dissect: improve dissect program

This commit improves ndn-dissect program as follows:

* Functions are organized into NdnDissect class.
* The class is placed into namespace ndn::dissect.
* The main function is moved to main.cpp.
* Indentation is provided by ndn::util::IndentedStream.
* Command line parsing uses Boost.Program_options.
* -h and -V command line options are supported.

refs #2848

Change-Id: Ib12584f455910128662ed3f59631d13db52a2cf8
4 files changed
tree: ee685459668b47461a7036fc24088f455b14af82
  1. .jenkins.d/
  2. .waf-tools/
  3. core/
  4. manpages/
  5. tools/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .jenkins
  8. .travis.yml
  9. AUTHORS.md
  10. COPYING.md
  11. INSTALL.md
  12. README-dev.md
  13. README.md
  14. waf
  15. wscript

NDN Essential Tools

ndn-tools is a collection of essential tools for Named Data Networking. These tools are recommended to be installed on all NDN nodes.
Tools in this collection include:

  • ping: test reachability between two nodes
  • peek: transmit a single packet between a consumer and a producer

See INSTALL.md for build instructions.

Please file bug reports and feature requests on ndn-tools Redmine site.
You may contribute code on NDN Gerrit. GitHub pull requests are not accepted.