Modification of CcnxFace interface and unification of CCNx applications via common CcnxApp class

Moving functionality of interest limits from PIT to Face.

!!! Code compiles, but probably doesn't work !!!
diff --git a/model/ccnx-local-face.h b/model/ccnx-local-face.h
index 664130c..a7705ed 100644
--- a/model/ccnx-local-face.h
+++ b/model/ccnx-local-face.h
@@ -44,61 +44,32 @@
 class CcnxLocalFace  : public CcnxFace
-  typedef Callback<void,const Ptr<const CcnxInterestHeader> &> InterestHandler;
-  typedef Callback<void,const Ptr<const CcnxContentObjectHeader> &,
-                        const Ptr<const Packet> &> ContentObjectHandler;
    * \brief Default constructor
-  CcnxLocalFace ();
+  CcnxLocalFace (Ptr<CcnxApp> app);
   virtual ~CcnxLocalFace();
   // methods overloaded from CcnxFace
-  /**
-   * \brief This method should be called to establish link with lower layers
-   */
   virtual void
   RegisterProtocolHandler (ProtocolHandler handler);
-  /**
-   * \brief This method will be called by lower layers to send data to *application*
-   */
   virtual void
-  Send (Ptr<Packet> p);
+  SendImpl (Ptr<Packet> p);
   virtual std::ostream&
   Print (std::ostream &os) const;
-   /**
-   * \brief This method will be called by higher layers to send data to *ccnx stack*
-   */
-  void ReceiveFromApplication (Ptr<Packet> p);
-  /**
-   * \brief Set callback to application
-   *
-   * \param onInterest InterestHandler to be called when interest arrives on the face. Will be disabled if 0
-   */
-  void SetInterestHandler (InterestHandler onInterest);
-    /**
-   * \brief Set callback to application
-   *
-   * \param onContentObject ContentObjectHandler to be called when data arrives. Will be disabled if 0
-   */
-  void SetContentObjectHandler (ContentObjectHandler onContentObject);
   CcnxLocalFace (const CcnxLocalFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy constructor
   CcnxLocalFace& operator= (const CcnxLocalFace &); ///< \brief Disabled copy operator
-  InterestHandler m_onInterest;
-  ContentObjectHandler m_onContentObject;
+  Ptr<CcnxApp> m_application;
 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const CcnxLocalFace &localFace);