Remove usage of removed Interest.Scope field

Change-Id: I0754b42284f4be3b7ab48116b1f925018ffc9f76
Refs: #2345
2 files changed
tree: f27c4b1cf625b78de3f68ddb2e45628a2f58ade0
  1. .jenkins.d/
  2. .waf-tools/
  3. src/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .jenkins
  7. ndn-traffic-client.conf.sample
  8. ndn-traffic-server.conf.sample
  10. waf
  11. wscript

Traffic Generator For NDN (ndn-traffic-generator)

This tool is designed to generate Interest and Data traffic in an NDN network. The client and server tool accept traffic configuration files which can be used to specify the pattern of NDN traffic that is required to be generated. Sample configuration files are provided which include instructions on how to configure various parameters.


Compiling and running ndn-traffic-generator requires the following dependencies:

  1. C++ Boost Libraries version >= 1.48

    On Ubuntu 12.04:

     sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev

    On Ubuntu 13.10 and later

     sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

    On OSX with macports

     sudo port install boost

    On OSX with brew

     brew install boost

On other platforms Boost Libraries can be installed from the packaged version for the distribution, if the version matches requirements, or compiled from source

  1. ndn-cxx library

    For detailed installation instructions, please refer README file

  2. NDN forwarding daemon

1. Compile & Installation Instructions:

./waf configure
sudo ./waf install

2. Tool Run Instructions & Command Line Options:

Usage: ndn-traffic-server [options] <traffic_configuration_file>
Respond to Interest as per provided traffic configuration file
Multiple prefixes can be configured for handling.
Set environment variable NDN_TRAFFIC_LOGFOLDER for redirecting output to a log.
  [-d interval] - set delay before responding to interest in milliseconds
  [-c count]    - specify maximum number of interests to be satisfied
  [-q]          - quiet logging - no interest reception/data generation messages
  [-h]          - print help and exit

Usage: ndn-traffic [options] <traffic_configuration_file>
Generate Interest traffic as per provided traffic configuration file
Interests are continuously generated unless a total number is specified.
Set environment variable NDN_TRAFFIC_LOGFOLDER for redirecting output to a log.
  [-i interval] - set interest generation interval in milliseconds (default 1000 milliseconds)
  [-c count]    - set total number of interests to be generated
  [-q]          - quiet logging - no interest reception/data generation messages
  [-h]          - print help and exit

3. Sample Run Instructions


(NDN forwarding daemon should be running)

Start traffic server

    ndn-traffic-server ndn-traffic-server.conf


(NDN forwarding daemon should be running)

Start the traffic client

    ndn-traffic ndn-traffic-client.conf
  • These tools need not be used together and can be used individually as well.
  • Please refer sample configuration files provided for details on how to create your own.
  • Use command line options shown above to adjust traffic configuration.