blob: 83fad0998e033fa8b41d0668b029e8910f91b869 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
// Copyright (c) 2010,2011 UCLA
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation;
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Author:
#ifndef CCNX_PIT_H
#define CCNX_PIT_H
#include "ns3/nstime.h"
#include "hash-helper.h"
#include <list>
namespace ns3 {
class Ccnx;
class PitEntry;
class PitIncomingInterest;
typedef pair<PitEntry*,PitIncomingInterest*> PitExpirationEntry;
typedef list<PitExpirationEntry>::iterator PitExpirationIterator;
struct PitIncomingInterest
int interfaceIndex; // interface index of the incoming Interest
Time expireTime; // life time of the incoming Interest
int nonce; // nonce of the last received incoming Interest on this interface
PitExpirationIterator expirationPosition;
PitIncomingInterest( int _interface, clocktype _expire, int _nonce )
: interfaceIndex(_interface)
, expireTime(_expire)
, nonce(_nonce)
{ };
bool operator==( const PitIncomingInterest &dst ) { return interfaceIndex==dst.interfaceIndex; }
bool operator==( int interface ) { return interfaceIndex==interface; }
struct PitOutgoingInterest
int interfaceIndex;
clocktype sendTime; //time when the first outgoing interest is sent
int retxNum; //number of retransmission
int nonce; //nonce of the outgoing Interest
bool outstanding; //flag to indicate that this interest is currently pending
bool waitingInVain; //when flag is set, we do not expect data for this interest, only a small hope that it will happen
PitOutgoingInterest( int interface, clocktype time, int nonce )
: interfaceIndex(interface)
, sendTime( time )
, retxNum( 0 )
, nonce( nonce )
, outstanding( true )
, waitingInVain( false )
{ };
bool operator==( const PitIncomingInterest &dst ) { return interfaceIndex==dst.interfaceIndex; }
bool operator==( int interface ) { return interfaceIndex==interface; }
//structure for PIT entry
struct PitEntry
string contentName;
list<PitIncomingInterest> incomingInterests;
list<PitOutgoingInterest> outgoingInterests;
bool timerExpired;
int counterExpirations; //whether timer is expired (+ number of times timer expired)
* This variable provides a list of interfaces that will be tried to propagate interest
* It should be initialized with all available interfaces upon reception of first or
* any retransmitted (i.e., after STO expired), but not duplicate interests
* Reaction to duplicate interests depends on strategy.
* In case of flooding, this variable should always be empty (it is filled initially with
* all avaialble interfaces and then immediately emptied by interest flooding)
* In case of routing strategies, this list will guide (and limit) the local recovery process
list<int> availableInterfaces;
Message *timerMsg; //the timer message, used to cancel message if data is received
// Changing PIT removal policy. From now on it will be deleted only when all outgoing
// interests are satisfied
// bool dontDeleteOnFirstData; //don't delete when first data packet comes
// //(PIT will be deleted only upon timeout or reception data
// //packets or prunes for all outgoing interests)
: timerExpired( false )
, counterExpirations( 0 )
, timerMsg( NULL )
{ }
inline void fillAvailableInterfacesFromFIB( const FibEntry &fe );
// Find best candidate, skipping `skip' first candidates (modulo availableInterfaces.size())
// !!! assert( availableInterfaces.size()>0 ) !!!
