blob: 096b0c0d7fd767b3f927bd711b803870950b5e90 [file] [log] [blame]
* File: ndn_cs.h
* Author: cawka
* Created on December 15, 2010, 2:17 PM
#ifndef NDN_CS_H
#define NDN_CS_H
#include "ndn_common.h"
#include "hash_helper.h"
#include <qualnet_mutex.h>
#include <list>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class CsEntry;
typedef list<CsEntry*>::iterator CsLruIterator;
//structure for CS entry
struct CsEntry
string contentName;
int contentSize;
CsLruIterator lruPosition;
typedef string_key_hash_t<CsEntry>::point_iterator CsIterator;
typedef string_key_hash_t<CsEntry>::iterator CsRangeIterator;
// class implementing NDN content store
class NdnCs
NdnCs( int max_size=NDN_CONTENT_STORE_SIZE );
virtual ~NdnCs( );
// Find corresponding CS entry for the given content name
CsIterator lookup( const string &prefix );
bool isValid( const CsIterator &it ) { return it!=_cs.end(); }
// Add new content to the content store. Old content will be replaced
void add( const string &contentName, int contentSize );
// Dump content store entries
void dump( );
//move the given CS entry to the head of the list
void promote( CsEntry &entry );
int _maxSize; // maximum number of entries in cache
string_key_hash_t<CsEntry> _cs; // actual content store
list<CsEntry*> _lru; // LRU index of the content store
QNThreadMutex _csMutex; // just to make sure we are not
// getting problems with multiple threads
#endif /* NDN_CS_H */