blob: b84f9d02295d9d5a79b3972d832df869e681be89 [file] [log] [blame]
* File: ndn_rit.cpp
* Author: cawka
* Created on December 15, 2010, 2:02 PM
#include "ndn_rit.h"
NdnRit::NdnRit( ) { }
NdnRit::~NdnRit( ) { }
//find corresponding RIT entry for the given nonce
RitIterator NdnRit::lookup( int nonce )
QNThreadLock lock( &_ritMutex );
RitIterator entry=_rit.find( nonce );
return entry;
// add new RIT entry
// returns false if entry already exists, otherwise returns true
bool NdnRit::add( int nonce, clocktype expire )
QNThreadLock lock( &_ritMutex );
RitIterator entry=_rit.find( nonce );
if( isValid(entry) ) return false;
RitEntry re;
re.nonce = nonce;
re.expireTime = expire;
_rit[ nonce ] = re;
_ritExpirationList.push_back( &(_rit[nonce]) );
void NdnRit::cleanExpired( clocktype time )
QNThreadLock lock( &_ritMutex );
while( !_ritExpirationList.empty() )
RitEntry *head = _ritExpirationList.front( );
if( head->expireTime <= time )
//delete the head RIT entry
_rit.erase( head->nonce );
_ritExpirationList.pop_front( );
//printf("Node %d: RIT entries\n", node->nodeId);