inline int findBestCandidate( int skip = 0 );
// Get number of outgoing interests that we're expecting data from
inline size_t numberOfPromisingInterests( ) const;
typedef string_key_hash_t<PitEntry>::point_iterator PitIterator;
typedef string_key_hash_t<PitEntry>::iterator PitRangeIterator;
typedef list<PitIncomingInterest>::iterator PitIncomingIterator;
typedef list<PitOutgoingInterest>::iterator PitOutgoingIterator;
typedef list<PitOutgoingInterest>::const_iterator PitOutgoingConstIterator;
typedef map<int,int> PitCounter;
typedef map<int,int>::iterator PitCounterIterator;
typedef map<int,double> PitBucket;
typedef map<int,double>::iterator PitBucketIterator;
// class implementing Pending Interests Table
class CcnxPit
* PIT constructor
CcnxPit( Ccnx &node );
virtual ~CcnxPit( );
//Find corresponding PIT entry for the given content name
PitIterator lookup( const string &prefix );
bool isValid( const PitIterator &it ) { return it!=_pit.end(); }
inline PitIncomingIterator findIncoming( PitEntry &pe, int interfaceIndex );
inline bool isValid( PitEntry &pe, PitIncomingIterator it );
inline PitOutgoingIterator findOutgoing( PitEntry &pe, int interfaceIndex );
inline bool isValid( PitEntry &pe, PitOutgoingIterator it );
// Add a new PIT entry and a correspondent new incoming interest
bool add( const string &contentName, const PitIncomingInterest &interest );
// Add a new outgoing interest
int add( PitEntry &pe, const PitOutgoingInterest &interest );
// remove a PIT entry
void erase( const string &contentName );
// inline bool InterestAlreadyForwarded( PitEntry &pe, int interfaceIndex );
// Remove expired records from PIT
void cleanExpired( clocktype time );
// Dump content store entries
void dump( );
// Reset pending state in outgoing interests
void resetPendingState( PitEntry &pe );
// // Check if there are any interfaces that we haven't sent data to yet
// bool areFreeInterfaces( PitEntry &pe, int interface );
// Periodically generate pre-calculated number of tokens (leak buckets)
void leakBuckets( );
// Selectively leak a bucket
void leakBucket( int interface, int amount );
// Delete incoming interest for the interface
bool deleteIncomingInterest( PitEntry &pe, int interfaceIndex );
// Remove all incoming interests
void deleteAllIncomingInterests( PitEntry &pe );
PitBucket maxBucketsPerInterface; // maximum number of buckets. Automatically computed based on link capacity
// averaging over 1 second (bandwidth * 1second)
PitBucket leakSize; // size of a periodic bucket leak
bool add( PitEntry &pe, const PitIncomingInterest &interest );
void deleteIncomingInterest( PitEntry &pe, PitIncomingIterator it );
Ccnx &_node;
string_key_hash_t<PitEntry> _pit;
list<PitExpirationEntry> _pitExpirationList; //list of incoming Interests sorted by expiration time
PitBucket _bucketsPerInterface; // pending interface counter per interface
QNThreadMutex _pitMutex; // just to make sure
PitIncomingIterator CcnxPit::findIncoming( PitEntry &pe, int interfaceIndex )
return find( pe.incomingInterests.begin( ),
pe.incomingInterests.end( ),
interfaceIndex );
PitOutgoingIterator CcnxPit::findOutgoing( PitEntry &pe, int interfaceIndex )
return find( pe.outgoingInterests.begin( ),
pe.outgoingInterests.end( ),
interfaceIndex );
bool CcnxPit::isValid( PitEntry &pe, PitIncomingIterator it )
return it!=pe.incomingInterests.end( );
bool CcnxPit::isValid( PitEntry &pe, PitOutgoingIterator it )
return it!=pe.outgoingInterests.end( );
int PitEntry::findBestCandidate( int skip/* = 0*/ )
assert( availableInterfaces.size()>0 );
skip = skip % availableInterfaces.size();
list<int>::iterator candidate = availableInterfaces.begin( );
while( skip>0 /* && candidate!=availableInterfaces.end() */ ) { skip--; candidate++; }
return *candidate;
size_t PitEntry::numberOfPromisingInterests( ) const
size_t count = 0;
for( PitOutgoingConstIterator i = outgoingInterests.begin();
i++ )
if( !i->waitingInVain ) count++;
return count;
} // namespace ns3
#endif /* CCNX_PIT_H */