Development Complete, README File To Be Updated
3 files changed
tree: 3c46ae34b905dfe6b16d1dcc996d054bda1d123a
  1. ndn-traffic-client.cpp
  2. ndn-traffic-server.cpp
  3. NDNTrafficServer.sample.conf
  5. waf
  6. wscript

Traffic Generator For NDN (ndn-traffic)

This is an application tool developed over ndn-cpp APIs for TLV packet based communication over NDN configured network. The NDN network has to be first created with 'ndnx' and 'ndnd-tlv'. This is followed by environment security setup with 'ndn-cpp-security-tools'. The application also requires installation of ndn-cpp and CPP boost libraries. The installations need to follow a strict order as the ndnd

To run the following must be ensured(FOLLOW ORDER STRICTLY)

  1. Install ndnx (install all necessary dependencies)

  2. Install CPP Boost Library > 1.47

     sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev
  3. Install ndn-cpp-dev (install all necessary dependencies except boost)

  4. Install ndnd-tlv install all necessary dependencies except boost)

  5. Install and Configure Security Environment with ndn-cpp-security-tools

1. Compile And Installation Instructions:

git clone git:// ndn-traffic
cd ndn-traffic
./waf configure 
sudo ./waf install

2. Tool Run Instructions & Command Line Options:


3. Sample Run Instructions

  • Use command line options shown above to adjust traffic configuration.