mbps/10ms delay
+#       v            v           v
+#      /-\          /-\         /-\
+#      | |<-------->| |<------->| |
+#      \-/          \-/         \-/
+#       ^   	     ^ 	         ^
+#       |            |           |
+#       v            v           v
+#      /-\	    /-\	     /--------\
+#      | |<-------->| |<---->|Producer|
+#      \-/          \-/      \--------/
+# any empty lines and lines starting with '#' symbol is ignored
+# The file should contain exactly two sections: router and link, each starting with the corresponding keyword
+# router section defines topology nodes and their relative positions (e.g., to use in visualizer)
+# each line in this section represents one router and should have the following data
+# node  comment     yPos    xPos
+Node0   NA          3       1
+Node1   NA          3       2
+Node2   NA          3       3
+Node3   NA          2       1
+Node4   NA          2       2
+Node5   NA          2       3
+Node6   NA          1       1
+Node7   NA          1       2
+Node8   NA          1       3
+# Note that `node` can be any string. It is possible to access to the node by name using Names::Find, see examples.
+# link section defines point-to-point links between nodes and characteristics of these links
+# Each line should be in the following format (only first two are required, the rest can be omitted)
+# srcNode   dstNode     bandwidth   metric  delay   queue
+# bandwidth: link bandwidth
+# metric: routing metric
+# delay:  link delay
+# queue:  MaxPackets for transmission queue on the link (both directions)
+Node0       Node1       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node0       Node3       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node1       Node2       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node1       Node4       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node2       Node5       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node3       Node4       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node3       Node6       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node4       Node5       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node4       Node7       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node5       Node8       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node6       Node7       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
+Node7       Node8       1Mbps       1       10ms    10
diff --git a/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt b/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6682dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/topologies/topo-tree.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# topo-tree.txt
+#     /------\      /------\      /------\      /------\
+#     |leaf-1|      |leaf-2|      |leaf-3|      |leaf-4|
+#     \------/      \------/      \------/      \------/
+#          ^          ^                ^           ^	
+#          |          |                |           |
+#     	    \        /                  \         / 
+#            \      /  			 \  	 /    10Mbps / 1ms
+#             \    /  			  \ 	/
+#              |  |  			   |   | 
+#     	       v  v                        v   v     
+#	    /-------\                    /-------\
+#	    | rtr-1 |                    | rtr-2 |
+#           \-------/                    \-------/
+#                 ^                        ^                      
+#		  |	 		   |
+#		   \			  /  10 Mpbs / 1ms 
+#		    +--------+  +--------+ 
+#			     |  |      
+#                            v  v
+#			  /--------\
+#			  |  root  |
+#                         \--------/
+#node	city	y	x	mpi-partition
+leaf-1	NA	80	40	1
+leaf-2	NA	80	20	3
+leaf-3	NA	80	0	2
+leaf-4	NA	80	-20	4
+rtr-1	NA	60	20	1
+rtr-2	NA	60	0	2
+root	NA	40	10	0
+# from	    to		capacity	metric	delay	queue
+leaf-1	    rtr-1	10Mbps		1	1ms	100
+leaf-2	    rtr-1	10Mbps		1	1ms	100
+leaf-3	    rtr-2	10Mbps		1	1ms	100
+leaf-4	    rtr-2	10Mbps		1	1ms	100
+rtr-1	    root	10Mbps		1	1ms	100
+rtr-2	    root	10Mbps		1	1ms	100