docs: Documentation update for 0.1.0 release

Change-Id: I5d7c0f3b4242103d6ad4e864316fb50c3634f21b
diff --git a/docs/getting-started.rst b/docs/getting-started.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e698a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/getting-started.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Getting Started with NFD
+A more recent version of this document may be available on `NFD Wiki
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+From source
+To install NFD from source:
+-  install ``ndn-cxx`` according to `ndn-cxx installation
+   instructions <>`__
+-  install ``NFD`` according to :doc:`these
+   instructions <INSTALL>`
+If downloading code using git, don't forget to checkout the correct
+branch for both ``ndn-cxx`` and ``NFD``
+    git clone
+    cd ndn-cxx
+    git checkout ndn-cxx-0.1.0
+    ...
+    # continue with ndn-cxx installation instructions
+    git clone
+    cd NFD
+    git checkout NFD-0.1.0
+    ...
+    # continue with NFD installation instructions
+From binaries
+On OSX, NFD can be installed with MacPorts.  Refer to :ref:`How to start using NDN
+MacPorts repository on OSX` FAQ question for more details.
+On Ubuntu 12.04, 13.10, or 14.04, NFD can be installed from NDN PPA repository.  Refer to
+:ref:`How to start using NDN PPA repository on Ubuntu Linux` FAQ question.
+Initial configuration
+.. note::
+    If you have installed NFD from binary packages, the package manager has already
+    installed initial configuration and you can safely skip this section.
+After installing NFD from source, you need to create a proper config file.  If default
+location for ``./waf configure`` was used, this can be accomplished by simply copying the
+sample configuration file:
+    sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ndn/nfd.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/ndn/nfd.conf
+NFD Security
+NFD provides mechanisms to enable strict authorization for all management commands. In
+particular, one can authorize only specific public keys to create new Faces or change the
+forwarding strategy for specific namespaces. For more information about how to generate
+private/public key pair, generate self-signed certificate, and use this self-signed
+certificate to authorize NFD management commands refer to :ref:`How to configure NFD
+security` FAQ question.
+In the sample configuration file, all authorizations are disabled, effectively allowing
+anybody on the local machine to issue NFD management commands. **The sample file is
+intended only for demo purposes and MUST NOT be used in a production environment.**
+**You should not run ndnd or ndnd-tlv, otherwise NFD will not work
+In order to use NFD, you need to start two separate daemons: ``nfd`` (the forwarder
+itself) and ``nrd`` (RIB manager that will manage all prefix registrations).  The
+recommended way is to use `nfd-start` script:
+    nfd-start
+On OS X it may ask for your keychain password or ask ``nfd/nrd wants to sign using key in
+your keychain.`` Enter your keychain password and click Always Allow.
+Later, you can stop NFD with ``nfd-stop`` or by simply killing the ``nfd`` process.
+Connecting to remote NFDs
+To create a UDP or TCP tunnel to remote NFD and create route toward it,
+use the following command in terminal:
+    nfdc register /ndn udp://<other host>
+where ``<other host>`` is the name or IP address of the other host
+(e.g., ``udp://``). This outputs:
+    Successful in name registration: ControlParameters(Name: /ndn, FaceId: 10, Origin: 0, Cost: 0, Flags: 1, ExpirationPeriod: 3600000 milliseconds, )
+The ``/ndn`` means that NFD will forward all Interests that start with ``/ndn`` through
+the face to the other host.  If you only want to forward Interests with a certain prefix,
+use it instead of ``/ndn``.  This only forwards Interests to the other host, but there is
+no "back route" for the other host to forward Interests to you.  For that, you must go to
+the other host and use ``nfdc`` to add the route.
+The "back route" can also be automatically configured with ``nfd-autoreg``. For more
+information refer to `nfd-autoreg manpage
+Playing with NFD
+After you installed, configured, and started NFD, you can try to install
+and play with the following:
+Sample applications:
+-  `Simple examples in ndn-cxx
+   library <>`__.
+   If you have installed ndn-cxx from source, you already have compiled
+   these:
+   +  examples/producer
+   +  examples/consumer
+   +  examples/consumer-with-timer
+   +  tools/ndncatchunks3
+   +  tools/ndnputchunks3
+-  `Introductory examples of
+   NDN-CCL <>`__
+Real applications and libraries:
+   +  `ndn-tlv-ping - Ping Application For
+      NDN <>`__
+   +  `ndn-traffic-generator - Traffic Generator For
+      NDN <>`__
+   +  `repo-ng - Next generation of NDN
+      repository <>`__
+   +  `ChronoChat - Multi-user NDN chat
+      application <>`__
+   +  `ChronoSync - Sync library for multiuser realtime applications for
+      NDN <>`__